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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Hayee waan garanyaaye, It was a polite way of saying ka leexo islaankaaga difaaciisa thread kale u furo oo! According to hers, hadda doodu waxay mari lahayd 'ha la aaso dee, *******ada xun..." -Ibti, waa ciyaar!
  2. Dajiye, hadaba waa iyadiiye ku fadhiiso! war ileen tan oo kale. Miyaadan wajigeeda ka qiyaasi karin dhabarka iyo bawdyaheeda? I forgot inaad wali doob tahay?
  3. Mahadsanid Ibti. The militant Islam is what brings shame to our great religion. And what these atheists use to attack it. We need to make that distinction and you all know I am not a supporter of stonning. I am trying to show that this is a minority group that Muslims are fighting to defeat and their actions should not be taken as representative of Islam nor the opinions of the majority of muslims in this world. All faiths have such fringe groups and it was not Osama but Pat Robertson who said the Haitians are devil's partners! NG- there is no own goal. The argument is consisent with my starting point if you have followed it.
  4. Inaa wiswisnaa laka wiswisa!! Obviously, forum rules must have an exception to the mentally unstable. Ninkan ma IGAD mise AU baa meesha ku haysa?
  5. Ibtisam, For obvious tactical reasons, don't mention the supposed 'oxymoronic' statement in my earlier post. There is nothing oxymoronic about it for the kind of Islam ina-Cabdi Godane practices is radically different than the one I want to live with. Laakin, hadda inoo kaadi, wax waxaasba ka weynbaa meesha yaale. Wixiiba waxba ka majiraan niman leh baan ishaynee, Taliban-philosophy'gan aragtida gaaban ma difaaci karee wax yar ka yar gabo! cakku iyo Haween!
  6. Originally posted by Benson and Hedges: it is a little to simple to divide people into muslims and atheist Abtigiis & Tusbax. There should be attempts made to respect individuals and their views. and they too shouldnt insult people convictions. agreed! let us say Muslims and non-muslims for the purpose of this forum. I also agree that as long as the latter do not engage in mockery and insults against our convictions, there is a room for constructive debate. But that doesn't mean going in cycles over issues covered million times like whether there is God or not!
  7. When a poor girl was stonned in Kismayo for adultery, I didn't meet a single Somali muslim whom I talked to who didn't voiced their disagreement. In light of this evidence, I dispute your assertion about the silence you mentioned. But I concede there is a militant faction within Islam who practice and support such killings. I would also imagine there would be their counter-parts in other religions. We are in agreement here (to your astonishment) because for once you went out of your hate-mongering mission and concentrated on issues of importance to humanity.
  8. B&H, this anti-islam and atheist talk is also boring. When the taskforce of atheists who obviously want us to debate them with their specialized field of study -bashing religion- calm down, we promise we shall loosen up too.
  9. waryaadaa, ileen ninkan Napolean la yidhaa waa nin maskaxda wax uga dhiman yihiin. Waa maxay waxanoo cay ah?
  10. I think this is a healthy discussion and not anti-Islam. waxanoo kale waa la is waydiin karaa, waana in qofka su'aasha soo qaasay laga qanciyaa. Why? because there is a common departure point: we all agree such killings are inhumane, and hence we ask why do they happen and who sanctions them? Ailamos raised a good point in saying that how a religion is judged would be by the actions of its adherents. I fully agree with it. But I need to qualify a bit and add 'by the actions of the overwhelming majority of its adherents'. Now, does ailamos agree that these stories of honour killings even when they are done under the cover of sharia' are rare and perhaps insignificant when you look at the fact that over one billion people practice Islam?
  11. Niall Ferguson'kani ma ninka EMPRIE qoreybaa? Allow buug ma yahay? By the way, gabadhan sheekadeedo ma dhamaato miyaa? Imaanka alla kaa qaad!Some rumors abound that she is a nomad here, who often posts disparaging threads on niqaab and burqa, but I think that is just speculation. JohnnyB maxaa ku daba dhigay adeer Dajiye? Waa nin inaadeerkaa ah. Napolean ku la yidhaa oo balaayo akhriyaya kol haduu Xinn qaban waayey, maxaa gaaladeena inagu diray inaga.
