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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. It is to be expected that Spain will attack and Porugal will defend. But the best chances fell for Portugal before the Spain goal came. Rewatch your highlights saaxiib, Or let Ngonge come in!
  2. Haa, you give that impression at times, but let us forget it. you were certainly hopeful. Hadda yaad leedhahay will win this cup? If I follow your pattern of getting carried away in the heat of after-match's, inaad Spain caashaqsantahay unbaan umaleyn. But you are warned. Spain are not going to win the world cup. They panic and they don't have the mental strength to go all the way.
  3. A song for England's defeat http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/football/world_cup_2010/8771500.stm Italy's training
  4. Norf, Then if you knew this, why did you say England is among the favourites!! I have no issue with you being an England fan, but let us please realise the limitations of the teams we support. I am a very strong fan of Turkey, but I know they are not going to win the 2014 World Cup, even though they are still techically better than the English.
  5. Adeer Norf, anigu ma madax adki. In fact, I am very flexible. Of all the things I said here before and during the world cup, tell me which one's didn't happen and I still defended. -I said Brazil are a solid team, and they are -I said England is not a good side, and we saw that - I said Argentina and Spain will not win this world cup, and we are yet to see it (but I will take back my words and apologise if they do) -I said Ivory Coast will not scare Brazil, and we saw it Spain played very well last night. Portugal has good defence but the attack have struggled to score. I think Portugal played the perfect tactics against Spain until the goal arrived. They actually had very good chances to score too. But they failed in having a Plan-B when chasing a game. Last night, Fabio Conterao played well, but he was on the losing side. Spain once more struggled to do anything before they scored. And they brought Lorente to play high balls because they were giving up on the meaningless tick-tack football, which helps you protect a lead but not good enough to breakdown dogged defences. I think Spain can beat Argentina and Germany (I said that two days ago)but will struggle against teams like Holland and Portugal. They struggled last night. I believe Brazil will beat them. And I am praying for a Brazil-Spain Final. Finally, Norf, one mistake you should never make is to use the RULE OF TRANSTIVITY to football. Yes, Brazil struggled against Portugal and Spain beat Brazil. But Chile gave Spain a scare, et succumed to Brazil with ease. You can never use such logic to predict what will happen in football. Spain are very much beatable and suspect. Portugal should have killed the game in the first half. Ngonge, A week from now, aan soo wada xidhiidhno insha-allah. By the way, the commentator was starting to say "what is the imposter wearing Xavi's name" in the first half. He was that poor. Only after they scored, did Spain looked like a good side.
  6. With no details about the man, no one can give you the right advice. You are best to judge that more than anyone else here. Laakiin, maad hawada iska jeclaataan, kolkolna aad u safrisid ama isagu soo safriyo? At least for sometime, inta la isbaranayo. Waa Angel of men haween badan oo yidhi oo waxaanu haynaa "ma waxaan moodeey mise wuxuu noqday" ku danbeeyey.
  7. So, no somalilander is following the World Cup mia? Loved your summary of Somali men on the phone. Waa sidaas meel walba.
