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http://www.somalilan dpatriots.com/news-8 163-0
Its a good step 4 Somaliland to make close ties with Gulf Countries in order to enhance the trade and livestock and even Political issues.
In 2007 Prof.Dr.Ismail Hurre Buubaa's borhter Mahdi Buubaa died in Hargeisa. The Professor wanted to attend his brother's funeral but the Gov't of Somaliland refused him to enter to his Own country (Somaliland) and Capital (Hargiesa).The reason was known that he was Foreign Minister of Abdullahi Yusuf Gov't. This Clearly SHows the Equality of Somaliland officals on all somaliland Politicans who are in SOmalia.
I would suggest to do Executive MBA in any field or Specialization. (EMBA) will promote u to higher Position.
FIrst a big thank to Mr.Marx for posting this marvellous thread. 1.Read ur subject(Notes) carefully. 2.When u finish reading Make a summary notes. 3.Revise with ur classmates or friends,Exchange ideas during revision coz u may good in some points while in some points u r weak. 4.Get a good night sleep so u can give ur paper in the morning with fresh mind.Dont try to awake whole night.
All Hats Off to Mr. Mohamed Moge Liban for all his heoric acts.The only and one Mujahid fought for the struggle for his people. May Allay bless and Show his Mercy on him.
I would Prefer Forest coz in Forest u can survive and u have small probability to live.
Ismaaciil Buubaa oo ka mid ahaa siyaasiyiinta waaweyn ee ka soo jeeda Somaliland, kana mid ahaa xukuumadii ugu horraysay ee ay yeelato dawlada Somaliland oo muddooyinkan dambe oo dhan u ololaynayay aragtida ah inay Somaliya iyo Somaliland noqdaan dawlad federaal ah,markii ugu dambaysayna ahaa wasiir ka tirsan dawlada Soomaaliyana noqday, oo Wargeyska Saxansaxo khadka telefoonka kula yeeshay Waraysi waxa uu jawaabo iyo faah-faahin ka bixiyay socdaal la sheegay inuu Somaliland ku imanayo, sababta uu u imanayo ee ku dhalisay, inuu ku biiri doono xisbiga UCID iyo in kale, sababta saldhiga u ah caqabada ilaa imika hortaagan aqoonsiga Somaliland iyo inuu xidhiidh la soo sameeyey xukuumada iyo in kale. Waraysigiina waxa uu u dhacay sidan: S:> Waxa soo baxay warar saxaafada qaar baahisay in aad imanaysid Hargeysa. Maxaa kugu dhaliyay safarkan? J:>Safarkan in muddo ah waan ka fikirayay, arrimo badan oo ay ahayd in laga baaraan degana waan ka baaraan degay, waxaan goostay in aan dhakhso ugu soo noqdo xaga Somaliland. S:> Markaa mawqifkaagii hore ee ahaa in Somali wayn lagu helo nidaam fadaraal ah, ma waxbaa iska badalay. J:> Walaahi siyaasadu waxa weeyaan in wixii suurto gal ah lagu shaqeeyo, waxaana cad in arrintaasi sidii aanu doonaynay ee ah muftaaxa in Xamar la hagaajiyo oo haddii Xamar la hagaajiyo ay wax waliba hagaagi karaan. Arrintaas ayaa igu soo noqotay oo aan arkay in aanay sidaa ku hagaagayn, waxaana loo baahan yahay in dhinaca kale laga eego, ee sida wax suura gal u noqonayaan loo eegi lahaa, halkii ahayd Xamar buu muftaaxu yaalaa ee aanu inta badan raadinaynay waxaanu aragnay in aanay suurto gal ahayn in halkaa laga helayo oo ay