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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: ^^I never heard of a fourth Samatar. Said S. Samatar, Professor @ Rutgers He is a Ph.D., Northwestern, wuxuu sheegay inaan laga badin: Modern African history, esp. eastern and southern Africa; African resistance movements to European imperialism; Middle East; history of Islam. This is him! He hails from one of the clans in Puntland but is from SomaliGalbeed. Xinn and SayidSomal will mind this catagorisation. This bible-translator graduated from the Bible Acadamy in Nazreth, Ethiopia. As to the sheeko-baraleey he read out at the Institute of Ethiopian Studies (which happenes top be located at the Palace of Haile Sellasie in Sidist Kilo), it is nothing more than intellectual sychophancy. First of all the fairytale of Saba and King Solomon is disputed by 70% of Ethioipians (except few from the Amhara and Tigre elites). Second, Prof. Said chose to ignore the dark sides of Ethiopia, rising poverty, bad governance (there are almost 8 Liberation Fronts in th country) and mounting ethnic tensions. Plus, a very low literacy rate. Professor can wish Ethiopia good, but for him to subordinate all his intellect to come up with a rosy story about Ethiopia is opportunistic. Plus, I think the Prof is getting old. The other time, he recommended that the way to stop piracy is by going to the ground and hunting elders of the Pirates!!!!
  2. He concludes: "The international community must respect the desires and the dominion of the clan group over administering their own affairs as they see fit rather than be a nuisance. " He acknowledges: "Since the beginning of recorded Somali history, sadly clan based rivalries and all out wars had unleashed worst of human nature in an endless fierce competition for everything material and non-material alike. All Somali clan conflicts embody an element of (a) pride to uphold, revenge to conduct, (b) clan interest to better, © clan based morality to fulfill and (d) resources to compete for. Moreover, clan empathy and clan based morality have always been the driving force behind most clan conflicts. Clan based morality asserts itself as an obligation that often supersedes any other form of social recognition and human virtue." So what is it? Soo ha la isku wareero ee faraha ka qaada Somalia ma aha Abdul's 'ground-breaking' recommendation! He is mixing up too many things. Making all these nonesense appear grand ideas by spraying fancy terms such as the 'Theseus Paradox' into it. He didn't even explain how the Theseus paradox which is a paradox that raises the question of "whether an object which has had all its component parts replaced remains fundamentally the same object", remains relevant to the Somali cause. What is being replaced in the case of Somali clan system? Have some clan's morphed into something new? He should show us the connection. Otherwise, it is an attempt to bamboozle by way of using bombastic semantics. Two questions for Abdul: 1- Why can't he acknowledge that he is critising a non-existent approach of 'bringing a centralised Somalia back', when the fact it is long understood that Somalia cannot be goverened as it used to be goverened in the past, and hence the issue of Federal system is what is proposed and is seen as a remedy! 2- Why can't he see that leaving clan elders alone to come up with a solution is not necessarily going to result in a peace! To what extent can the rival Moqadishu clans be left to sit togather and come up with a common position among themselves, when the clan morality, interest and pride is still an issue? 3- Who are the 'Clans?' In Somaliland, Silaanyo is a different clan than Feysal Cali Waraabe? Rayaale is a different clan than Garad Jaamac? In Puntland, Cade Muse is a different clan than Faroole? Where does it start and where does it end? Abdul's conclusions increasingly seem to stem from political convictions than pure academic analysis. I am not taking him seriously anymore.
  3. Ghana seemed better because people were expecting Egypt will run over them. They weren't better than Egypt in the game, but Egypt were not better either. In any case, the game was really slow and dull. Not much to chose between the two. The Egyptian looked tired, and with a bit of self-belief Ghana could have beaten them.
  4. Tiger Woods' great mistake was ..... marrying a Scandinavian. Women of other nationalities seem quite capable of dealing with these sorts of things without causing international scandals and endangering highly lucrative endorsement contracts. (Couldn’t the woman, just have lit a cigarette in her shaking hand and poured herself a stiff gin)?” For a second imagine if Wood's wife were Nigerian. There would certainly have been No chasing-my-husband-around-the-house-with-an-expensive-golf-club drama, and therefore no driving-into-fire-hydrant, and no 911 call. And, by implication, no public scandal. What she’d have done was to place a tearful call to her Mother back home in a well appointed villa in Nigeria. And her mother would have asked her, in vernacular: “Is he beating you?”; “Has he stopped taking care of his children?”; “Is he bringing those useless women into your marital bed?” To which Mrs. Woods would have answered: No. No. No. And a genuinely perplexed mother would have said: “So you want to abandon your home? Ewooooo / Efemi! Over my dead bodywooooo! You are staying there!” Case closed.
