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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Breaking NEWS: Liverpool to play in UEFA CHAMPIONS LEAGUE NEXT YEAR. Ngonge just texted me that there is a clause in the UEFA regualtions which doesn't allow Man City or Tottenham to finish fourth in the premier league!
  2. Bob, And you speak about the whites holding the economy of the country as a matter of right for them! Sooner or later ANC will be forced to do what Mugabe did in Zimbabwe. The economic inequality will have to be addressed and that means the whites will have to give back some of the ill-gotten wealth.
  3. Originally posted by SeeKer: He is Mugabe reincarnate in SA. And what is wrong with Mugabe? Seeker's analogies here are as senseless as Malema's outbrusts. Just because the BBC and the Anglo-saxon media vilified Mugabe doesn't mean the man is like Malema. He is a genius with a very good vision for Zimbabwe. No one could have tolerated a 50km farm from Norton to Gweru to be owned by one white family when 10,000 blacks were bruising their hands at unproductive fields up the next mountains!!!! What Mugabe did might, in the short run, have ruined Zimbabwe, but when he goes ( and I can assure you there is no chance of going back on the land reform programme in Zim), the black majority would be masters of their own lands. They are highly educated (with perhaps the best litracy rate in the whole of Africa)and they know what uncle BOB did was good, but perhaps his timings and his motives are what is questioned. If Zimbabwe was the bread-basket of Africa as the BBC often portays it was so for the White farmers, not for the Kudakawshe's and Charamba's in Mutoko and Chipinge. Black Zimbabweans have been empowered since the land reform was instituted and it is not Mugabe's anti-democratic practices that ravaged the country in the last couple of years. It is western sanctions. Zanu-PF, as belleguered party finally become a party of sychophants and the old man is rewarding his cronies, yes. But, the cornies are black and not white. To insist on the rights of the indigenous and to refuse the continutaion of the status quo where whites owned large expanses of lands while the majotrity blacks were servants for them is not to be a racist!!! But Malema is a different thing. He is an opportunist who doesn't care much about the politics but his belly. Zuma is also a useless man with old mentality. South Africa should not have done away with Mbeki. And Mbeki is a stauch ally of Comrade Robert Gabrial Mugabe. In fac all of the SADC understand what he is trying to achieve and support him. He had the chance to live like Mandela, put high in the pedastal, with empty titles and statues. And like the gay-loving Tutu. These men are respected by the colonisers not by their own communities. But he instead chose to do what is right and what he fought for. Land was the heart of the liberation struggle in which more than 50,000 blacks were killed and land must go to its original owners. He waited for 20 years for British to honour its undertaking to compenstate white farmers so that land is gradually redistributed. In faact, he begged the white farmers who had 4-5 farms to remain with one and give the rest to the black people. Those who agreed to that deal, are still holding their farms.
  4. Xavi is the best right now. A year ago, it was Iniesta who was the better player.
  5. Originally posted by Wigad: Haye aaway at&t.. matter of fact where are all the people who said messi can't perform in the premier league. allot of people will be forced to eat their words as i predicted messi carved through the arsenal defence. in the last goal they looked like they were just watching messi struck in amazement. this is gona be a repeat sorry to say but there is no competition for barca this year man u won't get past bayern and inter are just not good enough. Wigad, while you have the bragging right for now, it is true that Messi has difficulty with teams that play the English way. You agree that Arsenal do not play a typical english game. As a matter of fact, Arsenal played like a Spanish league team last night. No marking at all and lots of space for Messi. He is a good player but let us see if he can prove us wrong against Inter Milan. Overall, I agree there is no match for Barcelona this year. Maybe, just maybe Chlesea would have given them a scare.
  6. There was a guy whose name is WIGAD. He vanished after he wrongly predicted Messi will have a field day on Arsenal. Good riddance. We need to appeal to the admin to change the moderator and also to put a magesterial censure on Tuujiye and Norf from the Sports section. Only then, will this place talk sense.
  7. What is Tuujiye saying about this game? Book me for the opposite of what he thinks. By the way, despite Tuujiye continuosly referring to Arsenal as 'duruuc' bay xidhaan, the Gunners are only three points behind his Chelsea in the Prem, and have gone far into the UEFA champions than Chelsea.
