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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Abdilatif waa nin oday ah, laakiin waxay saaxiibo yihiin Xinnfanin. Markaa Xinn raadkiisa qaad uun. Xiin baan waxa oo dhan ka dambeeya.
  2. Koora Adeeroow ninkaa eed badan baa laga sheeganyaa. Nairobi niman inay kaw ka siiyaan raba yaan ku arkay. Warka hala gaadhsiiyo Ilka-jiir, oo Ethiopian uu wax weyn u qaatay ha ka hadho.
  3. Originally posted by Karl_Polanyi: secondly,Ancelloti is even admitting what AT is denying here: "Ancelotti reluctantly agreed with Mourinho’s analysis and conceded that his players performed below their best. Is this an endorsemnt of my point or a contradiction. I am saying the players did not play well for chelsea last night. Inter did nothing out of the ordinary. The same game could have ended 2-0 for Chelsea. Dadka result markay arkaan analysis aan jirin u kaca ayaan ka yaabaa. If Inter lost, we would have said maicon was not allowed to go forward, Malouda was allowed space blah blah. Chelsea played exactly the way they play with big teams. No one expected them to squeeze Inter into their box as if Inter is Coventry city. In football, tactics only work when players perform on the day. If the tactics are right, but the player is not doing well for the day, Cambiasso staying in the middle won't make a diffence.
  4. Hunguri, UN iyo waxaas ka bax adeer. Ninkan Ilka-mouse ah waxaanu ku haynaa cadaymo inuu sirdoonka Ethiopia la shaqeeyo ee ama naga qabta ama mid Dhahar dhuxul ku sii wada oo madaxa ku dhufano la waayi maayo.
  5. Oz, I don't credit Mourinho for anything. Any of the last-ditch blocks by Samuel or Motta could have gone in, and you would have been talking about how Morinho is useless. The fact is at this level, the performance of the individual players on the day matters more than the tactics of the coach. The two teams can play next week with the same tactics, and Inter could get a beating! Football is like that!
  6. War ileen raggu waxay la waashaan markaan Pirate ku la kaftano waa rag lagu masruufo pirate proceeds! Ilka-jiirkan isaga Hunguri ayaan ku dacweeynaynaa. Ethiopia Sirdoonkeeda inuu la shaqeeyo ayaan soo xaqiijiyey. Jacphar horta isaga waxaa waxbarshadda jaamacadda sponser gareeyey Eyl consortium for Tiertiary education.
  7. SSC elders would be best advised not to put their money on puntland bringing back Lascaanood. There is nothing new here, and if the Khussuusi is not going to organise SSC people to rebel against Somaliland, the status quo will be maintained.
  8. These are the times I wonder if Xinn knows what he is talking about. War it is Israel that dictate US policy not the other way round. So and so got serious with Israel ha ku wareerin. I am sure you know more than that. Are you aware that Hillary Clinton has spoken after this incident, affirming US solidarity with Israel? been allow run ma moodayeeey!! heestii aheyd...
  9. wadaniyadda armuu u jeedaa al-wadani al islaami oo caalami ah!
  10. Originally posted by B: In order to substantiate whether they are the same persons, i think the IP address should be checked. followed by the location of the IP address. if its true, then the same person has the two different browsers opened simultaneously (possibly firefox and google chrome) on the same computer. internet explorer can be messy at times. Somalidu waxaan muran galin ayey muran galisaa. War, la iskuma haysto in Maaddeey script yahay. Waxaa la isku haysta yuu u yahay?
  11. What about my prophecy? if not for this incident, he would have gone for another one! It is easy to see when players are agitated and out of their mind! Who did this to him? Lucio and Samuel. He can't have a sniff at the goal. What awaits Rooney if your England meets Brazil.
  12. Didn't I tell you: Drogba is off! red!
  13. Madarassa carabi ah ayaad isiolo ka dhigan jirtay sidaan xogta ku helay!
  14. looooooooool Drgoba angry over Inter player dive!
  15. Bye Chelsea! Goal Eto'o!
  16. It can go either way. But I am not sure if Chelsea will finish this game with 11 men.
  17. Abdullahi yusuf was a known traitor and killer of innocent Somali's. Sheikh Sharif was a macallin dugsi catapulted into this position by fate. The two are incompareable. Still, Sheikh Sharif has lots of flaws. GT, alliance ma raadinayo. Reerkayagaaba meesha u xog roon, kolka lagu daro Johnny B.
  18. Drogba to see red soon. Any team is bound to get a couple of chances in a game.
  19. Maaddey is a unionist. And not a fake one like most pirates. It is unlikely we will fall out. of course, that may happen eventually if the Kashafa-syndrome doesn't leave him soon.
  20. Soo kaad lahayd when Inter defence is not great. Soo ma aragtid Chelsea inay meel mariyaan la'yihiin.
  21. Everbody knows Gheele T is Xinnfaninn markuuna xanaaqsanayn. Isku meel bay ka soo galaan mawjad ahaan.
  22. hedde meesha waad nagu cidlaysee ma banki jigjiga ayaad gaadhay?
  23. 13 minutes in the Inter-Chelsea game. Inter playing confidently. I don't know who to support. I like Inter and hate Chelsea. But how can I wish good that loudmouth Mourinho? Where is Norf now? Sleeping. Thanks to Aljazeera, he will catch up with this tomorrow.