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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. garoonbaa la dhisi unbaa lagugu yidhi inta godkii Alshabab dadka ku dhagaxayn jirtay iyo macal dhagxaantii laguu soo sawiraye, me war baad u haysaa garoonka la dhisi wax loogu tala galay? Armaa dadka la soo qabqabto ee la soo rendition gareeyayo lagu haynayaa?
  2. Zack, stop the naivity. Anything with Puntland name is Political! Seriously though, for once good news from puntland.
  3. Zack, stop the naivity. Anything with Puntland name is Political! Seriously though, for once good news from puntland.
  4. Zack, stop the naivity. Anything with Puntland name is Political! Seriously though, for once good news from puntland.
  5. Idinku maad Khussuusiga faraha kala dhex baxdaan? Sowkan khilaaf biloowday even before the ink of the agreement dried? Walee intay Puntland wax ka sugayaan yayna SSC meel gaadhi. Khussusi or no khussusi.
  6. Somalilanders, Dear brothers and sisters, Don't pillory us for being skeptics. We are forced into this state of mind. Whatelse could we do? Waan asqoownay oo wareernay. Week in, week out, it is a new story of an impending aqoonsi. Today it is from the North tommorrow all of a sudden it wrong-foots us all and comes from the South. It has all colours and all faiths. From a Yemeni fishing company to Isreal diplomat, from Russian investors to US state department, from Ghana to Faarax Macallin, from English parliament to Ethiopian foreign affairs and IGAD, from Inter-peace to gay activists, everyday a new license-giver is said to have arrived. It is not fair on us abtiyayaal. Don't fire from all directions like a Manchester United team needing three goals to win a cup. Sidan noo dhaama. At one point, someone was even saying Benin is involved with an alleged visit of a former beneniose vice president visisting his ailing counterpart! The joke is just getting more and more sickening. Bal maxay Benin kuu tari xitaa haday ku aqoonsato?
  7. Ta fagaaraha Khayriyadda saaran (ee gumaadkii loogeestay shacabka) lagu xasuuso, ma dayac tirayaan nimanku? Taas laftigeedu ciddanka cirka wax weyn bay tari laheyde.
  8. Waxba ma ahaateen. Kolkaana waxaydun odhan lahaydeen intuu dadka walaalaha ah kala dilayo muu iska caddeystoo oo si raganimo leh u yidhaahdo Somaliland raaca! war hedde nin baa laga hayaa in Ilaahay lagu barto waan hoos joogay! Nimankan-siyaasada balada ku qaba waan fahmay xaalkooda.
  9. Abtigiis

