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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Saaxib OZ, this is the time when i really get pissed off. Lyon beat RM last night, yes! but they are not in the same pedigree as time will prove. They could have lost the game in the first half. consider this as an upset and let us not shower praises on otherwise mediocre players like the one's you named, who had a good night last night, but nonetheless remain below the level of the players in Real like Ronalado, Kaka, Ramos etc. You need to see what Lyon does next to say they are a big force. Yet, i still think they are a good team.
  2. Hooyo, hawaaaaaaayin walaala dhowr ah Hawaayin Somaliweynta! Welcome Lychee!
  3. I agree with Oz. I don't count on Arsenal dominance in the coming years. But, this year, I think they should win something. They are the most entertaining team in the world. Mind you, entertainment is not to be equated with achievement.
  4. Nothing wrong. Money is important in life. You are nobody without it. Laakin, it isn't everything as well. Some rich ladies whom I know always say their wealth intimidates men and only the greedy ones come after them. Way dhibban yihiin qaar aan aqaan, oo from the outside you would think life must be rosy for them. Some others who do not work and feel bored at home also do not know how much hussle and stress they are spared because their men are taking care of everything. There are also the lucky minority who have both sides of it. I think women should work and go out even after marriage, but the man earns enough to sustain good life style, and there are small children, it is best if she stays at home. She can do other things to pass time. If there are no children or they are grown up (over ten years), meeshay rabto iyo waxay rabto ha samyso.
  5. ninyahow ma aniga si kale u qaatay mise Juxa cadceeda ayey madaxa ku sidataa!! How many times did I see her talking about $$$$.
  6. Sheikh Sharif is a preacher. All that he has to say, he said during the occupation and I don't hear anything new when he speaks nowadays. That is his limit, he can hardly do anything more. But I don't doubt his heart. He is a good man. Yet, I think he shouldn't take himself seriously as a President. The way Gordon Brown welcomed him was a sad sight. He didn't come to the door to receive him and when Shariif was leaving, Miliband saw him off. Waa xanaaqay walaahi! Once Alshabab are defeated, Shariif should realise his capacity and must return to what he knows best: religious sermons. But of late, I have seen he also likes to draw applauses from women-folk. Even in this department, he reached saturation point. I heard he has four!
  7. It is one thing for two or a group of people to have a heated post-match argument about a football game – about the tactics employed, techniques of the players, turning points, and tactical nous of the coaches. It is quite another to get ensconced in your lavish sofa’s, sipping Albustani’s Casiir while playing video games, and spare only few minutes to catch the updates about a high-profile football match as Aljazeera’s sportsmen utter “saqaqat Porto bi arba’ati ahdaaf duuna rad…”, and then challenge the analysis of men who have to reschedule permanently their conjugal responsibilities on Tuesdays and Wednesdays nights to follow every action of football as it is played. It is also a different matter to be harassing colleagues over the phone for updates about the match you never watched, with ‘wareer badanaa’ aplomb, and then scuttle to the favorite cyber-pulpit to face head on seasoned experts, who have witnessed upsets and walkovers in equal measure. Elsewhere, experts of other disciplines proffer well-informed, well-canvassed opinion. They are highly regarded lot next to the friar. Not in SOL sports section. Here, to be a football analyst is to be a caveat emptor (let the buyer of their stories beware types). It is to be a rebel from all overbearing precedents and records. It is to watch AlWahda’s front man shaking the net of his opponents with scissor-kicks and to decide he is fit for a world cup final. It is to watch the silky moves of players in their twilight and make a nostalgic judgement about what they could do. It is to hate one player (for whatever reason) and to fit your analysis to your antipathy rather than the scientific evidences of the passes they completed, crucial contributions they made! And it is not only a SOL malady. I read the link Legend of Zu posted in one of the threads about how Arsenal will crush out against Porto by one Michael Somerville. I called him Tuujiye Somerville. The shallowness of the analysis, the amount of conjecture and hear-say put into it, is very much the same to those of Norf and Tuujiska. I am certian Ngonge would have been fit for analysis if he were to be patient and watch games. Even neophytes have the right to learn by doing. So, in many ways, it is easy to forgive such a trash talk for such a mundane sport. But, there is one mistake SOL has made in the past. That is when they put Duliye-Sare Nuune, with strong jara-ka-boodo and Leyla-gobolo background but little football, as the moderator of the section. It is when they encouraged credulous Uncle Bob to take himself as a serious commentator of football merely because Jubbadda-Hose happened to win half-of the Provincial championships in Somalia before the country collapsed. If England makes to the Semi-finals of the World cup, then perhaps the endless phones-calls of Tuujiye and the compendium of highlights Norf gathered would have paid off. It might point to a fact that one doesn’t need to waste his time watching a game for hours, to become an expert!