  8. I have confirmation that more than 90% (between 40-70 men) of the UWSLF army have handed over themselves to the Military in Godey. 20 men differed with them and there was a kind of shoot=out at the border. This is the total number UWSLF had in the region. And there are no negotiations at all. I am now told that Jigjiga municipality is ordered to prepare plots of land for the demobilised Itixaad members and their leadership. The members of this phoney organisation, in addition to the 100 or so men in the bush, included few breaded shiekhs who used to beg money in Qatar. Iyo dadka bakhaylka ah ee aan rabin inay qaadhaanka ONLF bixiyaan islamarkaana rabaa inay yidhaahdaan halganka Ethiopia-la dirirka waan taageersanahay. Markay qaadhaanka loo soo doono ayey odhan jireen "isku urur ma nihin oo ururkii kale ayaa naga qaaday" I think this is a very, very, good development. They were spoilers in two fronts. One, in painting the legitimate struggle as an extension of islamic irredentism and one in confusing the Arabs who would have supported ONLF with finances. Karl I would have thought it is you who would tell me what goes in the mind of beared merchants who pose as Liberation fighters. I never like them.
  9. Malema was cheering up ZANU PF youth here this week with "cowards are afraid, kill the boer".
  10. at 5:17 dhagayso, wuxuu leeyahay ya 5 birr gazteen (intaanu kii 5ta birr iibsaney anagoon basar u qayilin),waswas was-was araa ay gabaan weey (miyuuna soo galeyn) kkkkkkkkkkkk.
  11. Liverpool may beat Burnely and Hull (with some struggle) from that list. Fulham, West Ham and Chelsea are tricky.
  12. Addis negaadhe injii Addis jaat mech mataa? Nagaadhe waa taqaan waa ganacsade, Addis waa new, mache mataa waa gormuu yimid? Intee waad garatay soo ma aha.
  13. Saaxib, Liverpool is losing points to not so big teams. And it is in their interst to not put up a big team against Chelsea. Because if they deny Chelsea, they are crowning Man U for a record 19th title surpassing their own. I think Liverpool will lose to Chelsea. Liverpool will not even finish fifth.
  14. heestii hore ee Teddy ayaa waxaa ku jirtay 60 god oo madoow Ayuu kacaankii ka buuxiyey Maydadkii odayaasha After Mengistu took over, he killed 60 Haile Sellassie Ministers in one night. Kuwani waxay u badaleen, kolkaanu jaadkii ka dharagnay 60 god oo madoow ayaanu ka buuxiney maydaydkii sigaarka! Ta kale waxaa weeye, in the previous song Teddy says Surwaal dabagaabk lagu tolay 17 irbadood (TPLF fought for 17 years) Ninkii timuhu ugu baxeen si uu isbadal u keeno Markuu kursiga fuulo, Haduu sidii kuwii ka horeeyey Kii ka horeeyay isna uu ciqaabo Boqor cusub unbaa yimide (he is saying MELES is a new king!) Away isbadalkii la sheegayey? (translation kills the whole thing la soco laakin something like that) Kuwani waxay ku badaleen 17 xubnood anoo liqay hadaana ka kicin Oo xataa sharaab aan waswaska iskaga dajiyo aan waayo Sidii mirqaanadii hore, haduuna kanina xiligiisa soo dhicin Ganacsade cusub unbaa keenaye Away jaad'kii cusbaa ee la sheegayeey? But the one I find funny is kolkuu yidhaa Ya qat atijie injii Fitee yaal ta fataaw Betasab salaam naw Inem teenaa alaataahu Waxaan wajiga la uruurinayaa Waa jaad aan waayaye Xaafadu (our family) waa nabad Anigana balaayo kale ima hayso
  15. By the way, that Airport is way better than Igal international and the dusty fields Faroole lands on when he comes back to Garowe. Laakiin, we need to train some people on faan and exaggerations.