  8. Comedy of England's humiliation through Scottish eyes Graham Spiers Craig Levein earns a ballpark £300,000 a year as Scotland manager. Fabio Capello, we are told, earns a ballpark £5.5 million to manage England. Well, you pay for genius, don’t you? Last Sunday afternoon the Scottish sabbath was intermittently disrupted by the roars emanating from pubs as Capello’s players locked horns with “the Germans”. To be accurate here, it is not the case that, north of the border, the Scots were all roaring over England’s demise. For one thing, plenty English people live in Scotland, and the Three Lions were well represented in the watering holes of Glasgow, Edinburgh, Dundee and Inverness. For many others, though, haughty England’s sad collapse made a comical spectacle. It was impossible, watching Capello’s post-match “interview” (I use the word generously) with the BBC’s Gabby Logan, not to witness some sort of final indignity. Just about incapable of understanding a single question Logan put to him, we were suddenly taken back to the politically-incorrect days of Fawlty Towers, and Manuel, the inept Spanish waiter with his incompetent English, being grilled by an aggrieved Basil. Frankly, was Logan in her utter despair about to whack “Manuel” Capello over the head with a frying-pan? Following this Logan-Capello exchange it was swiftly back to the BBC studio in South Africa, where the men who just three weeks earlier had been lauding Capello to the hilt were now reduced to a pile of disconsolate vipers, poised to apply their venom. Alan Hansen, never a man to knowingly underuse language, had abruptly traded in his previous Capello hymns of praise, now using words like “incompetent”, “incredible” and “a shambles” to describe England’s performance. Like the FA, the England fans, the media and everybody else, it has taken Hansen, Alan Shearer and Co little more than 15 days to execute a complete intellectual sommersault on whether Capello is any use as England manger. Let me get this right. Three weeks ago he was a very fine coach. Now he is a dolt. No wonder many Scots looked on at this whole spectacle with a sense of mirth. This is an old Biblical scene being re-applied to Capello: not weeks earlier he had arrived in South Africa riding on a kingly *** with the palm-branches showering him. Now they are shouting: “Crucify him! Crucify him!” To add to the whole barmy scene we have the unspeakable incompetence of the FA and their treatment of Capello. Paying him £5.5 million a year might seem a ********* in itself, but to have removed the break-clause in his contract just weeks before South Africa 2010 seems a baffling lunacy. Someone, somewhere, surely is about to reveal that, if England do sack Capello in 13 days’ time, it won’t cost the FA in the region of £12 million. For heaven’s sake, someone just say it, please. I’m afraid I need to turn here to Robert Burns, a Scottish poet with a fine insight on the human scene – especially on themes of love, pride and valour. Burns famously wrote: “Oh, if only we had the power / To see ourselves as others see us.” It is a frightening concept when you stop to think about it, and right now it applies emphatically to Capello and England. People – not just Scots – find it funny when haughtiness, self-belief and a kind of bumbling, presumptuous arrogance are brought to their knees like this. It is summed up in the type of coverage the BBC in London has served up on England’s World Cup appearance in South Africa. My goodness, the fanfare, the trumpetry, the great citations from Shakespeare and the rest – it was all there. But the final act? That was Gary Lineker, Hansen and Shearer suddenly groping around incredulously, gazumped by their own lack of foresight, trying to find the words with which to summarise this abomination. I’m sorry to say this, but it was very funny. Years ago, after Argentina 1978, the Scots learned a painful lesson in humility. 32 years on South Africa 2010 has been England’s very own Argentina.
  9. Bob, hada waad soo dhawaatay hadaad leedahay Melo and Silva ayaa wax tara iyo Brazil are thight. To remind you, before the World Cup started, Brazil waa qashin iyo Gervinho ayaa ku dhoobaysan ayaad meeshan la taagneyd. Diyaaradihii Dhoobley US ku garaacday in lagu la dhaco ayaad istaahishaa adigiyo adeerkaagii Anelka u ekaaba!
  10. Cunsuri inaan ahey miyaan diiday. Horta yaa i waydiiyey marka horeba. African'ku waa useless adeer. Qofkii wax ka sugana isgaa ku ceeboobi. With all their physical strength and technical ability, meel ayey gaadhi lahaayeen haday maskax hayaan. Boodhka oo la isku qariyo oo lagu gabado behind empty 'racist' rethoric waxba mataryo. Habeen iyo maalin dadkan aad sheegayso ayaan lajoogaa, waxay yihiina waan arkaa. Whatever that makes me!! Norf, Adiga Ibro, maanta waxaan kuula hadli sida foodleeydu isu caayi jirtay waagaan yaraa. Waxay odhan jireen: "Ayo? Ma aniga? La iguma sheegin. Waligaly qolo aan iidhi way badin oo hadhayna maadan arag! Waa lagu yaqaan bahashi kan ahaydeey! naa orod is aas! oo god isku rid! away England! away Barry? Away Capello! naa orod oo bada isku tuur!"
