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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Waryaa Ilax, war ilaahay ma ku nabad keenay. Xageed ku maqnayd ya jolle biya keenya!
  2. At a time it seemed children who dropped their diapers only a decade ago were coming into SOL in droves; at a time seasoned SOLers, like Baashe, seemed to have gone close to hanging their keyboards up for good; at a time Oodweyne has gone into long holiday both by mouth and deed and his long-winded albeit fascinating rethoric is missed; at a time A&T’s bucolic bed-time stories dried up; at a time Ducaysane and Emperor put genuine pleasure before cyber-fun ; and at a time Faroole’s progeny in the shape of General Duke and Aw Muse flaunt their weird nationalism with aplomb much to the chagrin of most SOlers, a man with humility but not devoid of humour and appetising ideas arrived in this forum of choice for many in 2009. A&T profiles the new charm of SOL, Maaddeey. 36 year old Maaddeey, his real name believed to be Mukhtaar Sabdow, was born to a Somali father and Borana mother in Isiolo, NE of Kenya. He did his primary school in Kenya but later moved to Mogdisho at the young age of 12 where he lived till the collapse of Somalia. A graduate of Gahayr University, who also completed compulsory national service at Xalane, he initially fled to North Western Somalia, but returned to his birth country Kenya later, from where he is believed to have taken a boat to HadralMot (Yemen). He learned Arabic language in Yemen, but later won a scholarship programme offered to Somali refugees by UNESCO and went to Kent, England for further studies. Maaddeey is revered by many and reviled by many more in SOL. He is never dull when making his points and is careful and sensitive for most part, mainly on clan related topics. For a man who has gone far in Islamic studies, he at times displays shocking myopia. He believes Alshabab have positive sides. Some, like Ngonge, are convinced Maaddeey is an underground Shabab operative, but there is broad consensus that he is not an active member of the group but that he is an apologist for the terrorists. Ironically, Maaddeey is also believed to be a strong nationalist, and while it is fair to criticise his approach, few doubt his intentions. Maaddeey is funny, cheeky, wise and shallow in equal measures and is an enigma to most SOLers. The fact that he was suspected of being a script for a range of different personalities, from Ngonge to his arch-rival Xinnfanin, from an invention of mine to Kashafa’s new face is indicative of the multiple characters he displays. Whoever he is, it is clear he has added much needed charm to SOL. No one knows about his marital status, although unconfirmed reports abound that he has three children from previous marriage to a Yemeni women. But he is not short of tricks to woo women and only fools will bet against him landing one SOL lady before the end of the year, judging by the slick talk and suggestive manoeuvres he puts on here. He has certainly been my toast in the past months. Ladies and gentlemen, shall we stand and give Maaddeey a big cheer for his entertainment and useful contributions.
  3. Originally posted by Castro: Generale, I think you're mistaken about NGONGE. He never made it a secret that he has both flags under his mattress. His argument has always been he would pull out the flag of Somalia if it achieves peace before Somaliland achieves recognition. And vice versa. But he is lied to about the chaos in Somalia. As a new covert, he is credulous. He is counting on the recognition to come before the choas ends. Been baa loo sheegay. Otherwise, he is secessionist to the bone-marrow.
  4. I was convinced Raamsade is the man who represented SOL.
  5. With a doubt, Rooney is the best player right now.
  6. Now Xaaji, reasoning is not your forte. Please get on with your digs which are funny.
  7. Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf: Ta yar eeh cass eeh xijaabka bluega xiidhan is kind of cute, Mey iksa deyso buuqa ay iska so dagto hargeisa looooooooooool
  8. I remember Oliver Kahn (if the German goalkeeper is the one you are referring to) for giving two goals to Brazil in WC 2002 final. He was a good goalie, but erratic and unpredictable. I will rate Iker Casilas of Spain as a world class, inaddition to the one I mentioned before.
  9. I take it as Nuune is ignorace of how Ethiopians feel about football. It is the number one sport. They have won one African Cup of Nations (although they played only one game against egypt then). Their youth team qualified to World under 21 cup in Argentina few years back. But overall, they are poor. Perhaps Nuune also doesn't know that in Dire Dawa hardly a game ends in peace when Cotton plays Railways, or that in Addis Ababa Stadium barely a third of the crowd that comes out for the derby between Coffee and St.Georges turns to watch Kenenisa and Haile when they are participating in the national championships. Anyway, I said I played for the Uni and also for High-school in Harar. It is sad Tuujiye and Norf are two guys who I hold with the highest regard and esteem, but in Sports section, I just can't turn blind eye to their ever-worsening baloney.
