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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Are you saying Ireland is easy? Do you watch their games against France and Italy? Apparently, for you it is the name and not the squad! Ireland will beat England on current form. NGONGE, Lucas is not in the SQUAD. I know I included him there, but he is not there. I took that from thr wrong source. Go and check all the 22 players who were selected on the BBC. Those used and not used.
  2. I wish Norf finds the video and watches brazil's second-half performance. After allowing the Irish to huff and buff for most of the first half (still the score was 1-0), Brazil tested its multi-dimensional attacking formula and it was a joy to watch. The second goal by Robinho was vinatge Brazil! nice double exchanges, back-hills and tap-ins, it has all! Tuujiye must see the game now and tell me if the touches of Ronaldinho were missing!! Robinho was in blistering form. The Irish team that pushed France and Italy to the wall seemed an amateur team that mistakenly ended up playing Man U at Old Trafford. What a dominant performance from the samba boys. New boy carlos Eduaro in the midfield is something else. New striker Grafite showed touchs of briilliance and the defence as usual was solid. The only negative thing was that Adriano is still in the team and Gilberto Silva is not retired. Dunga also is experimenting how to play both Maicon and Dani Alves togather, by pushing Alves into more central role. If Brazil win a record sixth title, don't say you were not warned. Ngonge, Sadly, Lucas is not in the squad.
  3. Tolka's view of the owners of Las Anod is unequivocal. It is of highest regard, respect and feeling of indebtedness for their sincere and continous sympathy and moral support. What Farah Mo'allin said as a politician is not reflective of what the Tolka think of the matter. As far I know, there was a huge uproar and discomfort about Faarax's utterances. I have personally written to him protesting his position on Somaliland.
  4. Farah Macallin doesn't support secession of the North. He merely called upon the SSC to join hands with Somaliland as he thought their interst will be srved better there. Right or wrong, it is his opinion. Personally, I don't think it was his business to do that.
  5. Pedophiles live in all socities. No society is immune from this. It is a sad development though.
  6. General Duke, you are desperate to paint me with your Yey brush of clan-centrism. For me, Sheikh Axmed Madoobe and Alshabab are the two sides of a coin. Maadeey, habaarka iga daa go'e. In aad Alshabab supporter tahay miyaan ka been sheegay? Waa maxay habaarku? I didn't say anything against you. Call me ONLF supporter and I will not feel insulted. Bush and Blair anigu waa necbaa and the record is here of my position when Ethiopian attacked Somalia. Laakin, niman qaranimada Somaliya aan rabin oo aad iyo aad u liita oo waalan oo savage ah inaan taageero ila ma qumanaan.
  7. Indeed, he doesn't call people that. But who did Cowke call a pedophile? War Cowke wuu sumaysan yahay. But I like how he says he gets information before it hits the media. Cowke represents Puntland. That is what he told us and we take his words.
  8. Cowke's signature reads Puntland Always And Forever. So Help Me God. Duke's signature reads The Future is bright, the future is Puntland Cowke is the younger brother of General Duke. Waryaada, war stop hoodwinking us by calling each other fake. It is true you represent a fake entity, but you as cyber souls are real.
  9. No one is disrespecting him General buufaa! But he is Alshabab supporter.
  10. She is your people too if you only think of yourself as a Somali.
  11. Cowke, alias baalaxoofto, how many threats you dish out on an hourly basis. At least turn one of them into action so that you are taken seriously. Ninku hanjabaad badanaa.
  12. Karadzic fought for his people, that much is true. It was a war, but he also committed war crimes.
  13. No!No!No! Sherban. The title is right. Maadeey is Alshabaab, Alshabaab is Maadeey.
  14. looooooooooool@faysal! one better than his usual self. wa'ayo ka magaca sharmuutada lihi? where is haatu ha noo macneeyee?
  15. Dear Aw Muse, Your hand of brotherhood is accepted. I too wish to ask for your forgiveness for my overreaction and harsh rebuke. Let the matter rest that way! I did not take your earlier remarks about Dhagaxbuur badly and God is my witnes I received it with relaxed smile and genuine laughter. I understand people have different tastes and in this public forum will not be surprised if one I find perfectly normal is taken as offensive by others. We have different upringings and life experiences and it is to be expected we will have different tastes. Hence, it makes sense if what I said did not fit in your tastes. What I objected to is the fact that what I said was said with bad intent. Nothing in the tone, timing, and context in my congratulatory message hinted bad faith. By the way, I saw Emperor respond in some threads and therefore I am convinced he is with us here in SOL. Wa bilaahi Twafiik
  16. slovenia not slovakia is in this group.
