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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Maaddeey, maadiga gibil cad half-ah? Ma ninkaaka saacadaha-bandoowga la soo rogo u eg?
  2. Kashafa waa nin waalan oo xag-jir ah. Maaddeey wuu isyeel yeelayaa ee Alshabab inay nacalad yihiin wuu og'yahay. Che -ma garanayo meel aan saaro. Waa nin macquul ah laakiin Alshababtan ey'da ah wax daba dhigay garan maayo! Masaakiintii Uganda ku qaxday bay kadaba tageen.
  3. These two guys have a lot of similarities. Cowke endeared himself to die-hard Puntlanders like Aw Muse and Jachpar by posting stories after stories of bravados about who has always been in charge of Somali politics. He even got the tacit approval of the god-father of the Puntland crew in SOL -Xinnfanin. But it took the scrutiny of the eagle-eyed Mr. Somalia to unravel his cover. In the end, it became clear he is a pretender who probably belongs to Galmudug and Caalin's turf. Caaqiil has also been effusive in his praise of Somaliland and was harsh on its detractors. But Jacayalbaro sent me a PM few days ago saying he is on the heel of this guy because he got tips that he is a mole. Now, we all know the semi-Makhirian Caaqil is indeed a fifth-columnist. The moral of the story: appearances can be deceiving.
  4. Haa. saaxiib ayaanu aheyn intii uuna siyaasada ku wareerin iyo in dhexdii aheydba. Waliba aad ayaan isugu dhaweyn maadaama aan soo wada korney, oo isku ciyaal ahaan jiray. Marar siyaasada laga eryey'na waan qaldanaa iyo intuu wax yidhi ayaan support gareyn jirey. Laakin, aakhirkii wadanka isagaan uga cararay. He actually called me the first day he was made a President to announce he is on the chair. He may call me now that he is out. I am sure I am on his mind as he wonders what went wrong for him. In the end, I have already heard he is saying the kind of stuff I used to tell him. That the Tigre's will use him and that he should never work for them. But I am sure also they will not abandon him at all. He has been so loyal that they will probably give him some post in Addis. He is a confused soul, but you know how you feel about a childhood friend who becomes a drunkard and comes to you for support. You may disapprove of his current situation, but always will have a soft spot because of your past. I don't think I have one for this guy though. Yet, he had two good qualities: he wasn't corrupt when I knew him and he wasn't clanish. But both of these qualities were underminded by his blind love for 'highlanders' (xabashida) and his chronic dislike of Somali's. Tell him anything in Amharic and he will trust it. Bring a somali speaking who brings report and his first reaction is "war tag ku dheh, kani waa tuug'e"! By the way, he once was appointed as a Manager of a Project office I was working in. I resigned within three months, and he was adamant I did that because I think I am better than him. But the fact was that his management was so poor and he tried to win over me by undermining other collegues who started to see me with suspicion.
  5. eesh calaa Madaxweyne! Usually interim means he will stay. Let us see.
  6. Cheif, War hedde adigu fashilantay ee maad banaanka iskeentid. Ninkan Jacaylabro nin loo dhuuman karo ma aha oo hadaa guntaada iyo ciddad ka sii tahay Re-Pirate ayuu ogyahaye!
  7. Or maybe it is you who is making things clearer. Whoever oppossed Yusuf has opposed your clan; whoever supports Sharif is supporting the USC clan.
  8. Ok, deal. Angau Ethiopia aanu ogolaano oo waxan iska dhaaafnee, idinkuna wadankii Somalia haka dirinee midnimada soo celiya. It is a worthy price to pay if we live under occupation but Somalia stays togather. Waanu ku dirsan walaalahayo oo daris xoog badan ah.
