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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. C&H, Ma diidi karo is not the same as Ma diidani. I understand how hard it is for you to say it, but you don't like Jilbaab. Not that I find that particulary unislamic, I don't like it either. Laakin, when you hide behind the mistakes of the Alshabab to run away from your religious obligations, it bothers me. You need to do the CARA way sometimes. Is cadde oo dhiiro. I don't like Jilbaab, but I don't like naagaha isqaawiya either. Dirac iyo garbasaar will do for me.
  2. So Khaliif shiikh has come down to this! Pity. Miyuu yaqaan Cabdi Iley wuxuu yahay waa kan leh Mudane'e? War this guy is someone who beats his mother in the middle of the town, oo waliba hooyaddii ku yidhaa 'Dhillo'.
  3. Anti-arabi is not the characterstics of nationalists. It is the characterstics of atheists, agnostics, gays and those who harbour all kinds of pervert practices. One can speak ill of Arabs (as indeed we do as any other community), but to hate Arabi in Somalia is clearly to be anti-Islam. There may be exceptions and myself I like Somali names to take precednce over Luqmaan and fulaan's but there is no logic in not teaching my children Carabi if there is an opportunity to do so.
  4. The family are wrong. knowing Somali's, it is hard such issues would have come out of the blue. The status of guy must have been known by the community. Laakin maa caleesh, Sheekh Tolka ah lama waayo oo kugu tukan even if you are not a Muslim. I support the Imam here. He was right to make his stance. Qofkani muslim ma aha baa la yidhiye who have different opinion haduu yidhi muxuu bi'yey? Kolka ay gaalada is guursan soow kuwa yidhaa "yaa diidan guurkan?". I think the same should apply kolkuu qofku dhinto ee masaajid la keeno, haddii shaki jiro.
  5. I don't expect a pretty game. And Barcelona's game can be stifled if the opponent plays with more midfielders. That is why Jose is planning to play Maicon at the center and not as full back. Espanyol played well against Barca and took points and I think it is doable, but I want Guardiola to win this cup. Barca simply play the best football. This game might be a draw.
  6. I am missing them. War iyo wacaal wixii ka haya fadlan ha iigu soo gudbiyaan thread'kan ama e-mailkan: abtigiis@tolka.com Telefoon lambarka: Ngonge ayaa haya Runtii, It has been long since we heard from them. Odayaasha ay u dhaxeen waxaan ka codsanaynaa inay fasaxaan during the World Cup si ay asxaabtoodi cyper'ka ula xidhiidhaan.
  7. war Maaddeey sidee tahay. waxaan isku kii qaldaa HAATU ninyahow?
  8. Ferguson cawaa nimaki Kashafa saaxiibadii ahaa meel baad kaga soo hadhay. war hedde bal warkaaga ha la helo, adaa soo hadli karee.
  9. Wakaa hada gullible Norf'na! A set back to Chelsea but they will win it. They have two easy games at home and Liverpool away. They need at least a point from Liverpool game, if Manchester wins all three games including aganist Tottenham. But it is good for Gunners at least psychologically. Ngonge's fixture thing comes to mind when you see Tottenham's results against Chelsea and Arsenal. If Tottenham can get 4 points from Burnely and Bolton, Ngonge's Liverpool are out of the fourth place. I think Liverpool will end seventh. The key is their slip ups not others winning. I expect them to slip again on Monday against Zola's men. Liverpool must field an experimental team against chelsea to stay at the same number of league cups as Man United.
  10. Originally posted by Baadiyow: Abtigiisa iyo Tolka, Eurocentrism as a political philosophy is what many of us have been taught/exposed to. The fact of the matter is that many societies had their own political philosphers. Asian Minor, the far east and Africa had their own Platos and Aristotles. I call it indoctrination; it is like when we were taught in primary schools to memorise "who discovered the Victoria falls"? and the answer we were expected to deliver was Dr. David Livingstone. Fully agree with this. Of course Vic Falls was discovered by the natives who showed Livingstone and have been living there before he set foot in Africa. We have imbibed European history and great minds and should have learned more about other philosophers but this also doesn't take away from the achievements of the great Greek and European minds. BOB, Adeer, you kind of cornered me about Plato's views on Women. I tend to agree with him in many ways although I don't know what his reasoning was when he said women are inferior to men. I now there are different standards at competitions for men and women which confirms men are superior at least in physical might. I know most philospophers, scientists, leaders, prophets, and those who have left indelible marks on human transformations are men. And I don't think it is by happenstance. One can come up with endless rationalisations as to why women could not achieve as much , about marginalisation, about anything, but the same rationalisations could be used as alibi of the weakness of women. For instance, why didn't women manage to comepte with men? why couldn't they subvert male domination, etc etc? The point is it is politically incorrect to agree with Plato on this one and I know it is not fashionablable as well, but there is little evidence to disprove him.
