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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. As President Silaanyo prepares to move to the Presidential palace, he will be best served to look back at the words of wisdom of perhaps the greatest Somali poet of modern era, Axmed Ismail Diiriye (Qaasim). Mindful that Dahir Rayaale comes from an area which has a disproportionate number of Astrologists, he doesn't need to rush to his new house. Denbi iyo fal baa lagu genbiyey daad-mareennada''e Dameeraaba lagu gawriciyo Deero iyo Xuure Dabinnaa ku xidhan Axmadoow labada daamoode Jeeroo Habaarrada ku dedan debedda loo saaro Jeeroo doc roon loo xuliyo culimo daaweysa Jeeroo wadaad doobir lihi Duhur ka eedaamo Waa degel Xaslehe meesha yaan laysku dubuq siinne
  2. Antara I don't know what Antara stands for but I know what Antaram means. In advanced Amharic Literature, there is what they call 'Antaram' poetry. It is when the last letter and sound of the second line or closing line of a given poetry is the same as the last letter and sound of the preceding line (as is required of standard Amharic poetry), but when there is a disconnect between the message of the last line and the first line. Or in other words, when there is no flow between the messages of the subject lines. It, however, may be the case that as stand-alones, each of the sentences may convey a sound message. For example, Bomb'uu fikrish bifanaDHAA Yiznab injii CanaDHAA Meaning: "when your bomb love explodes, May it rain in Canada [so that I am fed]" - (wheat comes as food aid to Ethiopa) In the Amharic text above, the first requirement is met, but these two sentences are not considered to be lines of poetry because there is no relationship between them. The Somali analogy will be the followig lines: Hadaad fiidkii qaxayso,hadaad qaad doonanyso Quraankaa lagu qaboobaa, qiyaamaha markii la gaadhoo Why I get into this didactic palavar is to make the point that while the two issues you raised above (lack of recognition Vs lack of Liberty) are valid and make perfect sense separetly, they sound a bit like 'Antaram' (neither here nor there poetry) when combined. The thread is about praying for the souls of possessed brothers and sisters in the North, who have willlingly plunged themselves into a self-imposed identity crisis and are looking for new parameters and definitions to 'reclaim' an identity that never was!Not about those who are occupied and are fighting back to be who they are. The two are heading towards opposite directions: one fighting to run away from what he/she is, the other dying to be what he/she is!! It is petulance versus survival. Jacaylbaro, I could have said a young Hargeisa girl told me (not Islaan), but this week was bad following Xoosh's gaffe's and I have no intention of apearing to endorse his sentiments. : D
  3. British+ Somaliland, Somali+land??? Ilaaheey Somali without suffix iyo prefix haka dhigo walaalahayo. May 2010 mark the end of this macabre fascination with qualified Soomalnimo. Inta wax baratay mooye inta kale land'da danbe mafahasana oo islaan aan xidid nahay oo 'rer-aqoonsi-doon' ah waxay ku leedahay isku dad ma nihin oo idinkuna Somali ayaad tihiin anaguna Somali-layn. Qaar baa xitaa u haysta Somali-line.
  4. Again, I will not comment on the football. But I just want to share some secret I knew all along about Tuujiye. Tuujiye wuxuu dad rer Toronto ah ugu sheekeeyey inuu Somalia Jeenyo (LLPP) u ciyaari jiray oo wealiba uu Star ka aha team'ka. This was going for some years, although the guys who told me this story (kuwa ay sabtida iyo axada wada ciyaaraan in their sport club) were not fully convinced on aacount of his poor skills, they didn't say anything. One day, a gentleman came to the club and introduced himself as a former LLPP player. The time he said he played for the team coincided with the one Tuujiye claimed. Naturally, the boys felt they need to bring the two 'former team-mates' togather. Tuujiye ayaa loo yeedhay oo la yidhi nin ayaan iskiin baraynaa. This is how it went: After greetings, Tuujiye: adi maa u ciyaar jiray Jeenyo? The guy: Haa. Tuujiye: Xageed ka ciyaari jirtay? The guy: weerar ayaan ahaa. Tuujiye (laughing and throwing his hands up) hadaa isma garan karo. Anigu difaac ayaan ahaa. Markaa sina iskuma garan karo labadeenu.
