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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Originally posted by *Ibtisam: A&T, your new sheego wa qaaq! Markaa, horror films'ka ma jeclid baan u gartay!
  2. Cheif, waa markii hadda Hashimite blood'ku ina jiidhan jiray!
  3. Frankly speaking KK, I am looking for some fodder for short stories here, and I don't want to get involved that much. But honesty is good. I don't think there is anything lost in translation as it was graphic as it can be. Unless we are looking at a scenario where the said Oodweyne is indeed a female (which is unlikely), the words 'stand up' if we may have to translate it to English apply only to the autonomously-administered part of the male physiology. I cannot rule out of the possibilty of some SOL'ers getting high with the mere discussion of getting high as it appeared above. It is something to write about in the future. You know how many kinds of weired news we hear on a daily basis!
  4. chief, haa. Oodweyne, waryaa gabadha afka ka jeedi tuugyahoow. Waa inaadeer-tahay waryaa gabada aad caayeyso. Reer-'F.a.q.ash' ayaan isku nahay. Seriously though, gabadha daa waryaa. Waad ka xanaajisay and she said things at the heat of the moment. Way dhacdaa in la murmo, laakin halkaa ku daa dee oday. Anigu cidna uma nacamleyn laakin I laughed at the prospect of what she said happening. It is a fodder for a short story of the sort you know. I have never seen you agitated as you are today or on this thread. Is daji.
  5. Leonardo. I agree with you about the other things you need to be told. But those things we have already at SuperSport. They give us a good profile of even players who play for North Korea. They are good.
  6. At the start of the world cup draw, I picked here in SOL that Mexico and Urugauy will qualify from Group A. And that Argentina and South Korea will qualify from Group B. I haven't seen anything that should change my mind. I may get it wrong in Group C, because I don't like the English. I predicted USA and Slovenia (or Algeria) -I don't remember which of the latter to be honest to qualify from this group. I still think USA will go through, and now with the benefit of two games result, I WANT Slovenia to go through. From Group D, I think i got it wrong because I predicted Germany will go out, and Serbia and Australia will qualify. Now, I think Ghana and Serbia might actually go through. My other predictions were (at the WC draw) were Group E: Holland and Japan Group F: Paraguay and Slovakia (I have doubts now, and I think Italy might sneak) Group G: Never in doubt. Brazil and Portugal Group H: Switzerland and Chile (I have the feeling I may have underestimated Spain). But overall, not bad. Is it?
  7. Ngonge, in any case after at some point, it is hard to come up with something unusual in football analysis. Even ZonalMarking is not surprising me this days. Barnes is good, I tell you. He says things that are right and doesn't pin down everything to tactics and formations. Sometimes, you got to believe that luck has part in football. How do you define hiting one long shot one day and you get a goal, and on another day you hit the post from close range 11 times. He acknowledges that there are things that are at times inexplicable in football. And that is excatly how it is! But he also gives you a good account of what each team was doing and what they need to do. WHat they do at SuperSport is they invite former ex-players of most of the big teams that are playing each particular game and get their opinions. Remember the SS guys are professional analysts as well. Edgar Davids, Sammy Kufour were the lousiest so far.
  8. Anigu SuperSport baan ka daa wadaa and I find John Barnes (from the list of invitees) as the best of all.
  9. Karl, you saw Torres last night and it confirms what I said above. Villa played well but against a very weak Honduran side. Let us see if he can keep doing this with others. By far, the most brilliant player for Spain so far has been Jesus Navas.
  10. Bob, Mahadoow ma nabad baa? Waraa Ngonge, I didn't know in Norf sidaa u maskax adag yahay. And also he is fickle. Hadda waxaa laga yaabaa inuu yidhaa Portugal will win the WC. They might and I respect their play so far, but should first have a proper defence and goalie. Of course, we know Tuujiye thinks Ghana is going to win this WC.
  11. Portugal 7-0. North Koreans not coping with the pace. Portugal improved a lot in this tournament, but it will be a mistake to read too much into this exploits. Against Brazil, they will seize up to what they are. A poor side.
  12. Originally posted by Norfsky: LoL IC had more of the ball looooooooooooooooooool. Waraa ninkani kubadda ma daawado waan ku dhaaran karaa. Highlights unbuu eegaa!
  13. The North Koreans are down by 4-0. They adopted an open game buoyed by their display against Brazil. They are ripped apart. Brazil can and will beat Portugal. But with this result, it looks there will be no incentive to play tough. Unless Spain wins today and one of the two teams play to avoid them.
  14. loooooooooooool labada saacadood muxuu ku kala falayaa? Maradona waa riwaayad socotaa. Up in the picture, waxbuu meel ku hagaajinayaa. You know it happens.
