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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. In Garowe, the capital of Puntland, I met a well-known pirate; Abdirashid Ahmed - nicknamed Juqraafi or "geography" - still flush from a recent hijacking. Then what is with the remonstrations by those who share the proceeds like Aw Muse and General Duke, whenever I call this state a Pirate State!
  2. I agree with Nur that in Somalia faith takes priority over life and I think it should. But, Somalia also should give room for personal choices of individuals. What I am trying to say is that the laws in the country must not allow religious practices that are alien to Islam (church going, distribution of bibles etc etc). But, if one somali decides to practice what he wants in his own house (as long as it is not criminal or have a negative bearing on social welfare- devil worship kind of fetish), I think the executive powers need to allow it. If JonnyB wants to live Mogadisho as a confessed atheist, he should not be brought to court and killed. But if he preaches it, then he should be arrested and charged. I don't know if I am making any sense, but I see a middle ground.
  3. Kashafa, you have stopped making any sense when you reneged on objectivity and flew with the hysteria of Alshabab. And lately, aflagaado waxaan aheyn lagaama hayo. Sidan isu dhaan, young boy. I saw you were saying you responded in kind to me when you talk about ONLF serving Ethiopia nonesense. While there is no evidence ONLF serving Ethiopia, there are plenty of evidence to show Alshabab's aims transcend Somalia. And that is the core of the problem. You cannot also talk about the destruction of gaalada and the west, when you are sipping cappuchino in USA. That is very wrong. On this issue, Kenya has no business and Shariif Hotel must tell them off. As to the clans in the Jubba, if he allows them to dictate matters, then that is the end of Dowladnimo and I agree with you. Ciidanka meesha la geyn go'aankeeda waa inay qaatan institutionka mandate'kaas leh. And I don't think one of them is wasaarada isgaadhsiinta led by Prof. Gandhi. Waxaasi waa wixii title'ska funny'ga Somalia ka buuxiyey waagi Jalle Siyaad; sida, "Isuduwaha xanaanada xoolaha ee gobolka Gedo AHNA maareeyaha guud ee warshadda taraqa iyo sigaarka".
  4. Abtigiis


    Originally posted by NGONGE: ^^ Maradona carried entire teams on his own, saaxib. Messi, as great as he is, has always been just a bit part player in whatever great team he played for (and he didn't play for many). They are world apart. Loooooool! Ninka gadhka leh ee dhexda kujiraa ma Eric Grets baa? 6 + goalkeepr ayaa Maradona ku mashquulsan! Only 4 are facing the other 10 Argentines. NG, adeer Messi iyo sheekadan riqiiska ka ah ka bax. Don't give it credence to this nonsense by commenting on it. Did these children iyo odaygan isyeelyeelaya ee BOB ever watch the kind of goals Maradona scored for Boca Juniors. Direct kick fom the half-way? War Maradona was rooni, ronaldo, messi, zidane put togather. Bring messi to Middlesborugh or Reading and let us see wuxuu qaado. You can't say that about Maradona. If he joins Newlls Old Boys in his days, they used to shine.
  5. I agree, Arsenal needs Lucas or a player of his type. Lucas is not what Ngonge wants us to belive, but he is a good player. He is what they call a UTILITY player.
  6. Hunch works in football analysis sometimes. I think Bayern needs to get Robben to win. And they must attack. If they try to defend their lead, I can guarantee they are finished. I hate Manchester with passion, but I am not oblivious to the threat posed by the Ecuadorian Valencia and South Korean Park. I fear them, Nani and Evra more than anyone else. Waa balaayo nimankaasi. Lool@Nuune. Ok, I will leave the 'I think' blah blah. Laakin adiguna Tuujiye waxaad ka keentaa in kolba qolada badisa uu raacayo joojiyo. I tell you a story. Nin aan jaar aheyn oo aad u qayila ayaa sharad nala dhigan jiray whenever there are big games. He has a bad habit of not sitting with us and watching the game, but putting his money on the table and contining to check on us occassionally while chewing next room. Whenever, he hears shouting ayuu noo iman jray isagoo taqsiisan "yaa dhaliyey! yaa la waayey!" isagoo leh. When it is half-time, he comes in and asked waa imisa iyo imisa. You tell him his team Italy is leading by 2-1. Intuu kor u boodo ayuu odhan jiray "haye, maxaan kuu sheegay?! war meesha waxba kuma haysaane na siiya lacagta". So, I always used to wonder why does he worry about putting money to bet on football when he doesn't even watch. I have this uneasy feeling that I am dealing with a cyber-clone of the same neighbour. Tuujiye displays lots of similarities with that guy. Tonight if CSKA beats Inter, waxaad arki isagoo ku leh Moruinho got it wrong; CSKA will beat Arsenal for the CUP. Waa Ahlu-sunnah wal jameeca'da footballka. Waa suufi.
  7. I agree with Ngonge. Upsets are common in football and it is not even yet like that. 90 more minutes to play. From what I saw last night, Man U were not bothered at all until the last 10 minutes. They were professional and knew they had a lead of 1 goal and did not increase the pace of the game. The tactics of Bayern were helped because Man U got what they wanted (an away goal in 2 minutes). Unless Robben and Schewenstiger comes back for the second game, I still think Man U will beat Bayern by 2 goals. But I hope I am wrong.