  5. I am not Norf. I am officially resigning from the sports section following the departure of Dunga, a man of immense intellect and character; whose philosophy is as valid today as it was yesterday. but with the following parting shots: -No one could have accounted for a lapse of concentration in such crucial a game from seasoned defenders and a superb goalie; no one could have accounted for a Japanese referee who bought all the theatrics of Robben (the red card was right though). In the first half when Juan missed that chance and Kaka's was saved, I told friends it doesn't look like Brazil's day. But the crucial blow was not Holland's form or Brazil's lack of luck. It was Brazil's luck of fit players up front. As average as the side might look, if Kaka and Fabiano were even as good as they can be, this team would have done it. Melo's mistake is not a big one, as it happens. But he proved his doubters right. -I hope Brazil doesn't overreact and go the 'all-attack' way of Argentina. They need young players and they have the talent pool, but the basic philosophy should remain the same. What should change is the over-reliance on counter-attack tactics, something Germany is also overdoing and will reap its cost very soon. Brazil should maintain the defensive strength but should field players who can run and play the ball with high-tempo. Frankly, the team was boring in most games. -I am supporting Uruguay but the Dutch seem to be the team with the best mentality to win this time. They are playing Dunga's game and that is dangerous. -If Spain wins this world cup, it will save football, for they are playing the best football. I expected them to falter,but I now recognize their main weakness is Torres. They are playing good game and can go all the way. Paraguay played the same approach I advocated for years (high pressure game against Spain)but they still managed to run around and find spaces. They are the best side in the world right now. -I have warned against cheering for Argentina time and time again. No one heeded my warnings. This time, some are doing the same for Germany. I say the Germans will lose to Spain big time. They are not as good as they were made to look. Counter-attacking football is like a Russian roullette. Some days you get it in doubles, other days, you find it hard. Argentina sent an attacking team with no backline. Spain's defence is not good but just enough to keep Germany at bay. Also, the midfield is superb and I can't see how Ozil and Shceweinsteiger could stop Xavi and Iniesta. Germany will be thrashed by Spain. -Luis Suarez is a hero, and I want him to play the final. But the Ghana team will rue their failure to do some research on uruguay. If they have been watching videos of the last Copa America and the qualifiers, they would have understood how Sebabstian Abreu (el Loco)-the last penalty taker takes penalties. He does score in the same way against Julio Cesare twice and against Argentina. The moment he stepped up, my nephew who was with me said "abti, this guy is the one who lifts in the middle". - I am resigning from the Sports section taking responsibility for all I said (the one's I got right and the one's I got wrong). I was wrong on Villa and Spain (but not Torres), but I was right on Argentina and England. I think I was right on Brazil and I feared Holland. I am not endowed with Norf's cheek which is made of hippo's skin. I cannot say I have seen this coming (Brazil) just as he did with England, when all he said was how they will trounce everybody, only to be humiliated. -I will be happy if this World Cup is won by Uruguay or Spain. But even if Holland wins, it is about time they do so. What I know is Germany will not win it.
  6. I am a staunch supporter and admirer of Mujaahid Silaanyo who is a good man, but led a fascist organisation and managed to avert potential bloodshed the SNM could have done to others. Now that one of the Xaqlayaal is at the helm, let us hope it will give him the authority to deal with the issue of Somalinimo in a more principled way, than mere baayac-mushatar perspective as Riyaale was doing.
  7. Which of my points are you disputing Ayoub? hater iyo waxaas ayaad soo wadataa, but I only listed things I have witnessed.
  8. - President Riyaale used every trick available to him to delay elections. - He arrested opposition members and could have ordered them shot if he has the 'clan' backbone to do so. - He tried to corrupt the Election Commission officials upto the last minute but could not succeed. -His press release yesterday showed two things: his selfish nature (he ordered UDUB officials to dispute results in some areas and after a fierce backlash, betrayed them. Wuu ku maydhay Hindi iyo Jaamac Yassin!). He also kept on saying "Doorashada anigaa qabatay", as if doing that was a favour he did the nation. The fact is he has no option but to finally concede. Riyaale is not a democrat. Whatelse I saw yesterday was the deep tribal divisions of Somaliland. Many callers of Universal TV were congratualting the people of Somaliland for the victory, but a good number also limited their messages of congratulations to Rer-Burco.
  9. waa runtiin Rhazes and NNNC wrong place indeed. I sincerly apologise. What came to my mind as I read the story was "o! my God! what did she do to him?". I was sympathetic to him initially, because I realise it takes a lot of pain for one to go to the level of killing himself. Ilaahay ha isaga naxariisto, laakiin gabadha inuu wax si ka ahaa way iska cadahay. Laakin waa marxuumad'e in aan far ku go'do ma aheyn. I wrote that message because i was angry with Juxa and Cara who were teasing me yesterday.
  10. The basic thing is CL belongs to no particular continent. Waa la wada jooga ilaa Africa ilaa Korea. Laakin, taa inaga daaba. Real Madrid were 8 times champions when Spain celebrated near a century of no-cup at the WC.