  11. And Uruguay ku dar. All you are saying is right. But it is true African players do it more often. Midda kale, qaabka ay wax u tackle gareeyaan waa qaab rer-miyi ah oo it is so clear for all to see.
  12. Cudurka kaa gala fardaha, hadii laga gubo dameer,..., Dawada lama gaadhayee, go'aankii hore u daayoo.. Khadra Daahir, waah waah!
  13. Bob, It is inconsequential what you and I think of Lucio. And I wouldn't be so sure of myself as to doubt the judgement of so many experts about who did well in the World Cup. You have a point in that some nominations seem absurd. But I will not include Lucio in those catagory. I think he is a very very good defender. As to Holland, I think it is you who is not watching the games. Holland is giving defence a big priority, something they are getting criticised for. After they scored against Slovakia, they were largely defending. But that is not the issue. The issue is not what they have been doing or what they are capable of doing. The issue is that they will concentrate on DEFENCE against Brazil. If they don't and I hope they don't, we will see a good game.
  14. The only African team left will break leg if they are losing. War the guy spoke the truth.
  15. No contradictions BOB, if you can read statements in a context. Spain will beat Argentina any day. But their defence is still suspect. However, because the Argies midfield will allow them to keep the ball for most of the play, they will not come under sustained attack. I leave to the public about your thinking of Lucio. For me, he was the most outstanding defender so far in the world cup. If you don't think so, let us wait when FIFA comes up with the best 11 of the WC. Holland are a solid and balanced team. But I don't think they will be keen to attack Brazil. If they do that, it means I got my wish. I am afraid they will sit back and the game will be boring. But if anything can beat Brazil, it has to be the Dutch. There is no other team as balanced as they seem. I still think Brazil will win though. It might be a dull game if the Ducth doesn't open up. Sheikh Karl Polanyi said Brazil are by far the most solid, balanced and potent team in the world cup. Definitely the team 2 beat ninbaa yidhi 114 quraanka ayaan dhameeyey, kii kale ayaa ugu jawaabay yaa kaa aqrisan! I have been saying just that for some time, but was besieged by Bob, Tuujiye, Nuune, Norf and a blend of highlight heroes and Priemier league experts (where the measure of a player is how much he can run!!!!) Adeer, I am not supporting Brazil because of their history. In fact, after the 2006 World Cup, I was leaning towards other teams because of the utter indiscipline and wastefulness I saw in their play. After Dunga took over, he built a team that can deal with any challenge. If you up the tempo of a game and attack them, you get the same in double dose. If you sit back and think to hit at the break, they sit back and keep the ball and try their luck from set-pieces and corners. I full agree with this philosophy. Ominously, the Dutch also seem to have adopted part of this thinking and that is why they scare me. But their defence is not as strong as that of and if you check Robben and Van Persie, half-of their threat is neutralised. I trust in Dunga and am sure he will devise the perfect antidote.
  16. Klinsmann run ayuu sheegay. African players hit people when they are losing and can break legs. It is true. Others do so as well, but on average Africans do that more than others.
  17. I didn't see the domination you saw. I saw a boring game, in which Portugal were camping on their own half. Portugal has yet to concede a goal in 22 matches and their defence is not a joke. Brazil looked like the better side, but both teams didn't play well. They didn't need to do so either. Both got what they wanted.
  18. Norf, My boring Brazil have a date with the Dutch (if the Dutch beat Slovakia). And after we do the Dutch, it gets easier. We will finish off Ghana or Uruguay and will beat Argentina or Portugal in the final.
  19. I have already said they will win the 2012 Euro Cup and the 2014 World Cup. Joe Hart, Adam Johnson, Wilshire, Gibbs ayaa inoo kacaya and when they beat Hungry in the next friendly, it will all be Ok. We will have the media pundits who will hail the new generation as 'the next conquerers of the World'.
