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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. I differ with you on this. Tactics are only part of the story. Hunger for result and the form of the players is the key. I thought Barca played with 10 men last night because of Ibrahimovic. if they do not play him next week, I think Inter and in for a big shake-up.
  2. But all this analogy is misplaced, C&H. If I die and one of my family members report I was not Muslim, what more can the Sheikh do? By putting everything under the 'doubt' blanket, one cannot and should not challenge the actions of Imam's who must have considered a lot of issues before they decide. Why do you think the Sheikh did not try to cross-check his facts? Again, it is possible the guy might have had a change of heart, but it is also possible Salman Rushdie may be a closet muslim.
  3. Originally posted by chocolate & honey: Say, Raamsade has been reflecting on his beliefs as of late quitely, say he had a change of heart that very same afternoon. Say he went home, feeling a bit achy all over and exhousted and decided inuu ilaahay iu soo laabto. Say, wuu ashahaatay and decided to pray labo rakco and died the next day or the day after that. It is possible but highly improbable. But knowing Raamsade, it is also probable he will write about his change of heart at SOL before he passes away.
  4. Barca should not win 2-0. We know they can concede, so, it is safe to expect a higher score of 4-1 or even 5-2. Or 3-1 and extra time. I think Inter will have to be exceptionally good to stop Barca at Nou Camp. I would have dared to call it for Barca, but my problem is that Norf has consistently picked the losing side as the winning side, and I am afraid Inter might be lucky. I request Norf to change his predictions if he is true to his declared love for Barca.
  5. If Norf thinks Lyon will beat Bayern, it means the opposite is going to happen. I change my initial position. Bayern to win. reason: Norf is saying Lyon will win.
  6. How do you know what will happen if you admittedly don't watch games? War ileen!
  7. Haa waa saa Dambarsame. ONLF took the guns to stop injustices and killing of its citizens. Just like the TPLF did some decades ago. Once you do that, pain is to follow. Like the massacre of Hawzeen where thousands of Tigraians were massacered in a village by Ethiopian Jets. But the TPLF didn't say the villagers were killed, let us sign a peace deal. That is a betrayal of the cause you claim to champion for. That is betrayl of the trust of the people who are behind you, and who want you to pursue the struggle. To date, the Oga.den community is giving millions to ONLF, while the daily killings are going ahead. It is not because we have some kind of macabre fascination with blood and displacement. it is because we believe it is a price we need to pay for a sustainable peace. And you don't get that by begging or surrendering in the context of Africa. And in case you are a fan of the 'pen is mightier than sword' metonymic adage, there is one critical qualifying line that is left out of Bulwer-Lytton's otherwise timeless expression. What he said was " Beneath the rule of men entirely great, the pen is mightier than the sword." To miss the qualifying line is to take the wrong presumption that Meles will listen to the plight of the oppressed people of the Oga.den, because he is great! And all his actions, including the mass killings of children who protested against his party's election theft in 2005 doesn't show a picture of someone who have ears for words or pen. The current struggle is about makiing him get those ears. It is only then we will talk about what deal is on the table and what priorities we should persue.
  8. recent form and recent history?????? That is my issue with you. IT IS NOT! It is about styles and the minute-by-minute form of the players on the ground. Argentina beat Germany 1-0 last month. Does that mean they will beat them in the World Cup? If you follow recent form and history, the answer is YES. And it exactly explains the pattern of your predictions. My friend, the sooner you realise some teams find other team's way of playing difficult, and that styles matter, the better. Uruguay has been an average side for many, many years. Yet, in all these times, Brazil always found them difficult to beat. Why? Because their style (pace, power and cracking down on key players) always slows down Brazil and confuses them. Germany has always been a solid team, but always seem average against Brazil. Apart from style, it is also the on-the-field form of the players, not recent history that matters. Rooney has been great all season, but my not perform well at the World Cup.
  9. No, I think it is the expert who wrote the report who is misunderstaning it. (It is wrong to say it is you who is misunderstanding, for these are borrowee views and it is unfair to attack the amplifier alone for loud music). Pressing high up the field is not determined by whether the team had made clear cut chances or managed to penetrate. That is news for me. A team can be dwelling at the 18 center of its opponent the whole day, and yet fail to create chances. There are lots of reasons for this. Predictability, panic, organisation of the opponent's defence etc etc. What I and the rest of the world know as 'pressing high up the field' is when a team is tracked down at the half-field or further apart and is not allowed to push forward. It is what Chelsea did to Barcelona last year, it is what Barcelona did to Arsenal in the second leg. Last night, most of Barcelona players were camped around the inter-half and were allowed to pass the ball around. That is not pressing high up the field, by my own definintion. In fact, Jose had even said that he doesn't want to chase the ball, nor mind Barca passing it as long as they do not penetrate. So, the expert who wrote the report you are only passing here, must not mix the two.