  9. Slogans are the last weapons of the weak. Haa reerku waa xaqiiqada jirta ee ay Somaliland ku aasaasan tay, kuna dhisan tahay. Xaqiiqada in la sheego ayaad diidan tahay. Reer qaran noqdase ha sugin. Doorashada aad loo buun buuniyey lafigeeda ayaa qabyaalad ku timid. Doorka danbe marka Faysal reerkooda la siin waayo, aan aragno inay nabad ku dhamaato!! Somaliland dhiig baa loo daadiyey unbaad akhridaa'ee miyeyna hal qaabiil uun aheyn waxa u dagaalamay qadiyadaas? Must I post Qassim's revealing poems to prove that the whole Somaliland shtick was about clan grievience? War heedee, anigu 3 saac ayaan u jiraa Hargeisa oo waxa jira waan ogahay'e, ha iiga dhigin inaad iiga sheekeynayso Guatemala.
  10. The Sheikh is consistent. Back then in 2006, Somalia was led by a clannish octagenerian who had a history of playing dirty skirt to Ethiopians and people were justified to fear his agenda. Now, there are reasonably nationalistic breed of leaders (although with severe lack of capacity)and there is no reason to fear they will sell the country out.
  11. Jacaylabro is the Somaliland version of Cowke. Both are too sure of the might of their Tol. They behave like an overzelous ONLF cadre who insists that Somaligalbeed is known as 'Oga.deni.a' and if some are not happy, they can go to hell! Qofka haddii waxa reerkoodu haysto lawaynaado it means his analytical horizon is narrow.
  12. Here is a tongue-in-cheek alternative award of the world cup. Fair Play Award: Mark van Bommel, Netherlands Although defensive midfielders are often a magnet for bookings, van Bommel was so clean he didn’t see his first yellow card until the semifinals. A fine, clean player by all accounts. Best Goalkeeper: Robert Green, England Plenty of goalkeepers save goals, but how many can say they were responsible for creating them?
  13. Kamaanaan cararin! Waxaan rabnaa Somalinimo. Adigu laakin nin weyn baad tahay don't behave like a brainwashed child. Markaad leedahay Somaliland is an Independent country and will not merge with small region (Puntland) miyaadan xishooneyn? Meeshu inay tahay rer-hebel dawlada ay samaysteen Vs reer-hebel dawladooda miyaad ogeyn? A bit of self-introspection will help. Somaliland is a dream concoted by fanatical members of a disgruntled clan. It is not shared by even those who are suppossedly inside the territory it claims to control.
  14. Ayaanke?? We would love to join either Puntland or Somaliland. Xabashi ka carar mooye soomali kacarar ma nihin!
  15. I think this is a very original and good idea. Sheekada ah koonfurta gubanaysaa miyaan wax ka sugnaa ha soo gaabatee, let them merge with Puntland (which is peaceful and stable) and move on. Their refusal to listen to this proposal shows that the whole independence project is about clan avarice more than anything else.
  16. Fully agree, but I am not a fan of Torres even when he is suppossedly fit. I think he is in the twilight of his career, and it is not fitness that is causing his dismal form. In anycase, I thik Spain have shown that you can win by playing beautifully, something Dunga thought is a contradiction. And also, even if you adapt a more tactical and defensive approach, there is no guarantee it will always work. So, in the end, there is no substitute to playing your way. I think Spain's win will help Brazil (who although were solid, but were boring) and we will see a team that can move the ball around better than the Spainsh.
  17. It is not because I don't know about the dose of nonesenses and contradictions Norf spews out in this section that I didn't confront him. It is because it is too many to follow it all and to bring it to his attention. I ahve given up on him long time ago. I even have PM's from him arguing that England will bounce back and will shine once they face big teams (this was after their dismal showing at the group stages). Few days later, when Germany trounced them, he came here and said he never said England will do good and that he supports them regardless. Markaa ninkaa isdabamarkiisu caadi ma'aha. Tuujiye isagu waa nin waalan oo kubada maba daawado. Dad ka sheekeyn unbuu maqlaa. Ngonge, on Spain, I still believe they will find it difficult to win games with this style of play once Mourinho-type tactics are mastered by other teams and are used against them. We will live to see, but I think the way Holland and Paraguay played against them (not to mention Switzerland) shows that there is no guarantee this artful approach will continue to yield results in the future. If it does, we all win as it is good and entertaining football that we want.