  8. Originally posted by chocolate & honey: Both of you(Ibti and AT)sound like qabiilaystayaal right about now. Puntland is not a pirate land. There are so many honest, hardworking people who have nothing to do with piracy. I am talking about the bad pirates. I cannot talk about Gheele T the same way I talk about General Duke. Overall, don't take these things very seriously. It is bad jokes, but at the end of the day just Jokes!
  9. Originally posted by Dhubad.: I actually thought Maadeey was Xiin for a while. Isku channel bay kahadlaan ! said as much. Just like Cara and LST are one and the same.
  10. Ibti is making a big mistake. She thinks the pirates of SOL care two hoots about somali decorum. She should know inay dadka ku goobtaan without any regard whether the person is male or female.
  11. He is wrong about Zimbabwe. It is the NGOs who are delivering food to anti-Mugabe parties. Ileen wixii la sheegaaba run unbuu u ekaan!
  12. Sayid is myopic; he only looks for fireworks from where the cannon is launched. He should know where a fire starts is not where it ends! Anyway, I confess I have watched Shabeel singing repeatedly. It was lovely.
  13. Shariif subscribes to the manly culture of the 'bare-foots' of Kandahar. Idin ma gaadayo ee car ii soo baxa maalinkaas!! lool!
  14. There is no doubt Maaddeey was the most exciting nomad in 2009 and this year. And it is unlikely I would have the amount of reservedness and cool-headedness that is his hallmark. If at all, he has a lot of similarity with Xinnfanin. Both are Arabic-phone, are masters in Somali, and almost debate in the same way. Maaddeey can sometimes make cheeky comments unlike Xinfanin, but I am convinced that need of saying what Xinn wants to say when he wants to get hard with some people is why Maaddeey was invented.
  15. This is the perfect pre-emptive strike. I was thinking of posting something similar and I have no doubt in my mind that General Duke and Aw Muse are one and the same. Even the vocabulary they use is the same! But now, it will look like I am reacting to this.
  16. What is happening in Addis Ababa is for me, like what is happening in Garowe for Xinnfanin. For now let us say my sources in Addis Ababa, who are more reliable than Garoweonline and Allidamalle. The reason I am saying you will hear it tomorrow is because I reported as it happened.
  17. You will hear it later. I have a source. It is from Addis Ababa. Apparently, websites qualify as the only source of evidence in the Eastern horizon. Wait till tomorrow. For now, treat is as a breaking news!
  18. Nin ka mid ah shantii nin ee ay PL qabatay ee ay Itoobiya u dhiibtay ayaa Feb 18 maxkamad federal ah la saaray. Ninkaas waxaa lagu magacaabi jiray Abdi Hassan Yusuf kuna magac dheeraa Teerso. Maxkamadda waxaa lagu soo saaray in lagu soo qabtay isagoo dagaal ku jira. Waxaa lagu xukumay xabsi daa'in. Wuxuu ku jiraa xabsiga uu Bashiir ku jiro ee Adis. Any they protest Faarax Macallin's innocous visit to Somaliland!! :mad: :mad:
  19. What we are witnessing is what I know we will be seeing quite often in the coming months and years. It is a sad state when Casiir-drinking boys whose pinnacle of football talent doesn't go beyond Al-Ain and Khaleed Timaawi predict what will happen on football fields. It is the era of Tuujiye and Norf as accompolished footie analysts and there is no wonder. When they tipped Liverpool to win the cup, I warned they will not get the fourth place. It is now sinking to them, finally. The world cup will come and will show them Spain and England are not as indomitable as they think. After that, if the admin and moderators do not ban them from making comments about football, then I think the whole section should be removed. Ngonge too. Where are Liverpool going to end the season? Saaxiib, the problem of anlaysing teams by looking at the profiles of its players alone is a weak one. One needs to see how they are playing consistently to understand their strength and weakness. Liverpool started panicking at the defence long time ago and are full of spirit but overall bad.
