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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. The signs appear to confirm he is a Somali. If it is true he dropped his wallet, he is a Somali. Wax meel lagu iloobo iyo the like waa dhaqanka soomalida.
  2. xaafadii hadaadan joogin xageed tagtay. I understand this to mean you are travelling somewhere.
  3. Malika, subax wanaagsan. Why did the man kill the women? I mean the story you told us some days ago? Ina-lilaah wa inaa ilaahi raajicuun!
  4. ^ Oo peaceful'ka way ku xajiimoodaanba? Ma ogeyn. Sorry, they are war-mongers kolka. Hungri for ever!
  5. Because Nassir gives the wrong picture about his peaceful people, just because every other clan around is rowdy and he thinks his people too should be so. He says they chased so and so from their land, when we all know they are good chasers with line, hook and sinkers after amphibians. And this behaviour is a virtue not a shame. Why would you like to call yourself a killer when you are not?
  6. Jacaylbaro, sometimes you display a worrying level of hypocracy. When Jalle Siyaad was bombing Hargeisa, many of his commanders were from the Somaliland clan. It is always the case that there will be traitors from within. So, don't try to deny the fact that Cali Sandule and Xaabsade are not in the good books of the majority of the Darwaawish people. Wuxu siduu yahay ayaa loo sheegaa. Haddii kale, Somaliland is fully part and parcel of Somalia's TFG because Mohamed Abdullahi Omar is there! Inaad ka xagiina ka taga ee Xamar tagana tidhaahdaan waa kha'inu wadan, ka tolkii ka soo baxsada ee Hargeisa cuntada lagu siiyana tidhaahdaan waa SSC kala daaya!
  7. Nassir, Unless enviormental degradation by way of intensive deforestation for the purpose of charcol burning is considered as battling for Erigavo and fighting Somaliland, I am yet to hear any bullets ( lead or rubber) fired by your folks! Where are the bodies of those who you killed in your fights? Did you feed them to human-flesh-eating Sharks just across Las Qorey?
  8. Saado Cali Vs Ruun Xadi II! Entrance Fee: $20 Venue: SOL Coach of Saado Cali: Nassir Coach of Ruun: Oodweyne
  9. Tuujiye wan ku wareeray. He reads too much into friendlies with minnows. Kolba qolo ayuu odhan can't wait to watch. LoooolA@Bafana reminding him of Brazil. This Tuujiye guy is a relic runtii. He appreciates fruitless one-touches. Anyway, Argentina has a bad defence and a mediocre midfiled, but the best attack. But they will beat Nigeria. I think they will qualify from their weak group. Xalay waxaan kaloon ka seexan waayey BOB's logic about Cape Verde. War with all the players they have, they are yet to qualify from the preliminery phase of African Cup of Nations qualifiers. His logic was very very strange. Rijkaard is from Surinam, therefore Brazil will have problem beating the birth place of Rijkaard and Gullit!
  10. Somaliland elite have used visceral fear of a giant that will swallow them if they deal with numerical realities rationally and accept that they are neither Laanghere nor the Aryans of Somalia (or Duriyad). I always thought both of these myths were the concotions of desperate politicians who thought they will pilfer an underserved share out of the national cake with such self-delusions. It is sad to see the educated breed that they sired take these myths seriously and think they are numerically 'long-branched' if that term has any meaning without being put to the test of relative analysis. And it is a testamount to the foresighted mischief of the authors of such false realities that they claim the 4.5 calculation is invented to stifle Somaliland's dominancy in future Somalia. As to the dubious censuses you have used as reference, at least I know my community is a tiny minority farther south. I leave it to the Pirates, who are themselves not short of creativity when it comes to self-promotion of their political magnanimity in Somalia, to challenge it. Afterall, it is they, who bettered the Laandheere claim of the North-Westerners by coining such time-less adage "MJ's iyo inta madax-madoow ayaa siman", which, if true, will ask of you to prove you are more than not only the inhabitants of PL but also the sum total of every pirate and all the black-headed sheep that are exported of Berbera each day put togather .