    Lionel Mess

    Zidane? On the basis of what? The last three matches? Let us wait for a while adeerayaal. I don't doubt his talent and he can even surpass Zidane, laakin I feel people are rushing to judgement here. Let him win the Champions league or the Spanish league and do something good for Argentina this year. Zidane won a European cup and a world Cup with France. Tartiib!
  10. But Faarax's move, I thought breaks with the tradition. Who expected him to do that? Arintaa Intellegentia Vanguard'du base ma leh sababtoo ah Tolku wuxuu Govern gareeyo mabahayo? Horta aan Xorowno. Laakin waa laga yaaba dhinaca Jubboyinka inay run ka tahay.
  11. looooooooooool oo ma Ngongaan ninkii high-ga ahaa ee tie'ka bog-cawro u xidhay mirqaan dartii difaacay?
  12. Xinnow anigu sas ma qabo adeer. Laakin nimankaa aad sheegtay hadaad ku tidhaa sheekha gabadha inoo maheriyey waa rer-Garowe, waxay ku odhan 'haddaa inaan gabadha si qaldan u qaabilo ayaan ku sigtaye, kac sheekh quman inoo doon dib baynu i meherine.
  13. Magaaladu jidad fiican maleh. Kolkaa Diyaaradii ninkii Tie'ga dheeraa sameeyey ayaa lagu soo mariyey magaalada iyo goobaha mashaariicda investment'gu ka socdaa.
  14. Far from it. The support for the Khussuusi is coming from all directions. The biggest meeting ever of the community was organised in Coventry, England. Some no nonesense declarations were made. Show Coventry'du waa Las Canood oo yar. Hunguri maxaa London geeyey kolkaa? Ilaa Paragon baa rer-coventry ah. Manchester'na dowlad-goboleedka Di.gil iyo Midh.ifle ayey taageertaa. Walee, Somali ayaan waxyaalaha qaaarkood deyn. Tolkay Southhall mooye ma meelkaluu joogaa, inaan imaadaan rabaaye?
  15. Abwaan adigu wixii aad igala taliso waan dayn oo waan kuu qabsoomi. Horta anigu Pirate'ka inaan ceeb u arko iyo inkale miyaa la iiwaydiiyey ilaa hadda. Armaan fikirka K'NAAN oo kale qabaaba? Markaa Pirate iyo budhcad kasta Alshabab baa ka xun, kuwa hor boodayaana Rer-big-foot ayaa u badan. So, I am not saying rer-hebel ayaa rer-hebel dhaama. Ee adigu bal magaca loo yaqaaan Faroole iyo dadkiisa kolka laga tago ee la kaftamayo maxaad odhan lahayd. Hadaba ma Rer-misko-wanaag baan nidhaahaa mise rer kaluun cunne. War ileen tanoo kale!
  16. Abwaan, generalisation in any form for any purpose is the rule of the jungle and is always fallacious. Taas waa wax la ogyahay waanad ku saxan tahay waxa aad sheegtay. Rer-kaliyana ma aha Pirates'ku by the way. At least labo-reer baa u badan hada still, lama odhan karo bulsho dhan ayaa Pirate ah. Laakin halkan SOL ciddii kolkaa 'war Pirate'oow' idhaa, 'hooooooooow' tidhaa ee isu qaada unbaa Pirate ah! Edit:- Xinnfanin, Wax cudur ah oo ihayaa ma jiro. Shaydaan waan ka fayoobahay eeyaa Xinn ee balaayo ha ii saadin. Waxaasi waa waxan ka cabbanayey. Hadda la odhan doonaa wuu waalan yahay ninku. Horta dad badan baaba sidaa ii haysta hadda laftigeedee, ciddi iga daba qayliday soow idinka uun ma aheyn?
  17. B, It is something like that. It shouldn't bother you too much though. It is not for you. You, you have many other problems to overcome than worry about what this means. I recommend professor Wasuge's 30 minute programme on Universal TV. It is on Somali grammer and vocabulary.
  18. The white Rhodesians who are living a difficult life in Zimbabwe have no idea how much prestige and money they forgo by not going to Somaliland. With a second-hand suit and a decent tie, they could get a red-carpet treatment in Igal antarnational ayraboodh and meet the President of the republic - Rayaale. They could even play key role in giving opinions about how Somaliland should pursue its quest for independence and how to deal with the khusuusi problem. Lately, Somaliland's craze after any white man has become almost comical. Any private businessman is taken to the 'president' and is paraded in the national TV, with the intention of demoralising the enemies who will see that the world is listening to Somaliland. War sidan isu dhaama ilaahay ka yaabaao, rer-midnimo-diidoow. I saw the said Russian on the Tv and they looked surprised and shocked. Their suppressed laughter said it all.
  19. ^ You did not obviously try your very best! You did not send any Private message to me. Ma kaa dhabaa sheekadani horta waa yaabe?
  20. Waligay intaan Yususf Garad maqlayey isagoo wax qaldan ama aan professional aheyn sheegi ma arag. Yet, my ears are tired of all kinds of allegations against him. I think all of this is coming from the fact that he was supporting like most Somali's the Maxaakiimta during Ethiopian invasion. Unfortunately the Maxkamadaha were thought at the time to be dominated by his clan and hence made their conclusions about him based on this conicidence. I think he is the victim of Pirates propaganda which sticks to you hadday ku daba galaan. They are like the Amhara's in Ethiopia who if they call someone a name, everyone will follow it. The pirates can say he works for Sheikh Adan Madoobe, and after a week you will see people whispering A&T ma maqasheen inuu RRA ahaan jiray! That much is their propaganda effective. Anyway, I don't see anything wrong with what Garaad said here. It seems logical to me from what I read.
  21. gabay kale oo fantastic ah oo dadka mirqaama u tiriyey ayaa aad u fiicnaa. bal Ngonge ha noo raadiyo. Always On baan ahay, Bal ilaahay amarkii Taajir ooman baan ahay
  22. Abtigiis

    Lionel Mess

    Originally posted by Wigad: ^^ he will absolutely tear up arsenal my word on that, Don't think I will forget this! He will not do well. Mark my words. Waa inoo markaa.
  23. Abtigiis

    Lionel Mess

    Did anyone see Abrahimovich though? What a useless player! Messi is one of the best, although we need him to prove on two fronts to deserve the best footballer accolade. He is accussed of not doing good against English teams (who do not give him time to build up his mesmerising dribbles) and he is not doing well for Argentina. On the latter, many say it is because of Maradona's poor tactics. I don't believe it having watched all the qualifiers. When he proves on this fronts, he will surely qualify to be one of the greatest players ever. By the way, I saw him for the first time in U 17 World Cup where he scored twice to beat Brazil 2-1. It was easy to see his potential. But I am convinced he will not do much against Arsenal. He doesn't like when the game is played in high tempo.
  24. War ma Fabiano ayaan idhi. Istaaqfurullah. Waxaan u jeeday Fabio Aurelio should have played instead of Insua. Anyway, I don't think Gerard did not play well because of position problems. I have been following him and I am convinced he is a spent force. He lives by the fame of the yester-years. In fact, why I think England will not do well is because I know people are counting on players like Gerard and Lampard who are not as good as they used to be. With Green in goal, Rio Ferdinand and other average players at the back, I just don't think they are good enough. But we will see. Arsenal can win the cup if they win all of their remaining games. Manchester United will not beat Chelsea and may draw against Man City too. Chelsea are out of this. Old, tired legs.
  25. Liverpool lost yesterday solely because Benitez is a poor manager. He should have replaced Steven Gerard in the first half. Ben Ayoun should have come early on and he should have brought Fabio Aurelio and Reira if they are fit. If you attack Man U, you have a chance of scoring against them. They are weak in defence. If you don't, sooner or later they will score against you.