  20. Sayid may feel he has a duty to shield his fellow Maar-collector from the East some blushes by talking of premature surrender of the man from Fat stone. Indeed, there is no shame in hibernating when the tides are sailing your way and it serves higher purpose that I focused on going after those who are handing over freedom fighters for pilferages than satistfy my inane passion of writing about the wild side of humanity. But what Sayid should not forget is that a man hardly forgives the man who took away his virgin would-be wife. I lost a lot in not specialising where I could have been productive, but rather be reduced to exchaning clan vitriol with the likes of General Duke, alias Corporal fake and his clone Aw Muse.
  21. I am off to the Politics section. No more confessions. Anyway, I don't think Xinnfanin will be thanking his efforts to rob me of the matatayaal. Whatever comfort he got from n ot reading absurd stories, the poor man has paid with relentless war on Pirates. It is he who has to prioritise which one pains him more. Frankly speaking, whatever his decision, the moratorium on matate-story is ending. I wanted to announce it when I celebrated the 5000 post mark, but the events of the week didn't allow me to do so.
  22. Ngonge, you didn't read about the Basmaati-selling Lebanese wowan. Ku noqo oo akhri I added later (above). I told her, you know, as ma ogtahay waxa maanata dhacay kind of talk. Anyway, I am accident-prone saaxib. More serious thinks happened to me in the past. I checked into a hotel in Cape Town with my family one night. Markaan waxoogaa nastay from a long trip, I got a call from the reception lady asking me to come and settled the account. I went there and paid in DebitCard. But, while there, I saw something (I don't remember whether it was football match or some breaking news on a TV in the bar). Halkii ayaan wax yar fadhiyey (I still think it was not more than 10 minutes). And then I went back to my room. In the morning, male family members of the wife arrived to see us off to the Airport. When I returned the keys to the reception with everybody around and waiting for a taxi, the reception guy said "Are you checking out?" Haa ayaan ku idhi. Then he asked me "Ok. wait, let me give you your account so you settle." Waxaan ku idhi I settled. And this exchange was followed by everybody, reerka, qaraabada all were there because it was raining outside and some were carrying my children. Then, the guy said "You paid for room 424, but not 425." I told him I only stayed in Room 424. Then the bombshell. "Are you not settling for Mrs. Angelina in 425 where you slept last night?". qosol iyo yaab! I calmly said to the guy in a characteristic sarcasm (calling my wife to come closer) "This is my wife and I slept with her. And Her name is Cudbi, not Angelina." The guy quickly found out there was a mix up. And the thing was resolved fast. Only to resurface a year or so later when things heated up at home. According to the new version by Cudbi, " She was naive that night. I was called by a female. Went out. Stayed for 45 minutes (I still think it could have not been more than 20 minutes but I am not sure). And then in the morning, I was asked to pay for the room I slept in." When I get serious and say "If you even entertain this nonesense even as a possiblity, ina kala kexee", she says "I am just saying I can have this thing presented as an alibi haday wax xumaadaan." kkkkkkkkk. War ninyahow, I think I should do what the Kenyan women did and write about this things. Walaahi, my big brother, who is a taliban-style Mullah inuu muraara-dilaaco haddaana ka yaabayn my adventures and accident-filled life waxaan isku hayaa inaan Oscar ku heli la haa iyo inaan Booker pirze mid uun ku qaadan lahaa. Of course, that is if godd and professional writers write it.
