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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Torres is not good on the ground. He is also not strong. He is overrated. Good goal though, but he did nothing. The Worst player in the field was Steven Gerard. And that is the guy Norf counts on for the World Cup. Mascherano always does more harm than good. Man U deserved to win. But the main issue is SOL's Tommy Smyth (I watch him frequently)-Tuujiye. For someone who thinks whether your team is on the top spot is a measure of your football knowledge, it is a bad week. Arsenal now have more chance of winning the cup than Chelsea. But it will take something special to deny Man U. They are awful this last months. Tuujiye waa roob-la-da'. Kolba qolodda badisa umbuu la jiraa.
  2. Abu-S insulting the good people of the North. Waryaa, Hargeisa oo dhan waa u dhaqan martisoorku. Sida Puntland in Kaluun ilaa qureec iyo casho lagugu wado miyaad sugaysay. It is obvious in JB uu yahay qof shaqsiyad fiican. Laakiin, waxaa kaloo anigu aan arkay waagii uu i martigaliyey inuu iska kay dhisayey aniga maadaama rer SOL aan ahay. Intii aan wada soconay dhow qof oo ka cabanaysa oo leh "war de sidani waa maxay?" waan arkay. Inkastooy Gabdho u badnaayeen. Maaddeey, arintan martisoorka anigu Xiinfaniin waan ku dagi lahaa, laakiin adiga iyo Ngonge maya. Dadka carabiga ku hadla oo dhan baan sas ka qabaa. Xinn isaga umuu dhalaan gacan-furaan laakiin suugaanta ayaa influence gareyn oo koley wuu dadaali, naftuba ha haysee!
  3. Despite your refutations, your poem has the hallmark of Nuune's involvement.
  4. Gheeloow, Anigu maaddeey waan taageersanahay 100% waxaan ka aheyn kolkuu Alshabab igu noqdo. Sida kale, he is an oracle.
  5. looooooooool Ngonge's first ever somali afareey. With a little bit of reordering it gets to Xinn's waabsi level! Ha maslixin masaakintani, ma hadhi doonaane Mashaakiil iyo maalaayacnay, meesha ku hayaane Inta aad takbiir muudsatood, madaxa soo duubtid Mar qudhuun ku qarax duulkan, aan meela kugu daynayn Ngonge, you are about there. Xinn waa loo yaaba!
  6. loooooool@gogol-dhac is divorce! Far from it. It goes close to honeymoon. Saaka ma xaawalaydii unbaa meesha shaah isugu shbaysa? Waan idin salaamay dhamaantiin.
  7. Abdullahi Botan was on Universal TV last week and among many xikmad he said, I found the definition he gave to Somali's very accurate. He said when a somali comes to a new place, the first question is "meel Somali deggan tahay ha la i geeyo." They all come concentrate in one area. Yet, they are very antagonistic to one another. Hence, he called them "Is-eegatada aan is-ogoleyn"! classic Waxaa kale uu yidhi we are confused by the several Madaxweyne titles. He proposed that the Madaxweyne title be reserved to President of Somalia, but the others (who he called dawlad-goboleedyo like Puntland and Somaliland), should call their leaders "Tun-weyne". Wali madax-wayni magaadhine, meesha ayuu ugu tunweyn yahay buu yidhi.
  8. LST Waxba maaadan ula hadhin Maaddey. Adigoo bil caddan u ban gareeya oo magaciisa meeshi ka yari ku sawirnaa ee xumayd ku soo dhajiya ayaa u dhaantay!
  9. of all people ma xitaa LST ayaa dagaalka soo galay. Bas. I am with Maaddey now. Tuugtiinan kale waa in la iska kiin qabtaa.
  10. Just because Maaddeey abtiyaashii do not speak Somali means they cannot participate in this argument and that is a big disadvantage. But he has lots of fans to more than make up for that. isagayse tilmaan ka sugayaan. Tolkii mayara meesha laakiin wax isku dubba ridda sida Xinn wax isugu duwo oo kale ayey la'yihiin! Haatu, war ma kaligaabaa rer NFD meesha ka jooga? Isiolo iyo Kajiado meel aad la hadashaba birmad dalbo.
