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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Horta baggaa ilaahay ku soo nabadceliyey, nin aan jeclahay baad tahay'e. Laakin, your footie knowledge is suspect and I hold BOB personally responsible for this. Neeftiisaa kugu baxday. Ronaldinho way ka dhamaatay adeer, and this Brazil side with no big stars will do wonders. Mark my words. It is about being a star team, not about a team of stars. Look at the Ivory coast for the latter.
  2. Extremely important advice and recommendations to be passed on to wives, girlfriends, fiancés, mothers, sisters, daughters, etc. (to all women in general) These rules are to be communicated prior to the World Cup in June/July next year... List Of Rules. 1. From 11 June to 11 July 2010, you should read the sports section of the newspaper so that you are aware of what is going on regarding the World Cup, and that way you will be able to join in the conversations. If you fail to do this, then you will be looked at in a bad way, or you will be totally ignored. DO NOT complain about not receiving any attention. 2. During the World Cup, the television is mine, at all times, without any exceptions. If you even take a glimpse of the remote control, you will lose it (your eye). 3. If you have to pass by in front of the TV during a game, I don't mind, as long as you do it crawling on the floor and without distracting me. 4. During the games I will be blind, deaf and mute, unless I require a refill of my drink or something to eat. You are out of your mind if you expect me to listen to you, open the door, answer the telephone, or pick up the baby that just fell from the second floor....it wont happen. 5. It would be a good idea for you to keep at least 2 six packs in the fridge at all times, as well as plenty of things to nibble on, and please do not make any funny faces to my friends when they come over to watch the games. In return, you will be allowed to use the TV between 12 and 18:00, unless they replay a good game that I missed during the day. 6. Please, please, please!! if you see me upset because one of my teams is losing, DO NOT say "get over it, its only a game", or "don't worry, they'll win next time". If you say these things, you will only make me angrier and I will love you less. Remember, you will never ever know more about football than me and your so called "words of encouragement" will only lead to a break up or divorce. 7. You are welcome to sit with me to watch one game and you can talk to me during halftime but only when the commercials are on, and only if the halftime score is pleasing me. In addition, please note I am saying "one" game, hence do not use the World Cup as a nice cheesy excuse to "spend time together". 8. The replays of the goals are very important. I don't care if I have seen them or I haven't seen them, I want to see them again. Many times. 9. Tell your friends NOT to have any babies, or any other child related parties or gatherings that requires my attendance because: a) I will not go, b) I will not go, and c) I will not go. 10. But, if a friend of mine invites us to his house on a Sunday to watch a game, we will be there in a flash. 11. The daily World Cup highlights show on TV every night is just as important as the games themselves. Do not even think about saying "but you have already seen this...why don't you change the channel to something we can all watch??", the reply will be: "Refer to Rule #2 of this list". 12. And finally, please save your expressions such as "Thank God the World Cup is only every 4 years". I am immune to these words, because after this comes the Champions League, Italian League, Spanish League, Premier League, etc etc. 13. if you ask me what the offside rule is , i will be engraving it on your tombstone.
  3. As expected, there is no place for Ronaldinho in Dunga's team which is tipped to land a six trophy for the Selecao in WC 2010 in South Africa. Ronaldinho was given numerous opportunities to prove his worth for Brzail in the last couple of years, but underperformed. Brazil were in trouble during the qualifications when Kaka was out on injury and Ronaldinho was playing in his place. But it is not history that is against Ronaldinho for it is normal for players to lose form from time to time. His current form in the ageing Milan side is not bad. However, what Dunga wants has always been players who could win back the ball when they lose it. Ronaldinho is suspect in this area and his expensive soft touches often kill the rhythm of counter-attacking passes and also put brazil defenders in a compromising position. He is good for beach-ball, not for the World Cup. Another notable omission is the pedestrian Adriano. Dunga preferred Grafite and I think this is a very good decision. Paulo Henrique (Ganso) and Neymar of Santos are not included as well, and Dunga justified their omission by saying "where were they in 2009?" and that he cannot take risks with untested players. This will be the team that will bring the hexa home this summer: Goalies: Julio Cesar Gomes Doni Defense: Maicon Dani Alves Lucio Juan Luisao Thiago Silva Michel Bastos Gilberto Midfield: Kaka, Gilberto Silva Felipe Melo Elano Ramires Kleberson Julio Baptista Josue Forward: Luis Fabiano Robinho Nilmar Grafite Look at the list of missing players and tell me if the likes of Mattew Upson and Rio Ferdinand would have competed with them: Diego Tardelli (Atlético-MG) Ganso (Santos) Carlos Eduardo (Hoffenheim-ALE) Marcelo (Real Madrid-ESP) Alex (Chelsea-ING) Ronaldinho Gaúcho (Milan-ITA) Sandro (Internacional) Cris (Lyon) Hulk (Porto) Fabio Aurelio (liverpool) Lucas (Liverpool) Rafael (Man U) Neymar (Santos) Thiago Motta (Inter Milan) Historically, it is well known that Brazillian stars play better for their national team but struggle to perform for their clubs. The like of Socrates, Falcao, Zico underperformed for their teams in the past. When asked why Dunga selected Julio Baptista who is a reserve in Roma, this is what he said: " Julio is on the bench only because there is a player called Totti who is the king of Rome.". I know some in this forum will say why leave Ronaldinho out? I say why not bring back Rivaldo from Uzbekistan in that case. I know some will say why take so and so and leave out the young talent of Neymar and Ganso. But whose judgement do you trust? That of World-Cup winning Captain and his assistant (Jorginho) who was the best full-back of all-time, or Tuujiye ( of FC ciyaal-foocali) and Bob of Atletic Club Warshadda Hilibka in Jubadda hoose?