  17. ^ let non-pirates pass a verdict on this matter, ya Jacphar!
  18. That is one case but he was finally arrested becase Mengistu wanted to form a common front against Somalia and Abdullahi refused to join hands with other rebel groups, specifically SNM. That much I am told. I am also told that senior SSDF comrades were accusing him of many things as part of their in-fighting.
  19. Aw Muse, Wax nasteex ah ood ka shaqaynaysaa ma arko. Naar-afuuf diraa diraa ah ayaan kuu arkaa anigu. I have grey hair to know who is for nasteexo and who is for fitna. I dismiss your patronising attitude and snake-like character with the UTMOST CONTEMPT!! Any Emperor should have a Prince and that is what I wished my brother. And more than anyone else, he knows that I am not talking with bad intent. Who are you to intervene and cry on behalf of another SOLER who have not given you any mandate to speak on his behalf? War isku xisho oo hiil aan macno lahayn iyo grandoise phraselogy about our culture and blah blah naf ha ka dayin! I am not known for not admitting my mistakes, but here I am convinced I am not at fault by any stretch of imagination. I was not talking about Progeny or whatever, but made an innocuous dig at a man I considered we are in terms that allows such exchange! The same way he could have said I wish Abtigiis another geeljire!' Hadal waa margi and intentions can always be misrepresented. You are trying to misrepresent what I said and to make a cheap profit out of it. And you do so by committing another not-so-hidden insult against me, as if the brother whose dignity you want to be protected has four balls and I have one and half! Is la yaab Aw Muse or so, and I again want to tell you what you are doing here is not nesteexo but devilish diraadiraanimo. Ma laha caruur baad dadka u haysataa ya Aw? Again, the same way you see me I am convinved you are a dishonest opportunist who is caught red-handed busy inuu dad walaalo ah kala fogeeyo. The dictionary defintion of Shame is what you are doing here!
  20. Brazil is just another ordinary team in a game that has no extraordinary teams anymore. That much I conceed. but flair and no tactics was why they waited for a cup from 1970-1994. Until, they realised they cannot remain world 'entertainers' and worked on their tactics and stamina. Let us wait and see who will progress further then. I am not a stranger to an English hype. But a team with Goalkeeper problem, which fields Rio Ferdinand at the back and still looking for a partner for Rooney is anything but great. For your information England was beateb by Brazil, Spain and any descent side that played them so far. They topped a group that has an ageing Croatian side and a mediocre Ukrain side. Aragnee, hedde!
  21. Cowke is falsifying history. Yey was arrested because of his failure to accept Mengistu's orders. But it was not because he was asked to give Somaligalbeed to Ethiopia. SSDF was a rebel group and Ethiopia knew it was a waste of time to get their approval on the matter.
  22. That SSDF surrendered unconditionally is a fact. Let people debate why they did or what compelled them to do so. But, I am a friend to a former SSDF senior commander, Colonel Bashir, who lives in Zambia and he told me it was because of internal division and factionalism.
  23. Ramsade Nothing shows your dishonest nature and selectivity in choosing the issues you want to refute than the fact that you quote part of my first statement and leave out what you didn't want. It is a common belief that when confronted with an uncomfortable situation, ostriches- which have the distinction of having eyes bigger than their brains- tend to bury their heads in the sand so that they do not see the approaching danger. By the way, I didn't say the comment belief is correct or not. Nor should I dwell on the veracity of fables when I am using them to point out other issues. I can't assume you didn't read this: The story, howver, is a controversial one, with some claiming it is just a myth. But the story forms the gist of denial, what Malika and psychologists would call " cognitive dissonance". And this dishonesty is even more apparent when you talk of the Lebanese civil war, when you know I was referring to the Isreali bombardment of beirut. Your hatred for Arabs and Islam is well-documented.
  24. Wigad, he can be hopeful, nothing wrong with that. But if wishes were horses... And seriously I think Inter will win the seria A for they are much more composed team than the Roseneri. Norf, I know you think James Milner is a better player than Felipe Melo (just because of the English hype) but I think England will sweat against Brazil. Did you watch the friendly? Although you may say England missed top names. Brazil didn't play with 100% potential too. We don't know who will win the World Cup. But I know it will be between Argentina, Brazil, Germany and France. Spain and England will help to warm up the tournament.