  23. Waraa wonder what? Horta I read your story but I didn't manage to put my thoughts together and write what I think about it because I was in the middle of a dispute between a man and a woman. The women works for the government and is my counterpart. She asked me to give her a lift while going to the same meeting. Their office is adjacent to that of us. I sent a message saying 'come here and wait me downstairs at 9:15". I then went to prepare material for the meeting. She sent me another reminder after a while saying "I am coming now. I should be there in few minutes." I tried to respond to that message but hit "replay to message" and thought I typed "fine" and then hit send. Apparently, I didn't type anything and a blank message was received by the lady. When we met after 10 minutes she asked me what the blank message was about. I told her it was "fine". But that it was a mix up on my side. After the meeting was over, in the afternoon, she called me and begged me to talk to a dial a number she gave me and talk to her fiance who was apparently breathing hot and hot because of the " blank sexual message". I apologised to her but asked her if she thinks that will help. She said yes. I asked again saying he may even get more angry because she is now involving outsider. She said she is begging me to do so. I called the man who to my surprise was calm and seemed credulous. "O! is that so. She didn't explain properly. She in fact, got nervous. It is alright." he said. I told him that if he wants (i thought he may think I am a pretender used by the girl) he can come to our office, so that he understands that we work with the lady on many occasions and transport arrangement is one area where we assist her office. He said he will do so but didn't show up. A week from the incident, I met the girl again in another meeting and asked her if all is well. She said " No. your calling made it worse. I am dropped." In my manly days, this was considered a set-piece within the six-meter box given because a goalkeeper handled a back pass. But that was in the past. I apologized for causing her this problem and offered any assistance she needs from me to resolve the issue. I thought either the guy is madly in love or he is dangerous paranoid or he just wants to get rid of her. I told her the one I thought she would like: that he loves her and that she should try to help me come out of his suspicions by making everything clear. I don't blame the guy, honestly. She is an open-goal type, the way I see by just looking at her. When I was leaving her, I patted her by the shoulder but joked that if he doesn't behave, she needs to inform me again, for I am going to fix her with one from my country. That doesn't rule me out, of course. She should know. Adigu markaa arintii baa taagan and I am now sitting somewhere to see the guy who finally said I want to see the man. If you don't hear from ilaa caawa, wuu i dilay ama waa la i xidhay. Still, once arrintan aan iska dhameeyo, I still have a lot to do to my wife. I told her the story last week and she too is asking show me both of them si aan kuu rumaysto. NGONGE, this is not a story saaxib. Walaahi waa arin hadda i haysata. Sometimes I am like a Kenyan collegue of mine, who wrote about her real life and she won awards for the best fiction. If we meet by any chance, naagta buuga qortay waan ku tusi sawirkeeda or I will try to send to you by e-mail and the story itself. She is not taking it lightly, because this is following another suspicion text message I sent a month ago to a collegue. The guy, aad ayaan saaxiib u nahay, refused to bring something for an urgent matter despite my request and then I wrote to her. "Fcuk you." Then I deleted the message. Her relpy was "you too.". This nasty exchanges is coming from a story that was popular in the office that week [ the Indian guy who talks about the multiple uses of the F word]. Now, xaaskii waxaa loogu macneeyey islaan ay jaar yihiin oo carabiyad ah, " the reply can only come if your husband sent a previous message oo uu mu leeyahay "I LOVE YOU". Balaayaa taagneyd but I resolved that one, by challenging the English-literacy level of the Lebanese women who sells basmaati rice to us. So, any debacle involving text message is going to take some weeks to be be solved! About the story, I liked the part where the sheikh's are fighting over the attire. Sheikh Sharif Vs Osama!
