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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. They are playing very well Norf. Just be patient. In fact, they are passing up field very quickly which is good. Goals will come if this continues. The Swiss need to keep the ball and frieghten the Spanish with counter-attacks to get relief. Come on Switzerland. Put past Casillas and the faint-hearted spanish will be at one other's throats. They lack mental strength. Waa wax naxi og sida Carabta!
  2. I don't think so. But if the BBC is saying so, malaha waxbaa jira. I will investigate.
  3. They are in South Africa actually. But whereever they are, no one is allowed to see them. Waa la qariyaa nimankaas.
  4. Algeria are vowing to put up a fight against England and they are capable of doing that if they get a bit more disciplined. If that happens, England will have to beat Slovenia and with hit and run sort of game, i doubt they will go anywhere. I prefer US and Slovinia to qualify than the English. Just so that they understand that they REALLY are not as good as they believe about themselves.
  5. Coach Dunga and his players said that North Korea's massed defence simply made life too difficult for the five-times world champions on Tuesday, who are more comfortable facing teams who open up and attack. "It was a very complicated match because they closed down the spaces," said striker Luis Fabiano after Brazil struggled to a 2-1 win over the World Cup minnows. "It was difficult for the forwards because there was a sea of Korean players and the ball just didn't reach the front," he added. Goalkeeper Julio Cesar also complained of the inconvenience caused by the opposition. "It's boring to play against a team like that because you have to attack all the time," he said. "North Korea were trying to play on the counter-attack." Felipe Melo said that North Korea played with "two lines of five" and Michel Bastos agreed that the Asian side's ultra defensive tactics made it tough for the Samba boys. "It's not easy to play against a team which just plays in defence. It makes things really difficult for us," he said. In central defender Juan's opinion, it was all typical of modern football. "That's football today," he said. "A national team without any sort of tradition at the top level, but who mark well and just worry about defending." Dunga, who has turned Brazil into a team which depends on counter-attacks and set pieces for goals, agreed with his players. "When you meet a team who play attacking football, it allows you to create space," he said. "When you play opponents who close ranks, you have to speed up the game, you misplace passes, you have to be persistent, so it's not easy to play against that sort of team." Dunga's Brazil have thrived against teams who have taken the initiative, especially in the World Cup qualifiers when they won 3-0 in Chile, 4-0 in Uruguay and Venezuela and 3-1 in Argentina. But they were held to 0-0 draws at home to Bolivia, Colombia, Argentina and Venezuela after their opponents packed their defence.
  6. I don't know wha you expect but games are tight and 1-0 in the first game is crucial. I don't think it will end like that though. At least 2-0 sug.
  7. Walaahi xitaa Tuujiye wuu ka daran yahayba baryahan. Horta ninkii Bob ibnu-Gervinho Al-Kalou ahaa ma la hayaa?
  8. soowdigii lahaa they are going to win. Iloowsho dhowidaa? Why do you predict results when you have no adequate reasons for doing so horta? What were your grounds to assert Honduras will beat Chile in the first place horta Ibrow?
  9. They will not play this open as well. But you have a point. But in terms of attacking, they are the most exciting team to watch. And Humberto Suazo is not even on the field.
  10. War ninkan Norf ah ma kol kol buu isdiiriyaa oo uu ilmada libaaxa taabtaa. Soow kan kala hadlaya? War are you not saying Honduras will win? The scoreline will increase when Humberto Suazo comes in, if he is deemed fit ( for Chile.
  11. Brazil will beat Chile comfortably. They are the type of teams where Dunga's tactics work 100%. They were beaten in Santiago with 10 men of Brazil and lost in Brazil as well during the qualifications. It is teams like Honduras (small ones) with defensive minds that Dunga is yet to come up with effective antidote. In fact, I want them to go so far that I don't want then to play Brazil. Because that surely will be the end of their world cup.
  12. Originally posted by Norfsky: Spain will win 4-0 Hunduras will beat Chile. I didn't see until now. Kaalay ninka Norf ah kolk kol miyuu riwaayadeeyaa? War Chile is competing for the first spot in the group. And about Spain, bari arootii war kale ayaa la iman. Like so and so was rubbish iyo so and so should have started. There is no way they are going to win like that.
  13. Adeer this Chile side is the one's I said will be the dark horses of this world cup. If not for results, for exiting football. They are a delight to watch. They don't know what defenders does mean though. Bielsa only has one instruction: go and attack. Spain beware! Spain falters later against the Swiss as I expect, they may have to face Brazil earlier than they expected. Or they may be out of the cup at the first round.
  14. On another issue, what do you think about this suggestion? I think Dunga should give kaka 45 minutes more chance next game, and if he can't move like yesterday, he should unleash the Beast (Baptista). His club form is irrelevant. He plays exceptionally well for Brazil when he comes on. He also brings the added advantage is shooting from distance. The depth in the squad is startling. Ramires will shine in this world cup, but he sometimes forgets to defend.