  10. Originally posted by NGONGE: A&T (I did not watch the game) here is a report [/quote [/indent] Ngonge, saaxib waad na wareerisay. If you don't watch games, then tell us who wrote this reports so people know with whom we are arguing. Clearly, it is not me against Ngonge. ragga aanu ishayno noo waa in la ogaado, ileen haddii anigoo Andy Gray ishayno in loo qaato in Ngonge aan ishayno ma ahee.
  11. I have an issue with this report. And that a white person wrote it doesn't make it any more credible than what I saw. 1- Barca goal: it is true Maicon was not in his position but somewhere else. But it is not true Maxwell outrun Maicon. Maicon was not even close to him. It was cambiasso who gave him a chase, but shockingly stopped to pursue him as he thought the box is well covered. There was an element of luck, and Maxiwell actually passed the ball for Ibrahimovic who missed it, and then Pedro hit it from some distance. I would blame Samuel, Lucio and cambiasso for the goal more than Maicon. 2- The two game thing is nonesensical. Inter had played only one game plan which was to sit back and strike at the counter. But when it was 1-0, you don't expect Inter to be sitting back and at 1-1 it was still dangerous, so you could see Inter trying to attack. Which is perfectly normal and how football games go. At 2-1, Inter resorted to their defensive mode and continued upto the last. If you didn't watch, then it is my words against 'expert's' words and I know with whom you will agree.
  12. Khaliif Shiikh aka Aw Muuse is an unrepentent tribalist for whom clan is above anything. As such, his utternaces ceased to make any sense long time ago. It is only my brother Ferguson who graces Khaliif's desperate and cheap talks with some responses. He has become so pointless that he now calls Ina-Iley -Mudane.
  13. Oz, adiga laftigaagu sometime you tend to be the younger sibling of Norf. You were picking Zenetti for Argentina on the other thread. War ileen tan oo kale. War Zenetti could do nothing for Argentina when he was younger and fitter. But he is a good player. Your problem is you don't understand that Zenetti can do things at Inter because of the solid collegues at his side. If you put him alongside DeMichelles, Heinze, and Ottamandi, wuu baaba'ayaa! Argentina has one of the weakest defence in the world right now.
  14. Barca will score two goals, I am only worried if they will conceed as well. They are pourous at the back. Ngonge, I think Barca are in this game. My only problem is Norf's predictions. He is saying Barca will win and you know how things go when he says so. Rutii, this makes me believe there is an upset here and Inter are going for the final. if only Norf agrees to drop this line, I will confidently say Barca will reverse it.
  15. Originally posted by NGONGE: I say Inter will crush Barca because of the Inter manager. Because of the belief in the Inter team. Because of the Inter defence and because Barca struggle against teams that press them high up the field. I agree with all of this, but Inter did not press Barca high up the field. That is what I expected Inter to do and it is sensible Ngonge expected that too. On the contrary what Mourinho did was allow Barca to pass the ball elsewhere but in the final third. Inter set back and that is why Barca passed more. Looking back, it is the same way Rubin played them. The risk of pressing high up against Barca is that if you don't have the young legs, you will get tired and in the second-half, they will outrun you. I think Mourinho understood this and hence opted for the other strategy. For the first time, I admired Mourinho's tactics last night. But I still think if he repeats the same tactics at Nour Camp, he is in for a shock. What i think he should do is to surprise Barca with attacks from Maicon and with long passes.
  16. I see a fallacy in my scenario. It is unlikely Ailamos will ask for a jinaaza for Raamsade. Let us say it is Naxar Nugaaleed who asks for or a relative of Raamsade's?
  17. Damarsame, waa nin qalbi fiican laakin uma bilawna wax badan oo xaalada gobolkaas ah. Intay ku qufuleen quful made in china ah oo three-circle ah ooy ku qoran tahay 'maa si nabadgalyo ah wax lagu raadsado' ayey furihii tuureen! adminstartion, iyo torture iyo dhibaatada dadka haysata iyo sida nabadgalyo wax loogu raadiyo umba biloowna walaalkeen. Xabadda dhacaysa inay tahay ta nabad lagu raadiyo miyuuna ogeyn?
