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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. jacayl baa i haya iyo it is cold outside mayagaa isqabtaba? War banaanka u jilba joogso oo dhaxanta tii dugsida iiga noqotaay intaad u qaadid without any hesitation horey horey isugu tuur. At least that is what the old generation like me used to do. Like Wayne Rooney we used to be decisive to shoot meeshi uu chance ka soo baxaba. Of course, the risk is in laabta lagu qabto oo gadaal gadaal laguu tuuuro. I don't know how things work out with the modern generations. But in our days, taking risk was part of the bliss. 50-50 ayey u dhici jirtay. I can count the number if times madax madax tiin iyo qodax la iigu dhaxtuuray to the number of times it worked. So, be brave and go the old way. P.S. Junior waan kugu ciyaarayaaye, gabadha faraha ka qaad oo reerkooda ka doon. Kiss iyo waxaasi waa ciyaala suuqnimo weyn.
  2. No need to deny it Dajiye. It is most likely the ONLF. The issue is related to a warning issued to transporters not to carry WFP food in the region. I fully support the policy as we all know that the food is used to feed militias. But the killing of the two men could have been either in ama ula kac loo laayey ama ay amar diido sameeyeen oo ay ku mintideen hantidii ay wadeen. Aalaa sidaa ayey wax u dhacaan. Balse waa in la hubsado. Ilaa barri xog rasmi ah ayaan soo heli. Qaladaadse kolkol way ka dhacaan jabhada.
  3. WingA, Good players adapt to all positions saaxiib. Ever heard of Samba of Blackburn. He is used as defender and striker and midfielder by Sam Allardayce. Kol kol anaa is idhaaba sidii kii Ethiopanka ahaa ee (before the left and right backs started to go forward) qaadan jiray 200 Birr as a solid traditional number 2 in a 4 man defence, ee markii la yidhi go forward and ee uu laba jeer cross dhigay wadnihii afka yimid ee coachkii ku yidhi "Ara baaki!! ba hulet mato (200 Birr) ka jaaf iska jaaf! ayhonim. (manaqonayso gees ilaa gees inaan 200 ku ordo,waa in 400 boqol la iiga dhigaa hadii kale halkayga wixii soo mara unbaa i quseeya muu yidhaahdo Samba.
  4. Very parochial view from Gaaroodi. Jury is still out on this issue but food doesn't go to the needy. Go to Kilil5.com (which is anti-ONLF site) and read where it ends up. It is given to the so-called "kebele Admins"who distribute to the families of the Pro-Government militias. Waxaadan war u hayn haka hadlin. It just shows your ignorance. Che, there is no alliance that will break up just because a tragic event happened.
  5. Abtigiis


    Originally posted by Maaddeey: quote:Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tusbax: ALSHABAB's murder of Professor Ibrahim Cadow Waryaa, Tusbax beenta jooji oo dembi aan caddeyn dad ha saarin, laakiin nin Nabi Muxammad warkiisa: 'waa diiday' yiri, maxaad ka filan? Maadeey, perhaps this Takfiri tendency of yours explains why you support AlShabab. Xageen Nabi muxamed (SCW) warkiisaan diiday ku idhi? Waa Gaal inaad tidhaa ayaa xigta soow ma aha? Waryaa aniga hadaan la i janayn cidda la janayn garamnaayo saa wixii daa la yidhina daayey, wixii yeel la yidhina yeelay.
  6. In today's football, names don't matter. Money matters. A Leyton orient team with Kaka, Ronaldo, Messi etc will be bigger than Juve and Man U.
