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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Xavi Alonso says he wants to avoid Brazil in the next round. It seems Chelsea-man Tuujiye is the lone person who doesn't fear Brazil.
  2. Interpretations about a given situation matter. You speak of "current status quo" as a stalemate. We see it as a necessary process. This is struggle, and it has different phases. From what we see on the ground, there is no reason to adopt a different way of seeking our self-determination. You jump to steps we have not reached yet. You make the mistake of assuming that the coloniser is benevolent and is ready to give us whatever we seek if ONLY we drop the gun. You wilfully jump from part of history, which is that the ONLF sat with TPLF for two years to acheive the things you think can be achieved. You make the assumption that "Ethiopia is offering peace talks" when all that is on offer is an unconditional surrender. And that is not going to happen. Thousands died for the cause, and thousands continue to suffer for it. Their sacrifices will have to be honoured. What they sought should be achieved. And what they sought is to be given the fundamenatl right to choose their destiny. Whatever process or method that can result in that is acceptable. Be peace negotiations, be cohabituation for a short or even long-term. It can even be to be part of Ethiopia which takes you as equal partner. But the TPLF is offering the version of 'partnership' it has with Somaliland and Puntland, and the TFG. It seeks hegemony and has got it to a large extent. It wants to give you power and priviledge as a charity when it desires. We don't want that. On you last line about SL and refrendum, there is a factual error. Somaliland is part of Somalia, legally. So, it doesn't need to rejoin it. But if it wants to seceed, it can initiate the process by joining TFG, convincing other national partners and through a refrendum where other Somali's will also be asked if they approve of the refrendum issue. A bit of your own medicine there, mate!
  3. Horta, I see a lot of confusion and ignorance in your feeble recommendations. Confusions: confusion 1:- When you say, " where you have influence from [within]", anagoo aya ah? ma rer-hebel mise Somali's in Ethiopia? Because if you say either, the response is that a big part of Somali's are already part of the system both as a Somali and Og. Da'ud and Ina-iley are not from Galguduud nor from Eritrea. And they are the bosses in Region five, subject to the limitations of 'working from within' which means different things to you and to me. Confusion two:- Do you know the demographic impact when you are waiting to make changes gradually? the number of non-somai's in jigjiga right now? Do you want a balkan's situation later? But more importantly, do you think 'peaceful' ways of getting self-determination work in Ethiopia? Which precedence or current signs support this fatuos innuendo? Ignorance: Do you know why the ONLF and Ethiopia are not talking? Did you know of a particular offer (maybe si hoose loogu sheegay Cirro ama Cawil) that refrendum will be granted to the Og if they sign peace deal? Arimaahs culus ha inoo danbeeyeene, do you know the position of the Ethiopian government regarding talks with ONLF? Have you heard of a current process (by South Africa) to bring the two parties to a meeting and how it failed? Kolka if you have no answers for all these, please don't move the daggers inside our body with what clearly appears to be a heartless wiirsi of a brethern. And please understand there are stakeholders who could also think from the community you so readily patronise!! The other important observation from you response about Somaliland and its future (when I raised the question) is that you seem to think Somaliland should not go back to Somalia. Why? "because we have suffered; because we were independent first; because we were killed; because we don't like other clans to dominate us; because we are 'DIFFERENT'". Yet, you don't think those things apply to the Somaligalbeed to even a greater extent. What we have in Somaligalbeed is not separatism. It is a quest to rejoin Somalia. It is a march towars finding our roots. It is about freedom and choice. What you have in Somaliland is about clan self-interst, about division and disunity, about vengence and tribal ego. yet, you have the cheeck to patronise us on a daily basis about what we should do and what we shouldn't. Charity begins at home, as the cliche goes. When you find the prudence to seek reconcilliation with your likes in Somalia, you will have the moral authority to advise us as fellow somalis' as to where our interst lies. Is that a fair proposition,gentlemen?
  4. Ok, I hear you. I will instruct the ONLF to do so when I see Somaliland accepting to be part of the national reconcilliation in Somalia. Horta intaadan odhan xabashi la midooba, idinku Somali la midooba oo ogolaada.