  24. ONLY FOR MAADDEEY, The missive below which I wrote some years back to my friend Xinnfanin at the height of Ethiopian occupation of Somalia might help you see why what you see now with regard to Alshabab is obsolete and that the zeal you have for endless armed struggle is something that I have gone through as well. It will show you that our position on the terrorist networks attempt to make Somalia their breeding ground for ever does not promote the return of Somalia's statehood. I hope it will show you where General Duke's negativity about Sheikh Sharif's government is coming from. It also shows why I believe Xinnfanin has been very clear about his vision from the start and hence why he deserves my appreciation. The missive highlights the struggle I have had with social conservatives and and a sad story of a budding talent killed before it grew any branches. I still feel like an out and out striker of David Silva's stature used as a goalkeeper. Reply With Quote Repent XINN! Repent! This multi-faceted missive is to dear friend Xinn, whose acumen has dimmed over the year. It is a last-ditch effort to save one of the last Somali gentlemen who is under-going an emotional and intellectual obscelescene born out of idiopathic factors. ------------------------------------------------- For heavens sake, you are not Xaaji Xundjuf- the zany secessionist who wields slogans of ‘way dhaqaaqday Somaliland’ and ‘down with the F.aqa.sh’ with such macabre allure. You are not the delinquent juvenile Dhulqarneyn who relishes in splashing dung to satisfy his blazing odium for certain Somali clans. And who refuses to speak to anyone without making sure he is equipped with debilitating verses from one of the white-guys he is told were great. You are not General Duke, the serial rapist of truth, intent on forcing us to genuflect to an octogenarian playing dirty skirt to perennial enemy. You are not even Oodweyne, that raconteur- who cons cheery youngsters in SOL with vacuous pronouncements devoid of any sagacity, but whose unassailable mastery of the Queen’s language more than offsets for his luck of substance. You are not in their pedigree, or at least that is what I think of you. You belong to a distinguished club of people endowed with intellect and objective thinking. You are in the pedigree of CHE et al. Or at least, you have belonged there until your inordinate fascination with falsehoods and likelihoods got the better of you and you shunned exploring fundamental dialectic on how to regain lost freedom. Until your wilful under-understanding made you follow sonorous rings of peace that never were! Until your strategic ‘naivety’ and convenient ‘pragmatism’ took you to the level of brewing delectable illusions for dreamy easiness! Wake up! And repent Xinn! There is no peace in Djibouti. There won’t be peace in Nairobi. Peace will come out of the barrel of the gun. It is a cruel proposition, but a factual one, nonetheless. You chose to subordinate your judgement to a pre-determined image of you as a peace-lover. That image will still be preserved if you set out to articulate why you don’t see peace coming out of the daily shenanigans and shady deals in lavish conference rooms. It is not too late! You well understand that Sheikh Sharif’s initial modesty has yielded to the glamour and comfort of the profile of public life fate hurtled him into. You must view the fight for re-liberation and the way forward for peace in Somalia with a Manichean simplicity. It is the good guys against the bad guys! The phase we are in now is where we talk about sovereignty and regaining our independence. The next phase is where we need to debate whether we need this or that group, ideology, interpretation, or system. Just look at the fundamental things here: There is no possibility of reconciliation when one party to the deal is tied at the joints to the enemy whose interest vitally conflicts with that of Somalia. Unless your good Sheik -who you will agree, has lost his muse ever since he dropped his turbine in favour of a suit- is going to give in and append his signature to something like the Versailles treaty in WWI; what is on offer is not even half of what he refused in Kartoum well before thousands of young men were sacrificed. He is already a part to a watcher-averse political voluptuary, and anything is possible, I should know. Unless you don’t intend to continue the ruse on the need to accommodate the obligatory political players as you often portray the TFG thugs; you know there is nowhere in the history of the world, where the traitors who came with the occupying enemy had morphed into rulers of a freed nation! What Marshal Petain and the Vichy’s didn’t get, Abdullahi Yusuf won’t get! Repent Xinn! Repent! On a personal note, that you are rummaging for the brace in your conjugal expedition must not result in an imposition of a magisterial censure on my bed-time stories. In many ways, it is not your mistake. If the SOL women would have shunned you like they did to me, you wouldn’t have had the trouble of proving your worth to anybody! You would have said what you think is right, not what you think is politically correct! I personally resent latter-day Salafist who seeks to set boundaries to my pen. And does so with a righteous aplomb! I, son of Tolka, friend of CARA, must oblige this angry maar-collector from the East???????????! [big Grin] My foot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!