  20. War Norf, walaaloow wiirsi igama aha. Laakin, please tell me one single game this England team played a big team and which they showed some good football. I watched them beat both Mexico and Japan and in both occassions it was clear they are a bad side, despite the win. In both occassions, they were throwing balls at the other team but lacked any creativity or crisp passing. I am not convinced the team is good, I am also not convinced the players are actually as good as they are made to think of.
  21. Originally posted by Norfsky: they didn't even play at all. The can't play Norf. When have you seen them playing adeer? England in the last 44 years have never beaten a big team in the World Cup. Ecuador, Belgium etc etc yes. But they have never managed to get a win against the likes of Brazil, Argentina, Italy, Germany, Holland etc etc. When they learn how to pass the ball around, then they can compete. The notion that they are good players who failed to perform in one tournament is false. What irks me is your endless refusal to let the Premier league thing out of your head. It is the PL that makes you believe these guys are great. Yet, the best players in the PL are not English. The same logic applies to why J S Park of Manchester United is such a deadly player in Man U but not that great in his national team. Why Solomon Kalou performs in Chelsea but fails with the Ivorian team. Adeer, the English hyped their team, and it was good they were given a wake-up call yesterday. They now need to understand that they belong to the second or third tier footballing nations.
  22. Originally posted by NGONGE: Guess what the numbers are for! (It's from the Daily Mail). loooooooooooooooooooool! war ma waxaas ayey bilaabeen. Who are the following kolkaa (are they English strictly speaking) - Defoe - Heskey - Johson - James - Cole - Lennon
  23. Chile and Brazil tonight. I am afraid Brazil will massacre chile tonight. I hope they don't, because this Chile team plays positive football, and we don't want them to change it. They only need to understand what Prof. Tabarez of Uruguay said this week. "Football is like a short blanket. if you cover your face, your feet will be on the open. If you cover your feet, your face will be cold." He was emphasising the need for balance at all positions. Lool, I am not a happy man. My team against my second team. If Chile cold beat Brazil and go all the way and win, I would have been happy. But since I don't think their attractive football is enough to win, I want Brazil to win tonight. I can see a fascinating game, but those who expect Chile will give Brazil the headache it gave Spain will soon find out that Boring Brazil is a different proposition. They trounced Bielsa's boys 3-0 and 4-2 in the qualification but the score doesn't show how the games were played. Chile outplayed Brazil and were camping on the Brazil goal. I don't expect that will happen again tonight. Let us hope this will bring the best out of both teams and will be an entertaining game. BOB, Argentina is yet to be tested. I will show you how they will crush-land very soon after facing strong teams. I maintain the defence is useless. After the off-side goal, Mexico lost its head and their game plan turned upside down. I blame them for not being strong enough mentally. But Argentina is not a strong team. They may still beat Germany again. But they will not be able to cope with Brazil, Holland, Spain or Portugal.
  24. Originally posted by Norfsky: I wonder what A&T inagu sheekeendoona after Brazil is dominated by Portugal and Baptista had a stinker 1-Portugal sent 10 defenders and one striker. Brazil was missing their most creative players up front. Baptista didn't play well at all, but that happens to all players. I admit I may have been wrong about him, though. 2- I didn't promise an attractive Brazil, in fact I was saying they are boring but get results. They achieved what they wanted which is to top the 'group of death'. And I think despite given hard time by Chile (Sanchez tormenting Bastos), They will qualify to the quartert finals and will also beat Holland. 3- I think England has an excellent team but there were small issues of motivation, camp, Capello discipline, media, fear, stress, disallowed goal, Beckenbauer talk,.......etc etc that affected the players performance. I think Mathew Upson and J Terry are the fastest and most solid defenders in the World. I think England should keep this highly skilled team that only missed the world cup by the unfortuante decision of a biased referee. ENGLAND WILL WIN THE EURO 2012 and World Cup 2014.
  25. It might turn out to be a high scoring game. What chile lack at the back, Spain lack too. It will be intersting to see how it goes but Spain is under more pressure and I can see Puyol getting red-card markuu nin sii cararaya lug ka daba geeyo.