  15. His timeless line is unforgetable. "Waloow dhaylo aad tahay oo hadana la dhaqankiyo Dhunkashada ku wacan tahay," Allah yarxama.
  16. Waa runtaa Ngonge. Norf, if Dindane and Kalou struggle and could not cross, don't you think Brazil midfield and defence gets some credit?
  17. Fully agree with Ngonge. I just don't understand Norf sometimes. If Drogba didn't get any supply, who gets the credit? NG, I think Sven got the tactics right. Brazil likes teams that attack them. They really struggle with those who pack their defence. But they are not Spain. They have the mental strength and patience to wait, and wait and wait until one chance comes. If you keep on knocking on a door where the guy inside has obviously decided he will not open for you, you must not continue banging even more loudly and shouting (Spain). You should stop banging and sit at the corner of the door, and it is likley the guy inside will open the door at least to see if the nusiance have gone away. Markaas ayaa la isku soo tuuraa! That is what Brazil does.
  18. Go up this thread and see my predictions, Norf. I said 3-1, it turned out that way. No elation at all. Brazil won with 30% effort. It seems it is not only France's team that has problem. French referees too. The following were his mistakes: 1- Brazil's second goal should have been disallowed. I don't think it would have changed the outcome though. 2- Kaka was petulent, but the red card was not right. 3- Two leg-breaking tacles by Tiote and keita should have led to two automatic red cards. Overall, there is no news here. Brazil continue to deny the opposition any breathing space with drilled 4-2-4 (with the middle two Melo and Silva sitting deep) everytime Maicon or Bastos go up. More worrying is Bastos. He is good going forward but defensively questions remain. he is the weak link. Gilberto of Cruzeiro should come if he doesn't improve. Players like Kuyt will give him hard time. Or perhaps it is good to bring thiago silva to that place. Kaka's dismissal gives Dunga the opportunity to try a different thing. They are saying he is planning to give Robinho kaka's role as play-maker and add Nilmar as striker. That is good. Or he can always bring in Baptista. Elano will not be missed. Dani Silva is excellent. Brazil's defence was exceptionally good again, but again we have witnessed a lapse of concentration as they led 3-0 and started playing for the gallery with neat inter-passes. That is what I and Dunga hate. If the spectators have to get bored, let them. but don't misplace passess and Lucio should not go for the attack once they are in the lead. Brazil's difficulty is always in the first 30 minutes as opposition players are not tired and close down spaces. Once they score, it becomes easier. They will beat Portugal and Kaka can come in at the round of 16 with no cards. I thought he is getting back some of his self. Anyway, only Holland and Brazil look like solid teams. Holland also is no more going for the beautiful game, but are playing for points. Which is frighting and why in think they may get something this year. Bob-ibnu-Gervino Al-Kalou heestan ayaan u dalbaday: Waxaad maqashay ee dhacay Muuqaagii iga jaray, Micnaloo Brazil, Kaga maarmo ii sheeg
  19. So, don't just say things won't happen. Take your shot and tell us who will win? meel laguu raaco garan mayno. I am saying Brazil, Nuune is saying Spain, Tuujiye is saying Serbia , what is your take?
  20. waxba kuma daryoo intaa Ngonge yidhi. Looooooool@gut feeling. Norf is all about gut feeling. I just was unable the right words. Ngonge, possibilities and probabilities aside, I think France and Nigeria are out. Nigeria will not beat South Korea. Uruguay and Mexico will draw and even if they don't Bafana could earn a point against France. What scoreline do you predict in the England Algeria, and Brazil Ivory coast games? I can say the second game could be 3-1 in favour of Brazil. But the first I am afraid I can't say anything. Spain may be the biggest surprise if they can't beat Honduras. Adeer, long before they won the Euro cup, they were known as "THE CHAMPIONS of FRIENDLIES" and that might be the case again.
  21. It is harsh of the xalimoos here to compare the looks of millionaries to ordinary Somali's. Let us look for Somali millionaries who were born handsome.
  22. For Bafana supporters: Judge to child: Do you want to live with your mother? Child: No Judge: Why? Child: She beats me. Judge: Okay, so you want to live with dad? Child: No Judge: Why not? Child: He beats me too. Judge: So who do you want to live with? Child: BAFANA BAFANA Judge: WHY?? Child: They never beat anyone!
  23. Let us wait the second Germany game NNC. The way I saw them in the games before Australia, I have doubts about them. Don't get carried away!
  24. Waryee Norf, I dispute your meaning of a good defence? Still, Brazil will concede goals now and then. But how many chances did they give to North Korea in the entire game? Also, Are you disputing that Brazil defence was the best during the qualifiers? What measurement should we use? Adeer, it is a fact Brazil is coming to this world cup with best defence of all teams. If you want to talk about but then how did a team score against them, I think that only points to lack of understanding.