  7. Dear Sheikh Nur, I hold you with high regards and it is not easy for me to say what I said there. But I genuinely feel you are in denial mode the last couple of months and don't say the right things about Alshabab and their atrocities. And in case you think the Taliban way of governance was better than what Americans are doing in Afghanistan, you may look at Kabul today and compare that with when the Talib's were in control. The type of theocracies espoused by Taliban, Shabab has no place in Somalia. The Somali public doesn't want it and it will be very dictatorial of you if you think it should be imposed on them. Alshabab, Xisbul Islam and all politically motivated religious organizations who crave for power will be completely destroyed as they are an imposition on the Somali people. Tell me why they ate fighting today if they wanted the country to be freed from Ethiopia? You will say it is because the Ugandese (kuffars) replaced Ethiopians! Fine, but tell me what these bunch of former-thugs-turned wadaads will do if they have their way. Will they not be imposing the kind of rule they imposed in the areas they already control? I don't have to see all the movie they are about to introduce to Somalia to judge them. I have seen a promotional clip and that is sickening.
  8. Originally posted by Nur: Akhwaani Xiin and Norfsky while the Shabaab and the Xizbul Islam factions stuck to their guns and kept on fighting the Ethiopians until they drove them out in humiliation. Nur Shiekh Nur, kolkaa dadka miyey xorynayeen mise way xoraysanayeen; si ay maalinba mid dhagax iyo qarax ugu dilaan. I have read your posts and most dwell much on conspiracy theories and factual global power dynamics which the Somali's, of all nations, can do nothing about. If America wants to dominate the world, if the Israel's are oppressing the Palestinians, and if America wants to encircle China by taking Afghanistan, surely the salvation for those wronged nations can not come from Somalia. Waa islaantii xaabada la liicaysay ee tiri in kale iigu dara oo kale xaalkaaku ya sheikh. Ethiopia threatened Somalia's territorial integrity and Sovereignty. Alshabab threaten the very existence of Somalia,as a country and as a people. Alshabab are worse. And this is not coming from a fan of Ethiopia, as you may have followed on this site. I will prefer to live with Ethiopia than Alshabab and their ilk.
  9. This is so wrong and criminal if true. ONLF is trying to stop WFP operations because WFP ignored repeated warnings that they put in place mechanisms to ensure FOOD aid is not used to feed pro-government militias and the army. The incident might be related to this issue, and obviously we will have to get more details as to how the thing happened, but nothing justifies the blatant killings of civilians. ONLF leadership must apologies and pay compensation to the families of the victims if this turns out to be true. Will come back for more details later.
  10. Abtigiis


    Originally posted by *Buuxo*: QURAAN RUUGII INA CADOW WAA KAA QOORTA LAGA GOOYAY This part really moved me. ALSHABAB's murder of Professor Ibrahim Cadow ( and many others of course) was the single most tragic news I heard for a decade!
  11. Sheikh Abdirahman is undoubtedly a man of many tales. He has seen a lot and is not sparing when he divulges his astounding encounters in life. From the day the father of a pretty girl he was intending to date, asked himself for a date. Sheikh Abdirahman says he was a cashier in an underground bar as a young boy of 18. Apparently the old man who used to frequently come to the bar was laga –roone. Young Abdirahman, of course, told him up to his neck and threatened to expose him if he dare say one more thing to him. Sheikh Abdirahman, as a member of Al-itixaad, had the misfortune of facing up to an expelled Mohamed Siyaad Barre in Gedo, where he claims a colleague of him who propagated the people against any support to the former dictator, was brutally killed under mysterious circumstances. I didn’t even fake a chuckle when he narrated that one of his most shocking discoveries was the day he witnessed a man who had 11 rounds non-stop with his wife in 18 hours and finally started bleeding profusely. The Shiekh says the man was rushed to hospital and required blood transfusion. He says he offered blood but the Doctors said it didn’t match that of the recipient. But the tale I liked most was the one about the feuding husband and wife, where the Shiekh says he played a key role in bringing them together. The wife discussed a list of problems she faced with her man, but mainly highlighted his negligence and carelessness as the major problem. The man denied all charges and was firm in saying his wife is possessive and doesn’t want him to have a cup of tea with either friends or neighbors. For Sheikh Abdirahman, he says, it seemed that while the man was hiding something, he proved that he has been giving the woman adequate masaariif and was taking care of her other needs too. At that, she fumed and confronted Sheikh Abdirahman. “Waydii”she said, “waydii if it is not true that he doesn’t know about when I am sick and when I am healthy; when I am sad and when I am happy.” She continued, “ask him if he has ever asked me when I had washed myself from my blood?.” In the past, he would nod and say nothing. But of late, he has even started to feign cheerfulness but taunts me with misplaced joke of “cibaado, yours is strange. It goes away once every three months and comes back after 24 hours.” “What more insult must I endure?”
