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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Originally posted by Khayr: Can we get some new and additional moderators in SOL? My vote goes to: - Ibitisam - General Duke - A&T - Malaika Run hadii la sheego, you picked kuwii in la moderate gareeyo u baahnaa. Only Malika qualifies for a moderator role among from this list. If you let the oethers moderate, anigu Ramsade ayaan ku bilaabi lahaa even if he doesn't post anything new. kuwii hore ayaan soo qufi lahaa. Ibtsiam lazy G ayey eryi laheyd and me and genral duke midkaayo unbaa meesha u hadhi lahaa! Malika is the right choice.
  2. Originally posted by Castro: quote:Originally posted by Ducaysane: Ma soomaliyaa la is kufsadaa. Are you serious? I still refuse to believe that anyone could be this thick. haddii la kufsaday, ma Cali Samatar ba gacmaha u qabtay mise cagaha uga xidhay the doer? Waxaasi wax meesha lala yimaad ma aha. And it makes the man's motive even more suspicious because why would he pick Cali Samatar who clearly would not have been involved at operational level. Midda kale Somali yidhaa waa la igu kiciyey hadaad aragtid, something is fishy.
  3. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: quote:Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tusbax: Che Isn't cumar jees an advisor to Sheikh Sharif now? If that's case, I have judge, a jury and executioner in the name of Al-Shabaab. Hang him for the crimes he committed in Kismayo and other places On side note, my warlord (Duke thinks it is Shangoole) committed no crimes You don't want to give me the credit, but I have said hand Cumar jees maybe a million times. He is a criminal, although since the time I said that on a different Tolka forum I am bombarded by angry rants and challenges of 'prove that he did anything wrong in Kismayo?'. The Tolka think it is a coordinated witch-hunt by the Pirates. I think it must have some facts. I think so because of a confession of one of those who was involved.
  4. Castro, what you said I agree with. But again, perhaps we should have started in reverse order and start with those who are the immediate danger to what is left of the nation. Start with Alshabab and its Abu-fulaans, start with yey and Gheedi, Start with Rayaale and Faroole's, start with Xassen Turki and Aweys's, and then we will manage to revive the nation. Priority should be to bring the nationa back. Seeking justice is a luxury for now. That is my view. But i agree with the principle that all crimes should face justice.
  5. prisnor ku meerayso adigu. Charity begins at home or so they say; unless you subscribe to an adapted and generic version of this dictum which says "piracy begins at home". First, when you have a money launderer, who calls for press conferences merely because a cartoonist drew some pictures, you have enough things on your hands to worry about. And also, I don't like false claims of non-existent gallantry. Of course, ninba dhan u badi is the case. if we are talking about who have the most balaxoofto webssites, the likes of Allidamalle, allpuntland, allpiracy and alldaabacaad, then I have to say we are no match.
  6. Castro, i have no intimate knowledge as you said. Nor do you have one. All I am saying is everything is possible. A wronged man could be pursuing justice or a maniacal clanist is after someone he despises.
  7. castro, the very fact you believe that all those who expres opinions different than yours are doing so for clanish reasons shows the shallowness of your reasoning. Qabyaalad is a somali problem and you are not the first to highlight it. But not opinions are given because of clan sentiment. I have said I don't like Samatar in this same thread, but for you to talk of bravery of someone you don't know (the accuser), when you have no facts is wrong. Samatar qabiil kuma difaacayno, laakin qofka eedeynanya ujeeddo uu leeyhay ma ogid adigu. Che Isn't cumar jees an advisor to Sheikh Sharif now?
  8. How do you know he has a courage? He could be a vindictive clanist. Castro waad wareersan tahay.
  9. It might be wise to dwell on the most recent 'gallantry' of the sunrise Tolka, instead of contestable historical accounts of a a past century. The SSDF started a war, but ended up surrendering en masse. Yey tried to hold onto power in Muqdisho, but we all witnessed the heart-breaking scenes of maati (women and children) fallin on top of one another at Aden Cadde Airport for evacuation to Puntland. These accounts lend little credence to the claims of bravery. Who knows it might be even true the Tolka stood upto the Sayid until that fateful O-phase is reached and the ineluctable 'retreat' was made. I don't dispute the Tolka are not short in bravado and picking a fight. It is winning the same fight you called for that is ever elusive.
  10. It is possible Qudhac is right. Maybe rayaale is the perfect antidote for Pirateland. But still he is a problem for the people of somaliland. Dukey, Someone told me that when you see a rer-bari who is just returning from a fight, full of sweet and holding onto one pair of shoes, he will often tell you " nimankii jabinay. Soddon run to the east, ten anigaa ciida ku rogay and seventy five escaped to the west." You ask, " but then why are you heaving and running?" And the proud rer-bari will often tell you " goor danbe, ayaan O (circle) galnay and then we have to retreat strategically". The same strategic retreat that Faroole would make towards the south if the push comes to shove from the North.