  10. In many ways the voice of somali unity is done a disservice by Awdalities who despite being known for their staunch Somalinimo, preferred to go silent and take their role in this skit of dowladnimo just because Rayaale in power. When they stand up and say no to this clanish separatism, along with SSC and Salal region -and let us not forget there are lots of unionists in the Berbera-Hargeisa-Burco triangle- the whole dream will be untenable.
  11. hear!hear!hear people. The best defense composed of Kolo Toure, Ledleky King and Puyol. Loooooooooooooooooooooooool! Where are the people, Oz, legend of Zu and others who know about this thing. Tuujiska is getting ever more comical with each new post! Tuujiska, When I was first-class University striker, with a tiny 55 KG but speed of light and full of heart, you were probably rampaging dance floors in Muqdisho weedings, clad in Azzaro shirt and Idol trouser! Waryaa, not only I played football, but was good at it. One day, someone who knows me will join this forum, and what he will tell you is that I was never known for bed-time stories in my youthful days but football. I still play albeit with slow pace.
  12. ma nin rer-bari ah ayaa si sahal ah boos looga qaadaa?!! Mu'addin xitaa haddii masaajid laga badalo, xabbad inay bilaabato filo.
  13. Anigu Somali baan ahay reer Somaliya se ma ihi. Inaan se noqdo waan jecelahay. Protocol xumida laakin waan ku arkay. The old generation weeye laakin. In the last 19 years, lots of young pople got educated and exposed to urban life and they are Ok for me when I meet them in big events and elsewhere! But Somali politics is still dominated by the old guard who are utterly ill-protocoled. Qaar baad arkaysa masuul qudbad jeedinaya dheegta wax u saaraya. Qaarbaad arkaysaa Tie dheer intay shaadh luquta balaadhan hoosta garan ilaa halcunka gaadhaya ooy ku qoran tahay " Addidas" ama "reebook" xidhan oo iska qoslaya.
  14. rer-Somaliya anigu Protcol kuma ogaan jirin. Waa wax qaab daran badankoodu.
  15. At least if I am made a moderator in this section, I could spare myself the drops of acid exasperating my ulcers eveytime I see such top drawer drivel as Toure and King are the best defenders. Kaalay, I seriously think Tuujiye is even worse than I thought. Waryaa, both of those guys actually can win the worst defenders title. NG, I noted Norf's nonesense which is truly shocking! But at least he admitted he doesn't watch games, but highlights only.
  16. The SNM was engaged in legitimate struggle although their accounts of the level of oppression and the number of people killed by Siyad's army is grossly exaggerated. They also brutally killed two of my cousins whom they accused of being the "dangerous Shiish-wanaag", who were fiercly pro-government. Yet, I don't think it is right to indict their leaders, with the exception of Mohamed Kain and few others for crimes they commited while they were senior army officers in Siyaad's government against SSDF supporters.
  17. The name of the traditional birth attendant iga umulisay my mom was Xukun Weerar. No hospital at all.
  18. Even best goalkeepers make mistakes sometimes. That is a fact. But there is no doubt Julio Cesare comes out from every game making incredible saves. I mean you probably think Buffon or Cech are the best, but how often do you see them make wrong timings? Anyway, I watched Julio over and over and over and I can confidently say he is the best. Perhaps Van der Sar comes second.
  19. Just google and look for 'who is the best goalkeeper right now in the world?' Lucio is the best central defender. There is no doubt about that. It is good gradually people are exposing one another about their source of information and about highlights. Tactics are the key in football. Technic alone is not enough. I am praising Brazil because they are getting their tactics right, to a level that makes Italians amateur.