tahay in dhinaca kale ee Somalida degan laga eego, oo ay suurto gal tahay inay ku soo kordhin karaan aaraa cusub oo wax la is weydaarsan karo, oo aanu xalku Xamar oolin. S:>Ma keligaabaa safarkan ku imanaya mise dadkii fekerka awalba kula qabay ayaa kula socda? J:>Walaahi horta waxaan jeclaan lahaa in dadka raygaa qabaa isu yimaadaan, laakiin waxaan doonayaa inaanu ku nimaadno ilaa shan qof, waxaana jirta warqad aanu qornay ninka u fadhiya qaramada midoobay Somaliya Axmed Walid Cabdala, oo aanu nidhi waxa loo baahan yahay in dareenka loo jeediyo dhinaca Somaliland iyo Puntland, oo iyaga wax lala qabto. S:>Xukuumada Somaliland miyaad la soo xidhiidhay ka hor intaanad iman mise weli wax wada hadal ah lamaad yeelan? J:>Way jiraan wasiiro aanu wada hadalnay oo aanu wada xidhiidhnay oo aanu aaraa is weydaarsanay. S:>Adigu ma ogtahay in dad badan oo sidaada intay Xamar tageen ku soo noqday dalka kadibna la xidhay, adigana ay suurta gal tahay in lagu xidho, inkastoo aanay jirin cid maxkamad lagu soo taagay? J:>Maya wax alle wax dambiya oo aan galay ma arko, ra’yiga siyaasigu ma aha dambi sideedaba, aragtiyda siyaasadeed sidaas ayay ila tahay haddii ay dambi noqoto dunida gabigeeduba dambi ayay ku wada jirtaa kolkaas. S:>Waxaad tahay siyaasi weyn oo miisaan ku leh gobolka, dawladii ugu horraysay ee xukuumada Somaliand waxaad ahayd wasiirkii maaliyada, wasiirul khaarajiga Somaliya waad noqotay, arrimaha geeska afrika waxaad ka mid tahay shakhsiyaadka ugu xogta badan leh, Somaliland aqoonsigeeda caqabada ugu weyn ee hortaagan maxaad u malaynaysaa inay tahay? J:>Arrinta ugu weyni waxa weeye sida aynu u caddaynay (ku dhawaaqistii gooni isu taaga), run ahaana anigu ka mid baan ahaa oo imika cid ku riixi maayo ama ku eedayn maayo, laakiinse sidii aynu yeelnay waxa jirey siyaabo laga doorbidayo, oo malaha ka dhowaa tusaalehaan haddii aynu yeelno sidii loogu fekeray Eritrea ee arrintooda ay ku dhammaysteen ama la yeeli lahaa sidii dastoorka SNM ku qornayd oo markaa inta laysu yimaado laga wada hadlo oo laga wada heshiiyo inaynu laba dawladood kala noqono laakiinse loo galay ee ahayd ku dhowaaq dhinac keliya ee aan dhinicii kale waxba laga soo qaadin inay arrintan wax ka qabato, waxaan u malaynayaa arrimahaas ayaa fiicnaan lahaa laakiinse waxa jirtay khibrad la’aan. S:>Adigu markaad timaado waxa jirta xan ah inaad xisbiga UCID ku biirayso maxaa ka jira? J:>(qosol), xisbiga UCID… ma jiro anigu xisbi aan u ololaynayo oo aan u imanayaa, laakiinse aniga waxay ila tahay wixii dadku isku raacsan yahay inaan u hogaansamo, haddii kolkii hore aniga laygu dhaleecaynayay inaan raygayga iyo waxay ila tahay uun iska watay, imika waxaan culayska saarayaa oo ay ila tahay in aan u hogaansamo oo aan ka mid noqdo waxa loo wada dhan yahay ee la isku wada raacsan yahay. Xigasho Wargeyska Saxansaxo saxanews@gmail.com
For me I consider Somali Poetry A Gun.It defends the rights in clan disputes.it defends the clans honor.
Three fastest way of communications are: 1.Tele-phone 2.Tele-vision 3.Tell-a-woman if u still need faster, Request her not to tell anyone.