  12. Originally posted by Naxar Nugaaleed: ^ abti, I was kidding about the mob on the earlier post but you really do seem to be on a which hunt. Indeed, we are all on a witch-hunt. Some against Islam, others for Islam.
  13. In which case, Rayaale must be brought to justice for his role in the killings of Berbera.
  14. Barack Obama worried about Zuma BO :I’m sorry Jacob but dinner at the white house is out, I know we are friends but ... JZ: U don't like SA? BO: No its not because I have a problem with SA, its just I’ve got daughters and you know....., its nothing personal
  15. Arsenal are a good team. But when 5 out of a total of 7 shots in their last two games turn into goals, you need to ask if they will not be better off to start the game with 10 men withour a goalie. There is no goal-keeper at all. That is not to say the short players up front need to be diversified. Bendtner should start and they need another tall striker. They also need discipline at the back when they are on the attack. The fact they lost doesn't mean they are suddenly useless. They outlplayed Man U and Chelsea for most of the time.
  16. This is a great shame. Much to do with the cultures of different socities and not necessarily religion. Anyway, on this one, we need to be united and advocate that such killings whether adminstered by angry family members or Alshabab are inhumane and deplorable. Having said that, it is no secret that Naxar's often googled stories like the one about a mysterious German Scholar's 'findings' about the Xur-al-cayn are brought here for a purpose. It was not because heckler-in-cheif, Napolean, did not understand what he was asking us, it is because he found a way of expressing his sexual fantasies and penchant for big booty and breasts by way of hiding behind religious tales. But what was truely shocking was when Al-fadilatu-al-sheikh XINNFANIN passed the matter with a broad giggle, at a time he was sleepless over Peacenows' supposedly insulting diatribes.
  17. Try this killer and put him in jail. In addition to the waqooyi massacres, the ghosts of those courageous army officers killed in Garab-case (jigjiga), apparently because Samatar wanted to experment with defeated-army-motivatation-skills he got from Russia will haunt him for ever. He ordered the killing of 80 of them, picked randomly after the soldiers were told to line up.
  18. Xidigo, fadlan ha u camirin. Samatarkii clanland uff yidhi ma aha kan isku dhex yaacay.
  19. Originally posted by Juxa: ps: i read you quoting, kan iri kaad tiri, kuu yiri libaax(used to be siyaad) in the other topic facee manoola Ilaahay ku asturye ha na qashifin!
  20. Juxa, oo dhulkii kale anigaa la iiga soo qaxay. Haddaa waa inaan amaan idin siiyaaa.
  21. Since this section has now descended into is-xog-waraysi forum for few close friends, why not make it exclusive and call it the Juxa-Faheema-CL-Ngonge baafin and bariido thread. Of course, there will always be few gate-crushers.
  22. Sherban, I raised an issue. Please address that one and not the intentions of people. And also spelling as if you are Grade 4 English teacher. Speaking of who used to beat us when he asks "WHAT IS THE OPPOSITE OF CAT?" and We fail to say "RAT"!
  23. looooooooooool@Jibreel. Nothing to add on that one. But one think I always remeber about Saakin's(my habo) incessant rantswas when she says: "Hunno inkaar baa igu dhacday de! Tii Xaali ahayd unbuu ilaahay i daba dhigay oo hadaan far xinne marsado, tobankaba soo gashan! anagaa wax aragnay."
  24. Lampard laftigiisa gabadh buu xumeeyay oo waa dhaweyd ka ooyaysay. Captaincy should not change hands whenever a feeble girl cries foul for being discarded. Bal tan Bridge ka soo daashay ee JT afka lagashay day.
  25. Jidhka meeshi ku xanuuntaaba waa cudur. Kolkuu xaasku kaa maqan yahay waad ogtahay JB'yoow in meeli ku xanuuni.