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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. So far I am yet to say anything bad about somaliland. I have a soft spot for them, and the Piartes would be justified to accuse me of double-standard and bias. But until I hear from Oodweyne, who has gone AWOL, on learning the atrocities committed by his kins, I am going to refrain from invective language. JB, tooshka kor nooga ifi!
  2. I don't like to convince the Sacad's and Qudhac's of this world,who would wave the claims of someone on the BBC as the most damning forensic evidence against our case here. But when Ayoub raises it and even feels to ask a question, when I am convinced he knows very well the behaviour of so-called somali politicians, I am worried.
  3. No one expected the culprits Dubad and Iley to come out and claim it. Three months ago, there was a meeting in Dire Dawa where Somaliland security officers were summond and given orders. For those of us who are intimately aware of what is going on, it is clear what happened. Gabadha hargeisa ayaa laga soo qabtay waxaana loo dhiibay ciidanka jigjiga ee liyu boliska. Media is something, the reality is something else. Anagu ku tiri ku teen ma aha. Somaliduna war iskuma seegana. Afka Ina-Iley laftigiisa ayaanu ka haynaa inay soomaliland u soo dhiibtay laakin uuna sidaa toos u odhanayn. Intiina danaynaysa runta Jigjiga cidda aad rabtaan eed isleeedihiin waa wargal lahadla oo waydiiya ama Hargeisa'ba. It is amazing how the truth has been diminished to 'it is your word' against 'mine' these days just because I will declare I am a girl and Ngonge who spoke to me on the phone will say 'no your voice is that of a man'. Muran ayey soomalidu ka baratay xaaqiiqa raadinta. Itaabsii haday tahayna dee markaa wax la rumaystaa ma jiro. I can simply claim Riayaale is not a Somaliland president because I didn't see him.
  4. Hamas should have placed spies in the hotel where they knew their key man was to stay. If they did so, it is unlikely all those movements in and out of the hotel wouldn't have been picked up. Still, I think the killers were professionals. The victim seemed suspicious when he was going to his room. Allah yarxam.
  5. waxani waa wax aan horey loo maqal. Islaan la afduubo! hadal ma leh!
  6. caashaqii ku dhaga tiraa afka lagama dhawree! Qudhac, hees kale inoo saar inaga daa waxanoo.
  7. Yaa ilaahay yaqaan oon gabadhan ugu ducaynaa oo soo hanuunin kara!
  8. Hadaa Somalida laftgeedu waa SHEEDI. If the blend of Pak and Bantu's can give such features, I mean.
  9. war JB maad soo wada dhajasid sheekadda. Inta uu SL interior Minister Cirro diidayo inuu ka faaloodo miyaad ka cabsatay?
  10. Waraysigii hore'na SL media are now saying been-abuur buu ahaa. As if it was not only Xaji Xayraan and JB who bought it! http://www.hadhwanaagnews.com/
  11. Dejiye,please please please arinka gabadhan wax danbe ha ka soo post gareeyn. Sidaa uu Abdilatif sheegay weeye xaalku. Dee ha la adkaysto. Muhiimku wuxuu ahaa in dhibaatada maamulka SL la sheego, waana la sheegay. Wixii intaa ka danbeeya waa in la iska aamusaa. Abdilatif, Anigaba dumaashiday baa ku jirta gabdho badan oo ilaa 50 ah oo Jigjiga lagu xidhxidhay. Ilaa hadda waan la' nahay warkeeda.
  12. Sometimes I really wonder waxan soomalinimo u daba ordo. These morning Woizero Tsega (waa islaan canjeero xabashi samaysa) kolkaa la hadlay si aan Thursday mid saaxib aan nahay ugu casuumo gurigeeda oo on order ay Ethiopian dishes ku sameyso, iyadoo Church ku jirta yay talafankii banaanka ula soo baxday ooy tidhi 'jigir yelem. Soo kexee intaad rabtid.' Ixtiraamka aan ku haysto dad ahaan axmaarada ee waxa kaliya ee ay iga baryayaan yahay "Ethiopian" baan ahayn dheh uun, iyo sida soomalida qaarkeed yeelayso waa kaaf iyo kala dheeri. For me, I will always see myself as what I am: A somali. But, given that it seems that notion has become something that is not to work for us now, I think it is only fair if I call myself " Qolla- Ethiopiawi" (ethiopian from the lowlands.) Diridhabe xabshibaa qaadatay. There is a plan to bring Jigjiga under the Federal government very soon. Council baa laga dhigayaa. Dadkii deggana ee lahaana waxaad moodaa dhibaato weynba inayna ku hayn. Kolkaa ONLF'teenu dee waa inay iska miyirsataa oo anagana ayna noo xaasidin inaanu Addis tayadii iyo dhulkii aanu naqiinay Doro-wat'ganigii ka cunaa. Wixii Somali ah ee aan af-xabshi garanyena ilaa Sheikh Shariifkeeda aan axmaarada uga turjunnaa Ghion Hotel iyo Shertaon. The Zack, on a serious note, Somali bay nu nahay aakhirka, waxaana inala gudboon in aynaan ku go'aan qaadan waxa ay samaynayaan dad adeegayaal ah oo maamul sheeganaya. Adeegayaashu runtii qabiil ma leh oo markuu Maxamed Saqadhi Dubad (Somaliland) soo dhiibo gabadha ka ka qabanaya ee xabsiga sii gaynaya waa Abdi Iley iyo Abdi foolaw (the head of prisons). Incidentally, you will be surprised to know how much propaganda Abdi iley and Da'ud dish out to the uninitiated as saviours of the O' clan. Horta maanta dad boqolaal gaadhaya oo Jamiil iyo ku jiraan ayaa la siidaynayaa baa la yidhi. Intaasi waa war.
