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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Ducaysane, idinkoo Ducaysane 87 isku dhiban baa iigu danbaysaye, wax talaaba ah maamulka goluhu ma ka qaaday that imposter? The last I heard of you was kolkaa tidhi "war anagaa wax aragnay..." referring to the D 87 name.
  2. This guy called HornCable TV (which I watch whenever Faysal Cali waraabe is giving interviews) and started salaan. Magacaygu waa Aadan Cabdullahi Ducaale. Waxaan halkan ka salaamaya xaaskayga oo joogta New Zealand. That was the start. Waxaan kaloo halkan ka salaamaya Abtiyaday, adeerkay Bulxan iyo dhamaan inta muuqayga iyo midab kaygaba taqaan!! Waxaan kaloon salaamya xaaskayga halkan ila joogta oo Xaawa la yidhaa. Waxaa naloo yaqaan Xaawo iyo Aadan . (this crackd me up)! Waxaan kaloon halkan ka salaamaya saaxiibkay Maxamuud Xuliye iyo asxaabtayda kale. Waxaan kaloon halkan ka salaamya qof aana sheegayn. The girl who is leading the programme asked him who the person is? She had this what is going on look. "Iyadaa is-garanaysa, laakin halkan kama sheegayo" He said. I spilled biyo afka iigu jiray walaahi. This earth, people. Dadku nooc badana. The guy looked calm all along. Muu sheekada ka bilaabo waxaan salaamya xaasaskayga hebla iyo hebla bal......Ta New Zealand ayuu soo horaysiiyay, tii kalena meel dhexe ayuu kaga daray, tu u maagan yahayna wuu raaciyay anonimous iyadoo ah.
  3. Hunguri, Mid operators'ka Telephonada Somaliya canjilayaa oo qaabka qabiil kasta ay ula hadli lahaayeen cabbirayaa ayaan maalin dhawayd dhagaystay. Makhiiriga kolkuu soo gaadhay wuxuu yidhi "Fadlan lamabarka aad garaacday khadka kuma jiro". He explained and said Dhahar buu dhuxul u qaaday! The other funny ones where markuu rer-midnimo-diid ka hadlayey oo uu yidhi "Fadlan adeega aad dalbatay (aqoonsi buu u jeedaa) lama hayo". Gedo team'na wuxuu ku yidhi " Fadlan Kaadka aad gashatay wuu dhacay ee dib u top up garayso". looooool I am a victim of budhcad-badeed mooye you know in aana cid kale is maagin.
  4. Abdul ma rer-makhiir baa? Show 36 baan ku jiraa oo Tolkaan haystaa maalmahanba? Please confirm if he is from Dhahar. Haduu sidaa yahay, waxaan malmaluuqay dhamaan waxba kama jiraan. Deka Ismail ayaa wasaqad ah oo na wareerisay!
  5. What is the point of contention here? -That Abdul is a scholar or not? -That One of the writers above has sinned more than the other? - That Postmodernism paradigms are good or bad? - That secession is better for Somalia? Maxaad ka hadlysaa. If Deka is wrong or not is my issue. I am not a judge in a big court perch. I only found fault with one writer's logical reasoning and conclusions. Abdul wax loo xaqiraa meesha ma yaal. Wa nin mutacalim ah oo si fiican wax u qoray. In fact, waxa uu meesha la shir-yimid waa wax aan micno lahayn, but he has the ability to make an issue of a non-issue. Adiguse, ma "ama abdul ama Dunida..." baa xaalkaagu?
  6. On as serious note, Hamile, I tend to agree with Post-Positivits who argue that we can only know social reality imperfectly and probablistically. So Abdul's 'scientific findings' where the object of discussion is social phenomena doesn't warm me up. I also agree with the post-modern social research paradigm which states that the era of big narratives and theories is over. "Instead, locally, temporally, and situationally limited narratives are now required."(Flick,1998:2).
  7. You are right. How can I support Abdul who is from the clan that killed my Abti? Also, one of Abdul's habar-yars refused to marry my brother. And as if that is not enough, Abdul himslef was responsible for the arrest of one of my cousins. Abdul iyo reerkooda la ima tusi karo.