  15. War dee waxan iska daaya. Ngonge is not right in portraying the game as if it was NK and Brazil game. It was much more open than that and IC attacked very well but could not score. In fact, they looked more like the team that will score. But it is also true they played defensively. Maybe it is because Portugal didn't expect the Ivorians to be that astute tactically, that they are surprised and bitter.
  16. Jabhad, Zack and fellow friends, why do you waste energy on the chit-chats posted here as news by this bitter guy PassBy. Iska daaya fadlan. Wixii micno leh ayaa lala doodaa.
  17. Good point taleex. Nin walaalkii oo Somali ah ka cararaya oo leh lama hadlayo ayaa anaga oo Somali ah nagu waaniyaya Ethiopia wadahadal la gala. Tan Garabka Cabdiwali ee ONLF waa sheeko la yaqaaan. Waa isaga iyo nin kale. Iyo kolba qofka xanaaqa ee boos raadis ah. Dear Oodweyne, All I got from your lengthy rant is that you are saying all of the ONLF leadership are waiting for Meles to call them and give them posts and not fighting for principles. You have the right to think that way, but until we see it happening that way, shall we agree that what you said remains as an allegation?
  18. Quiroz is exaggerating things. Yes, IC were defensive but were also attacking. In fact, they had created more chances than Portugal.
  19. The US team is a very good side. I don't know who is giving the impression they are not. They work hard and pass the ball with precision.
  20. Fine Ngonge, let us wait and see. Brazil will struggle beating any team in the World Cup, because all teams up their games against them. So, the struggle part is not my worry. The days when one team runs over other is over in international football. If Ivory Coast plays defensivelyas you say, I agree Brazil will struggle but will find goals from set-pieces. But I expect Ivory Coast to open up a little bit more than Korea and all that we need those spaces. I am confident Brasil will prevail on the day. I am slightly concerned by what has now become a trend. Brazil takes time to get into games. In all their matches for the last six months, they tend to raise their pace after the 30-minute mark and usually play well in the second half. Ivory Coast will concede free-kicks and possibly even Penalty. I count on that. Again, what Norf seems to get confused about is the meaning of having a good defence. He thinks a good defence is one that never allows any goals to go past it. Well, this is football and that is unnatural. Brazil' defence was solid through-out last night. They lost concentration around the end of the game, but didn't give much clear chances to Korea. Against Ivory Coast, they are likely to give away chances, but overall will do a good job. The only reason Brazil struggled last night was because KaKa's role was missing. if he doesn't play well against Ivory coast, I think Dunga will go for Plan B, which is to unleash the Beast (Julio Baptista) and make adjustments in the midfield so that Alves is accomodated. In fact, Brazil might get a better fight from portugal because of the history. Go the Selecao!
  21. Originally posted by chocolate & honey: Miskiin, they bothered him so much that he couldnt even get it up? Thats the moral of the story. You cannot be further from the gist of the story. Ku noqo. It is not about booth, or nagging or virility. It is about one man's utter confusion about what constintutes marriage and what constitutes fun. It is about his apprent failure to bring fun to his marriage because of old dogmatic thinking. He starts by saying "Girl friends are for fun, wives are for serious matters". He vows never to say 'I love you' to his wife and he thinks it should be obvious from his actions. And finally, he fails to understand why his marriges end up breaking.
  22. Brazil will beat Ivory Coast. Norf, so tell me if you didn't see flair last night? The score lies sometimes but North Korea were superb. Kaka and Fabiano didn't shw up, but that is the beauty of Brazil. Each day one shines. Robinho is quality and if Fabiano didn't up his game against IC, Nilmar could take his place. The lapse of concentration at the last minute which allowed NK to score is a blessing in disguise. Better happen now than at the knock-out stage. It is known one of the major criticisms against Dunga is that his team finds breaking teams that pack the defence difficult. Because his game plan is for counter-attack. Brazil played better than I thought. I thought they will not run much but seek goals from set-pieces and corners. The precision of passing and motivation was excellent from Brazil last night. The Jabulani ball looks as if made for them. Bring Ivory Coast to the butchery next. With ill-discipline at the back, they will concede many free-kicks and word is that Alves may start in place of the disappointing Elano. Who said this is the group of Death? Brazil to win the group wth nine points. Credit to North Korea who played the game of their life. If they can repeat that against the other teams, they will qualify. Already their coach said it is Brazil and North Korea who will go to the next round. By the way, I was moved by the People's Rooney (NK's number 9) who cried for his national anthem. This player is not even a North Korean. He is from the South and he lives in Japan. But his mother loves North Korea's way of life so much that she asked him to play for them. He is a very good player.