  16. Interesting. All the guys who welcomed her happen to be from Dhagaxbuur and she is from there as well. Waa loo qabyaaladeeyey. But how things have changed! Waa Guuleed ninka leh waxbaan soo dhaweyn. kkkkkkkkkk. I have to say I am amazed by Guuled's resourcefulness. From bringing Baarlex to Garowe Memorial (hashii dhimatay oo taalo loo dhisay). Walee, ninkii nool tu walba wuu arki. There were times you will have to pour four buckets of water over Guleed to wake him up markuu Awadaay'ga ka dhergo.
  17. I think it is going to be a tight game. Arsenal to win or a draw. Ngonge, It is only because of our friendship that I don't put you on the spotlight, but you know what you said about Liverpool. Do you still think they will get the fourth position?
  18. Absolutely hilarious! 60 gudgaad misaar Abiyoot molaachu Ye Sigaaraa ressa (the corpses of cigarette)
  19. Originally posted by Norfsky: Alves is proving me wrong :mad: So will Brazil prove you! Alves didn't play as good as he plays other days. He is a very fit and technically gifted player. I rate him higher than Maicon. Both are very good, although it is shame they play in the same position. Dunga has realised he cannot keep Alves on the bench and has been expermenting with a much deeper role at the flanks for Alves, so that both Maicon and Alves would be playing at the same time. I think Dunga should get Denilson instead of Gilberto Silva. There, he is making a mistake.
  20. Norf, Do you still trust your football analysis skills after the Arsenal/Barca post? To get a prediction wrong is fine and happens all the time. To get an anlysis wrong is different. How could you say Arsenal will stop Barca's midfield? I didn't count on that when I thought Arsenal would be fine with Barca. I counted on Barca defence and Messi not performing well. Both happened. What I didn't expect (like all others) is that Ibrahimovic will remember how to score goals on the evidence of what he has been doing the last couple of months! Go bury yourself in AlBustani's sand and don't come out until Liverpool finishes six in the prem and Beintez is fired!
  21. Norf is embarassing himself by the hour. He is saying Barca got tired after his useles predictions about the game did not work out. at least he admits they were better for 70 minutes (which is 80% of the game?)! looooooool! Anyone who watched the game (including me who was fully behind Arsenal) saw the difference between the teams. Arsenal's penalty was false too. I have no doubt Barca will go through in Nou Camp. But they may not play as good as they played last night. They NEVER played that good!
  22. Messi did nothing and now you cover your dhabar by talking about conjectures of 'sida looga cabsanayey'. He was not even man-marked. By the way, this was not a typical Barca performance. Barca never played like this before. Their coach admitted that too. On the evidence of their first half and early second half performance, UEFA should just suspened the games and award the CUP to Barca. Yet, I was happy for Arsenal to have come back. They were intimidated at first, but I knew if they go a bit physical, Barca could be stifled. Barca defence is generous too. Tuujiye, Man U- Munich game is still at half-time. You are celebrating too early. In fact, you are making me wish for what i really hate: a Man U victory. My mind tells me they will beat Munich. Munich was trash the other night. Forget about the statistics, they don't tell the full story. Man U was sitting back as they had a result to protect.
  23. While I admit me and Ngonge have had long consultations about joint ventures, it wasn't about creating a shared SOL script. It was a genuine business-realted deal. Of course, we all know Ngonge is resourceful and could extend that idea a bit further.
  24. Maaddeey, qabyaalad ma aha. Aniga sida soomalidu tidhaa waxaa i xidha AY, laakin Sharif raali ayaan ka ahay. Sababtoo ah, ninkaas hore nin dhiig badan daadiyey oon xalaal aheyn ayuu ahaa. Sina kuma mutaysan inuu Somali uu burburiyey hogaan ugu noqdo. Shariifku tabar badan iyo karti ma leh, and I agree if we say he should resign for those reasons alone. Please let us not compare a pick-pocket with a serial killer! I hope you understand the analogy is not necessarily right.
  25. What more evidence do you want to see when Pirates give press interviews in the Capital of Puntland? Mise, laftigaagaa joqaraafi ah? Adeer, you can call youself geography or history, but you are a biological Pirate!