  5. I can confirm in wada-xaajood hoose noo socdo guddia LX uu u saaray hawshan oo aan madax ka ahay iyo Maximus. I think we are close to a deal to bring him back. His only condition now seems to be "wax halaga qabto this new culture of letting in kid-pirates almost on a daily basis.". His words.
  6. Norf, kolkol unbaad sida Ingiriiska u hadashaa. JT ma gabadh kale ayuu gacanta mariyey, therefore he shouldn't be an England captain sheekada ah ayaa kaa dhaadhacsan. I don't think Captaincy of a national team should require some other values outside comeptency on the field. Almunia should have saved at least one of those goals and the match could have been different. Arsenal didn't play that bad to be honest.
  7. Rooney is playing some fantastic football and is a proper striker. If he doesn't perform against big teams, it is not his fault. He needs supply and he is to be judged by what he does when he gets it. If the midfield is shut out and no balls come to him, it is not fair to take fault with him. He certainly surprised me with his efficiency in the last couple of months. But I think in the World Cup, he will disappoint for England. Just my feeling!
  8. Abdullahi Rabi was sure he heard the azaan for the Asr salaat, as he quickly run from one side of the high-way to the other side with the help of a native. He gestured to the man in what seemed to be an expression of gratitude. Then his doubts cleared as he saw the tall Minaret protruding a block or so away. Still, he would have to figure out where the entrance is. The massiveness of the edifice amazed him! He entered the mosque, but was startled to find chairs and what looked like a stage. He shook his head. “ War bal dadkan kuraasta ku tukada eega!” he said to himself. Nothing more makes sense to him in this town, Cape Town, since the day he moved here from his war-torn Somalia. He has been here for little over a week. He continued to the stage and after performing the two-sunnah rakka’s, waited for anyone to come in. None showed up in that afternoon, on a Saturday. He was baffled but took this as one more bizarre thing he will have to live to tell. He started praying, before he heard the voice. “What are you doing? Stop it! This is not a mosque.” The care-taker of the church of the Salvation Army was furious. Abdullahi disregarded the noise, and concentrated on his praying. No satan, in human face or in other disguise, should be allowed to stall his communication to his creator. But then the noise turned into a grip. He was forcefully thrown back. He landed on his back. Although he was sure he will attack this man who is against his religion, he didn’t. He has no papers and what Badal Fooleey told him last night was not to mess with anyone until he gets him some legal papers. With some pain and hurt inside, he controlled himself and was led out of the church by the same man who despite his initial animosity seemed friendly now. The man pointed his fingers to a big gate, about twenty meters away and shouted “Allahu-akbar” pointing his finger to the adjacent building. Even before he moved few meters forward, Abdullahi realized what he did. He got lost and entered a church, which he never expected would be so close to a place of worship for Muslims. Safe and sound in a familiar place, he finally prayed his salaat and passed the next hours reading Quran in the mosque. He prayed the Maghrib salaat there too. And when it become clear that it is too late to venture out, especially when he is not sure where to take transport from or where to take for, he decided he will spend the night in the mosque and will see if he can find his way on daylight. He was dozing off on a corner using his fat jacket as a pillow, when this black guy (the watchman of the mosque, as he learned later) asked him, through non-verbal communication, that he should leave the mosque. The black man, with Muslim attire was brandishing keys, saying that he needs to lock the mosque. When Abdullahi brushed aside the foolish requests of the ‘adoon’, the man left the mosque, took out a phone and was frantically calling someone. Thirty minutes later, a car came in as an Indian-looking man, hurriedly jumped off and come in. He instructed Abdullahi to go out of the mosque instantly. Abdullahi argued, again with blind languge, that he is not leaving. Abdullahi gave his reason. He pointed fingers at the roof and bellowed “Allah! Ilaahay baa leh masaajidka”. The Indian man didn’t know Somali but it seemed he got what Abdullahi was alluding to.“This is my funcking mosque. It doesn’t belong to Allah. It belongs to me!” he shouted with anger and told the man “ get out now!”
  9. Fairness, Ngonge way. Egypt was crap on the final. But overall deserved the cup. The game was played at a snails pace. It was boring. Especially when I was switching between it and the Man U/ Arsenal game. The children have no fault. Blame is on Wenger, who fails to tell them not to rush the game, but rather slow it down and sit back a bit, so that Man U comes out. They repeat the same mistake all the time.