  4. Tuujiye, ma maqlin dheh, don't say Maradona didn't make his choice. He said that the team that beat Germany will start for Agrentina. Midda kale, ma Veron iyo Macherano ayaad ka sugaysaa inay Messi kubad u dhiibaan?
  5. I don't see a strong team. But Carragher's recall is good. He is strong defender.
  6. looooooo Ngonge. Ileen you compensate for your not watching games by following these sites. They are not wide off the mark. Whoever has little hope England would win the world cup must see what awaits them if they could move from their group. They must play any one of Brazil, Spain, Argentina, Uruguay, Australia, Germany etc. And we know they can't pass through these hurdles. Brazil too is not going to have an easy ride.
  7. Karl, football-daft Tuujiye and Bob look at individual players who are doing well in their clubs, and forget to see the importance of strong mentality in football. They tend to forget Eboue will get red-carded, Kollo will concede a penalty and their goalie Bobacar is useless. If you check WW.WFIFA.COM, they posted a poll asking which team will progress from group G. Guess what? so far, Ivory Coast is put at 4th place even lower than North Korea.
  8. Ee anigana mooto iskaafo aanku socdaa, vrooooooom vroooooooom, if you ain't on it with a fat wallet, habartaa iskala sheekeyso nooh! ( Markaa, ma waan iimaan la'ahay yaad leedahay? Oo saas ayaan kuugu soo tala galnaa kolkaan xagaaga usoo socono?
  9. So, this means you still don't know Walter Samuel and Zenetti are not playing in the World cup for Argentina? These are Inter's defenders not De Michelles and Otomandi who Maradona prefers. If he plays Walter Samuel, I think it will be a decent defence. Argentina's key man in the midfield is Veron. What does that tell you? The only good side (which can compensate for the weakneses elsewhere) is the attack. I expect Messi, Da Tolo and Angel Di Maria to be the key men for Argentina.
  10. War Bob, ilaahay ka yaab. Drogba maskax ma le waa doqon, markaa Lampard ha ag dhigin. Sir Alex Ferguson laftigiisa waa la aqli badan yahay, laakin Drogba wuu dhaamaa. Waayo isagoo 70 jir ah (Ferguson) ayuu maalin kasta la tirsadaa Evans iyo Fabio oo uu awoow u noqon karo. Markaa isagiina caruur ayuu noqday. BOB, just to be clear, who is your team in the World Cup. Bal mid uun ku adkayso kolba dhinac ha iga soo jidhin sidii dadkii xaabaale.
  11. Don't count on Ivory Coast. There is no defence in that team. I doubt they will manage to beat North Korea. They may have a good game against Portugal though.
  12. Brazil will beat N Korea and Ivroy Coast easily. And the final match they can afford to draw with Portugal. I think Brazil will qualify will 7 or 9 points from the group stage. I will be happy if Spain comes next but I think Spain will come first from its group and will play Portugal.
  13. It shows! Anyway, I don't expect anyone oustide Brazil win it. Certainly not England. Brazil, Spain and Holland seem likely. But somehow I am thinking the Spanish will not deliver as usual.
