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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. It is good for ONLF Public relations. Defeat or no defeat, it means they are fighting extremists. The ONLF leadership made the brave decision to confront this thugs inside Somaligalbeed where they were routed, as they diluted the aim of the struggle. Everybody knows Alshabab is beating clan militia in Jubooyinka but not ONLF.
  2. Johnny B, war dadka qaar baa si ula kac ah wax u inkiraya. Alshabab or Alshaytaan waxaan aheyn falkaa masameeyn. Nin danbaabay baa laga hayaa "In Ilaahay lagu barto waa ag joogay".
  3. Right Honourable Dr. Cowke, Did you ever ask yourself by way of soul-searching waxa USC, ONLF, Somaliland iyo Bay & Bakool ka wada qaylasiiyey? Of course, except what the parents told you: they hate us!
  4. Originally posted by NGONGE: Why would the admin (as you imply) incite its people in such a way when PL has always claimed to be part of the republic of Somalia? Bax waryaa! hadal baad rabtaa. No one will say the PL's are different than SL's when dealing with guests. By the way, claim is claim. I can claim my father is from DRC.
  5. Meet Yurub, the young girl from the heart of Jigjiga : Suuq-yare! Wow, xusuus baa meeshaa taal! She is a rising star and actor. It won't take long before she storms to bigger stages. Genyaan noqon ooridaa, Gadaal ubad kuu dhashoo Guri iyo reer kuu wadee...
  6. Ayoub, ragga qaar anaa ku karaama seegaye waxba ha la sii wadwadin.
  7. Dhubad, That the boy is not the one who was alledged to have been the bomber doesn't prove this act was not done by Alshabab. Alshabab did it. If they can do and claim the mayhem in Hargeisa and Beltwein, they can do this. Only this time they realised the consequences in terms of the public support that they didn't come out.
  8. Dadku waa isku jiraa kolkaa no one should fall for the myopia of generalisation that we utter for a purpose in this forum. Even here in SOL you have LST, Gheele T, Che And you have General Duke, Mr. Somalia, and all the 'dufcadda' -Alshabab'ta ah ee waa dhaweyd la inagu soo daayey!
  9. Lest some take A&T's rants against Puntland and conclude there is nothing good but the sun from Puntland and in so doing do a great disservice to the real Somali's from that penisula, I have to mention few among the many personalities who made an unforgettable service to Somalinimo. Mudane Maxamed Cawaale Liibaan (Alle ha u naxariiste) was the man who invented the five-star blue flag. Mudane Yaasiin Cismaan (with Sakhaawadiin) (Alle ha u naxariiste) was the co-founder of the SYL. And the man who invented the first somali letters (called cusmaaniyada but never used later) was from that region. On the otherhand you have an infamous list of YEY, Faroole, Morgan etc.
  10. There is no person who will look for elsewhere who the culprit is. It is Alshabab. There is only one devil capable of such mayhem in Somalia.
  11. I guess this exonerates A&T's cousins who the the overzealous 'cyber-alshabab' of Punties blamed.
  12. ^ Speaking of conjectures, one can say Hawdgirl waxay iska dhaadhicinaysaa Jananka. Rudy's issue is rivalry not jealousy.
  13. How can Mudug go to the semi-finals with just 1 point?
  14. Gen Duke is right, we should keep our sentiments about Duke the person out of this section. The Poems are honestly great! keep them up. But post one about a man who squeezed himself into a tiny baby underwear when he could have slipped into a big alxalaaf.
  15. nogobi, Qolyahan hadal qaadkooda iska daa. Aduun waad aragtaaye. Thanks Peace Action.
  16. No, seriously, the poems are great. But the message in the last one is coming from the wrong person. You know you are becoming repetitive on the fame one. Please come with something new. yes, I want to be famous. But please something new.
  17. Originally posted by General Duke: In my poetry every Somali would be heroic My words would transcend region and clan We pray God turn you into a wonderful poer when dawn breaks tommorrow, so this clan malady you suffer from leaves you forever!
  18. Abtigiis


    Anwar, Alla ha u naxariistee wuxuu ahaa nin ka soo jeeda degmada Moholin ee Gaashamo-bari (somaligalbeed). Wuxuu u dhintay nabaro ka soo gaadhay burcad-badeed.
  19. Ambition alone is not enough. Obviously you are not short in that, but one with the capability would not have confined himself to tiny clan enclave.
  20. I don't need to ask anyone. Of course JB can confirm the Suldaan is in Hargeisa disgruntled. The relevance of Ilka-Jir will dimish overtime unless he manages to win something for his constituency. And it is unlikely the shares will pass those next to the cooking pot. Remember Amin's cow? (who is milking it?) Duke - If I were you, I would have passed the remainder of my life in quiet mosques since the only way you can get back your decorated diplomatic status is via partonage. And that doesn't seem to be happening soon, if the Sheikh Sharif insists to pull the shots. Why you endlessley talk about Puntland is because like most of the professional somali politicians, the next bread for you could be from there. When can you rely on your personal capabilities and not on the shoulders of clan?
  21. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: Maalin dhow waxaan ka baqayaa inuu xataa Faroole inaga dhex tooso waleee ,,, anigu odayga war umahayo, laakin wiilkiisu (lataliyuhu) inuu inala joog shaki ku majiro.
  22. I hear Ilka-jiir is on the brink too. By the way, I didn't want to say it before since it is personal. But since it is going that way anyway, is it true you do not support the Shariif Government because you lost your ambassadorial post? Is personal ambition shaping your political position?
  23. I hear the Sultan of Makhiir is in Hargeisa from media portals. You have already lost, I would rather say failed the SOL elders. Is that not going to shrink the horizon of your state?