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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Tuujiye's dark horses are SERBIA. Who are yours? I think Chile will surprise many people.
  2. Kubada waan naqaanayee, how can we agree with you when you say players who are good for Rugby are the best midfielders?
  3. The fact that Spurs do not have Palaciois scares me. He is the guy I rely on to concede free-kicks and penalties. Once again, Ngonge shows the kind of footballers he admires. Waa Abu-xooga wuxuu ka helaa. Like Lucas and Mascherano and Palacios oo kale!
  4. Haa, aad ayaan ula socdaa. Markaan arko nin Carabta caayaya oo Somali ah waan fahmaa in la soo hayo. Koley anigu carabi ma aqaan balse carabta waan jeclahay. Dhamaan caruurtayda magacyadoodu waa wada carabi asal ah. So much that an uncle of mine teased me 'adeer caraale iyo qabile (my grandfathers) ma gaalay ahaayeen? waa maxay Sakhaawa-diinta iyo Mujiibtan miidhan?"
  5. In early 2000, a distant cousin of mine decided to major Philosphy in Addis Ababa University. He was a young man named Mohamed Haji. His father was an Imam in a small town. After one and half-year of studies, he called all Somali students in the Campus at about mid-night. Everyone was reading their lessons the whole evening and so they were perplexed by what could have happened to him. He asked one of the Somali guys, "War horta how many prophets does the Quran speak of?" Someone said, "the quran states that there are thousands of prophets who were sent to different communities at different times." Mohamed asked, " are all of them named in the Holy Book?" The students said "No. only some are named but many others are not." Mohamed then nodded his head as if he got a breakthrough and said, " So, why do you think Socrates, Plato, Descartes are not prophets?" Few months later, yarkii wuu xanuunsaday and he quitted the university and I now hear he passed away. He become a sort of Suufi. I think all his beliefs as he grew up in a religious family contradicted what he later learned and he was not in a position to make a choice as to what to do. A sad story!
  6. This reminds me of another man from Puntland who lives in Johannesburg. You will always find him in the mosques and he rarely mises any prayers. Xitaa sunnaha wuu tukadaa. Yet, once you get out of the mosque he tells you he doesn't believe in God or Allah or any supernatural power. He has the same view of the prophet as the man in this thread. Yet, Ramadaanta oo dhan wuu soomaa; salaaduna marna kama tagto. When you ask him why he is bothering about performing these religious duties when he doesn't belive in Allaha and the prophet, he tells people that for him salaat and fasting are parts of his somali culture. Dhaqanka Somaalinimo inaan katago ma aha ayuu ku odhan.
  7. You are meeting RAAMSADE, I am sure. Fadlan Sawirkiisa ka soo qaad Siduu u eg yahay Raamsade aan eegnee.
  8. Chelsea will beat Stoke and Wigan at home. 77+6= 83. Manchester can achive a maximum 85 if they will all of their remaining games. Which means, Chelsea only needs to draw with Tottenham and Liverpool. I think they will win one or both of those games, especially if Ancellotti leaves Drogba on the bench. Chelsea plays much better when Drogba is not in the starting 11. If Arsenal beats Blackburn, Wigan and Fulham which is not an easy feat but I think they will do given RVP is back, it means they will be at 80 points. Now, that means they should beat both Man city and Tottenham and get at 86 points. They can only win the league if Chelsea draws two games or loses both. It looks unlikely. But let us pray. I am ruling out Manchester United at all.
  9. Christians are not 62% but non-muslims could be! Muslims are in fact said to be 33.9% and not 38% in the report. Animists and other religions exist in Ethiopia. When I say 20 million Amhara's, I don't mean in Amhara region. The region's population is estimatd at 17 million but it is also true millions of Amhara's live in other regions.
  10. Accroding to the latest census released a year ago by Meles Zenawi, Mulsims account for 38% of the people of Ethiopia. This contradicts the widely-held belief that Muslims account to at least 50% of the population. Meles got a lot of support from the churches and Western countries because of the latest census. Some Muslims who protested were sentenced to long prison terms. But having travelled to almost every village in Ethiopia, I don't really think Muslims are the majority in Ethiopia although their number is not as low as the 38% given by Meles. 1- Somali region.. 4.5 million ( 95% muslims -there are significant number of highlanders who line in the region). 2- Oromia ...over 35 million. Muslims in Harar, parts of Arsi, Bale, Kaffa (jimma), Wollo, 3- Afar region...1.6 million (only 45% of the residents in Afar are locals. The rest are highlanders who are mainly christians 4- Benishangul...5 ethnic groups (only two are mulsims although this includes the majority Berta nationality). 5- Southern Ethiopia...except Silte(formerly parts of Guraghe), and Alaba minority, most of the 13 million people in the SNNPR are either Christians or animists. 6- Harari's are not more than 10,000 (mulsims) 7- In Tigray.. about 10% are muslims 8- In Amhara, about 5-8% are Muslims Now, where are the christians - Amhara: about 27 million (nearly 90% are christians) - Oromo (shewa, Wellega, Illubabor, etc)are huge number. Borana and Guji are Waqaa-fataa (traditional religions, mostly). -Gambella ...animists and christians Markaa anigu markaan daraaseeyey, I think muslims in Ethiopia are not the majority. I think they are about 40-42% at maximum. In conclusion: - nearly 20 million Amahara's + 50% of Oromos (17million)+ 9 million in SNNPR + 3.5 million in Tigre) alone puts the number of christians to about 50 million which is more than half of the population. I sometimes wonder why I am disputing the 38% census result!! It looks very likely. but my heart tells me it was also kept down for a purpose. BUT I CAN SAY ETHIOPIA IS NOT A MUSLIM MAJORITY COUNTRY. THAT IDEA IS A MYTH.