  11. Tuujiye, Did it ever occur to you that Ivory Coast will finish most of the games with ten men and will give away at least two penalties? Xageed kubada ku daawataa Tuujiye, anigu yaabaye. Mise sida Ngonge ayaa adigoo mirqaansan daawataa!!! At least Ngonge has improved since he stopped shiisha and the blinding smoke is cleared off his view.
  12. I think the only thing Duke can find solace in is mocking Rayaale. And I don't blame him for sticking to one script. Whatelse can he talk about? He cannot rescue Las Anod in the North. He can not keep Yey in power in the south. But to be fair, Rayaale riwaayad socota wuu yahay. He is a liability to SL. If they have voted in the real Mujaahed Silaanyo, meeshan wax lagu kaftamaa ma yaaleen.
  13. My pact with Oodweyne is firm, and I still prefer the North to the East. Nothing personal, but I get along with them easier. Maybe it is because my village is few hours drive away from Hargeisa. On this issue, though, i can't suppress my inner feeling, the laughter inside, when I saw the photo of rayaale. That was it! The issue of Bisharo is unlikely to change anything. I have always stated that I am against the secession agenda even when the pact with Oodka was signed. It is a fundamental matter of belief. I will join the resurgent Ha noolaato party soon. But I have always liked the SL guys more than the Punties. I can't hide that!
  14. with money-printing machines, he has good chance of winning the elections which involve only 60 or so men! And perhaps their families.
  15. Rayaale is better than Faroole. Faroole is a money-launderer, former cabby-driver who pays for the advice of his son.
  16. This topic is boring for me. I read about this on a daily basis where I am. George Charamba, spokesman for Mugabe, is not short of words nor fancy sound-bites when it comes to the British. The way he talks about it, using his first hand experience, is simply breath-taking! I will try to go back and see if I can post some of his best in SOL at one point.
  17. Originally posted by General Duke: The audacity of the former NSS chief and his robber barons has to be noted, the sniffling SNM militia, castrated in the traingle, with their false clan pride and non existent nation have indeed met their match. I hate to cheer for a Pirate, but this is so true!
  18. The funniest photo ever!Rayaale's suppressed chuckle indicates he is saying aamiiiiiiiiiin to "ilaahayoow kuwan sidaan u sawiray literally iyo siyaasiyanba sawirkooda u daa!"
  19. Ducaysane, oo arooska ka soo bixi ogidaa? war dabaysha u soo bixin dee for two months.
  20. It will be tough for Chelsea to beat a team which fields 4 first-class Argentinian and 4 first-class Brazillian players. And despite the error he made on this match, the best goalkeeper of the world in Julio Cesare. Chelsea played well but are out. I don't like Morinho but I can't stand another all-English semifinal or final. So, go Inter!
  21. Xinnow, gabadhu haday hadashay ha loo hiiliyo, considering the persecution against reerka odayga. Anigu Samatar wixii Hargeisa ka dhacay uma haysto (for there is no evidence he was personally responsible for any crimes), laakiin waxaa la ii sheegay 80 sarkaal oo Jigjiga lagu toogtay 1977 inuu amarka isagu bixiyey. Arintaasi haday run tahay, it is only fair he is tried for his crimes. Qudhac There is no evidence he did that. plus, why is Maxamed kaahin of kulmiye walking free when he was a colonel who murdered hundreds of SSDF supporters in goboladda dhexe? Rer-waqooyi badan oo xansuuqii SSDF ka qayb galay ayaa ugu nool Hargeisa like heroes.
  22. Originally posted by General Duke: In his book, Yousef names his Israeli handler as Captain Loai. The handler, who was not fully identified, was quoted by Ha'aretz as confirming Yousef's account. "So many people owe him their life and don't even know it," he said. "He did things he believed in. He wanted to save lives. His grasp of intelligence matters was just as good as ours – the ideas, the insights." Could his handler be his deflowerer too? Way iska cadahay in ninkan la farsameeyey at the jail.
  23. Originally posted by Archdemos: I don't like what Israel represents in reality today, but you have to admire them. A country with the population of 7.5 million has the entire Arab world of 100 million+ wincing by the balls. This statement is false. Israel without the US and the entire western world will not last a day against Arabs. second, over-dramatising the reach of isreal is the part of the mental warfare. I have grown with it since the very days i started reading espoinage fictions. many israeli's also provide intelligence to Hamas and Palestinians, but the latter do not have the same capabililty to act against Israel. Arcedemos must be a young credulous fella.
  24. This is really nice. You have the potential to be professional.