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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. LEST some will miss the link, Dhaga-bacayr is from? You guessed it right! PUNTLAND. Kullu cindi fidna minal cawar! Now General Duke and his clone Aw Muse will come to deny this! Six months ago a man who was my guest and is from Gedo region confirmed to me that Canjeex was involved in the summary arrest of Northerners that night. He also told me this denial story. When I pressed him to give me evidence that this man was actually participated in the killing, he said he can not prove that but he thinks he was involved. The account of Canjeex adds up with what the man told as far as his role is concerned. But I suspect the truth might be somewhere in between.
  2. Ngonge, thanks for bringing this up. many people wrongly believe I talked about when the 'maslax'-meets the wound that bleeds once every month. But I did nothing like that. look below and tell me what is X-rated about this: Until she uttered the excruciating words, as they lied back on one of their many furtive beds, in the middle of the night, Mohamed genuinely felt there is no reason why he has to disdain this prize of destiny. She was hot, humorous and munificent in her love. She sang for him in her local language with irresistible charm: As they stare at you from head to heel, Tell them to spare your eyes and teeth If they still insist in gazing at it, with their covetous eyes Please! Please! Tell them ‘fine, but my heart is hers’ He could no longer take any more iniquitous jokes. He quickly dressed up and left the room. He vowed there will be no more contact between them. Yet, a week before his supposed wedding, he was in La gazelle night club with her. She wore white pyjamas and jumped up and down on the stage under the giant Plasma screen. But, his self-hate for being a paltry incapable of containing his corporeal desires subsided when he saw the big Sheik, with elongated beard twisting it like no one does, next to her. The Shiek was a superb dancer, matching every beat thrown at the large screen on the wall with awe-inspiring efficacy: The Rap, Meringue, Tango, Ragge and even to Gosaye’s ‘Evangadi’ - the melancholic rhythm played in the dim floor of the sweltering Night club, mimicking the love-making rituals of the Hamer people in southern tip of Ethiopia. He felt consecrated. “If the Sheik can do this, God will forgive me for misbehaving”, he thought. The joy was short-lived as he soon greeted the Sheikh. It is not Xinn who made me stop my stories and in so doing killed whatever ambition I had of persuing my passion -literature. It is my committment to stand up to the Pirates political scavenging and the fact that I cannot fire on both fronts.
  3. Anyone but Spain and England. I am SURE none of this teams will win the World Cup. Argentina has suspect defence.
  4. I am seriously afraid in nimankaas nacaybkood aan Johnny A la baxo oo xerada uga baxo! I mean wasaq weeyaan. The amount of jaahilnimo is simply unimaginable.
  5. juding by the quality of some people oo arkay in my life, Xamar laftifeeda ayaa tuulo-WEYN aheyd! But still better than the rest.
  6. War dee dadkan Shabaab sheeganaya waa dad rer-miyi ah oo waligood aan magaalo arag.
  7. There is nothing intersting about this thread dear. The stories people give are no more credible than what people put in their profiles. Experiences are shared on a daily basis under several threads and sections and what Solers state by way of opinions carry the diverse backgrounds they come from, not only in terms of where they were born and raised, but also what descipline they studied and what they see in their environment and workplace. For your purpose, we can safely assume all SOL'ers are born in greater Muqdisho which includes Shabeelooyinka and upto Bay and Bakool. Those in the North are born in Hargeisa, never mind that I know jacaylbaro is born in Kamarooyaan, 165 kms to Sheikh town. Those who were born in janaay Cabadalla and Kabsumo are Kismayo boys. I too am Dire Dawa boy. Sidaa ku daaya.
  8. I must say Faarax's seemingly pro-secession position of Somaliland is not all bad news. It may go long way in bridging the unfortunate misunderstanding and resultant enemity between the ONLF community and Somalilanders. In that respect, it is a very positive development. The silver lining in this, I mean. It must also be stated that not making his political views known about this matter is entirely his prerogative and does not amount to being anti-somalia. However, I personally feel Faarax may be into this issue out of pure business calculations. Of late, there is talk he is keen to amass wealth.