  5. Kashafa's friends never cease to amaze me with new weird inventions!
  6. Norf, good idea, but who says you get a refrendum? Is it Norf who is offering it?
  7. qoloadii hore 70 nin ayaa ciidan u ahaa, kan ka dhawaaqay waa kii lahaa Maxamed Cumar Cismaan ayaa Dr. Dollal dilay. Dad ma wato, aniga i maqal. Inta la garabo ayaa ah in fikirka aad sheegaysid ee ah way qaybsan yihiin ama ONLF way diciiftay la faafiyo. Waa xaalad jirta in la diciifi karo, lana qaybsami karo marka halgan lagu jiro. Laakin Alxamdu lilaahi taasi ma dhicin ilaa hadda, ashqaas iskood u daalay oo dan shaqsi raacday unbaa hadlay.
  8. Maya Jacaylbaro, la igaga tagi maayo. Laakin ONLF did not declare to enter into talks with Ethiopia. I just wanted to correct this factual error. If and when they decide to do so, we will analyse what it means and whether I agree or not. Adigaa ogaan doona in Abdiwali ONLF ma talo iyo in kale. Koley somalida waa taqaan qaabkay u dhaqmaan. Waa Darawal oo yidhaa anigaa UDUB ah oo kale xaalku!
  9. War Xinnfanin maxaa ku dhacay? Jab nala jecelaa ninku!! Ileen Pirate unbuu ahaa. Since when has Cabdi-Wali become ONLF? ONLF will never compromise on the liberation and self-determination of the people in Somaligalbeed. Talks are welcome to the extent they lead to better deals and not chairs for some egotistic individuals. The genuine ONLF leadership is earning the trust and support of the people by the day as pretenders continue to seek favours from Meles with nonesense. Meles knows who is fighting him and will not fall for this gimmicks. He knows Cabdi-wali and Salhadin can not give him PEACE!
  10. On bahalf of powers vested upon me as the Officer-in-charge of the office until 21 June when Mr. Rodrigueuz will be back, I am going to go to home to watch the Cameroon game; whatever the staff I was suppossed to supervise would feel. Ceebeey tacaal! Cidda ila soo hadasha ee tidhaa 'we want this or that, when are you coming back'na' waa inoo aroota. I am going to give an assignment badda-rinjiyee ah oo ayna ilaa caawada danbe ka bixin.
  11. loooool@Xaaji Candhuuf! looooooooooool. Way la heshay!
  12. I managed to watch the first half as it coincides with my lunch break. Very boring game. But Holland is on the attack, and Denmark is creating chances with the counter.
  13. Australia did not play that bad. I don't think they are a bad side. but they are an ageing side and I normally don't like old players. Yet, I am sure they will bounce back and give Ghana and Serbia tough games. Brazil will win tomorrow, but they should not peak early like the Germans. They will produce their best form in the third game against Portugal, and by then they are already on six points. They will beat Ivory Coast, two goals from set-pieces will do.
  14. Adeer norf, thanks for the welcome. But, please easy with this so is better and so is not. Englans sent a squad of 23 and a coach and it is a collective thing. When they win, it is not all who contribute equally. Some play excellent some days, others have a bad day. You will not hear me saying 'oh, Dunga should have played so and so' or Elano was poor or Gilberto Silva is the reason we lost. Yet, I know Gilberto Silva is a liability. Also Melo is not playing well. But I stand by my prediction, Brazil will beat everyone they need to beat and win this world cup. Markaa, dee if SWP is crap and Capello's decision-making is bad, what are you saying? England is not winning? As to making excuses, I don't think the English need you. Just see SkyNews and their media and you have experts in rationalising the failures of England. One Psychologist even suggested England lost because Rob Greene wore a Green Jeresy, and suggested yellow or Red. Nimankan Ingiriiska waalaguu yaqaan. We have no luck with penalties, coach made mistakes, refree bias, Maradona hand, etc etc, they have thousands of excuses. Much worse happens to other teams but they still win. Brazil got a player red-carded in USA 94 against the host but yet won it.