  11. When I posted a thread on Dark Horses for the World Cup 2010, I was under the wrong impression that those who comment on the Sports section all understand what this Sports parlance stands for. Apparently, my impression was wrong. Haatu seems to confuse Dark Horses with Favourities. He says Holland will be the Dark Horses in this world cup, when accoring to the latest FIFA ranking Holland is the 3rd Best footballing nation as we speak. This is even far more comical than Tuujiye's Serbia debacle. Haatu also says A&T must be crazy to pick Chile as Dark Horses. I think he either misread Chile for China or has no information on the history of Chilean football. But I was not even talking about History. I was talking about a team that is on top form under Marcello Bielsa. They have been playing the best football next to Spain in 2009. If Haatu hasn't been watching, it is his problem. I know Chile will not be winning the World Cup, but they certainly will go far and might cause a big upset against Spain. I tip them to qualify from their group.
  12. The below post is from Maadeey. Originally posted by Maaddeey : ^^ Thanks you. Ahem... يوم الاحد في طريقي بالصدف قابلت واحــــــــد غصب عني سرت بعده سرت ماهميت واحـــــد قلت له من غير مااشعر عاد شي رحمة لواحـــد التفت نحوي وقلي روح يامجنون واحـــــــــــ 1600;ـد روح شوف اهلي عددهم بيقع الفين واحــــــــــد قلت له قصر كلامك لاتزيد حرف واحـــــــــــ 1600;د حتى لو تعداد اهلك بيقع مليون واحـــــــــــ 1600;ــــد مايهموني وانا اللي قصدي ماهميت واحـــــــــد انت يافتان مثلك بالحلا ماشفت واحـــــــــــ 1600;ـــد حن لك قلبي وانا اللي كنت من واحد لواحـــــد قال ايش قصدك قلت قصدي يوم واحـــــــــــ 1600;ـد التقي بك واجتمع بك في خطا واحد لواحــــــد قلت له ايش القبيلة قال انا من اصل واحـــــــد ارضنا ارض العروبة والنسب والدين واحـــــد قال لو قصدك وصالي شوف انا لي شرط واحد روح حالا عند اهلي وإن يردك أي واحـــــــــد خذ حياتي لك هدية ولا تسلم قرش واحــــــــــد واهلي لو بيقتلوني مافارقتك شبر واحـــــــــد حتى لو بيدفنوني انا وياك بقبر واحـــــــــــ 1600;ـد Daawadayaal, waxaan ka cudur daaranayaa cilad xaga farsamda ah awgeed in Maaddeey's comments were posted under the name Ngonge. The error is regretted.
  13. ^ The works of these Philospohers are descriptive and not prescriptive. They don't pass judgements on what should be done but they analyze what is taking place. None of the things we see these days disprove any of the assertions you say Aristotle and Plato said. Democracy is very much a form of Aristocracy even nowadays. Maybe a refined one but still a group of people with access to resources (money, education, etc etc) are voted in for a period to rule and enrich themselves. A benovelent aristoracy might save the communities the money and time spent on periodic votings and could have delivered a better result. Maybe, it is somthing that will be realised in the future. But I don't dispute the superior knowledge of those philosophers. It is amazing to see how they thought given their times.
  14. Excellent gabay. Saado is a somali heroine. Salfudayda baas ee Sadka aad u leedihiin Maxaa qorta sudhayoo, Suuqyada u keenteen? War rer-midnimo-diid salfudeyd lagu sheeg.
  15. Sacad, That is what Somali's claim. Have to hear from anyone else yet. I will live it at this. Kashafa's 'waaliga walaayada' which I usually read 'Waalaha kuwa waalan' of the UWSLF has surrendered. It is time Maaddey takes over, and with Carabi laxan this time as we are dealing with religious matters. Ngonge, Over to you! Will come back for Dambarsame.