  9. Dhisid maxaa keenay Gheele? Ma ciddaan ahay yaad ii quudhi la'dahay? I thank you for your concern, but I will appreciate if you like me for what I am. Now, falaadha ha nagu sii gilgilin.
  10. Originally posted by Gheelle.T: Castro found his cousin and AT&T is no longer a "long foot" interesting. Waraa, I am every bit a long-foot. That is what I grew up being and nothing will change it. It is a matter of belief and attachment, not only birth. I am not also running away from who I am. I can be Gby and still be O by association.
  11. People are taking the 'raised' part of the question to a whole different meaning. Folks who left Somalia at a young age, spent years waiting for sponser and managed to go to the west at the age of >20 are claiming they are raised in Californina. Waa la isu dhiibayaa meesha. Maaddeey The problem with the name ONLF is it bears a clan initial. Otherwise, no one would have linked some of us to a clan if they were WSLF. That is really the shame. Anyway, let me clear the air today. Just because I say I am from Degahour and I support ONLF doesn't mean I am from that clan. People forget there are lots of minority groups who are there. Aniga reerkaygu ONLF ma aha. I am from one of the small clans that are part of the wider "qabaa'iladda la takooro". But I am happy the way I am. I know I am a Somali and that is the most important thing.
  12. Don't worry Zack. Meeshan dadka inta ONLF, ama Somalilander, ama Puntlander ah qabiilkooda waan naqaanaa. The rest, waa uun qiyaas. It is not difficult to tell who is a Pirate, an aqoonsi-lander, and an ONLF from the discussions in the politics section. Ama Philadelphia ha joogo ama Beledweyne, a Pirate isma qarin karo. Sidoo kale, casiir boys lander noqdayna waynu haynaa like Ngonge. Markaa it is all clear. Maaddeey wali lambarkiisa ma hayo. Laakin way iska soo bixi doontaa. Faarax Macallin suu u difaacayey laakiin waxaan ka yaabi inaanu Ilmaader noqono.
  13. Born in Dhagaxbuur, raised in Harar and Addis Ababa. Laakiin, fasaxa iskuulka waxaan caano u doonan jiray miyiga. And that bucolic confidence refuses to leave me ever since. War Maaddeey'gani waa ba cir ka soo dhac. Inabba caadi maaha. ilaa xitaa Amiirka Alshabab xaasaskooda tel numberkoody hayaaa.
  14. KK Ayeeyo Africa anagaa soo dhaafi kari weyne maxaad noo caayeysaa? Iyadoo Africa ka keentay kulahaa?
  15. No, I am warning him that General Fake's myopia is incurable and long-lived. Jannanku waa ma gudbe. Maalinkaan meesha soo galay sheekadaan ugu imid ilaa hadda taayir horey ugama rogin.
  16. Did I tell you I was banned within a week of my entry to SOL horta. General Duke flooded about 20 thread with large photos of Yey and my blood boiled. It was the days Ethiopia entered Muqdisho and all Somali's felt the shame. Kolkaasaan anigoo xiiqsan nacalad isagiyo pirate'kuu yahay ba ku sii daayey. Rule'ka ba ma ogeyn oo meesha in maryaha la isu dhigan baan u haystay. Markii la i ban gareeyey muddo dhan baan sii xanaaqsanaa oon lahaa nacalaa idinikiyo aabihiinba ku yaal rer-hebeloow. I only read the rules later and realised what I did! Ilaa shalay dhowr jeer baad sharciga jabisay. Kolkaad aniga wax kala qaad ilahayd ku daro! Waa danbooy niman Tolka ihi ii dacwoodeenbaa la ii kitaab furay oo qiil la ii helay.
  17. Yaan lagu ban gareeynne, ma Pirate bay wax u galeen dheh! Ma muujiyee jacaylka Waan maldahayaa!
  18. Sherban dameerahanaguna isma saartaan oo hooyaday hadaan ku idhaa Bucharest waa maxay, ma wax dadka cunnaa mise waa mas magicii yey odhan! Laakin ugaaska Johnny B ah ergo reeraha ah ayaan u diri, oo aan ku odhan afkaaga iska hayso waxaad doni aaminsanoowe! Wuu dhaafay meeshii la isku luggoyn lahaa hanuunin.