  20. The sight of Somaliland's foriegn affairs Minister Abdullahi Mohamed Ducalle seeking an appointment with the 'President' of the Somali Segional State in Jigjiga to discuss security, and cultural exchanges this week, was a far cry from the high-profile 'Tolka' receptions in lavishly decorated halls in North America and Europe. It points to a swallowing back of some pride by the independence-seeking Somaliland. What is more depressing for the northern guys is that Sheikh Sharif's hapless government is getting international support and while it is to be acknowledged the protocol-killer Sharif is not a good sight in non-Arab countries, it was good to see he is hanging out with the movers of this world at the Downing street. It is important to magnify and exaggerate the significiance of this event, because if it were Rayaale or Silaanyo who happened to get inside that edifice of power at the #10, we would probaly have sought an uncertified sick leave from SOL as it is pampered with flashy pictures of the charisamtic con-man (Rayaale)smiling broadly before the gallery by the side of Gordon Brown. The unmistakeable message would have been that Somaliland would be granted the coveted seat at the UN before the next Valentine day in 2011. So, for now, real Somali unionists, including myself a member of HaNoolato Renaissance Party have the last laugh. Whenever the much-abused title of President appears before the governors of provincial enclaves, the valid answer would be "compare like with likes; Comapre Rayaale with the President of the Galmudug state Mudane Mohamed "who-cares-to-know-about-his surname". And the killer blow would have come from the realisation that it was the sons of the North who graced the Somaliweyn event in London. Of course not the medicore Xaji Xundjuf's and Sacad-hebels are to be expected to grow out of their clan shtick! It was men of wisdom who represented the wise people of the North. Mohamed Abdullahi Omar sat beside the President, while his younger but much popular brother Raaghe led stage, exuding charm and undying Somalinimo. He was a cause for optimisim! But all that is happening in foriegn lands. It is what initially looked as a mere joke - the declaration of a Qussussi after much deliberations by the imperial-looking Daraawish people of SSC that will ultimately confine Somaliland's recogntion trek to the pages of 'collection of delectable wishs' books. The Qussuussi are getting serious. Massive numbers of zelous Qussuusi supporters came out in support of their declarations, waving the blue flag of the nation right in the middle of the Buuhoodle. The wave is to spread soon. What made the colonisation of the SSC, ironically, by a clan that fought oppression from clans they percived as 'clonialists', was not the might of Somaliland's miliary or the manpower Mohamed Saqadi Dubad can mobilise to quell rebellions in those areas. That might is just enough to grab wailing women -like Bisharo Wacdi, from Gacan-libaax and Guryasamo neighbourhoods and take them across Wajaale to Ethiopian Security agents. That is all the delapitated armoury of Somaliand, the 1935 caliber machine-guns mounted on Isuzu and N3 heavy duty trucks can achieve. It cannot subdue the fighers of SSC if it comes down to that. This is not news to anyone. What made the colonisation of SSC possible was the internal divisions among this people and the mercenaries from within. Will Somaliland police stay for a day in Las Canod without Cali-Sandule? Or Xaabsade? It does justice to my claim that these men are not the cleanest in SSC ranks that their names tell it all. What the Qussuusi did so far and hopefully will do next is to unite this people for one cause. For the only cause for which they are known for. At no point in history did the people of SSC sided with the enemy of Somalinimo, from the Sayid days to the Siyaad days. At no point in history did the SSC people accepted a flag with clours other than blue. The Qusssusi are here for real and if they coordinate their activities with other unionists inside the triangle and in Awdal and Salal, Faysal Cali Waraabe's vindictive clique in Hargeisa will be weakened in no time.
  21. My favourite channels from the DSTV may be National Geographic and History. But my third favourite channel is CRIME AND INVESTIGATION. It is there where I learned that what seems unrelated and irrelevant with the first sight about a crime scene turns out to be a key clue about a killer or a rapist. Here I have a look at the Under-score (_) in the name Karl_Polanyi and it all fall in pattern. There are somethings we are so fond of doing even when in disguise. Remeber Feb_Bruv? Welcome brother. You been missed, no doubt.
  22. There is no bad luck that hits you twice! They lost the Confed cup, and if they lose again, it is not because of luck. By the way, Pique and Puyol are not good players. They are vulnerable. Iniesta is the best player in the team, and Torres is not in good shape. I think they are not going to overwhelm teams in the World Cup. It is always tricky to judge Spain on frendlies. Long before they become a real power, they were known for beating big teams on frendlies. They panic when it is a serious match. Let us wait and see. I am objecting to the analysis of those who are clearly not watching full games. Now, they can do as Ngonge is doing and simply spew out what the media is saying. Their chances of accuracy is higher for the media is run by professionals who know the game. That will help in the area of prediction. But when it comes to evaluate which team will find which team tough to beat, one needs to know the tactics of both teams and how they play out each other mentally. For instance, Brazil will find France too difficult to beat even as we know France is not a good side right now. I welcome the former Arsenal Midfielder, Karl!
  23. What if you have money but you are not healthy? What if you have a sick child? I would say happiness is everything. Money is instrumental in achieving it, but there are things it cannot buy. By the way, few years back, I was fond of the 'money is everything' mantra.
  24. Money is not everything. Only a poor person would think it is everything.