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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. well said MVP, but you are talking to a Tree, and a Qudhac for that matter.
  2. well said MVP, but you are talking to a Tree, and a Qudhac for that matter.
  3. well said MVP, but you are talking to a Tree, and a Qudhac for that matter.
  4. arinta hadda dhacaday RAYAALE iyo Xidigo ayaa loo haystaa. Oodweyne shaqo ku maleh. Qudhac waa geed'e doodiisa iska daa. Dadkaa lala doodaa.
  5. Hussien waa nin dagan markaa if he issued this statement, it means it is taken seriously by ONLF. Dajiye, meeshi aan kulahaa soo gal ayaad Hussen fariin u marin kartaa. Waa nin very calm ah, oo doodi yaqaan.
  6. Hambalyo Emperor, laakin bacda arooska soo noqo.
  7. Yes, Mohamed Ali Gheedi, alias Diriye-digdig was an atheist. Nonetheless, a very good man and very isolated man.
  8. Ina Iley kolkol waa suufi oo wuu xidhi ninkaas. I mean the guy even distributes Timir during the Ramadan to all mosques. Credit where it is due. But Da'ud will not tolerate this arrest if he comes to know about. Da'ud masaajidada gub hadii la yidhaa wuu sameyn. Diin shaqo kumaleh isaga iyo aabihiisii gabadhiisa ku dilay maxaad u soontay een maalin dhan ka qaqabanaynay. Inkastoo waa ay busaarad xunni ku dhacday Da'uud uu tabliiq raacayba.
  9. Yes, that and gabadh suxul-baruur ah oo nin Mahad la yidhaa oo rer-dhagaxbur ah qabi jiray. Mar aan Wardheer ku arkay oo lagu yidhi ninkan ayey ninkaagi is yaqaanaan, ayey i waydiisay "War hedde, walaal, Mahad ma taqaan?" haa ayaan ku idhi. Sidaan wax kale uga dhawrayey unbay tidhi " aloow bala ma aha" (wax baan yar qarinayaa here). Mid kaloo jaadle ah isaguna wuxuu iigu dhaartay in gabadh rer-bari ah uu ganacsi ka dhaxeeyey uu ku yidhi bari subaxii waan kalahayaaye ilaa fiidkii yaan xaafada kugu soo mari aynu xisaabtanee. Waxay igu tidhi buu yidhi "war fidkii waa nala dhabaaye ha noo imane, ila subaxa iska joog". Waa xadiis diciif ah kani oo ninka sheegay arinkani warar hore oo ku soo noqday way jiraan.
  10. Kolka la riwaayadeyn mooye there is no room for generalisations. Qof waliba wuu garan in dadka meel kasta ku nool nooc kasta leeyahay. Gheele, Dajiye waa nin odey ah'e gardarada lagu hayaa badatay. On a separate note, the first time oon la kulmo wax tolka ah waxay aheyd Galadi. Koox assessment ah oon la socday ayaa dhawr habeen joogtay. Oday reer-magaal ah oo da'ah ayaa sheeko aan caaadi aheyn oo X-rated ah nooga sheekeeyey. ONLF badan oo ila socotay baa dhagaha taagtay oo layaab ay ku noqotay. Markuu odaygu arkay inay rer-miyi argagaxay yihiin ayuu ku sii dardaray oo arimo adag sii galay. Odaygu wuxuu wiilasha ku lahaa fadlan gabdaha afuufa oo intaad awood leedihiin yaan loo yaraysan etc etc. Markaan soo laabanay jigjiga qaar ragii ka mid ah oo ku dhaaranaya in Tolku yahay gaalo ayaan arkay.
  11. gheele, hadda laftigeedaad i siraysaa. Digniintaydaan qabaa when it comes la macaamilka Tolka. Xiin, wasiirku dareenka dhabta ah kuuma sheegin. Wuxuuse sheegay waa wax fiican.
  12. Waxaa baryahan way ku caaroodaane muxuu ku yidhi? Dhaba.yacaan taas laga helayn oo na khayaamaysa soo kuma odhan. Waa nala kha'imayaa bay kaga dhagan tahay reeraha baryahan. Mid sidaa igu yidhi baan ku idhi war ninyahow idinku maad wax khaa'intaan, kolkaasu yidhi nimanku waa munaafaqiin dadka jaahwareeriya. Waa isla jawaabtii hore uun jawaabtiisa danbanna.