Snoring By:By Maria G.Essig, MS, ELS What is snoring? You snore when the flow of air from your mouth or nose to your lungs makes the tissues of your throat vibrate when you sleep. This can make a loud, raspy noise. Loud snoring can make it hard for you and your partner to get a good night’s sleep. You may not know that you snore. Your bed partner may notice the snoring and that you sleep with your mouth open. If snoring keeps you or your bed partner from getting a good night’s sleep, one or both of you may feel tired during the day. Snoring may point to other medical problems, such as obstructive sleep apnea. Sleep apnea can be a serious problem, because you stop breathing at times during sleep. So if you snore often, talk to your doctor about it. What causes snoring? When you sleep, the muscles in the back of the roof of your mouth (soft palate), tongue, and throat relax. If they relax too much, they narrow or block your airway. As you breathe, your soft palate and uvula vibrate and knock against the back of your throat. This causes the sounds you hear during snoring. The tonsils and adenoids may also vibrate. The narrower the airway is, the more the tissue vibrates, and the louder the snoring is. How is it treated? You may be able to treat snoring by making changes in your activities and in the way you sleep. For example: * Lose weight if you are overweight. * Quit smoking. * Sleep on your side and not your back. * Limit your use of alcohol and medicines such as sedatives before you go to bed. * If a stuffy nose makes your snoring worse, use nose strips, decongestants, or nasal steroid sprays to help you breathe. * When you sleep, use a device in your mouth that helps you breathe easier. This device pushes your tongue and jaw forward to improve airflow. If these treatments do not work, you may be able to use a machine that helps you breathe while you sleep. This treatment is called continuous positive airway pressure, or CPAP (say "SEE-pap"). In rare cases, your doctor may suggest surgery to open your airway. Note:Snoring is more common in men than in women.
Impact & Effect of Sins * When Allah commands us to give up sins and to avoid them it is not because our sins will harm Him. It is only us who will benefit by avoiding sins. Likewise, we alone will be affected by the sins we commit. It was the habit of the righteous ancestors to think about their sins whenever they were faced with hardship in anything. In fact, sins have many bad effects on the lives of the sinners. How can sins change our lives? What are the effects of sins on our well-being? Imam Ibn Al-Qayyim Al-Jawziyah explains to us these effects in his well-known book Al-Jawab Al-Kafi: * Prevention of knowledge: Knowledge is a light which Allah throws into the heart and disobedience extinguishes this light. Imam Ash-Shafi`i said: “I complained to Wakee` about the weakness of my memory, so he ordered me to abandon disobedience and informed me that knowledge is light. He said that the light of Allah is not given to the disobedient.” * Prevention of sustenance: Just as righteousness brings about sustenance, the abandonment of righteousness causes poverty. There is nothing which can bring about sustenance like the abandonment of sins. * Prevention of obedience (to Allah): If there was no other punishment for sin except that it prevents one from obeying Allah then this would be sufficient. * Disobedience weakens the heart and the body: The fact that it weakens the heart is clear. Disobedience continues to weaken the heart until its life ceases completely. * Disobedience reduces one's lifespan and destroys any blessings: Just as righteousness increases one’s lifespan, sinning reduces it. * Legacy of the cursed: Every type of disobedience is the legacy of a nation from among those which Allah destroyed. Sodomy is a legacy of the people of Lot, taking more than one's due right and giving what is less is a legacy of the people of Shu`aib, spreading mischief and corruption is a legacy of the people of Pharaoh and pride, including arrogance and tyranny, is a legacy of the people of Hud. So the disobedient one is somehow a part of those nations who were the enemies of Allah. * Disobedience is a cause of the servant being held in contempt by his Lord: Al-Hasan Al-Basri said: “They became contemptible in (His sight) so they disobeyed Him. If they were honorable (in His sight) He would have protected them.” * Effect of sins on others: The ill-effects of the sinner fall upon those around him as well as the animals as a result of which they are touched by harm. * Living in sin: The servant continues to commit sins until they become very easy for him and seem insignificant in his heart and this is a sure sign of destruction. Every time a sin becomes insignificant in the sight of the servant it becomes great in the sight of Allah. * Disobedience brings humiliation and lowliness: Every aspect of honor lies in the obedience of Allah. Ibn Al-Mubarak said: “I have seen sins kill the hearts. And humiliation is inherited by their continuity. The abandonment of sins gives life to the hearts. And the prevention of your soul is better for it.” * Disobedience corrupts the intellect: The intellect has light and disobedience extinguishes this light. When the light of the intellect is extinguished it becomes weak and deficient. * Sealing of the heart: When disobedience increases, the servant’s heart becomes sealed so that he becomes of those who are heedless. The Exalted said: [but no! A stain has been left on their hearts on account of what they used to earn (that is, their actions)] (Al-Mutaffifin 83: 14). * Sins cause various types of corruption to occur in the land: Corruption of the water, the air, the plants, the fruit, and the dwelling places. The Exalted said: [Mischief has appeared on the land and the sea on account of what the hands of men have earned; that He may give them a taste of some of (the actions) they have done, in order that they may return] (Ar-Rum 30: 41). * Disappearance of modesty: Modesty is the essence of the life of the heart and is the basis of every good. Its disappearance is the disappearance of all that is good. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Modesty is goodness, all of it.” * Sins weaken and reduce the magnification of Allah the Almighty in the heart of the servant. * Sins are the cause of Allah forgetting His servant: Sinning also causes Allah to abandon him and leave him to fend for himself with his soul and his Satan and in this is destruction from which no deliverance can be hoped for. * Being removed from the realm of benevolence: When a persons sins, benevolence is removed from his heart. When benevolence fills the heart it prevents it from disobedience. * Disobedience causes the favors (of Allah) to cease and makes His revenge lawful: No blessing ceases to reach a servant except because of a sin, and no retribution is made lawful upon him except because of a sin. Ali ibn Abi Talib (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “No trial has descended except due to a sin and it (the trial) is not repelled except by repentance.” * Based on Al-Jawab Al-Kafi by Imam Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyah,
Its a kind of Business-Social Network.