  19. Horta nin Xinn af-carabigiisii naga qabta hellay. Balse ducadii ahayd ilaahow nin noocaas ah noo keen, waxaanaan ku darin ba oon Maaddey aheyn!
  20. Maaddeey sidaa tahay ayaan kugu wataa, balse you need a bit of history about me. I was fond of Alshabab too, and at one point my name here was Macalin Adan Xashi Ceyroow. Me and Kashafa were the best of friends. But when Ethiopia left Somalia, and I realised Alshabab's agenda is not national, ayaan candhuuftaydii dib u liqay. Adigaa waadhow soo hanuuni doonaa. Inkastoo aad KoolKat inaad duufsatid dadaal ugu jirtid, KK baan kaa naqaa oo adigay ku soo hanuunin doontaa.
  21. Originally posted by Maaddeey: Reer laas Caano PL ka raaceen ama Sl waa nin & fikraddiis, waa saxnaan karaa waana qaldanaan karaa, it has nothing to do with secession or supporting, Khalaas. SAXEEX.wakaa maaddeey kolkuu quman yahay.
  22. looooooooooool waraa hunguri, Mugabe is a genius. This week he bullied Tsvangarai to make him say 'the west must lift sanctions'. His propaganda guru -George Charamba is from another planet. waa niman bala ah.
  23. It is good to be fair. Laakin it is difficult to be so when one of the two in loo kala gar qaado ubaahan is an Alshabab sympitiser. All the wisdom you impart on this forum when you are not possessed with this bad spirit of Alshabab amount to nothing if you do not agree to stop, think twice and change course. Waxa maanta Ethiopia dadka ku haya ee US iyo aduun oo dhan u taageeraa waa because of Almansour iyo noociiisa. Ilaa kuwaa aan iska qabano Somali silic kama baxayso. Xinn de qalad la'aan ma aha oo waa biniaadam, laakin inuu prophetic yahay su'aal kama taagna. Waa nin samir badan. Although as an exception to this prophetic prowess we can always site the famous 'PEACE CARAVAN' of Sheik Hotel. We now know the sheikh dons military fatigue more than pakistani dress. Edit looooooooooooooool waa maadeys Sol, maaddeeyna wuu matalayaa. Waraa wiilka yaan la isugu tagin. His hands are already full with the biggest and most authoritative pirate in SOL.
  24. Originally posted by sheherazade: If she hasn't had a shag in two years, she ain't married. Many times over. Tell her to get some sense and a pit bull called Ball Cruncher. looooooooooooool@two years without shag! That is a BIG IF, I tell you. I also tell you if she doesn't have a shag for six months, she will reconcile with him and his other wife and accept him back. On the alaab-cruncher things, alahay ka ala. I am hearing them today. Tolow ma farsamo aana la socon baa?
  25. I envy men like this guy. I mean, some of us we do everything and still have to nurse petulant spouses. Sometimes I wonder whether it doesn't pay to just be a rolling stone habeen ba meel hor leh ka daga. Really, I think men like this guy ate blessed in this world if not the next. C@H, adigu gabadh yar baad tahaye don't get involved too much into this. You never know what women in love are capable of. Me, I have once gave a good advice to a lady who was living with an abusive/wife-beater. Gabadha ayaan wax isu aheyn. And she confronted him and finally it was over between them. After a year or so, she travelled the distance between Malagasy and Moroni to ask for his forgiveness and blew my cover by saying "waxoo dhan ninkaas ayaa ka shaqeeyey". Nowadays, I hear from people that she still refers to me as "ruufiyaan xun weeye", isagaa i waalay. But the fact remains the man is with other two wives and she utters those words even when she is bearing freash bruises from the night before. the antiqauted adage Naag caqligeedu wuxuu ku jiraa dabadeeba is valid at least for this case. That modern girls like Naden object to this primitive maxims doesn't reduce its truism in large section of our society. They are pathetic lot!