  13. Originally posted by The Zack: The ONLF should join Ethiopia, if they do so they will come back to Garowe and Hargeisa as Ethiopian officials and those guys who are arresting them now will start licking their boots. This handover thing is turning to be disgusting, Women are being handed over! Waryaa Xabshida dulmi baan uga cararaynay. Hadii dulmigii mid kadaran meesha yimid waa choose the lesser evil. Adeer, diinta iyo somalinimada ninna kama xigno and it is dawning on us gradually that we really do not have to pay for upholding an identity many are happy to discard. Xabashida waa in aan wada hadalaa and they will be counting their lucky stars to get this lottery. And from there, cid kale ma ahe aniga A&T ah ayaa guriga martida ee Hargeisa iyo Garowe false-lands'kan madaxdooda ugu yeedhi doona. Hadii kale meel fog ma jirtee Da'ud iyo Ina-iley unbaynu endorse gareyn. They are a call away!
  14. qosol gariir. anagana waa naga naf isna wuu iska qoslayaa.
  15. ma gabadh xabshi loo dhiibay baa la mid ah rer-miyi baa la laayey? Waa ku sidee JB? Hubsashada de adigu soo hubso anagu waanu hubnaaye. Haday been noqotana dib danbe war ha iiga dhagaysan.
  16. reer-miyi iyo rag waa is layn jiray JB. Arimaha ha isku qasin adigoo waxaan la difaaci karin difaacaya. Macawistu way kaa dhacday maanta. Dajiye, Adeerkiis, adiguna iska daa arintan waxba ha sii wadwadine. Cabashadu ma fiicna haday badato.
  17. Zack, There is no option left now. The ONLF must shelve the struggle for now and postpone the dream of freedom. It is a matter of survival. A position paper by Ogad,den intellectuals will be submitted to ONLF leadership next week. With your own brothers as the enemy, it is impossible to think you can win this. Until such time the lost ideal of Somalinimo comes back, the ONLF must not allow for the total annihilation of the section of the society that supports it.
  18. In badan ayey horey u xidhnayd, xabsigana way ka baxsatay ka dib markii lagu rafaadiyey. Hadda inay JB iyo reerkoodu soo qabtaan ma aheyn. Waa saaxiibkay sodohdii.
  19. Can expain the situation, malika. Sida kale xageed ka dhacday baryahan? Troll laguguma arag'e. Ume poteya wapi?
  20. What Somali's do to one another is their matter, but when they point gun at the head of elderly visitors, it is sickening. Somali's have done good in rallying for this cause and need to do more. SII DAAYA LAMAANAHA!
  21. After praying in two dozen different mosques in some Southern African countries, it came to my attention that something seemed so similar in all of these mosques. They are run by Indians, the Imam’s are either Indians or Arabs but in all of these mosques the Mu’azzin’s were black Africans. Whether this was by happenstance or that the Indians took the Bilaal role in the Saxaaba quite literally was not clear to me. Until one day a letter sent by a chairperson of rural mosques were delivered to my friend Sheikh Ahmed who works for the IIRA (international Islamic Relief Agency). The letter read: “ Dear xyz, The construction of all the mosques is near complete. We have enough Imam’s but please assist us with five Bilaal’s. “ I saw that by my own eyes. I have also noticed that most Indians smoke cigerrettes inside the mosque perimeter but talking to one another is frowned upon. Of course, when the blacks and non-indians commit this mistake, they are scolded vehemently more than when the culprits are Indians.
  22. Gabadhan LazyG ah maxaa laga rabaa. Ma faraha laga qaado? She is every right to marry who she wants. She is right.
  23. Our chief is right! Yuhuudu ha dhacdo! Seriously JB, ma aqoonsi raadsigii baa halkaa idin la maraya?