  23. Now, I understand. Your problem is about self-belief. Whatever made a tiny 3 million Tigre to mount a bitter struggle against an army of 500,000 will make me keep fighting. It is called resolve and self-belief. Until such time the enemy realises it cannot crush the will of the people and agrees to come to the table.
  24. Malika salaams. loooooool@escape planning every weekend. Walaahi waa ragii waa dhiban yihiin! For the first time Ngonge missed the moral of my stories. War, it is not about nagging wives. Go to the first sentence to understand what it is about.
  25. Rants of a man pushed to debauchery and lonely life by women Short Story Girl friends are for fun, wives are for serious matters. Yes, I know this and believed in it from young moons. And I have tried to be serious with my marriage life ever since. But after my fourth wife left me last week, virtually repeating the same accusation that her predecessors made against me, I am confused. I heard she told my family that I am a very angry man who always seems to be engulfed in thoughts. She is right. That is how I behave with my wives. But those who meet me outside the matrimonial ring know a different person. I would say they know the opposite man: a cheerful and lively man who never gets enough of making jokes and who takes life very easily. There is also something my previous wives agree on. That I am a terrific father to my children, but a terrible husband. It is true. The seven children I got from my wives in the formation of 3-2-2 -0 are lost for words to describe their love and admiration for me. So much so, that the school has to call me and tell me ‘not to disappoint’ one of my sons who they thought will kill himself if he loses me. The wives also agree that I changed once they become my wives, but that in the run up to the nuptial arrangement, I was a sweet-talking, funny man. And all the children live with me. I never allow women to take a child away from me. Kids are my life. And before you jump to conclusions about what is wrong, let me tell you I am a handsome man (at least there is a consensus among my wives I am so), who is also financially stable. A good man, who never says no to the demands of his wife. A staunchly faithful man, who never looks at other women while he is in marriage. In the interval between the divorces, when there is no commitment to any particular person, I can be reckless though. I used to hate myself for what I do those times. But I now know the Whites, who have better brains than us, also do run into these kinds of days. At least, two of them told me how they sought solace from booz and booty when they were “vulnerable”; just coming out of a failed relationship. Since then, I always know it is because that I am vulnerable that I do bad things, not because I am a bad person. And that comforts me a lot. There was no lack of love in my marriages as well. At least I am sure one of the wives (the second one) loved me so much, and I know I loved one of them (the first) very much. It doesn’t mean I didn’t love the rest two or they didn’t love me. I just can’t tell. A week before my last wife left me; I paid attention to one e-mail I knew was a Spam. It was sent from ViagraWholesale online, and was addressed to my name. The subject read, “Mr. Mohamed, 80% lowered rates for the true blue pills all week”. I am not a superstitious man, but can smell an augury. Especially, when it is a bad one. A common feature of my family breakdowns were that at the twilight of things, I am drained so much, mentally and physically, by the nagging of the wives, that I need help to discharge my conjugal responsibilities. I lose appetite for food and for everything. I go pale and just want wives to leave me alone. “But what is the problem”, I ask myself always. What is the nagging about? I quickly find out that it is because wives, in general, are a burden to me. I feel possessed. I feel constrained. They don’t given me the freedom of sitting in my house peacefully, doing what I want to do. They have their schedules; their commitments; their issues. And they want to involve me in their things. I resent that. If they need ‘talk’ as they often say, it should not be when I am playing with my kids, when I am watching Sports, when I am having coffee outside, when I am exercising, when I am debating politics on my head (alone), when I am wondering who will win the British elections, when I am online, when I just want to sit and ponder about why I was created and where I will end up, when I am thinking what my son will be, and who will marry my daughter. They should look for other time to talk to me. After all, is it not that I will come to the bed room at last. Even if that means, they are asleep. They surely hear when I am entering and they can find time to wake up and talk up. Mindful I have to report to work in the morning. So, let them go around and give me names. He is a bad husband. He treats women badly. They cannot say he didn’t give me this or that. They are lying if they say so. They cannot say he abused me verbally. And even when they say, he doesn’t talk they are lying. I talk. I ask them what they need. I ask them what the children need. I ask them what is in order and what needs to be done. I ask for sweaters when I am cold, and I get them what they need, when they ask for it. And I do my manly job well. They know and attest to it. Except the last days when they render me dysfunctional with incessant nagging. What they want me to say is “I love you”. I will never say that. I see it as ostentatious. Don’t they see from my actions that I love them? From my commitment and care? One pathetic psychologist told me it is important that those around me know how I feel about them. Yes, I tell to my children. They are young. But these grown up women, should know from my face. And after all, didn’t I say ‘I love you’ a million times before I married them? What more do they want? These irritating creatures! I blame them for my mental corruption. I now believe transactional sex offers the most freedom and transparency. It is also honest.