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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: ^^ I can see the dilema, laakiin the professed jacaylka heesahooda baanan marna fileynin wax gar aad ku hadashay. Ninmaku way na laayaan iyo heesahoodaan jecelahay is a contradiction. Laakin it shows the power of music to transcend any barriers, even political ones. Zack, "I am waiting you - Sun" caadi maa ha. Egigayehu Shibabaw (GG) songs are here: http://lucyzare.com/ Bala waashintu and Yene Anbessa are there! Aaliyah, That QAMAR guy has lost some of his muse when he tried to be a modern singer. He was much loved by OROMOS for his blatant insult of Amhara's in early 1990s when he said: lakki bu'i naraa, yaa injiree mataa Inbiyo jitisame, sigataa which means You, the lice on my head (Amhara) You cannot live on me and Yet continue to bite me Get off me, or else I will kill you with my toe
  2. Xinn! Hedde hayee, go'e kolkaanu Somali baanu nahay nidhaana sowkan Faroole leh Somali ma aha!
  3. By the way, CARA'aay waan soo qadimay my valentine's present by way of heesta kore! Ethiopians believe three good things about Somali's: 1- That Somali music is superior to theirs. (I believe this was right in the past, not now) 2- That Somali ladies are prettier than Ethiopian ones. (Totally wrong) 3-That all Somali's either have money or are about to get it next day. And of course, that is all when it comes to the good things. I can't list the bad ones, but sufice to say the first one is that Somali's are Savages. They call us Aramane (a rare word reserved to those capable of doing shocking things)
  4. Haneefah, The feeling is mutual. But somehow, the politics side is ugly and painful. Speaking of Tilahun, I am rather a devoted admirer of Aster's old songs. Those make you love instanteouly even if you don't know who. Tilahun is great but too many songs, and ultimately some poor ones. Like when he sings about Qataro (appointement). He is at his best in Monalisa and 'Wataatuwa (the young one)'. I have to tell you music have progressed so so so dramatically in Ethiopia, it is so hard even for Aster to keep up. Today it is GG, Natty, Michale Belayneh and Tadele Roba who are setting the pace. It is incredible. That song I posted moves me so much because the blind singer really puts out all that blind people feel inside. It is heart-ripping, I tell you. Watch Mikael Balayneh's "Ye fikir Mirchaye" Ye negen maawaq, falaku Machiiwun maayat, naafaku Yafir Mirchafe, anchi nesh Liben manfaseen, yagazaash! I think you will agree why Tilahun will not be missed. Pass the trance music of the first 9 seconds,,,
  5. ducaysane, ila soo socodsii kolka dhagaha faraha la geliyo.
  6. waagu dhashay Calendar'ba lama aqoon. Aniga koley hooyaday waxay tidhaa waagii hebel la dakhray baad dhalatay. But I still have a birth day. The office needs one for the records. Waxaa kaloo maalin walba na waydiiya Bank'ga.
  7. They don't win to win 11 of those games. Man U and Chelsea will drop points as they draw and Arsenal which easily catch them. But for that to happen, they need to bring back their 10 or so unbeaten run again. I think they have a very good chance. Next week, Man U will draw with Everton, which mean Arsenal will move within 3 points of them. I am not worried about Chelsea. Old age will catch up with most of their players.
  8. jacaylbaro, adigu waxaad ku dhaantay Oromadee, waxaan kuu saaraynaa "birtukaane miti hadhaadha kan jaalalaa"! Akam, ya jolle biya keenya?
  9. I am welcoming back Nuune. Raali ahow.
  10. welcome back Nuune. You were missed, but not your football analysis. MANU and Chelsea have much more difficult fixtures than Arsenal. Man U will have to play Liverpool, Chelsea, Man City, Tottenham, Everton, Fulham etc. For your information.