  11. Originally posted by *Ibtisam: Somaliland makes up 30% of the whole of Somalia, I know the argument you made there was not to state how big Somaliland population is. Infact, it was about making the point that SL should not be seen as the biggest issue in the demise of Somalia as it only represents 30% or less of the people of Somalia. I agree with the argument. But I felt there is a factual error I need to correct incase the men and women who come from Dhulkii has given you an inflated view of the SL population. The Somaliland-clan (and here I mean the only clan which heartily pushes for the SL agenda) is a a sub-clan of one of the four major clans of Somalia. Hence, in the 4.5 calculation, they do not get even 1. They share the 1. In what is geographically called Somaliland (former British Somaliland), there are various clans: the SSC (inculding the docile clan from which Hunguri comes from) , the Awdalites, and the major Gabooye clan who populate large swathes of the Hargeisa-Burco-Berbera Triangle. So, when we talk about SL, we should make it clear whether we are talking about the geography or the people who live in there.
  12. Aaliya is right, there was a government in Somalia when SNM started fighting. Sure, there were oppression against SNM clan as well. Like it is now. There is a government in Somaliland, but the government there doesn't want to allow the SSC people to choose what they want, which is a dawlad goboleed named SSC. So, when Somaliland army attacks Buuhoodle or Las-Anod, the argument it makes about keeping borders is the same as the old one used by Jaalle Siyaad. We all know the issue of secession is a ONE CLAN issue. And the problem that one clan has is that it simply cannot live with the fact that its share in the national cake (when there is one) will be smaller than they aspire for, simply because of demography. They know geography (treating Somalia as North and South) not demography is to their advantage. What this clan should know is that when SSC gets its freedom, and when Awdal follows (after Riyaale leaves), they will be faced with the reality of the ephermeality of their dream. Clanists from the North of Somalia wearing the visage of statehood must realise the play they staged for two decades without a Hamlet is coming to its end. With SSC gone, a significant amount of their ratioanle for secession will be gone. Which is why the developments in Buuhodle and Widhwidh might be the dawn of Hope for Somalinimo.
  13. I am sad for the SSC people because they have no idea of the treacherous nature of the Tigre they are dealing with. I expect next week we will hear that the Tigre's called the elders and some kind of settlement is reached. Sadly, that will mark the start of a long period of oppression and indignity they are yet to experience. The only option for them is to fight back with some force and to show they dictate the terms of any deal. They can also threaten to form an alliance with ONLF. That will stop the Tigre's from being arrogant. Waxaan xabad aheyn hargab ayey ka qaadaan.
  14. For your information, the Amhara Democratic Forces Movement is established and this marks a huge development in Ethiopia. The Amhara's until now resisted organising along ethnic lines and this was a major victory for the TPLF. Now, they are saying they will fight as Amhara's (30 million) and the leaders of this organisation are former members of the EPRDF army. The aim of fighting a war is to achieve your goals. Battles contribute towards that and to that extent any small victory is welcome. But no one is saying the skirmish in Malqaqa is the start of the demise of the regime. The TPLF will be dismantled step by step and ONLF just needs to contribute towards that. There are others who are working to topple the regime. What will happen after the TPLF is deposed is for another day to discuss.