  11. Dambarsame, If you are open-minded about your positions about the ONLF struggle, it is easy to discuss and agree. If you have made up your mind based on recycled falsehoods and likelihoods, it is futile to do so. The fact is the people of O are resisting oppression and no amount of mistakes by ONLF leadership justifies abandoning your brothers who are suffering under a cruel occupation. Only this week, 6 of my inlaws (one of them a mother who gave birth to a child only a week ago) are arrested. One of the boys (a 17 year old) was tortured so badly and lost most of his lower teeth. All are accused of fund-raising for ONLF but none have seen the door of a court. Disregarding the resistance aspect of the struggle and focusing on the label and mistakes of ONLF leadership is myopic. I am not for a separate homeland called Oga.denia and I don't think it is a viable concept. But I am for joining Somaliweyn and I think the Somaligalbeed people need to join hands to free themselves from colonisation. However, if one clan (by fate or by design) chooses to fight Ethiopians, there is no shame and the other Somali's need to support it. ONLF should change its name and has said they are ready to do so. Those Somali's who are doing nothing in their areas but are rationalising their inaction by pointing fingers at ONLF are doing a disservice to Somalinimo as much as ONLF's intrasigence is a problem. Dadkan O'da ah eed clan fulaan la dabasocoto clan kale isma haystaane Ethiopia ayey is haystaan. If Makhiiri's were to fight Yemen, it is not my responsiblity to look at who they are as a clan, but it will be somali's fighting outsiders. Try to look at it this way. Ciddina ma leh ONLF waa ceeb ka saliim, laakiin dacaayadaha aan micnaha lahayn ee dad aan waxa gobolka ka jira la socon sheegayaana wax loo dul qaadan karo ma aha. And the fact is it is only one clan -the O, that have an incentive to fight Ethiopians. Those in Bokh and Galadi think it is not their duty because they have Puntland, those in Xarshin think they are part of Somaliland. This dissary is a result of the collapse of Somalia and the clan malady that is pervasive in the wider somali socio-political setting. It is not something ONLF created and any realistic person will know that it is hard to bring all Somali's togather for a cause at this time. Hadday Somaalinimadii baa'ba'day oo Somaliland lagu kari la'yahay Somalia ayaad tihiin, Puntland'na ay leedahay waxanagu waa noo gaar, the ONLF stance would only seem to be the logical course of action. When and if Somali's come togather and the atrophied Somalinimo comes back, it will be easier to rally all clans in Somaligalbeed for the liberation struggle. ONLF is not an opportunistic oraginsation. If they were so, they would have taken their part in the destruction of somalinimo by sleeping with Zenawi who is begging them on a daily basis. They may have problems of devising the right policies at the right time, but there is no question they are principled.
  12. Sports section ma aqridi miyaa? Islaan aan waa dhowyd dumaalay yaan xaqeeda soo gudanayey oo maadaama waxaan gaadhaa ay tahay on a quarterly basis, waa no-internet access maalmahaas. Hadda waan soo noqday, waana kaa qaban Pirates'ka kugu xoomay. Waan arkay inuu Xinn lahaa Maaddeey script needs enhancing!
  13. SNM won peace and development for its region. That much they achieved with clan struggle. Maaddeey, Noocan Dambarsame oo kale lalama doodo. Waa muqafilin meel ay kaga dhagtay. Bal haduu qabiil soomaliyeed dulmi lagu hayo ka dagaalamo maxaa ku jaban?
  14. Haday meeshu Ohio tahay, ALLAMAGAN ayaa arintan oo dhan ka masuul ah oo mudaaharaadka soo qabanqaabiyey.
  15. Bereket is telling the truth. UWSLF ciidankoodii oo aan sidaa u badnayn Godey ayey joogaan iyagoo hubkii laga uruuriyey.
  16. The Czechs proved to be much stronger team in Europe after the break up of Czechoslavakia. Croatia played better than the entire Yugoslavia team were togather. Waa lakala jarjaray sheeko ma aha. It doesn't guarantee that you will have a good team if you bring yugoslavia back again. I know Serbia is a good team but I just don't think they have the mental strength to overcome Germany. I watched them against a weak France side, and I was not overly impressed with them.
