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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Norf, You need a break from the uninspring and easy to predict Preimer league but not from the World Cup theatre, where each match is a great spectacle. I think real football is played every four years in the World Cup and Euro's. Club games are just a watse of time. Wigan plays Manchester United, Bacelona faces Bilbao. Waa useless runtii.
  2. players who impressed me so far are: Brisa -Slovenia Suarez - Uruguay Honda - Japan Ozil - Germany Sanchez - Chile Andre Ayew - Ghana Tim Cahil - Australia Fabio Quadagelia - Italy Jesus Navaz - Spain Raul Meiralles and Fabio Conterras - Portugal
  3. If Switzerland and Chile qualify today, it means I scored 13/16 in my predictions three months ago. So, I have the right to blow my own Vuvuzela. I got it wrong for Germany, England and Ghana whom I thought will go out. But look at the one's I got right: Slovakia Japan South Korea Tonight Spain needs to come up with something special (and not some diagonal ball-passing which the uninitiated Haatu and Tuujiye) think is great football to avoid early exit.
  4. Ngonge, now I think I am agruing with Norf and his gut feelings. By all measureable parameters, the US is doing fine. I cannot account for someone's hunch.
  5. But USA is ranked 14 and New Zealnd is ranked 78 in Fifa's ranking. And I don't think a team that always qualifies ahead of Mexico is not a good side.
  6. Ingriisku ninyahow dad caayi ogaa! BBC Sport's Paul Fletcher at Ellis Park, Johannesburg "First out of the tunnel for Italy ahead of their warm-up? You got it, the mad one himself Gennaro Gattuso, sprinting across the turf like a pitbull in pursuit of someone who would really rather be anywhere else." Waa runtii Gatuuso waa wax dardaran!
  7. Ngonge posted the video at the same time I was typing the comment, I think.
  8. Originally posted by NGONGE: But he deserves even more kudos than that. Who among us can forget the image of him, during a last ditch Slovenian effort on goal, projecting himself sideways on, swimming through the air head first? He was a spermatozoa, the ball his ovum. It was, for this old campaigner, in a very real sense the most stimulating moment of this tournament so far, the most engorging, most reverberating, most pulsating . . . Seppings! The bucket! Source looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!! Waa runtii did anyone notice siduu Terry isu tuuray. Spermatoza and Ovum ayaan ku qoslay. This writer is something walaahi!!
  9. Ngonge, How do I define a good team? Simple: result. And the USA got it in all competitions it played in the last couple of years. Tim Howard is a good goalie and the players play well well as a team. I don't care about their individual forms.
  10. Since Somaliland is not a clan but a country, with various clans and ethnic groups, I think it is only fair to accept Oromos as nationals. Somali bay ka cararayeene, ha ka lug baxaan Oromo! Seriously though, Oromadaa ha loo naxariisto waa dad dhibaataysane. Waana dad fiican oo shaqo aaminsan.
  11. Wuu quman yahay. Indhaha ha ku dhufto naagtan meel uu ka galo uu waayey ee war la dabasocota.
  12. Yes it is what happens on the day, we all know that. But the US could not play at the highest level with big teams for two to three yearsand come out with a very decent record if they are not a good side. Here what I am talking about is whether the US is a good team or not; not whether they will win or lose in the next game.
  13. Right. The Germans are not as solid as they appeared in the first game. But England will not surprise me at all even if they win. They are not a good side. They will not go far, I told you. One only needs to score first against them to see how they lose their self-belief and get confused. They lack confidence and quality.
  14. Ngone, xageed ka aragtay USA ninyahoow. They have a very good team brother. Maybe you didn't watch last year's confed cup where they went all the way to the Final and led brazil 2-0 before they lost it. They also beat Spain 2-0. All of these cannot be by happenstance.
  15. Cowke, oo adna ma ka cabanaysaa Jidbaale. I thought you were its editor. Certainly, you have a lot in common.
  16. Adeer Norf, I thought what we were fighting over was "England will win this world cup" issue. Them going out at the first round would have been a big bonus to me, but still they will not go far.