  12. âdiga unbaan kaaga biqi in meelahaa lagugu dilo facebook sidaad hawlo ugu fulinayso.
  13. loooooool@fab's analysis. Nothing wrong with it but where and when has he seen Mascherano ever making a killer pass?!!!! Only Ngonge with his "unique" football knowledge think Liverpool's flp is just a fluke. He is yet to hear from the media that Gerard is no more what he used to be ( perhaps age is catching up with him finally) and Torres is not as good as we think. After all, is he the one who told as Arshavin (a soft, five minute layer)will be a phenomena in the EPL? Liverpool needs complete reshuffle in all departments. Defense, midfield and attack.
  14. Originally posted by Caddow Junior Charles: http://www.somaliwire.com/wararkii shamo hotel/ sawirkaa saxda eh FAKE FAKE FAKE FAKE shaydaankii waxyar kahor inti oo iska qarxin see full image of of shaydaan NEW image of the bomber. http://i49.tinypic.com/mrr8ly.jpg The Top photo is fake. They forgot to delete the same who is replaced with the supposed killer in the photo appears twice in the photo. Once in white shirt with Greenish lines, and then with a blue shirt. Sawirka hoose ee saxda ah yarka isla shaadka cad ee liidka cagaarka ah leh xidhan ee ag fadhiya ninka lagu eedeeyey qaraxa, ayaa laba jeer ka muuqda sawirka kore. Having said that, two questions arise: 1- Is it a case of what KK said and the killer appeared here for reconnaisance and later went up and came back with the shuka and bomb? plausible. 2- If so, why didn't they find the shuka (or parts of it) as long as the shirt is found on his body? Laakiin su'aasha aniga madaxa iiga jirtaa waxay tahay maxaa ninkan wax u maqraaati fura looga la'yahay dadkii goobta fadhiyey oo yidhaa isaga ma aheyn? Somali's are very attentive and it is very, very likely someone watched his movements. Waxay u badan tahay in ninka isqarxiyey isaga yahay!!!!
  15. Rer-hebel hunguri toobyihii, tuur walba u fuulye Futto toobinteed miyuu taag isugu sheegatay?
  16. Rer-hebel hunguri toobyihii, tuur walba u fuulye Futto toobinteed miyuu taag isugu sheegatay?
  17. ^^^Miyir nacay hadii uu, Muxumed Gaas toori midigaystay Ma Xitaa Kooraa halkaa ka miisay?
  18. Dadka meesha fadhiyey ee badbaaday inay farta ku fiiqeen oo ay arkayeen markuu isqarxinayey waa suurtagal.
  19. The Mudug team chose a sheep as their symbol and they played like sheep. What they luck in talent, they compensate with indomitable Indho-adeyg. They will bounce back next year!
  20. Taliban must never be allowed to rule Afghanistan, with or without a deal with them on AlQaeada is reached. They are primitive clerics who most Afghani's abhor. They must be totally defeated.
  21. waraa ninka Duke inuu ciyaari baan moodayee ileen waxani waa ka aqli. Agaah! Wuu mahadsanyahay Ugaasku.
  22. And the Camel raged and asked the goats and sheeps, how I can be judged by unbelieving spinsters when you know it is me who carry the water for the army!!
  23. Sayid is right. Duke, waxan inaga jooji oo bal wax dadku ka faa'iidaystaan meesha aan la nimaadno.
  24. That will be corrected. But you will have to contribute towards that direction than get pleasure from the suffering of your brothers injecting yourself 'a sub' identity than what you really are.
  25. If you would really know youself, the struggle in Somaligalbeed is for you too. It is sad you narrow your horizon.