  15. From the Squad below, it is probable the starting 11 for Spain in the FIFA world cup in June and July 2010 in South Africa will be: GK: Casillas Defenders: Puyol, Albiol, Pique, Capdevila Midfielders: Xavi Alonso Xavi Hernandez Busquets Iniesta Strikers: David Villa F. Torres To be honest, this is a formidable team on paper. But let us look into the players and see if they are as fearsome as we are made to believe. 1. The Goal Keeper department is fine. Even if Casilas is not his former self, he is still a decent keeper, and in case Spain needs a better one, Jose Reina is upto the challenge. In fairness, he should be the number one from the start. 2. Spain's weakness becomes more evident when you look at the defence. Puyol is short on pace and often conceds unnecessary free-kicks. he is also prone to Yellow Cards and outright dismissals. Pique and Albiol are average and Capdevila is tiring, and has always been a poor defender but good in assisting the attack. So, the defence is their biggest weakness but not the only one. 3. Arguably the best midfield. But when teams play negative, this midifeld will struggle as there is no one who have the power to stop tough-tackling midfielders. Iniesta is not fully recovered, but even then he and Xavi are good in holding possession but not in penetrating. Save for occassional good through balls they send to the strikers. Still, the midfield is good and Sergio Busquets will be the key man to win back balls. 4. Spain's next weakest department is the attack. Torres has been living on old glory for the past one year. He can head good balls, but his first touch is poor and he has a love affair with the grass, continuosly preferring to roll over it than stand firm and fight with defenders. And the biggest overrated player, David Villa is by his side. It is easy to contain Villa and contrary to all the praise heaped on him, he is a mediocre attacker and I will not put a lot of faith in him. So, in the end, Spain is just another team with a good side but nothing special. ......................................... Squad: Goalkeepers: Iker Casillas (Real Madrid), Jose Manuel Reina (Liverpool/ENG), Victor Valdes (Barcelona). Defenders: Raul Albiol, Sergio Ramos, Alvaro Arbeloa (all Real Madrid), Joan Capdevila (Villarreal), Gerard Pique, Carles Puyol (both Barcelona), Carlos Marchena (Valencia). Midfielders: Xabi Alonso (Real Madrid), Cesc Fabregas (Arsenal/ENG), Sergio Busquets, Xavi Hernandez, Andres Iniesta (all Barcelona), Javier Martinez (Athletic Bilbao). Forwards: Juan Manuel Mata, David Silva (both Valencia), David Villa (Valencia/Barcelona), Jesus Navas (Sevilla), Fernando Torres (Liverpool/ENG), Pedro Rodriguez (Barcelona), Fernando Llorente (Athletic de Bilbao). © Sapa - AFP
  16. If Tuujiye can moderate the Sports section, it is time Rudy is given the Politics section.
  17. What is important is that Malqaqa is near the main town of Harar (between Jigjiga and Harar). It is good to move to the West, because this could encourage the Oromo's to take up arms and join in.
  18. ONLF oo guul ka sheegatay dagaal 19 May 19, 2010 - 7:33:20 AM Jabhada ****** National Liberation Front [ONLF] ayaa sheegtay in weerar ay ku qaadeen saldhig ku yaala Garrison ay ku dileen 94-askari oo Ethiopian ah, iyadoo xukuumada dalkaas ay maanta oo Arbaco ah xaqiijisay inuu weerarkaas dhacay. Dowlada ayaa sheegtay inaysan waxba ka jirin dilka 94-askari oo ciidankeeda ka tirsan iyadoo xustay in ONLF ay weerar ku qaadeen, lagana dilay dhamaan ciidankii saldhigaas weeraray. "Waxaan ku dilnay weerar aan ku qaadnay saldhig u dhexeeya Jigjiga iyo Harar 94 askari oo Ethiopian ah, waxaana dagaalkaas uu ahaa mid aan ku doonaynay inaan cadowga kaga yaabino" ayaa lagu yiri warbixin ay soo saartay ONLF. Jabhadu ma aysan sheegin xiliga ay weerarka qaaday iyo khasaaraha dhankooda kasoo gaaray, waxaase inta badan labada dhinac ay saxaafada ka sheegaan warar iska soo horjeeda. "Xoogag ka tirsan ONLF ayaa weerar kusoo qaaday saldhiga oo ahaa mid booliis, wayna ku guuleysan waayeen dagaalka, dhamaantood waa la dilay, inagana waxaa na gaaray khasaare aan badnayn" ayuu yiri Shimeles Kemal oo u hadlay Ethiopia. Weerarkan ayay jabahadu qaatay iyadoo doorashooyinka dalka Ethiopia ay ka harsan tahay oo wax ka yar hal todobaad, iyadoo kooxdan ay horay u sheegtay inay beegsan doonto goobaha cod-bixinta. Dowlada Ethiopia ayaa beenisa inta badan wararka kasoo baxa ONLF oo ah kooxda ugu weyn ee dagaalka kula jirta, iyadoo dhawaan ay Ethiopia heshiis la gashay koox kale oo lagu magacaabo Jabhada Midowga Xoreynta Somali-Galbeed. Sanadkii 2008 ayay maleeshiyada ONLF ku dileen Gobolka Somalida-Ethiopia 77-qof oo u badan ciidamada Ethiopia, iyadoo weerar ku qaaday goobta ay quburo China u dhashay ka baarayeen shidaal.