  16. Ngonge, you are mixing up lots of issues and are confusing people. Everybody knows that intercepting balls and stifling the game of the opponent is an integral part of the game. But you should do it in a way that doesn't cost your team. Did you see Huddlestone throwing useless tacles when there was no need? Did you see pushing people and giving away free kicks at dangerous places? That is what I am talking about. Mascherano and the likes of Palacios do more harm than good, beacuse they invite danger to their teams unnecessarily. Tackles should be thrown only when they merit and the situation is dangerous. Mashcerno doesn't do that. He likes to throw himself at everything mindlessly with no care about the consequence.
  17. I will answer you with a question. If somali's are all Muslims, with one language and culture, why are they fighting? Ehtiopians are deeply, deeply divided alond ethnic lines. The amount of hatred between various nationalities is not what one can understand if he hasn't witnessed it on the groung. A Muslim Oromo identifies himself more with an animist Ormo from Guji or Wollega than an Amhara Muslim from Wollo. A Gurage Muslim is unlikely to side with Oromo muslims but will put his eggs with an Amhara christian. I do not expect Muslim identity to develop in Ethiopia. And yes, the christian leadership is supported by the West. Right now, the most powrful Tigre, the cheif of staff of the Ethiopian army is Samora Yunis (formerly Mohamed Yunis). He is a Tigre. He will massacre all Ormo muslims if he sees them as anti-Tigre.
  18. Ngonge, did you see how having constructive midfielders helps a team's fluidity. Palacio waa waxa qasayey Tottenham. How can a team play with the same pace and style for 90 minutes when it is clear they are not going anywhere with it? How can a coach fail to alter his players strategy when it so clear what they had in mind is not going to work? Arsene Wenger is good in detecting talent, but is a very bad coach when it comes to tactics. And I still don't know why Eboue is paid money at all. Waa in mushaharka bishan laga jaraa. Rosicky is useless as well. Kan madaxa dhuuban ee la yidhaa Silvestre waa siduu LoZ sheegay. Waa la soo diray. And of course, ONLF needs to buy a goalkeeper. Almunia kubad yar iska daaye buste weyn hadii lagu soo laado wuu dhaafayaa!!
  19. Some saw the SNM as a useless outfit during the days of the struggle. It is normal to be questioned at such stage of a struggle. The whole SNM did not put up as fierce as the fight the ONLF is engaged in. The key difference is the might of the enemy. Ethiopian army (especially that of nowadays) is not like armed refugees and like Ciidankii qaranka Soomaliyeed, which was blighted by political decay. So, success is going to take a long time if it is to come. One can also move around his goals depending on the situation. If ONLF does not succeed in getting the ideal self-determination, I am sure they will still manage to get a good deal from Ethiopia, one that will enable the Somaligalbeed people to live in relative political and social freedom than ever given by an Ethiopian regime. I am sure Ethiopian military will not be randomly killing and arresting somali civillians once a comprehensive deal is achieved as that will restart another phase of this long struggle. Rag waran baa walaaleeya. The same applies to SNM and Somaliland. I don't think Somalilanders will ever be subjected to oppression even if they rejoin Somalia. The re-occurance of another SNM is a good deterent. Markaa halganku wuu saxan yahay. Adiga reerkiina geela ayaa lakala qaadaa oo koley calooshaadu ma fayooba. Laakiin, nin tuur lihi siduu u seexdo isagaa yaqaan. Wixii reerkan dagaalamaya u dan ahna Sacad-Ducaale iyo Sacad-Muuse toona la waydiin maayo. Sababatoo ah dadka dhibtu haysato ayey u taal; dadkaasiina tashi la'aan ma aha.
  20. ^ the secret is the Maaddeey connection.
  21. Nuune, Ibtisam haday xanaaqdo inay budh dad la dhici ma wax la iswaydiin baa? They have too much blood.
  22. Do you really want to repeat my Romania debacle? So we will quote on you on North Korea?
  23. North Korea is not playing USA! Adigana ma Norf cudurkiisaa kugu dhacay? Liverpool markay EURO cup qaado ayey champions tagaysaa camal!
  24. Stone throwing is a big hobby for Burco people. How they relished this opportunity. May more monkey's come to the town! The monkey had no idea where they have put themselves into. They should have raided elsewhere. Burco dadka ku nool budhka iyo cellphone'ka isku gacan bay ku sitaan, dhagaxna jeebashaa lagu wataa!
  25. War Tuujiye is an intersting character. Kubbada wuu kala qabsaday the Vialli days. Norwich city iyo Millwall waagay Liverpool ka badin jireen lama socdo. Iyo in Charlton Athletics ka adkaan jirtay Chelsea! Anyway, who is your dark horse? England?