Choosing the Right Career for You? Develop Your Skills First! By Iqra Khalid In this age of information, it can be a difficult and sometimes disappointing journey to find a successful career. For Muslim professionals, the journey could be even more difficult because of a cultural gap that exists between a Muslim society and the professional world. Where that gap is rapidly closing, it will not merge into the western professional world unless Muslims are willing to push for this merger. False Stereotypes! Many North American Muslim families urge their children to go into very specific professional fields. These are mainly the sciences, such as medicine and engineering, business studies, such as accounting and administration, and technological studies. Very few Muslim youth go into the arts and humanities and make a career out of it. There is a widespread myth among youth that career choices in arts and humanities are not financially rewarding. These professions have a lower social rank than careers in science, business and Information technology. However, this is not the case and there are statistics to prove it. The Canadian government lists the average salary of professionals and tradesmen within the country. On average, a social worker makes the same hourly wages as a civil engineer. Journalists pull in a competent wage, competing with that of architects. It is important to note that it is unimportant which profession you choose; what is important is that you utilize your skills successfully, and get all there is to obtain within that field of study. Thoughts of Young Muslims Zebunnisa Mirza, an assistant director for the Canadian Broadcast Corporation, insists that it is important for Muslim youth to move out of their normal career choices, and enter into ’different’ fields such as media, and journalism, so that they can portray Muslims in a positive light. She went on to say: We are the most vulnerable to racism right now, and I think it is our responsibility as Muslims to teach others what being a Muslim is really about. If you alienate yourself, it is that much easier for others to turn away from you. If you make the extra effort to let people see how friendly, approachable and ’normal’ you are, you will end up changing their view of Muslims altogether. Expanding your career choices can be a way of doing that. Mirza confirms that there are no boundaries when it comes to developing skills, regardless of your religion; in fact, these boundaries are created by Muslims themselves. Mirza added: After having picked the most suitable career for yourself, it is important to build on a set of skills to ensure that you are hired within that field of choice. There are several cases in which top students graduated from universities with honors who do not find a job because they lacked the experience to match their intellect. She said that developing your skills by taking part in extracurricular activities is a very important step towards obtaining that career. Many non-profit organizations around the world offer volunteer opportunities to youth who wish to build on a set of skills to suit their education. For example, studying event management in theory provides you with a basic understanding, but you will not become a good event manager without having managed actual events. There are non-profit organizations that can give you the opportunity to develop the necessary skills, which you can use once you begin to receive compensation for those skills. Furthermore, taking part in such activities on a volunteer basis can help you decide whether you are truly cut out for the career choice you are making. Tauseef Malik, vice president of the Pakistani Student Association at York University and an undergraduate student in law was hoping to get into law school; however, having managed events and programs on campus and around the community, he now feels that project management is what he should be doing for a living. On the flip side, Yumi Hotta was the financial director for York University’s student Alumni Program. She was excellent in her role. In the two years of her directorship with this organization, she learned that she had indeed made the correct career choice by studying finance. She not only got the theoretical component of the field, but also mastered its implementation by volunteering in the field while studying. The Importance of Communication Skills Good communication skills go a long way in developing and utilizing any set of skills. An executive at the Council for the Advancement of Muslim Professionals says that while the Muslim youth are fluent in a number of languages, we lack the confidence to utilize our communication abilities to help us get a job. No one will know that you possess a certain skill unless you are able to communicate that convincingly. Because English is the global language, being fluent in it and being able to speak it confidently is definitely an asset towards utilizing your skills. Improving confidence in the language can be reinforced by taking public speaking courses, or making presentations instead of writing essays when the choice is given to you by your professor. Zebunnisa Mirza gave some heartfelt words of advice for the Muslim youth. Study hard and work hard! Don't take the short cut! Try to meet with as many people in your industry as possible. Network with them and learn from them. Make sure you have goals. They do not have to be specific and measurable as some people say, but make sure you have a direction in sight that you are working towards.