  14. Resistance, are you the younger brother of Tuujiye. Your forcasts seem as crazy as his!
  15. NG, adigu maanta inaad soo baxdo ma aheyn. Sida kale waad salaaman tahay. Liverpool are 7th soo ma aha.
  16. bal hadaba eeg Tuujiyoow! Hadhow ayaad odhan odaygan maxaa dusha iga saray! War, if Argentina ends up in the semi-final, it is a miracle. They don't have a good defence at all. I know your logic. Messi is there and therefore all is rosy. Any decent attacking team will score against Argentina with ease!
  17. looooooool@indha-adeega alshabab. I don't know if I am a good analyst or not, but I know the list below contains funny characters with no strong connection to football: Nuune Norf Tuujiye BOB I have some measure of respect for Ngonge and Oz. If I said the list above have no STRONG connection to football, the following gentlemen have no clue at all: Haatu Ayoub Wigad
  18. Originally posted by Norfsky: Who knew Tuujiye was a football fan? Meeshu kala waalay Some say Tuujiye is a football buffoon more than a fan. But I think he has entertained us throughout the year with his maudlin sentimentality about post-Vialli Chelsea. Still, it will be a stretch to call him a football analyst. Not when he loses sleep over Wigan, when it was clear for all that Chelsea won the league at Anfield.
  19. stop technicalities saaxib! Blair English ayaa loo yaqaanay. On Labour winning Scotland ahead of SNP when Labour leader was English, it could be because Scotish Labour Party was always there and the electorate recognised they need to have partners nationally. What I am saying is simplistic, but it does capture some truth. I just had 20 minutes talk with Mr. Simpson (who is English) and he didn't dispute what I am saying, although he may have qualified it here and there. Meesha qabyaalad kama maqna. Edit: looooooooooooooooooooooooool@ most British don't vote along nationality line! I guess you included. War anigu waxaaan ka hadlayaa British'ka quman. Maryooleyda, madoowga iyo Asian'ka meesha qaatay are significant and may not be voting along nationality lines. The same is true with some of the real British. But by and large, the scot will vote for a scot, the irish will vote for an Irish and the English will prefer English, all other things being equal, CETERIS PARIBUS!
  20. Tuujiye has for once got out of his usual self and he doesn't look pretty. He is apologising to individuals for calling them what they are, while not telling us if they have changed their views on the issues he disagreed with at first. Ilaahay ka baq oo big balls iska dayday oo sidan isu dhaan Tuujiye. Calling LAzyG a 'gaal' is not wide off the mark.
  21. lool at the 3 goals. I agree with you. Saaxiib, Wigan are useless. Arsenal allowed them back into the game that day. Largely a goal-keeping gift.
  22. Doorashada Britain qabyaalad socota weeyaan sida ta Somaliland oo kale. Wixii Scotish ahna wuxuu ugu shubi odayga Gordon ah, wixii English ahna Cameron. Because the English are the majority, the rest (macal soomalida meesha joogta) will tip the balance somehow and that is how we arrive at a hung parilament. If Jacaylbaro is running in Degmada Batalaale against me, it is pretty obvious an expert can call it for Jacaylbaro and Ciise-Muse than for me. I can't understand how suppossedly so advanced country can still vote along that line. Anyway, odayga Gordon ah qubka ayaa ka xunne nin maskax fiican weeye. He should form the next government along with the LibDems (election reform ayey rabaane taasna wuu ogol yahay) and then islaantii bigot'ga (qumayada) aheyd ee uu xummeeyey ha xaal mariyo intii 10 downing neef ugu qalo.
  23. Tuujiye, you should get some lessons on what 'fluke' means. Wigan's win over Chelsea was just that. I am not looking at papers, I look at teams and Wigan can not stop a focused and determined Chelsea. The last time they played them, Chelsea might was guilty of complacency. With the stakes that high now, they won't repeat it. Norf, heestan miyaad taqaan way na kaa hadaba, Way nakaa! King is the best ku yee! We shall see.
  24. PasserBy, Why would this development send shock waves in ONLF land? I thought it is a very good development for the front. It certainly is! You will know how good it is once the fanfare dies down in few weeks.
  25. Perhaps finally someone will tell me what it means. I have recurring dreams of me and Malika participating in several weddings and in all of them Juxa is there and I later (just before I wake up) hear that she was saying bad things about me and Malika. Like "why is she standing with this guy who have three wives?". Habeen walba wax noocaas ah baan ku riyoodaa. Juxa oo wax naga sheegaysa.