  8. Waa qoloma ninku horta? His argument is based on the assumption all efforts going on right now are to revive a centralised Somalia. It is wrong and provisions have been made for a Federal set-up. Therefore, to the extent the issue is about devolving power to 'clans' in different regions, a Federal system of governance will answer that. Some also say such a system will fuel tribalism. This is the old debate of Federalism Vs Centralised Governance. It is nothing new. If Abdul is arguing that Somalia will be peaceful if Somaliland and Puntland are recognised and the rest is broken up into all permutations that will come up, then he is simply wrong. What will stop another wave of the formation of clan entities in Somaliland, Puntland etc? The guy has an agenda and no sane person, let alone a good Somali, can recommend mindless disintegration as a a solution to somalia's crisis.
  9. Thanks Ngonge. kkkkkkkkkkkkkk. I am already a fan of This Robert Crampton. How often does he post his stuff! Hilarious. who is under that helmet? Is she oppressed? Has she got a bomb? ilmaa iga socota qosol dartii! Collegues are worried!
  10. Originally posted by Hamile: waryaahee you say, All that Somalia needs is money. Even the seemingly hapless TFG can impose itself and turn into credible government if properly funded. ? that is sophisticated you think ? It is not sophesticated. As a matter fact, it is a simple answer. but who said somalia needs a sophesticated solution? What makes you believe sciences of doom and untested, grand models and theories needs to be invoked for the political and social challenges in Somalia to get resolved? As to whether Abdul is smart or learned person is incosequential to this debate. And since I am not going to sit and write an exam on what his logic is, I don't need to read all his stuff. Suffices to see that he has found a theory that he thinks explains the failures of Somalia and why it cannot be revived. I am only saying that his recommendations are not scientific and can not be pedelled as methaphysical triusms for the simple reason few research procedures were rigourously followed. It is always possible to find fault with any research particularly when it deals with social science. What impressed you about Abdul's reply to Deka doesn't impress me at all. In fact, it is the epitome of what is wrong with his reasoning: Some used irreversibility theory in different social desciplines and hence there is nothing wrong if I use it to analyse Somalia and its future. He is right, and there is nothing wrong in so doing. In fact, it is a useful academic exercise. But they are nothing more. If there was a time and interst, one would have gone through his research methodology and the factuality of his data and would have provided a response. But it is also fine if those who have no time dispute his conclusions based on their own experiences, knowledge, and interactions with well-informed people. At the end of the day, his recommendations remain the opinions of an individual, and those of Dr. Bahar and others will remain contrary views. It is also wrong to assume that a research is unbiased just because a set of procedures and guidelines are followed. Bias comes in at different stages, even at the outset. From the utterances of Abdul when responding to his crtics, it is clear that he harbours some inherent biases. Such kinds of shallow but well-articulated research papers appeal to intellectual virgins. You must not be mesmerised by how fancy the touted theories and models sound! Quite often, many models that seemed ground-breaking succumbed to the test of times and circumstances. "Everything is irreversible in the sense that time does not run backwards. And nothing is irreversible in that the consequences of anything can be reversed". The concpet of irreversiblity seems to me like a broad and empty box. You can fit whatever you want to put in. It is generic and can be adapted to any given situation. If you view this way, the situation Abdul describes in his research (for instance of diminishing trade between North and South) can be reversed in short period of time. Not everything is irreversible paryiculary when it comes to nation-bulding. Does the irreversiblity science apply to Germany? (which was broken into two but later come back to unite?)It will be intersting to see what Abdul would have recommended had this 'science' been applied to analyse the Germany case in 1970s. Surely, it would have talked about how living conditions, attitudes and etc etc between West and East Germans diverged and hence would have concluded that there is no prosepct for a reunion. What I am saying is Hamile must not support Abdul's assertions solely because Abudl is saying he has a proof other scholars and desciplines used the concept of irreversiblity. Others used and the concept exists, so what???? Does it mean that the concept has a monopoly over the various ways one can look at and analyse the Somali crisis? No.