  18. Originally posted by Norfsky: The best team in the tournament won. I hope A&T is prepared to eat his words now Yes. I am prepared to eat my words without if and but. I have voiced my support for Spain during the tournament. They played the most positive game next to Chile. You see afterall I am not headstrong as you often label me. I change my mind when there is convincing evidence. Spain are playing very good football, but I will credit their midfield rather than their defence for not conceding too many goals. In the rare cases, other teams manage to get hold of the ball and past the midfield, they often ended up face to face with Iker Casillas. So, Ngonge, look at their defence beyond the goals conceded. What Bob is saying about the Holland way of play and the referee being card happy is utter rubbish. Holland played the same way and frustrated Brazil with a lenient Japanese referee and Howard nearly did the same in the first half. They were playing karate not football.
  19. haye, bal waynu sugi. Laakin dadka aad dacaayadaynayso qaarbaa 20 sano duurka iyo dibad-meer ah oo aan isbadalin. Qaarna way daalaan. It is a human nature, nothing new to a particular community.
  20. I was supporting Spain last night and after Brazil lost. I was doing that because I think they were the best team and it is good for football if an attacking team wins. But a lot of what I said in this thread were right. Spain's attack scored only 8 goals and did not win any game by two clear goals. For all their possession, rival teams created as much against them. The defence has improved though. But still, it was their midfield that won it for them. Let the cup they won not distract from the weaknesses of this side.
  21. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: maalin dhow uun baad arki A&T oo sii socda oo la leeyahay waa madaxweyne ,,,,,, nimankaasi yaab bay leeyihiin ,,, Hadaan meeshaa wax ka rabo Dau'd ayaa iigu dhowaa inuu isiiyo. 6 years classmate and roomate ayaan aheyn. Not to mention having been a supportive friend to him for a long period. Maya, ma sii socdo anigu. And we have no issues with the small stooges in Jigjiga. We have issues with Tigre's and Meles.
  22. “God cannot and should not be displeased with this little matter of coping with too many responsibilities”, Sheikh Abdirahman said to himself in the first days he started doing it. Sheikh Abdirahman knew that if God does that, he is either petulant or maliciously insensitive. But conjecture and doubt is the feast of the unknowledgeable, not the food of the well-read and men who has drunk the beginning and end of Axkaan and Islamic teachings. Sheikh Abdirahman has always been fascinated with the seemingly oxymoronic dual disposition of the creator. He knows God is the fiercest of punishers but at the same time the most compassionate of the compassionate. God will not push aside all of the Sheikh’s lofty deeds and immense Iimaan he practices with every sun that rises and sets and will not get needlessly fixated with his ineluctable foibles. But it is not his desire to placate his fleshly temptations that introduced him to his present malady. It was his convictions about the need for honesty in one’s life that, in the end, led him to watch Pornographic films. And a little bit of devilish curiosity. The day was like any other three years ago when a young man approached him as the Sheikh was waiting for the traffic lights to go green. The man threw two DVDs into the Sheikh’s car with the remarks ‘it is an appetizer’. Sheikh Abdirahman quickly glanced over the DVDs and saw the explicit pictures. He was angry and immediately threw it back at the man, telling him to get out of his sight. But as the green lights came, some realization also dawned on the Sheikh. The Sheikh thought that if it is permissible to study other religions textbooks to draw from them useful lessons for Islam, it must as well be fine to go through the shame of watching processions of corporeal entanglements of the wicked, if it means he will get some more material to pass on to the pious on how demeaning such acts are to humanity. That night, as the Shekh went into his house, his two daughters and one son for whom he is a father as well as a mother for eleven years, after the death of his wife Mahado could see he was behaving strangely. First, he said he is not feeling well and will like the children not to come and disturb him as he sleeps in his room. Second, he said he wants the laptop they used to share and ear-phones. Third, he asked them to go to sleep. All of these were unusual. If he was sick, normally, he would sleep in his room and ask for some silence but he never takes computer or ear-phones with him. The other thing was that when one of the girls knocked his door to take batteries for a remote control, but she couldn’t specify where it is so that he passes it to her, he got agitated and cursed her