  15. I read all comments on the World cup, but was not able to respond. I don't think I should have done that even if I was able to. Ngonge was dishing out a very sound and educating analysis to the fickle highlight heroes in this forum time and time again. I relished that. More than anything, what this world cup exposed is the shallowness of the analysis of people who started watching football during the Vialli-day. Ngonge was spot on when he said England played well in their first game. I tend to agree with him. They certainly played better than I expected. I don't think they will play better than that in the next games. But what surprised me most was that people are saying Capello has done this mistake and that mistake. Was it not because of Capello that everyone was saying England will win the World Cup in the first place? Otherwise, what has really changed? Who tested England by the way when all were tipping them to the glory of a World Cup? Two games against Croatia? Who else did they beat by the way? I never bought the idea that Capello will transform a mediocre English team to something they aren't: World Beaters! But the funniest thing I read so far was Norf's "SWP is a crap" thing. Is it the time to talk about who is crap and who is not? You said England will win this world cup and it matters to me least if SWP is crap or Capello fielded two midfielders who do not click togather (Gerard and Lampard); itself a cliche lent credence only because it has been repeated so much on the evasive British media. Like the other cliche, 'Hesky brings the best out of strike-partners.' But Heskey played very well to me. He was one player who surprised me in the US game. And if a team doesn't have a good goalie, is it not a big concern? Why would one think such a team will will a world cup or is even a good team, especially when the four men in front of the goalie include Tierry and Carragher. Watching Premier league is deceptive. One watches Drogba making the most of the endless supply line and support of players like Malouda and think he will do the same for Ivory Coast. Well, it hasn't happened in the last four years and I don't think it is because Didier doesn't want to fight for his country. It is simply because he looks better than he is amid a team of stars. Shabalala is not playing in the preimer league, but Makoena (Aron) is. Sometimes, people fail to see that there are great players who did not have the luck to break into big leagues. Just as there are some blessed by their mothers like Benjani, Yakubu and Mido who play for big teams when they probably are not good enough for local teams in their home country.
  16. The Germans will not win this world cup simply because they are so Un-german. They are playing like Brazil of old days. Full of technic, and sharp attack but vulnerable at the back. They will not repeat this form against the next two group opponents. But they will qualify from the group stages.
  17. walaahi xalay when I slept, I knew exactly what Tuujiye will be thinking tomorrow. That Argentina, Ghana and Gemany will win the world cup. Fickle as always! No more Serbia (which he told us will storm the world cup)!! Fine, I think Germany are good because Ballack is not slowing things in the midfield. Same way Ghana is playing with fludity without the distructive Essien. Anyway, what this world cup proved so far is that everything Norf, Tuujiye and Norf said is not happening. And to say Argentina is a favourite is a joke given their defensive problems. Even a team of Nigeria's pace could have scored many goals with a bit of sharpeness. Argentina shows why you cannot win the world cup with good strikers alone. You need a balanced team, and they are far from it. Especially, when they are chasing a game.
  18. I was counting on Rio's vulnerablity when I talked about England not making an impact. If he is out, maybe England will play well. But that is if Dawson plays. It appears King is stepping into Rio's shoes and I still feel English defence will disappoint. King is better than Rio though.
  19. wali koofiyad ma xidhan, laakin biddar'tu igama foga. It is coming very soon.
  20. Juxa, iska dheh ilaahay baa ku lahe. Ilaa goormaad laalush uun igu dayn.
  21. Reer-burco caadi ma'aha. I particularly liked their sense of democracy and tolerance. Last night one burcaawi was addressing people in meeting hall. What he said made me laugh. Wuxuu yidhi, "waryaada, adeer meeshu waa xor oo waa damaquradi. qof waliba ciddu rabo ayuu raacayaa, ra'yiguu rabana wuu qaadan karaa. Sidaa darted, Hadaad Kulimye taageersan tihiina marxaba ayaan idin leenahay; haddii aad cilad qabtaan oo balaayo kale daba yaacdaana, shirka buuqa nooga daaya oo ilkaha dhaadheer nala dhaafa!! Qosol bay naftii iga baxday!
  22. Mahadoow, hawshassi sidaad mooday ma'aha!
  23. Bob'ster, here is Ronaldinho destroying Dunga. But I think he was in Dunga's squad for long three years when he was off form. It is really long shot to ascribe his omission to this. Conspiracy theory at best!
  24. loooooooool@kiraamo weeye tuujiye. I think it is considered a beauty because parts of our body with autonomous authority reacts to it. This old man we were having lunch togather (waa yara sheikh type) ayaa waxaas wax la mid ah lagu gudbay on the opposite table. Somehow, odayga attention'kiisa ayaa xagaa ku maqnaa, and he started saying yes and no answers to our discussions, which he normally participates in with more than that. Anagoo yaaban oo leh what happened to the oday, ayuu hadlay uu yiri, "hebeloow kursiga ii soo badal waan qarib nahaye". Ilaa hadda ma iloobo that old man. P.s. Tuujiye, aniga ninyahoow waligay noocaas iguma soo hagaagaan. Mid at high school ah oon xasuusto oo wax isku ogeyd, used to say 'check if I picked up dust or grass' (bal iga eeg) marka garden'ka school intaan sheekaysano aan ka kacayno.