  11. I presume most SOLers listen to music. There is plenty of music from all over the world that get our attention and we enjoy listening to. Some for their lyrics, some for their beat, and some for the melodious voice of the singers. Yet, there are those who will never go out of our head, and move us everytime we listen to them. I have listened to quite some diverse music in my life. Somali, English, Hindi, Sudanese, Mali, African, Japanese, and all that came my way. From Somalia, Mohamed Moge is great, Fuad Omer is a rising star. Mohamed Wardi in Sudan is a legend, Pascal Mashalani is superb with her 'anta bit ruuh'. Paul Macartney, Percy slege and many others with mind-soothing melodies are out there. But, it is the song "Jenber" which means Sun, by the much-loved blind singer from Ethiopia -Yirdaw Tenaw, that moves me most. The Singer is blind and is pleading the sun, which he is not sure if it is out of diffidence or fright that it doesn't reveal itself to him, to come out. With captivating voice, and genuine emotion, he asks it to defy the skies, clouds and horizons that are stopping her from his vision. A very raw translation of the Amharic version is below. (much is lost in translation)! Her location is mysterious But I know she is hiding from me She loiters within her borders, her space Why is she so shy to see me? Come out sun! You know [this] coward horizon is shielding you from me You know the clouds are conspiring to hide you Come out sun! I can not indict the atmosphere I cannot judge the skies Come out sun! I am waiting for the day You finally defy them Come out sun! I am robbed off my morning warmth, And my evening light Come out sun! How can I eat my dinner? I don’t know what is on the table I don’t know who is in the kitchen Come out sun! Bring my inside out Replace the darkness with light, Come out sun! Comfort me from the unending sadness In annoyance, don’t keep me in this fog! If you enter this site http://lucyzare.com/ and you select Yirdaw Tenaw, Track number 5 under the name of the artist is Jenber. Which song moves you most?
  12. Originally posted by Castro: Good for him. Now he can go after the Jews with a clear conscience. looooool! Insinuating he a Nazi?
  13. Arsene Wenger knows all about football. He is good at detecting talent at young age. He tends to be a bit too positive in the football he wants his team to play. They are almost like the Brazil team of 1982 World Cup. If he adds few tacklers and tells his boys to be a bit shrewed tactically, no team can beat them.
  14. A very common name in Ethiopia is Wassan (for female) Wassane (for male) Both mean MY BORDER and widely used. No problem until they come to the Somali region. You may be familiar with an extended version of, Wond-wessen (The borders of a Man). But the story I remember most when this issues come is nin soomali ah oo Addis Ababa guri in laga kireeyo loo diiday because his name was AAR. Aar af-xabashi waa Xaar!
  15. 10th own goal for Man U. That is why I am an advocate of throwing balls to the 18 box. Arsenal need to do the same, not necessarily high balls. They need to cross low balls from the corners and must shoot at goal a bit more. Otherwise, they are fine. The team that impressed me most this year is MAN U though. They are really fast and they crowd the penalty area with 6-7 players when they attack. Chelsea is vulnerbale from set-pieces and will drop points. I fear my worst nightmare of a record 19th Man U league cup is coming to be true!
  16. Originally posted by Johnny B: Since you're a brother i've high hopes for, I can take being your newly found dead-horse to be flogged,in every topic, but putting me & Genius Pauper in a list of sort is an insult of dignity. As kind as i,m nowadays, i even overlooked that but then you brought Napolean in the same list. Now , that is un-acceptable. I demand an appology. I offer a big apology Johnny B. Waa runtaa oo maalmahan waan ku daba dhigtay. Laakin rest assured I like the response I get when people get upset. Somehow it brings the best out of you guys, who otherwise sit on the periphery. For me, this is another front - after I have finished my task with the Puntland front. Meesha hadaan la isku afuufayn what is the point of greeting one another and saying good bye! Johnny, waan iska ciyaar badanahaye, no hard feelings to any body here. Cara way ogtahay meesha laga raacay! Ibtisam, All you said is right. I am not the new ambassador of Islam. You are. Adigaan kugu simayey. Mar hadaad timid, anigu dhinicaygii bed-time stories'ga ayaan u leexan. Speaking of which I have one about this somali old lady (ilaa 50 jir)ingiriiska dhamaan ka timid oo ku walaatay uun "haduu boy freyn' kii soo hadlo she has gone to the mosque ku dhaha. Waan soo tukane. Angoo yaaban oo leh islaanta maxaa ku dhacay, ayaan war ku helay in odayga iyo islaantu isqabaan laakin kolkay ingriiska joogeen separate ku qoraayeen dabadeedna ay dawlada u sheegi jireen inuu boy friend yahay. Ingiriiska ma taqaan islaantu kolkaa boy freynkaba u taqaan "odaygaygii".