  8. Ferguson gambled by trying to increase his teams lead to two and at that point I thought it was a wise decision. Munich's defense of struggling. But, luck was with Bayern and I relished that! The manner of the defeat was even more pleasing, an own goal and an injury time killer. This was the type of things United used to get. But, I honestly feel Man U will mount a big challenge at OLD Trafford. They only need one goal. It is far from Over!! And Bayern didn't look that solid at all. Let us hope the same luck will be with them and this grumby Socttish coach eats the dust! Go chelsea for Saturday. For tonight, Tuujiye will know that Barca re not very superior to Arsenal. Of course, Tuujie kolba ciddi badisa ayuu la jiraa and he is already singing praise for Bayern.
  9. Rer-hebel wagaash iyo kufriga wacad alla u yaale, Waa niman walaala ah taniyo waaga aakhira'e Ina walanwal wiilkuu dhalana, gaaladuu weheshan doonaaye
  10. The credibility of that false constitution was put to stern taste when Somali's, in their credulous state of mind, decided to organise a refrendum and followed every bit of the procedures stipulated therein. According to the Constitution, if a region decides to pursue the secession option, its parliament (the regional parliament)must vote in favour by 2/3 majority. Then, the request is sent to Addis Ababa and the House of Federation (not the Parliament there) will have to endorse. The ONLF got a unanimous vote in Jigjiga and prepared to send a delegation to Addis Ababa. The same night all Parliament members including the regional president were arrested and the parliament dissolved. I am in no way a fan of the naivety shown by ONLF then, but this incident proves wrong those who say "puruse what you want peacefully". Unless they mean stop the secession dream (which can be suggested as a way out of the current mess), they should know the peaceful path for self-determination is not feasible. By the way, the Tigre's run Ethiopia like a clan and not like a party. From the Airport, you will start to see who has the real power.
  11. oo Bob'oow Mohamed Dahir na miyaad taqaan? Waryaa hoostaad iga soo gashee!
  12. Professor Gandhi must follow the instructions of his President. He is part of the cabinet and he should present his ideas to it and see if it is accepted. If it is not, tough luck. He should not be taking the government back to the days of warlordism by pushing a clan agenda. I am fully aware of what is going on. I know the sensitivity that Ethiopia is trying to influence things against a particular clan. But, the solution is not to rebel against the government. It is to present your fears and try to get a workable compromise. This clan mentality of saying our boys will not die in Muqdisho is not a good move. They should start the fight whereever the government thinks is the priority area. It might as well make sense to start from Muqdisho, and then proceed to Kismayo as a national army.
  13. Abtigiis


    Last week, I think I posted here that I think Rooney is the best player in the world right now. No question about it. He is converting every decent chance and even half-chances he gets. And he creates space for himself from all directions.
  14. Barcelona's most dangerous player is Pedro, in addition to Messi. Fear him, not Ibra. Ibra needs no marking. He misses everything he gets. PEDRO is the man to watch.
  15. In 1994, there was no Rivaldo. Anyway, Mazinho, Zinho, Dunga were in the center. In 2002, they have Rivaldo, Ronaldo, Ronaldinho, Roberto Carlos, but we all know they won ONLY because they got lucky draws and all teams in that tournament didn't play well. Their game with England was pure luck. Even against Turkey, the same. They played better in the final. In 2006, Ronaldo and Ronaldinho were the main problems. Ronaldo could not even lift his leg. In 2010, we expect a different Brazil, one that runs and tackles more than any other team. Nowaay, it is fitness that makes the difference. Man U is the fittest team, and that is why they make others look ordinary. Orod iyo dhidid badan ayaa loo baahan yahay. Only then can talent make a difference. Laakiin Ilko-dhaadheer baan meesha soo dhigayaa without running after the other player who snatches ball and then when the ball comes back with the sweat of others, I will do dummies and theatrics, ma soconayso.
  16. While I agree Peacenow is either a self-hater or a non-somali, I don't see anything wrong he said in this thread. Ma wax hore ayaa laga daba socdaa? Alshabab are cockroaches iyo wax ka daran. Fundamentalists like Shaakirullah are not helping Islam.
  17. JB, heesta aan soo qoray waa hees jirta oo talantaali ah, mid hees kale laga rogay. Laakiin anigu hees aan jecelahay waa Maxamed Jaamac Joof 'Gunaanad". Saan u gaabsanaayaan Gaboobayoo Gabdhihii iyo Gayaankaygii waan gabee Gablamaaye god-aakhiro aan galee Intii aana gu'in i gunaanadeey Ngonge, u macnee Gaabsi.
  18. Is Varmalen not coming for the Barca game? I think he will play. If he doesn't play and SOL is there, maca salaama Arsenal.
  19. Has anyone heard ninka gabadha xaaskiisa ah ee mirqaanta heesta u qaaday. Waa hees talantaali ah. Hadaad fiidkii qaxayso Hadaad qaad doonanayso Qadaadku markuu ku gaadho Hadaad sii laba qarxaysoo Hadaad qarashkii caruurta Mid kale aad ku qaadanayso Qalbiga been looma sheegee Miyaa la isqabi karaayaa? Miyaa la isqabi karaayaa? Music macaan bay waliba leedahay.