loudly. The Sheikh inserted the one DVD he bought into his laptop. Initially nothing of the sort he was looking for came. He fast-forwarded to go past what clearly looked like a promotion of some African mainstream movies. That fast-forward continued for sometime but by the end of it he could see the end of the DVD but nothing he thought he would see. He immediately knew he was cheated. Someone put an enticing cover over unsold African films and is selling at the streets. Sheikh Abdirahman vowed to recover his money. After a week of going to the same place, he finally got the young man. But the young man insisted that he can give a genuine replacement but not money. The Sheikh got the right DVD and since then became addicted. It is not so much as an addiction as it is a practical way of observing the rule of the creator as well as his vow to his late wife on their marriage day. No matter what happens, he said then, he will never let another woman into his bedroom till the end of his life. He also keeps away from debauchery and carnal indiscretions which could jeopardize his otherwise impeccable ethical and religious observance. But more than anything, it is the feeling of self-sacrifice he feels towards his children that makes him proudest. He has never slept outside his house, and never failed to attend to their needs and attention. If he was selfish, he could have surrendered to his loins petulance and could have brought another woman into their life. It is exactly for this self-chastisement for the wellbeing of his progeny, if not for nothing else, that God will decide to wear his forgiving drape rather than his punitive hammer on this matter, the Sheikh knows. And that is if watching,with disapproval and melancholy,the decadent indulgencies of those who strayed from the path of God is a sin at all.
  23. The formalities are yet to be made but the main one's of removing him from the deputy chariman of the nominal Somali People' Democratic Party (SPDP), its executive and Central Committee's has been done late last night. It won't change anything, but I could not have seen this coming. The young man had all that you think the Tigre's will need of a stooge. The next President could be Bashir Abdullahi, Abdiqadir Omer Nur, or Dr. Ahmed Sheikh, rumors has it.
  24. Dabatadiyo way iskaashadeen nimankii Da.roo.de line is telling! Nowhere is the harrassment and violation of rights of beelaha la-hayb-soco is appalling as it is in Somaliland and Somaligalbeed. As a member of the 'untouchable' clans of Somalia, I can compare which hell is the hottest. Danabbaa u kacay guushu waa lagama daalaane Haddaan loo dagaallamin xorriyad lama dabbaasheene These lines are very true. But I will see you telling the ONLF to put down their arms and go for an oppressive 'peace'. Guushu waa lagama daalan is very powerful message.
  25. Dear Antaram, First thing, all Somali's are effectively ruled by Ethiopia as we speak. The difference is some like Somaliland have willingly surrendered their will when they were no compelling reasons to do so; others like ONLF are resisting an occupation that is an unfortunate legacy of historical injustice. I am sure you don't think Palestinians are under occupation because they are less warriors than the Tswana in Botswana. But you cannot cry for surrender (by endorsing the cowardice of self-created factions and tired clergymen) one day, and accuse me of being Axmaaro-lover the next day. That is rank hypocracy. I also tend to disagree with the judgements of the 'nation of poets' if they think African poetry is not to be counted. I don't know who makes up this 'nation of poets' but I have strong feeling you suscribe to the folly of thinking whatever is not sanctioned by imperial Albion or the white race is to be neglected as far as literature is concerned. I, however, fail to see how Shapespeare is a better poet than our own Qassim. Your innocuos gaffe there might be hinting at a greater maladay of lack of self-respect. For others to recognise you, yon need to recognise yourself first, as a rule of thumb. Salaan Carabeey's timeless lines would equally apply to those who live with the indignity of witnessing Buuhoodle civillians (a place they call part of their state) ransacked by Ethiopian army and do not have the courage of even mounting a loud whimper. It perhaps applies more to those who endlessly proclaim their love to Ethiopia without a reciprocal gesture from the other side. It doesn't apply to those who are in trenches and the bush to bring the age-old occupation to an end, at a time the rest of Somali's are blowing a coquettish plumage to get wed to the Ethio's. The problem of Somali's in the North is not recognition. They are recognised by all and sundry as Somali's. The problem is that they want to be unrecognised. They crave to be different when they are just Somali's. There are no Somali-marines as there are no Somali-landers.