  17. I don't think BOB is comparing Xavi to Ronaldo and Messi. And if he is doing that, it is a great shame. You cannot compare Micheal Jordan with Usain Bolt. You cannot compare Walter Zenga to Roberto Baggio as well. Xavi is a midfielder and you can only comapre him to Fabregas and players who play in the same place. But if you want to talk about the best footballer is awarded out of all players in different positions, then they are weighed based on their contributions for a given team. And on that count, it is those either score goals or stop goals from being scored against their team. Romario was voted best player and not Zinho. You can argue whether that is fair or not, but that is how it is in football world. Xavi is an excellent player but still I will rate Rooney and Messi above him. Again, Ayoub, I know you are a wise man, but on entirely different subjects. Not football. Here, you seem as confused as a mad ewe.
  18. Resistance, Since when do you take Norf and Tuujiye's football tales seriously?
  19. Tuujiye, congratulations. Chelsea will take the double this year. And I am happy for Carlo. But I would have liked if Arsenal got something as well. The main issue is however that Manchester United are not winning it and are not going over Liverpool.
  20. Or I should have asked him who is better between Julio Cesare (goalkeeper) and Wayne Rooney?
  21. My seemingly contradictory comments on who is best makes a lot of sense for those who can tell strikers from midfielders. Otherwise, Tiger Woods is the best, doesn't necessarily mean Rooney is not. I thought even BOB is saying Xavi is the best midfielder. I know football is not Ayoub's forte, and don't mind his confusion.
  22. Nuune, looooooool. Waad ila gaadhay! Ngonge, the how is not difficult. City can get the first three points as early as next saturday in the Manchester Derby. And I think they will get more than 6 in the next games. Their last two games show they are finishing strong. Liverpool might finish sixth, not because of fixtures but because they are not winning games. War xitaa Burney inay ka badiso ayaan ka baqayaa. And that is serious for me, because WEST HAM ayaan wax la wadaa. I am happy West Ham are staying up. Zola waa nin fiican ninyahoow. Waan iska jeclahay. And also I don't think it is in LIVERPOOL's long=term interst to beat Chelsea, so that Man U gets a record 19th league cup.
  23. BOB watches what he has in his head. That game was not a classic at all. But again, uncle Bob has a unique way of seeing things. He falls in love with Gervinho and all of a sudden the guy is better than Ronaldo. By the way, I don't think Messi is a better player than Ronaldo. I don't like Ronaldo, and their styles are different but if you take Messi out of Barca, I don't think he will be what he is today. Credit to Xavi and the players who feed him. He is talented but all the hype about him will see the light of the day once he is out of Nou Camp and comes to South Africa. When Bolivia put 6 past Argentina, I was sitting in front of the Tv hoping Messi will do something. When Brazil humiliated them in Rosario, Messi was subdued. So, we will see if it is him or the Barca? By the way, keep this name. Jesus Datolo. He is an Argentinian play-maker I think will shine in the world cup. He played excellent against Brazil and scored a cracker. Unlike Tuujiye who says SERBIA is a a dark horse and shouts at us to watch out for them (as if we don't know Serbia (F-Yugoslavia) has always been a wonderful footballing nation which every one fears to play, and as if they are not the same team that finished well above France in the qualifiers), I think South Korea and Slovinia will do wonders in the World cup. My dark horses. Tuujiye's tanatalising tales are never a bore. And it is fine from him to say in the next UEFA champions league, Real Madrid is the dark horse. May be he has got the meaning of dark horses mixed up. War Serbia is not a dark horse. It is a power house in World football. For once, Wareer badana!
  24. Spurs is not the issue. Man City will beat or draw with Man U. Might draw with Arsenal, beat Villa and Spurs (who everone else is beating nowadays), and beat West Ham. You understand numbers, so let me speak with numbers. Man City will need only 6 points from 5 games. 62+6= 68 and a better goal difference. Liverpool will need 12 points including a win over Chelsea. I think they will get 6 (Burnley and Hull). West Ham and Chlesea kama badinayaan. Even if they beat one of them, it is nine points. 56+9= 65 But I think Liverpool will struggle against Hull and Burnley too. They are that much bad. I can't understand why you are oblivious about the poor quality of Liverpool. Ngonge, I think Rafa wuu is dhiibay. Dee ninkii tukaanka lahaa oo leh waan khasaaray, how can the neighbour say you got profit.
  25. Wigad, I didnot disappear beacuse I got some predictions wrong. Infact, I got my predictions right because Manchester beat Bayern 3-2 with ten men!!! And everyone has seen how rubbish Bayern is. I repeat, they are not a good side. Adigu wiil yar baad tahaye, anigu every three months kol ayaan gaadhaa islaan aan waa dhoweyd dumaalay. And those days no access to internet weeye xaalku. Sidaa ula soco. On the game, I think Barca will beat Inter, but it will not be easy. You see predictions are not important, analysis is! I think Barca's pace will be difficult for the aging midfield of Inter. But do not expect a free-flowing game from barca. Inter will close them down up the field and they will have to produce magic if they are to win. But I have the feeling they might just do that. Lyon should beat Bayern (although my hunch is the luck will continue to stay with the Germans). I predict a Barca/Lyon final. That is what should happen. But I have that feeling Bayern might be in for something. Remember Greek in Euro?