  11. Maaddeey waaguu khamiiskii ka cararay ee uu suud xidhay way ka horeysay dagaalkan. Anyway, nin waxan u joojin buuna aheyn.
  12. Romania ayaa qaadi ma odhan. I said they will do well. Indeed, they were a penalty away from causing a major upset, although they didn't live upto expectations. Waagaa ma daawan jirin'e media'ga yaan kala socday. Yaan la ii tirin. Midda kale prediction can go wrong in football. Wax weyn ma aha. Bal hadda noo sheeg midka badin doona liverpool iyo manchester united on sunday.
  13. number 11 ileen waa la ila qabaa! I have to adjust hadaba.
  14. I have no problem with OZ. The real issue is why am I even bothering to comment in a section that has Nuune as a moderator? His speciality is flying planes, and unless someone thought that he will see all of the action and spectators movements from atop, at the evidence of his football knoweldge it is hard to see why he should be allowed to talk about football. His aerial view could still be useful in providing vital information to prevent crowd disturbances, but it is difficult for him to tell who was tackled and who missed a header from that distance.
  15. I would say I hate Manchester firstly. Secondly, I will like Arsenal to win the cup. If that is not possible, I will take Chelsea over Man U. But Liverpool and Arsenal are my teams in England. My loyalty also shifts depending who plays for who. I may desert Arsenal if Christiano Ronaldo joins it. You see, nowadays, you like players or coachs more than brand names of teams. At the national level, I support Brazil. I don't like England. Why I didn't like your analysis is because it lacks originality. Someone wins, and you become oblivious to their weaknesses. Next time, Barca plays and losses, you will say they are rubbish. Football doesn't work like that. An average team can beat a big team on any given day. That dosn't mean that team will repeat it. Chelsea may beat Inter today if they play again with the same tactics. The element of luck is always there.
  16. I am starting to think to add Oz to Tuujiye's list. Waa maxay guusha unbuu sharxaayey. Waryaa Ancelloti's style is different than Mourinho. Capello is different than Guardiola. That a coach shouted doesn't mean he has lots of ideas. That he didn't doesn't mean he is running out of it.
  17. Maaddeey meel adag bay ka maraysaa caawa. Sidii Oodweyne, bold waxaan aheyn waa laga la'yahay. Xinn baa dad ku soo abaabulay, inaadeerkeey ku jiro.
  18. It is not the laughing bald guy who calls a phone when he hits another car. War waa the handsome guy with nice suit, xafiiska loogu imanayo.
  19. what about the Baravan guy who reads the news (Abdihalim something) with hysterical voice and stress? What about baffo? the young fashionable guy? What about the peasant-look Abshir Mandela? War meeshu waa riwaayd socota. I am addicted now. But I always think the guy in the car insuance advert (the one to whom a pretty lady says haa walaal waxann rabaa...) is Ngonge. Somehow, ninkaasi wuu igu qufulan yahay. My suspicions increased ever after I talked to NG on the phone. Waa isku cod.
  20. The coach can say stop crosses to his full backs. And most do so. But if Maicon is turned upside down by malouda, the cross will come anyway. My point is, in today's game, it is the players who make the biggest difference. If we are talking about a coach who tells his team to sit back and defend, now that is an issue. Coachs decisions can have an impact if they field the wrong player, if they instruct a team to sit back and defend when the team have the potential to go forward, if they do not prepare a plan for the game and tell the players how to dictate the tempo of the match. Other basic things such as pack the midfield, stop crosses, etc etc only work out depending on the performance of the player on that particular day. On a separte note, a year ago I was rediculed for saying Malouda is a good player. Do people still think he is useless. Ngonge, over to you.
  21. approaching half time. So far Ngonge 1- Castro 2. Own goal by Ngonge.
  22. taladaasi waa taan u socday ee Maaddeey ka dhago adeygay.
  23. Castro, soow kaan awoowe kuu sheegay. Ngonge iyo Ibtisam'ba waa smart secessionsits. looooooooooool@ Xinn's gabadha cillanka marsan ee la fasaxi waayey.