  18. The volume issue could only be the immediate cause for the rift and fighting. The two may have issues before, or the accused might have felt insulted by the victim. Pride, not volume could be the cause. Sometimes, people look at trivial issues to explain a complex issue. I heard a man who killed someone who borrowed 10 somali shillings. People said he killed for 10 shilling, but it was also known the arrogance shown by the victim when the lender asked for his money was too much.
  19. Let us look at this scenario. Raamsade dies today and ailamos asks for a cyber-jinaaza for him at SOL led by Sheikh Nur. Haneefah, me and Ngonge write to Sheikh Nur and send him links of Raamsade's belief about God and Islam. Will Sheikh Nur agree to perform the Jinaaza? Will you, as a SOler doubt if sheikh Nur bans a cyber Jinaaza for Raamsade because of the PM's he got from devout Solers?
  20. We will hear from Tuujiye, once he knows what happens on Saturday. He hides when Chelsea are in a problem.
  21. The ref gave an off-side early on against Inter. And the penalty claim from Alves was not convincing. The commentators went at length to see any contact and all agreed that Alves went down easily. Anyway, predictions are not your mistake. I respect Ngonge, partly because he is my friend, but mainly because his analysis are good. In football, you cannot predict results easily. Too many factors affect a game. A weather condition, pitch, refree, one player's misconduct etc etc. But, your problem is that you give no credible reasons for your predictions. Now, that you say Barcelona will win the second leg, my heart is broken because I fear the opposite. I pray I am wrong and you are right this time and Barca goes through. But, your predictions are ominous! Inter could be going to the finals to play Lyon! Let us examine your reasons one by one: - Poor pitch: how do you know? Barca were able to pass the ball very easily. I haven't seen one player slip and there were no bounces that were unusual. - Silly biased referee: apart from the two issues you raised (off-side goal and penalty denied) what else has he done? I think he denied a clear opportunity to Inter when he called a wrong off-side at the start of the game! - Barca penalty: video replays showed the absence of contact. it seemed penalty but at closer inspection, Alves went down easily. But, how often does this happen in games? Is it not part of the game? - Milito goal: marginally off-side, but you can't take away from the build-up. Again, it happens everytime. You can't make this a big issue.
  22. Wakaa hadda Oz'na sidii Norf noqday. Zanetti had a good game, but he is not underrated. He has passed his best long time ago! If Inter play the same tactics in Barcelona, they will be beaten. Because Guardiola is already talking about pouring water on the surface so that the ball gets faster. WHich means, lots of misplaced tackles can put you in a serious problem. But it looks even Guardiola's turning into Biyoole is not stopping Inter. They played perfect tactics. They refused to play Barcelona by its own game. Passing and running. The statistics showed 70% ball possession to Barcelona, but this should teach Tuujiye and BOB that it is where the ball is passed to that matters not how many times it is passed. This game reminds one of the 1982 Italy-Brazil match and the problems with teams who have good attack but poor defence. It also reminds one of the challenges that Spain will face in the World Cup. I somehow forsee a situation where Spain would be passing the ball the whole night, but teams like Holland and Brazil burying them. Anyway, I think Lyon will be in the finals. They are a solid team. But my predictions depend on what NORF says. I will wait for him and then predict the opposite of whatever he says. Norf's problem is he doesn't analyse tactics and formations. He analyses the latest performance of teams. So, for him, Wigan can beat Manchester United if they were to play next week. Last night's game also exposed all the injustices againt the great Maradona, as many compard Messi to him. Messi is one-dimensional and while he is fast, he cannot run at defenders with force like Maradona. Yesterday night, Maradona would have gone directly to Samueal and Lucio with the ball, instead of hitting it back whenever they face him. Messi is only as good as his team is. Maradona was good even when he has to partner with average players like Dosseti! Messi needs to convince me by producing something when Barca is not performing.
  23. The Imam explained in detail that he does not normally ask about the behaviours of the dead when they are presented for Jinaaza. But in this case, he got a tip from a member of the deceased's family. And from other muslims. I think the sheikh was principled and behaved in accordance with the islamic rule. But of late, it has become difficult to implement anything islamic. If a Sheikh passes a verdict on Ayan Hirsi Ali, it is likely some, and surely LazyG, will come for her defence.
  24. Ferguson, Miskiinkan Khaliif ah ee Taadaaqi'ga hawada ka noqday ha u camirin fadlan. Viva Puntland.
  25. Norfsky, war ninyahow qalbi adkidaa. Oo wali ma waxbaad sii saadaalisaa, after the Arsenal will crush Barca debacle? Now that you say 2-0 for Barca, I wonder if I may have to assume the contrary might turn out to be the case. I am worried. But I hope Barca wins.