  10. They didn't win last night. Kofi Codja, the refree spolied what would have been a fantastic game. First yellow card for Halliche came from nowhere. Understandble if the ref was too nervous and wanted to calm the players down by issuing yellow cards. But he could have waived play on when Meteed was brought down. Halliche didn't get the ball but he didn't touch the man either. And what a disgrace how the penalty of allowed to count after Hosni stopped for an age and scored it. Overall, it was expected that other red cards will follow once frustration sets in. Egypt would not have ended in 11 men if they were on the receiving end either. The ref tried to atone to his misdeeds by turning blind eye to a number of Algerian tackles but in the end the turning point was the penalty and the red card. Until then, Algeria looked like the more menacing team! False, Egypt was not in control ya Ngonge. On the otherhand, they were in control in Khartoum too, but didn't win. That is a lame excuse. Algeria has no reason to feel low. Their record against Egypt in AFCON was 4-0 before. Egypt will comfortable win against Ghana. In a way, justice is done if Egypt lifts the cup for unprecedented third time. I am happy for them. they are my second team in Africa after Algeria. Since the days of Rabah Madjer.
  11. Originally posted by GoldCoast: [QB Sabri Lamouchia???? You do realize Lamouchi is a) not Algerian b) 38 years old playing C level football in Qatar. You certainly have got him confused and I'm not exactly sure with who. [/QB] You are right! I am confusing the names not the individuals. I meant Khaleed Lamouchia, who is a tough-tackling midfielder. Sabri Lamouchi (not Lamouchia by the way) is former French International, whose parents are from Tunisia. Lamouchia played in the Khartoum game against Egypt. He was also one of the players injured when their bus was attacked in Cairo.
  12. That is better. I like Maradona. But he doesn't have a good team too. The real favourites are Brazil, Spain, and maybe Netherlands.
  13. Lucas is an average player. Better than Gilberto Silva, though.
  14. The English always win the World Cup in March, April, May before the actual World Cups start. It is something we are all becoming used to. But, reality catchs up with them in June and July of every World Cup year. England is crap waryaa. With no definitive goalie yet, with Rio and Terry at the back, and with only one good striker in Rooney. Gerard and Lampard are in the twilights of their career. I don't understand why you don't wake up to the reality when a team mulls whether to take Owen or Hesky to the World Cup. I think England will struggle to qualify from their group.
  15. Egypt were completely kept in their 18 box for most of the match against Cameroun. They looked very worried and were basically defending like an East African team -throwing the ball to all sides. I was surprised to see that. But as you said, that could be a one-off problem. And I am sure they will up their game when they play Algeria. But Algeria has really impressed me. Although they tend to keep the ball moving for too long in their half, when they go forward, they do all things a great team should do. Plus, if you can watch Mourad Maghni (one touted as the new Zidane). He plays exactly like him, I mean all the moves, the xarago are like Zidane. They are still missing Sabri Lamouchia, and when they are in full strength, the overrated Albions are in for a game in WC 2010. I think England will have second thoughts about declaring E-A-S-Y (England, Algeria, Slovenia, Yankees) when they watch how Algeria dismantled Ivory Coast! I also watched how disciplined and tough Slovenia were against Russia and from what I see they must beat England.
  16. Suddenly Ngonge 's tone has calmed down a bit, concering Algeria. He was saying they are crap all along. Algerians are technically gifted and are strong physically. If they follow Cameroun's tactics which is to crowd the midfield and not to allow Egypt to play their game, they will win. Admittedly, Egypt's defence is not as shallow as that of Ivory Coast. I want Algeria to win, but it is not a big loss if Egypt wins as long as they go and win the cup as well.
  17. Agree with Norf, although I feel others might read your statement as an insinuation that the SSC's are for sale! The telephone operator was parodying their leaders by saying " fadlan inta aanad garaacin lambarka, lacag ku shubo"!
  18. Dear Oodweyne, Unless that proverbial affliction of Sal-fu-dayd of the Tolka is devouring your memory, none of the conditions for our pact are breached by me. I have a soft spot for the people of SSC and their plight touches me. They have been victimised by Somaliland and Puntland, largely due to luck of internal cohesion among themselves, and whatever process kick-started to bring them togather is welcome. I have not spoken ill of the 'real'Somaliland, the 'Xaqlayasha' who shed their blood to become independent. If it is that I believe the notion of Somaliland is a one-tribe jingo, it is because only one tribe fought for it. On the other hand, the highlight of my previous post on this issue should have been my advice to Garad Jamac not to rely on unreliable Pirateland. It seems he has abondoned Holhol,now another plac e further down the south is being talked about, and I guess if Somaliland sends police there, the venue will be relocated further to the South. If this south-looking trend continues, the meeting might take place in Galmudug and its credibililty will be lost! We have been doing well as allies even though we were opertaing under the limitations of our divergent views and ideals.
  19. I am not rooting for anyone here. The liberation of the Daraawish people has started and hopefully with the leadership of the courageous Garad Jamac they will take their destiny back into their hands. But for that to happen Garad Jamac will need to be advised not to rely on Pirateland, but on his own SSC people. The pirates are noisy but when the push comes to shove, they will do what they do best: " dib-u-gurasho xeelad dagaal" which is a euphemism for running for your life! He needs to be reminded of what befall the Inan-la-yaal from my woods who outmuscled 100 camels, only to see his in-laws return the herd to the owners. Wuxuu yiri: Muska waxaan u galay, jaamac baan laga majiirayne Muruqyadii gahayr baan lahaa, waad ku meel mariye Waa kaa Bagaag maalayo, midaan soo maroorsadaye Allahayoow ba faadumo sideen ugu muraad-seegay!!! Beware of the contemporary Ba-faadumo's!!