  13. Wixii siyaasad ku saabsan Xiinoww halkaad ka toogato uun iga eeg. Overtime, you have proved to be consistent and purposeful. Shariif'kaa iyo TFG framework in la taagero wax dhaamaa majirto. Midda kale, Axmed Madoobe waa the younger brother of Alshabab uun. Macangag kale weeye. Haduu sida Fadiilatu Alsheekh Yusuf Maxamed Siyaad, Indha-cadde, wadani u digo rogto wuu badbadi. EDIT- ceebtaadu waa uun hubsiga faraha badan kolka la yidhaa dad ONLF ah baa la qabtay.
  14. Dear Ayoub, First, horta the lady is taken from Hargeisa. 100% waa saxiix. Islaantu baryahanba xagaas ayey joogtay. Her son-in-law is a close friend. Tan kale, the likes of Abdi Iley are there in every society. Of all the clan, Ethiopians failed to find some one who will be ready to tolerate the rape and arrest of their daughters wholeheartedly. That is why nearly 8 Presidents were removed. Finally, they got two social rejects - Dau'd with troubled childhood, and Iley (a mother-beater). The Palestinian who was killed by Mosad last month in Dubai must have been betrayed from within. Ismail was the gate-keeper of the North Western provinces when the SNM clan was being murdered. Even good Abdi Waraabe had for a short time led a pro-government militia which ambushed SNM around Rabasso. So, it is not unique to any one group. It is pretty much the case in struggles. What makes the Somaliland intervention unique is because it is a different entity than the one ONLF fights. Why arrests in Somaliland are more painful than those in-house is because 1) it is expected that refugees are not to be subjected to rendition 2) it is expected shared Somalinimo will deter SL authorities from doing such acts 3) unlike the hench men like Abdi Iley, SL authorities have the choice to not turn in fleeing refugees who are non-combatant. But, still I think there should be no remonstrations about this matter. It is a given that ONLF is seen as the enemy by Somaliland and hence ONLF should advise its supporters not to go to Somaliland. Unfortuntely, some will still go out of desperation and it is unlikely Bishaaro will be the last one to be rendered to Ethiopians.
  15. He said he is going to cleanse the city of the Takfiri's. I don't know if he can do, but that is what he said. Anyway, their days are numbered. And yours too, Shakirullah, advocate of the beheaders.
  16. Speaking of this issue, last week after the Jimca salaat ceeb weyn baa dhacday. You know Somalilanders have this unfortunate prediliction of asking people's Qabiil, more than anyone else. I was with three of them who are my friends. They came with another Somali guy who came from Birmingham, UK and was assessing business opportunities. They introduced me with him inside the mosque perimeter. We ate lunch togather and then markaan kala tagaynay one of the SL guys said to the new guy "War horta adigu waxaan ka soo jeedaa gobolka Bakool baad tidhiye, ma raxan.weyn baad tahay?" The guy shook his head, clearly not keen to answer this question. Then, the man who asked the question (Oodweyne ayey saddex kala tirsadaan), again asked him "dee waa la is bartaaye noo sheeg". Cornered, the poor Guy said " Anigu waxaan ahayn carab laakin hooyadey waa ONLF". At which point, Oodweyne's cousin jumped up and said "dee bes waaka abtigaa!" Ninmanka sidaa ku sheekaynaya two of them claim to have Masters Degree. Waano abuur baa ka weyn! On the issue of Qabiil, it has come to me that nowadays a subtle way of knowing the clan of someone has become asking "what did the interent say about Somalia this week?" Of course haduu ku yidhaa, Hadhwanaag ama Safka-hore waxaan ku arakay, he is from the North. Haduu ku yidhaa, Allpuntland amd Garoweonline, he is a pirate Haduu ku yidhaa, Arlaada, waa Bay and bakool Haduu ku yidhaa Kismaayonews ama Qoraxeey online waa ONLF Haduu ku yidhaa waa Dhaharonline waa Hunguri Allamagan will tell you GedoNews waxay qortay And it goes on...