  11. Paragon, Abdul Ahmed is articulate and good in discussing some theories ( sometimes giving too many examples of where the said theories are used, in what seems to me as selling the validity of the theory to us just by invoking names of individualks who have used it or are associated with). But there is nothing scientific about his research methods and conclusions. If at all it seems he has made up his mind about what to recommend as a solution to Somalia and merely used the process of research and referencing to relevant social theories as a basis to justify his own pre-concieved solutions. He is selective in picking data as is evident from his claim that trade between North and South has declined, whereas he doesn't want to pay attention to the massive influx of Southererns to Hargeisa and the impact it will have on social dynamics, particulary when clan is the issues he discussses. He set out to prove that the North and South are getting apart, but the truth is the two people know about each other more now than when they were under one regime. As Dr. Ali Bahar suggested in one of his rebuttals, this is nothing more than a predatory act of trying to cash-in from the misery of a people for self-aggrandizement. One parochial look at an aspect of the somali society, i.e, clan, and suddenly Abdul has found fodder for the enticing 'irreversibility' theroy he so fondly talks about. And he is trying to intimidate readers that if they challenge the relevance of the theories he likes to the somali situation, then they are challenging Science itself!! His conclusions that a meeting between Guurtii's of different clans are the entry point for national reconcilliation is false and simplistic. There is no need to follow his reasonings or prescriptions to bring somalia back. All that Somalia needs is money. Even the seemingly hapless TFG can impose itself and turn into credible government if properly funded.
  12. A very warm compliments of the new season from Mombassa. For any SOLer who is in Nairboi (i think Ox is here), we can meet before I leave to CapeTown in two days time. BTW, I met a lady who I was convinced is KoolKat, but later started smoking on a far corner of the cafe I was in. I am leading a highily important delegation of 7, and that some are kids doesn't take away from the high profile of the mission.
  13. Abtigiis


    Maadeey, Ummadda Muslinka ah ee aduunka ku nool waxay qabaan uun maan wax la qabno? Dhagaxan iyo istalowga dadka loo goyn maxaa inaga inagu koobay? You will see, culuma fatwa bixisa ayey diinta islaamku leedahay and it is upto them to ensure that issues that look at odds with modernity are fine-tuned. That, I believe strongly.
  14. Abtigiis


    Not my choice. Disagreement over the interpretation of the essence and implementation of the Shareecaa is not confined to me. Adeer, xujeyn baad wadaa iyo sheeko gaaban oo framing ah. Diinta waa kula naqaan, waxa naga saari iyo waxa kalena waa kala ognahay. Kolaba Alshabab diintay wado in aan nasteex u arko ha ka yaabin. Waa Tuug caadi ah.
  15. I am not being rude to him. The kid should spend some precious time sorting out his grammar and vocabulary before this craze on the cyber. Waa iga waano.
  16. beware fast boy. LST hardly comes as a little baby with admin over his head unless he is really pissed off.
  17. Abtigiis


    Aniga aqqiro in la i odhan Puntland baad dacaayadaysay mooye in aan wax kale la ii qabsannayn waan hubbaa! Shareecada waan ogolahay laakiin ta Sheikh Sharif iyo Janaqoow. No, to the Alshabab, Turki and Xassen Dahir. Tan haweenka uun cadaadintooda loo adeegsadana No.
  18. Caddow must be banned. He doesn't agree with the Golden Rules. Red Card please! There is good reason to worry kolkuu LST ilma-yar iska soo dhigo.
  19. I thing Caddow is headed. Lool@the english.
  20. Abtigiis


    Originally posted by Maaddeey: Sidoo kale inkaartan: 'Qunbulad kolaad la dhacdo Rabboow wax ka qabo oo Qaladkan kuwa geystay' waa ka bad-badis. Ma intaad dad aragtay ciddi dishay in la habaaro ayaa ka bad badis ah? Maadeey, saaxiib, show barashaa iigu kaa dhinayd? Aniga waadigii yidhi gaal baad tahaye gormaa la i qisaasi?
  21. Hallo, Hallo, Dajiye, Ma i maqlaysaa? Wareeg!Wareeg! 44 USB u warreg. Ka bax LSB! Ma i fahantay?
  22. Puntland is on the brink. Ilaahay ha ka badbaadiyo Alshaydaan. Laakiin Faroole wax loo naxo ma aha.
  23. KK, Of course what works locally in Somalia will not work abroad. Laakin our driver, Xusseen nin la yidhaa, oo success rate kiisa xagga haweenku fiicnaa wuxuu igu yidhi "kolkaad gabdhaha wax ka rabtid waa la is miyir tiraa oo iimaankaa la iska qaadaa".