  11. Election comission waxba ha suginna. Anaa warkii haya oo la iisoo waramay. Silaanyo is the next President.
  12. hadaad isalaantay hadaba. waa caafimaad. haye, waan ku daayey hadaba.
  13. Iskawaran baan ku idhi Juxa, ee si quman iigu jawaab. Hello ma afbaa?
  14. http://www.hadhwanaag.com/detail.asp?id=15516 Ilaa caddaankii bay marayaan naagihii Somaliyeed inay waalaan! :mad: :mad:
  15. The title should have read "kashafa's pals ban list".
  16. Ninkan Ibraahin ah walaahi waa in neef loo qalo oo laga naaro shaydaankan CL iyo PL la yidhaa ee indhaha ka saaran. War CL'ka yaa ciyaara horta? Messi ma Spainshbaa? Higuain Ma Spainshbaa? Eto Ma Spanishbaa? Milito iyo Sneider ma Spainshbaa? Drobgba ma Spanish'baa? War ileen!
  17. Ngonge, Nin adeer ii ah oo Somalia markii la joogay alifle ahaa ayey isqabsadeen nin kale oo isna adeer ii ah oo General ahaan jiray (Gen Siyaad Da'uud). Markaas ayuu dad hortii ku caayey uu yidhi "War adna waxba Janan matihid, ana waxba Korneyl ma aheyne, meesha inagu kala kexee!" Miyaad fahantahay khidadiisa? Adeer adna waxba analysts ma tihid, ana waxba senior Expert ma ihiye meeshii ha inoo ahaato, ZonalMarking unbaynu ka soo dab-qaadanaa labadeenuba'e!!
  18. Fiiri Muxuyadiinoow, I know how much I wept as a young man when Maradona's Argentina beat Brazil in 1990 (walaahi laba saac ayaan electricity pole ku tiirsanaa anigoo aad moodo in aabahay la dilay. Now, i am big enough not to be soft-hearted about a game. Laakin don't say I support Brazil just because I think they will win. I am a true fan of theirs. But in tournaments, you also like some other teams. England, been ayey iska dhaadhiciyeen, and I want them to get out of the self-deception that they are good footballing nation. They are not, and luckily they are starting to realise. Xariifkan Norf ah CL iyo Premier league unbay kaga dhagtay. Waa sidii ninkii indhaha la'aa ee yidhi Maroodigu dabangaale ma la'eg yahay oo kale. He doesn't know Heskey and Neville are playing in the Preimier league but Valdivia is not. Yet, that doesn't mean Heskey is a better player. Ilaa uu PL iyo CL hebel kuma aragta ka baxo, murankiisa waa lagu shax-guuri. Faysal cali Waraabe oo aad kubad isku haysataan uun weeye. I mean Faysal waxay uga bilaabataa aduunku Somaliland, Iyadaa unbuuna ugu dhamaadaa. Norf, Mr. CL, Ma Spain ayaad u jeeday. Let them get one star on their shirt and we will debate about the metal thing.
  19. You will start talking about the same issue (suspect defence) once the media start the post-mortem after they fail. Just be man enough to give credit to those who had the foresight when it happens. If it doesn't happen, anigaa xaal iyo xurmayn bixin.
  20. loooooooooooo@England having more metal than Brazil. Loooooooool. That is fine. But you are still cowardly running away from telling your head. I asked you who do you say will win, using your head. Heart is a different matter and I may want Ghana too. Hadda sheeg cidda aad isleedahay koobka ayey qaadan. hadhow ayaad rabtaa inaad la soo boodid 'I knew Argentina or Spain will do'. To get the boasting right later, bite the bullet now and say who!!
  21. Of all the teams in the competition, they are the one's who played with the toughest teams yet. Brazil didn't create many chances too, but they didn't need to. I am sure if they were in the position Spain was last night, they will have created more chances. I am not saying they would have won. Anything can happen in Footabll, but the game would not have been played in the manner it was played. Anyway, the teams I fear are the teams that are strong defensively. I like teams who attack, for Dunga's strength is in dealing with these kinds of teams. I feel more confident when Brazil plays Argentina, Spain, than when they play Ghana or Uruguay. Anything can happen again. I am not oblivious to that fact. But Brazil have a good chance of Argentina more than beating Ghana. I have been watching this team to undertand that. Norf started watching Brazil from the freindlies that preceded the world cup when they were playing minnows and thinks they can not raise the speed of the game if they so wish.
  22. They didn't! they got only three chances, one close.