  19. Sh. Hotel thinks dismissing the Cabinet is like divorcing women with dalaaq's in three phases. He may have dismissed the PM with one Dalaaq, and now he brings him back.
  20. Today, MMA announced that he dismissed Nuune from Sports moderator position, but Nuune says MMA has no power to do that. In a PM sent to Norf, Nuune says only LST can replace him. Meanwhile, Abtigiis told SOltimes that he is the legitimate Moderator of the Sports section. Abtigiis laughed at rumors that Tuujiye might be nominated by LST saying 'LST is a serious man, he has no place for a joke like that'. The saga continues. The latest report is that MMA has decided to nullify his earlier decree after consulting legal advisors in SOL, such as LoZ and Oodweyne.
  21. Agrentina's final 23 squad finally looks a decent one with the inclusion of the industrious PASTORE in the midfield.
  22. I know. But I am not trying to appease the Pirates, who will all support Omer in any case. Even, Xinn will betray the Shariif now. Laakin, the way Sh. Hotel handled this is disgraceful. One sheikh Adan Madoobe fails to get the respect of the parliament. Omer's cabinet had no problem with one other and also with him. Sh. hotel comes to a press conference and says 'dawladii waan kala diray' as if the cabinet and the PM are ardo-looxleey la fasaxay. And no reason is given why? All to appease a former warlord, who reality has caught up with and who is told he can no longer pretend to be a respected leader of the Parliament. And in any case, when and if the Pirates stop piracy and human trafficking, they are the closest I have in Somalia, markaa waan u sii waji dhigan! Note that I am not optimistic the family mafioso led by Faroole and Sons will give up the underground businesses any time soon!
  23. This TFG is a reconcillation government. Sheikh Hotel is its figure head and while it is OK for him to ask and change Ministers and MPs from his clan, he cannot change the PM and other Ministers from other clans. Therefore, our PM in the name of Omer Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke stays put and it is the Macallin-Dugsi Shariif who has to eat back his words. Meesha reer reer ayaa loo kala fadhiyaa, marka inta dawlad quman la dhisayo, rer-hebel rer hebel ma eryi karaan. All the way with Omer. I supported Nur Cade against Yusuf and I supported Sheikh Shariif against Prof,Gandhi, but this time I am with my Tolkay, especially when the clueless Sharif dissolves the government solely to appease the useless Sheikh Adan Madoobe.
  24. Originally posted by Oz: Winner: Spain Runner Up: Brazil 3rd Place: Germany How far will England go?: Quarter-Finals Golden Boot: David Villa Surprise of the Tournament: Serbia Biggest team knocked out of Group Stages: Portgual Which English player will get sent off?: John Terry Player of the Tournament: Xavi Which of the big stars will flop the most?: Lionel Messi What's your take in this formation lads. I disagree with each and every one of the points here, excpet JT's red card. -Lionel Messi will do fine, but not great -Brazil will win it - Germany will go out at the group stages - England will be stopped at the round of 16 - Mascherano will get red-carded - Golden boot: Luis Fabiano - Player of the tournament: Kaka - Surprise team: Chile (certainly most enterprising team) - Spain to go out the quarter-finals
  25. It is not a surprise that those who know about Football will have a similar outlook about what is going to happen in South Africa. And LoZ is one of the real footie analysts in this forum.