  20. Algeria Vs Egyt will be a boring and tense game. But it will be a fun to watch it anyway. The two teams will focus on tactics and they will not play well.
  21. I am worried about Tuujiye's football knowledge. Zambia has been one of the power houses of African football and at one point beat Italy 4-0 in a Friendly when Kalusha Bwalya was young. They are not upcoming. They have always been there. But if you mean on account of their game against Nigeria, I think you are still wrong. Nigeria is not a good team these days. So, I was shocked Zambia actually didn't beat them 3-0.
  22. jailed for bestaility Tuesday 26 January 2010 The Herald, Harare While other's turkeys adorn the dinner table at christmas time, a Karoi man had different ideas for the bird over the festive holiday that went beyond its plumage. Enock mudimu (24) of Rufaro farm Karoi was convicted on his own plea of guilty to bestiality charges last week and willo spend the next two months behind bars. Magistrate Mr. Elisha Singano heard how Mudimu had sex with the female turkey twice on December 12 and 27 lasy year. Mr. Singano, who had sentenced Mudimu to four months behind bars, suspended two months of the sentence on condition of good behaviour. Agreed facts are that on December 27 last year, Mudimu employer Shupikayi Nyambe went to church with her children leaving him to guard the home. On her return from church in the evening, Nyambe four her female turkey unable to move. After closely examining the bird, she discovered that it was discharging semen-like fluids tainted with blood. - HR
  23. If you didn't watch yesterday's match, you missed one of the greatest footabll games in the last couple of years. Just imagine the outragrous touches and silky passes of Zidane, and that was what Maghni was doing. Algeria completely outplayed Ivory coast. The Arabs didn't prove clinical. In fact, Algeria missed more than 10 open chances which were hard to miss. The scoreline should have read 10-3! I think Algeria and Egypt is on the offing. And I will put my money on the Algerians once again. Their defence is very organised, midfield is fantastic, but the attack is their biggest problem. I think Egypt will beat Cameroun, and we will have another football war. On paper, Egypt are stronger and they look better on the field as well, but I have this feeling the Masri's are in for another shock, as they will be the tense ones who have to prove something!
  24. Only few months back some of the false football pundits in SOL, Tuujiye included, were about to declare Ivory Coast the best team in the World this year. Imagine this team has not proved itself in any competition. The reason many of SOL's forged football analysts thought Ivory Coast will shine is because they have players from Barcelona, Chelsea, Lille, and other big teams. The ailing brother Bob (may Allah give him quick recovery) went as far as making me believe a boy called Gervinho will be the next Maradona, and Brazil will have to lose sleep over him! Last night, we all watched Drogba, Kalou and Gervinho in desperate need of cellphones to communicate to their defence and midfield as their team were cut into two by an impressive Algerian midfield led by Mourad Maghni (with the touch of Zidane) and Karim Ziani. Had Algeria been a bit sharper infront of the goal, we would have talked about a rugby score! We have watched the Ivorian defence accompanying Algerian attackers like best-men do in weddings upto their goal mouth. Sure the Ivorian coach made several errors inculding sticking to 4-3-3 formation when it was clear the 3 strikers were not getting supply and were not coming back to assist the midfield. Inculindg substituting the lively Kalou and not the out of form Drogba. Inclduing keeping Bakary Kone on the bench just because he missed few chances in their opening game. But no one can take away from Algeria. They played like I know them play when they hit top form. Mixing long and short passes, and using the flanks to full advantage. It is not surprising Tuujiye is shocked, or Norf is speechless. This site is full of latter-day football analysts, led by Ngonge and Fu-Fu, who have no idea that a collection of stars (I dispute that most Ivorians are stars for that matter) doesn't necessarily make a good team. It is high time SOL revisits its Sports section and reform should start by removing Nune from the moderator position. There is no reason why a Jara-ka-boodo expert should moderate Sports. Nuune's football knowledge doesn't go beyond knowing that Arsenal wears red and Gerard plays for Liverpool. Unless someone thinks Duliye-Sare Nuune can can have a bird's eye view of games from the skies!
  25. ONLF'ta markuu ka hadlayey wuxuu yidhi: :Fadlan lambarka aad garaacday wuu dansan yahay! (he said nimakaasi ciil iyo cadho ayey la aamusan yihiin meel kasta!) laakin wuxuu u qarinayaa wuxuu Cali-Dhuux sheegay.