ASCW Which one u trust?? SHeekH ShariiF or SHeekh HaSSan Dahir AweyS.
ASCW Which one u trust?? SHeekH ShariiF or SHeekh HaSSan Dahir AweyS.
Piracy boosts insurance, business costs:Report FRANKFURT (Reuters) Pirate raids on shipping off East Africa have already pushed up insurance and business costs and threaten greater harm to trade if the tactics are copied elsewhere, Munich Re said on Friday. "The Somalis have discovered a more efficient model," said Dieter Berg, head of Marine division at Munich Re, the world's biggest overall reinsurer and marine reinsurer. "It's easier to make money if you kidnap people. And the danger is that this technique spills over to other countries, which would be a much more serious threat to world trade," he said. Hot piracy spots: Somali pirates have grabbed headlines for years with spectacular attacks on ships, from supertankers and passenger liners to yachts, but fears of violence have grown after U.S. snipers killed three pirates who had been holding an American ship captain hostage last weekend. Attention in recent months has focused on three hot spots for pirate attacks - the Gulf of Aden, the East coast of Somalia and the Indian Ocean as far as the Seychelles. Many shippers have begun buying kidnap and ransom policies -- which cover costs for ransom payments generally up to 3 million pounds ($4.5 million) -- and hiring security firms which may conduct hostage negotiations and arrange ransom payments, Berg said. "The costs for kidnap and ransom policies have risen 10-fold over the last year as a result of increased attacks," he said. Crew ransoms and the considerable cost of negotiating with and transferring cash to pirates pose the highest cost for insurers, with damage to goods and ships relatively less. Hijacked ships are frequently stuck for two to three months off the Somali coast while negotiations drag on, ruining cargoes and disrupting ship hiring schedules, further adding to costs. Taking alternative routes: Some companies already choose to travel around the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa, rather than risk the Gulf of Aden, which adds nearly two weeks to their travel time, fuel, charter and crew costs. Estimates for the broader economic damage of piracy range from $3-16 billion per year, but the frequency of incidents is on the rise, with 74 attacks off the coast of Somalia so far this year compared with 107 in the whole of 2008. Loss claims linked to piracy have been limited so far for reinsurers like Munich Re or Swiss Re, which help their insurance company clients shoulder risks, but the sinking of a container ship or tanker could trigger an environmental disaster and prompt claims in the hundreds of millions of dollars. Pirates using "mother ships," from which speedboat attacks can be launched, are extending the range of activity well into the Indian Ocean from Somalia. "This creates new dangers for example for ships heading around the Cape of Good Hope," Berg said. Learning from Somali pirates: Other pirates may learn from the Somalis, Berg said, noting that 40 attacks had been registered off the coast of Nigeria this year, with the actual number probably closer to 100-150. Pirates have also become increasingly innovative, attacking a freighter with 5-10 small boats simultaneously or using feints to distract military escort ships, Berg said. Security experts say that multi-million-dollar super yachts could be the next high-profile targets. Navy ships from 20 countries have taken up positions to fend off the Somali pirates, whose expansion into the Indian Ocean leaves the military patrolling an area as big as western Europe. Navy ships typically have a window of only 15 minutes to stop a pirate attack and there has been no international agreement on what to do with any pirates who do get caught. "The piracy problem has to be solved on land. As long as there is no functioning government in Somalia, we won't be able to stop the piracy," Berg said.