  17. Naden, you better worry about how you live. It is not important what happens to your body after you die.
  18. With the exception of their leader Raamsade, the rest of the crew here have non-somali names: Johnny B Castro Cicero ailamos - I call him Haylaamo (pieces) because waan fahmi waayey what it means Cara Naden Napolean Lazy G Genius Pauper Pouiyt etc, etc They have jetissoned the old 'primitive' identity and are jellying with a new-found one. It is not a mere concidence. It is indicative of their self-hate, waa haday soomali yihiin. Of course, this is beside the point here.
  19. At least the majority clan supports them. Sidaasay somalidu wax ku fahantaa. I will put that clan roughly between 45-55% of the population in that region by modest estimates. And you do not expect every man and women of them to be carrying a gun. Rebellions do not operate that way; in case you come back with the tested argument of some of them are with government. Just because many clans do not support doesn't mean they do not have the support of the population in the region. I am avoiding going into speculations about what other percentage passievley support them, in terms of clans.
  20. Yes, a spirited mockery mission of the deen was nipped at the bud last week and Sherban's sentiment is quite understandable. It is a bad trend, dear sherban, but blame those who will give an Islam-angle to all absurdities that happen across the world. WE WILL NOT RELENT from fighting those people, even if this sounds like a crazy slogan of a zealot! No one will be allowed to mock the religion, but questions are welcome. The attempt to play victim by saying our rights to express our opinions are stifled by people who speak for Islam here is a cheap attempt to come back with more venom. The admin has done a good job of making sure the balance is kept in terms of what is rational debate on religion and what is open insults. You cannot harbour a known arsonist who happens to be a family member and sleep peacefully in the hope that he will be considerate enough not to do his work on your own house. I mean, for rationality sake, we have Cicero's and ailamos's here!
  21. Hadaad iiga war roontahay sidaa ku daa, kolka. I can only react to two issues you raised: 1- They need to get the support of the locals: they have the support of many, they need to do more. 2- They don't have a plan: they want self-determination for the oppressed Somali people in Ethiopia. What you talk is the result of such self-determination: own country, join Somalia or even stay within Ethiopia. Ha la isla gaadho horta. My own position, JOIN SOMALIA.
  22. War, he wants to confirm the two-sides are the same. Kuwo iswata keen. Hadii kale waxan meesha ka saar qaabka daran. Marka la soo dhaweeyo waa laga carari yarta.
  23. I didn't watch this one, but saw some of what the Taliban did. Truely shocking. Let the self-proclaimed humanists, as if there is no humanity in religion, know that muslims also feel the pain of other human beings.
  24. Xaji Dhagax, You can't just wake up at the end of December 2009 and pretend you are starting a whole new discussion of ONLF issues. You have a lot to catch up. Take time and read what is covered and what is not covered as far as this issue is concerened. Ileen cisha walba Pirate hor leh in cashirka kow looga bilaabo ma ahee!
  25. Originally posted by NGONGE: ^^ Her name is Ayaan. I had another look and the neck is the same. Maybe the flashlight made her look whiter. looooooooooooool! Dajiye, waa iyadii adeerkiis.