  17. General Duke should at least now be man enough to congratulate Sheikh Ahmed Madoobe. Xinnfanin is right, Madoobe should use this chance and join the TFG. Hadii kale, all his struggle will be in vain.
  18. So far, 1- We haven't seen a recorded video of the alledged raid 2- We haven's seen a photo of the dead or the wounded 3- We have not been able to confirm where the dead were buried 4- No one from Somaligalbeed claimed it 5- I, myself, have not seen it Therefore, there is NO PROOF of this. Lool! how tables have turned in a span of few days. Caddeyn ha la keeno. And short of villages up in fire and women wailing while the bullets shot at them carry a distinctive mark saying 'from ONLF', nothing will be taken as evidence. By the way, AWARE is in the heartland of Somaligalbeed. It is not Somaliland and hence this is a Somaligalbeed issue even if proved.
  19. I like the way the black man turns back to the Old man's seat with " what?" only to be flattened. Qosol iyo badh!
  20. Ma O baad ku jirta means 'are you in trouble' waryaa Ibu-Carab. Alatii ta' dalicu intaana ku odhan ka bax meesha!
  21. ma O baad ku jirtaa maanta Ninyaabanoow?
  22. Dajiye, O-daa maad inaga daysid soomalidii kaloo inaga soo caye. Waxaan ka cabanaynaa ma aha gabadh rer-hebel ah oo la qabsaday ee waa gabadh Somaliyeed oo ka soo jeeda somaligalbeed oo la qabtay. Hadii qaab qabiil loo macnaysto waxay u sahlaysaa in dadka qabiilka aaminsan ee Sacad- iyo Qudhac leh ay reer-hebel maxaa naga galay yidhaahdaan.
  23. Dear Ayoub, Anigu wixii bulshada meesha ku dhaqan siday u badan tahay xaqiiq ka dhigato unbaa ii xaqiiq ah. Iyo wixii aqliga saliimka ah garanayo. Dolaal hebel baa dilay haday islaan tidhi why do you think I am wrong? Anigu xog badan oodan ogeyn ayaan ogahay when it comes to these issues. But you have the right to disagree with me. I may do lot of theatrics here, laakin inaan ka been sheego marxalad intaa la'eg way igu adag tahay. Ilaa haddana wax war ah oo igu soo noqday ma haysid. On the music, dee anigu waan af-aqaane bal ninka aan wax uu leeyahay garaneyn ee haddana TV ka soo daynaya muxuu yahay? Still, there you have a valid point. On the issue of gabadha la xidhay, you don't have to take the words of sworn enemies of Somaliland. Laakin, inaad somaliland warkeedana caddeyn ka dhigto ood nagu xujayso ma aha. Run hadaad rabtidna somalida war badan iskuma seegane bal dhulkii la hadal cid kale waxba ha waydiine. Haddii ilmaadeeradaa ku odhan waayaan," Waaar ninyahoow anigu xagaa iyo Berberaan ku maqnaaye, Kayse oo Hargeisa joogaa lahaa inanta magaaladaa laga qabtay" wax ba ha i waydiin. And most of all, dearest Ayoub, let us not politicise what is clearly a humanitarian and Human rights issue. The grieving four children of the lady desrerve sympathy not sarcasm and pitty-politicking. Hooyadaa iyo walaashaa oo dhib loo geystay uun ka soo qaad.
  24. TO ABDILATIF, Su'aashadii waan arkay. Lacag waa lagu soo dayn karaa but that means you must prepare a yearly budget. Mar haday bartaan, shaqo ayey ka dhigtaan. Tan kale, laba nin oo waxaa jiraa Ina-Iley aad ugu dhow oo la qayila laakin xaafada ah oo xaalkiisa inoo soo sheegi kara. But the problem is telephone'ka dibada way ka cabsadaan oo waxay ku odhan waa nala dhagaystaa. Mid baan isku dayi bal inaan e-mailkiisa soo helo. Haddaan help it is a major breakthrough. Inaad taqaan baa laga yaabaa ama maqashay MARAYARE. Mustafe ama Feysal weydii iyagaa soo helayee.