Ten Things We Waste 1. Our Knowledge: Wasted by not taking action with it ..... 2. Our Actions: Wasted by committing them without sincerity. 3. Our Wealth: Wasted by using on things that will not bring us ajr (reward from Allah). We waste our money, our status, our authority, on things which have no benefit in this life or in akhirah (hereafter). 4. Our Hearts: Wasted because they are empty from the love of Allah, and the feeling of longing to go to Him, and a feeling of peace and contentment. In it's place, our hearts are filled with something or someone else. 5. Our Bodies: Wasted because we don't use them in ibadah (worship) and service of Allah. 6. Our Love: Our emotional love is misdirected, not towards Allah, but towards something/someone else. 7. Our Time: Wasted, not used properly, to compensate for that which has passed, by doing what is righteous to make up for past deeds. 8. Our Intellect: Wasted on things that are not beneficial, that are detrimental to society and the individual, not in contemplation or reflection. 9. Our Service: Wasted in service of someone who will not bring us closer to Allah, or benefit in dunyaa. 10. Our Dhikr (Remembrence of Allah): Wasted, because it does not effect us or our hearts. A lesson of Imam Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah
In the name of Allah the most mericiful the most gracious. Thank you very much Mr.Nur. I am glad to read the dialogue b/w Shiekh and Af-kudable. It shows a positive way to encourage the people in order to quit this bad habit.
Financial Fassad=Bribery & Interest which r 2 duuli things for the ppl and the society......
Malaysia's top Muslim cleric slams at smokers Muslim smokers worse than cows: Malaysia cleric KUALA LUMPUR (AlArabiya, Reuters) Muslims who smoke and try to portray themselves as religious are worse than cows that defecate in the street, a top Malaysian Muslim cleric and politician said on Friday, pointing out that smoking was banned in Islam because the habit was hazardous to health. "For example, a cow which defecates in the middle of the road, (we) cannot take legal action against it because it has no brain and cannot think," said Nik Aziz who is the spiritual leader of the country's Pan-Islamic Party (PAS). " But human beings, who have brains, for them to do something which is wrong in religion ... can be regarded as being more despicable than cows " Nik Aziz "But human beings, who have brains, for them to do something which is wrong in religion ... when they are in an attire which symbolizes Islam [hijab or skull cap], they can be regarded as being more despicable than cows," he said in his weekly religious speech, according to Malaysia's state news agency Bernama. Recently, Indonesia's top Islamic body passed a fatwa or ruling banning smoking. Malaysia's top Islamic body has also banned smoking. Despite the ban in Malaysia, where over half the population of 27 million is Muslim, 50 percent of the male population smokes according to World Health Organization (WHO) data. PAS is one of the three parties in Malaysia's opposition alliance led by former deputy prime minister Anwar Ibrahim.
Asslamualaikum, The Messenger of Allah, salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam gives us the answer! Upon the authority of al-Bara' ibn `Aazib who said: We went out with the the Prophet (SAWS) to a burial of a man from the Ansar (original inhabitants of Madina) until we arrived at the grave, and he still had not been placed in the slot of the grave. Then the Messenger of Allah (SAWS) sat down and we sat around him. You would have thought that birds were upon our heads from our silence, and in the hand of the Messenger of Allah (SAWS) was a stick which he was poking the ground with. [Then he started looking at the sky and looking at the earth and looking up down three times]. Then he said to us: "Ask Allah for refuge from the torment of the grave", he repeated this command two or three times. [Then he said O Allah I seek refuge in you from the torment of the grave] [three times]. Then he said: "Verily, the believing servant, when leaving this life and journeying to the hereafter angels will descend upon him, their faces will be white as if they were suns, they will have with them a shroud (kafan) from the shroud of Paradise), and an embalmment (HanouT) from the embalmments of heaven. Then, they will sit within eye-shot of him. Then the angel of death (peace be upon him) will come and sit at his head and will say "O you virtuous soul; come out to a forgiveness and a pleasure from your Lord ". So it will come out as a drop comes out of the mouth of a jug (with ease), then he will take it, not leaving it in his hand for longer that a blink of an eye until they (he and the other angels) have placed it in that shroud and that embalmment. And there will emanate from it a smell like that of the most sweet smelling musk on the face of the earth. Then they shall ascend with it, and they shall not pass with it by any group of angels but they will say: What is this good and sweet-smelling soul?. Then they shall say to them (he is) "such" the son of "such" choosing the best of the names he used to be called in this life. Until they reach the lowest sky, then they shall ask permission to enter, and