  17. I am sorry. ileen today is the "England will be the World Champions" Day. Yaa alaahu baa medocre Slovenia looga badiyey and goalie error and all of a sudden Germany look very much surmountable. Ingrisska waan ka helaa.
  18. warka beenta ah waa lagartaa. Warkani waa xaalad abuur aan raad lahayn. Xaji Candhuuf, waxan inaga jooji dee.
  19. USA will find Ghana difficult to beat. The Ghana play doesn't suit them. But because Ghana have a problem scoring from open play, they may have a chance. So, we now know, 4 Quarter-finalists. Germany Uruguay Ghana Mexico
  20. England to go out today.
  21. Once more Ngonge is right. Nigeria surprised me last night and for the first time played with pace up front and solidity at the back.
  22. Originally posted by NGONGE: A&T, War sheekado waa qabyaalad dee. quote: The problems and friction in the French team are down to a split over one man: Yoann Gourcuff. Gourcuff comes from a privileged family. He is smart and he is respectful - but he is also still a shy little boy. In his spare time he listens to music, watches films and plays his video game systems. He is, in his own words, a little nerdy. In a French squad that places more value on how much money you have in your bank account, and what girl is on your arm, Gourcuff doesn't fit. One incident occurred shortly before the World Cup. Franck Ribery and Sidney Govou had organised a night out at well known gentleman's club in Paris. Several players, including Gourcuff, decided to stay home. When Ribery heard about this he immediately confronted Gourcuff and asked 'does your mother not allow you to go, you homosexual slur' This is one of many incidents. Ribery is the main instigator in the bullying, however he is far from alone. On the pitch, Gourcuff plays within himself. Scared because he fears the verbal retribution he will receive after the match from his tormentors. In the squad, Gourcuff can count on only 2 real allies. His best friend Hugo Lloris and his teammate Jeremy Toulalan. When Raymond Domonech bowed to player pressure and dropped Gourcuff for France's second group match, that was the catalyst for the situation in which we now find ourselves. Quote: Reports of groups hardly talking to each other soon surfaced, however, most notable were the French media suggestions that playmaker Yoann Gourcuff was isolated and suffering extreme verbal and even physical bullying at the hands of Franck Ribery. "We're not all the best of friends, that's normal, but hopefully that does not translate on to the pitch," midfielder Jeremy Toulalan, a close friend of Gourcuff, said when asked about those reports. "For instance, when I'm playing with Yoann, I'm not going to pass him the ball more just because we get on well," Just Fontaine, who scored a record 13 goals for France at the 1958 World Cup, was damning in his verdict on Ribery. "Ribery? One day the mistake was made to say he was the team's brains and since, he has believed it. He is an arrogant man. He has a mood and an anger within him that is extremely unpleasant and disruptive" Ngonge, waa arkaa in cadaan iyo madoow la isu hasto, laakin kan Ribery ah maxaa tolkii ka reebay ee Govou iyo Gallas raaciyey?
  23. "The whole world knows that Maradona loves me. He adores me,” Pele told Lance. “When his TV show opened in Argentina, he called me. They had a fund-raising party at Boca Juniors and I was there,” he continued. Maradona and Pele, widely regarded as the two greatest footballers of all time, have long been trading insults and the Brazilian’s latest comments come after Maradona suggested he should “go back to the museum” at a press conference last week. "Maradona loves me,” Pele reiterated. “Whenever he has an event that needs attention, he honors me." Pele also spoke about Luis Fabiano’s goal against Ivory Coast, after Maradona suggested that Brazil do anything they can to win games. “I think it took a bit of both of us,” said Pele. “A bit of my head and a hand from Maradona.” I am a Brazil fan, but between these two, I always support the best player on Earth Maradona.
  24. war it is not red. It is yellow. Someone is faking in wajiga lagu dhuftay when it is a mild side-kick all he got.
  25. I thought Gallas was one of the problematic guys. Miyaa laga maarmi waayey?