  20. I don't know much about these islamic debates. I am one of those people who takes the interpretations of shiekhs who I think are educated. Markaa hadaan wax qaldo, ha la ii dulqaato. But having read what Ngonge wrote and what Abu-S replied, I tend to agree with Ngonge that all are a matter of interpretations. What Abu-S said in no way invalidates the point Ngonge made about fatwa's being made by Sheikhs using they head. All the evidences Abu-S provided refer to either a Fatwa or an inductive reasoning of if that and that is part of the body, then this and this should be covered. Whatever the case, I will hardly bring myself to accpet that women should cover their face. It is not practical. Ngonge impressed me today, and I think he should go out of the one line mocking statements and impart his knowledge on a regular basis: Today, we have internet, we have satellite TV, we have books and we have mullahs by the ton. Fatwas are being made left, right and centre. People ask about all manner of things and they all want to know if wearing pink socks is halal if you’re a man (considering that, culturally, pink is associated with females) or if driving a car is haram for a woman (going from the idea that motorcars are a manly pursuit). Some ask if eating a chicken that occasionally ventures into a pigsty is halal or slaughtering a goat that used to be owned by a Jew is haram! The mullahs in their turn have to answer these questions and make sense of events, situations and foolishness that some of their predecessors did not have to deal with. They use their logic, knowledge and quiyas to reach acceptable fatwas. Some (probably) get it right and some (probably) don’t. But regardless of the rightness or wrongness of these fatwas, they still remain the opinions of these mullahs and no person is obliged to take them. I, for instance, refuse to take Al Shabab’s fatwa as to the ridda of Sheikh Sharif’s government (though I do not support Sheikh Sharif). However, I am still puzzled and still have doubts (what if I am wrong?). Yet, I go back to my early Islamic education and remember all the sweet words of my religious teachers. I remember the proud stories of Islamic fotooxat. I remember the stories of early Islam and how the prophet used to send his companions with some Bedouins to teach them about the faith. Yet, in those stories, I am sure I’ve read that some of the companions only knew a couple of chapters of the quran. What in the world did they do when the Bedouins (and for that read: geel jires’) started asking them about the permissibility of eating the earlier chicken that had a penchant for frolicking in pigsties? When Ali Bin Abi Talib fought against the Nabi’s wife, did they call each other murtads? Why not? If yes, which side was? How about Bani Ommaya and their Khilafa? Are they like Hosni Mubarak today and will future generations sing the laughing cow’s praises and talk about how he helped spread Islam (albeit unintentionally)? These are only few questions that cross my mind every time I try to judge current events (I suppose, technically, you would say I am trying to refer to the Salaf and what they did in their time before making a decision). Aniga iyo Ngonge isku meel bay noo maraysaa. Duul culumo qastaan nahay. Last week, the same sheik who took me to a Chinese Restaruant and ate there himself, told me not to eat (I called him while ordering food and wanted to show my Afghani friend inuu xalaal yahay) because 'the license of the suppliers of meat to that chinese restaurant have since been revoked'. Maxaan ka ogahay in laalush sheikha loo diiday oo deedna License'gii uu revoke gareeyey. Way na wareeriyeen. Karl, isaga wixiisu waa dagaal iyo Alshabab style balaxoofto. Sheikh dhan oo Tafsiir books ayuu ku leeyahay he is wrong, on the basis of his google searchs about niqaab. NO NIQAAB.
  21. Abtigiis

    Lionel Mess

    Wise words LoZ. I was thinking on the same line. In Tuujism, if you start bright, you end bright. No room for long injuries that can affect form, no other factors that can finish off a player before he reachs his top form.
  22. I know Nutrition is the key. Dadkii wuu sii qurxoonanayaa. Laakiin ninka gafuurka weyn gabadha hor taagan soo ma geesisana. Ilaahay baa baday. Waa kuway odhan jireen, Ilaahii ku abuuray eed ma lehee Indihii ku arkaa ayaan daran
  23. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: loooooooooool. Naa ka carar! na taw dheh!
  24. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: MOST HANDSOME AFRICAN MEN 1. Senegalese 2. Cameroonians 3. Mozambicans 4. Rwandans 5. Egyptians 6. Burundians Waan garanayey in Jacaylbaro dhegahiisa dhaadheer iyo Mr. Somalia lugaha qalqalooca ay dhibcaha naga goosanayaa. So, Faarax's are not here. Horta runta haddii la sheego the young generation Faarax's are handsome. Inteeni hore, wax baa si inaga ah. Xitaa wajigu haduu fiican yahay, swagger'ka ayaa inala hadhay. Laakin waa Alxamdu lilaah, mar hadaynaan Camerounians isku liss ku jirin. Gabdhaha Somalidu kuwii hore iyo kuwii danbaba way marayaan. Maashaa-Alaah. Bantuu'ga niyada isku dhisaya ee Kenya ayaan ka yaabay.