they shall be granted entry, until they end at the seventh heaven sky, then Allah, exalted and high, shall say: "write the book of my servant in `illiyeen (1) [And what will explain to you what Illiyeen is `illiyeen, there is a register fully inscribed to which bear witness those nearest to Allah (see 83:18)], and his book will be written in `illiyeen, and the shall be said "return him to the earth, for [i promised them] I have created them from it, and into it I shall return them, and from it I shall extract (resurrect) them a second time (20:55)". So [he is returned to earth and] his soul is returned to his body [he said and he will hear the footsteps of his friends who buried him when they leave him]. Then two [severe] angels shall come and [terrify him and] sit him up next to them and shall ask him: "Who is your Lord?". He shall reply "My Lord is Allah". Then they shall ask him: "What is your religion?". He shall answer them: "My religion is Islam". Then they shall ask him "Who is this man who was sent among you?". He will reply "He is the Messenger of Allah (SAWS) peace be upon him". Then they shall ask him "What have you done?". He shall reply: "I read the book of Allah, then I believed in it and accepted it". [The angel will terrify him and ask him "who is your Lord?", "what is your religion?" "who is your prophet?", and this will be the last trial on earth for the believer, it is then when Allah says : "Allah will establish in strength those who believe with the word that stands firm in this world", so he will answer my Lord is Allah, my religion is Islam and my Prophet is Mohammad salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam. Then a caller will call from the sky: My slave has spoken the truth, so spread out for him from the heaven, and clothe him from the heaven, and open a door for him from the heaven (within his grave), so it's goodness and its smell will come unto him, then his grave will be expanded for him as far as he can see. Then a man will come to him. His face will be handsome, and his clothes will be handsome, and his smell will be sweet. Then he shall say unto him: I bring you glade tidings of that which will make you happy [Rejoice with a pleasure of Allah and delights that endure]. This is the day that you were promised (46:16). Then he will say [and may Allah give you glad tiding] "who are you?, for your face is the face of someone who comes with good news". He shall reply: "I am your good deeds, [by Allah, I did not know of you but that you were quick to the obedience of Allah and slow to His disobedience, so may Allah reward you good]". Then he shall say: "My Lord bring the hour so that I might return to my family and my wealth" [it will be said to him be tranquil]. He (Mohammed, salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: { And the disbelieving [transgressor/wicked ] servant}, if he is leaving this life and journeying to the hereafter then angels will descend upon him, their faces will be black, they have with them a coarse woolen fabric (sackcloth)[ made of fire]. Then they will sit within eye-shot of him. Then the angel of death will come and sit at his head and will say "O you wicked soul; come out to a anger from your Lord and a fury (from Him)". So it will be distributed (spread out) throughout his body, then it will be ripped away as a skewer/spit is ripped out of damp cotton [and in its way out it will tear and cut the nerves and blood vessels] [and then he will be cursed by all the angels between the earth and the sky and by all the angels in the sky, and the gates of heaven are closed. There is no gate in the heaven but its people supplicate that the wicked soul shall not be ascended to their side], then he will take it (the soul), not leaving it in his hand for longer than a blink of an eye until they have placed it in that sackcloth. And there will emanate from it a stench like that of the most evil smelling corpse on the face of the earth. Then they shall ascend with it, and they shall not pass with it by a group of angels but they will say: What is this wicked soul?. Then they shall say to them (he is) "such" the son of "such" choosing the most hated of the names he used to be called in this life. Until they reach the lowest heaven (sky), then they shall ask permission to enter, and they shall not be granted entry. Then the Messenger of Allah (SAWS) recited "The doors of the sky are not opened to them, nor shall they enter heaven until the camel passes through the eye of the needle" (7:40). Then Allah, exalted and high, shall say: "write the book of my servant in Sijjeen (2)(83:7) in the lowest earth". [Then will be said return my slave to the earth, for I promised them I have created them from it, and into it I shall return them, and from it I shall extract (resurrect) them a second time (20:55)]. Then his soul shall be taken away [from the sky] with a mighty hurl [until it is cast into his body]. Then he (the Prophet salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam) read: "and those who associate partners with Allah, They are as one who falls from the sky then is snatched by the birds or is cast by the wind into a very low place (22:31)". Then his soul will be returned into his body, [he (the prophet) said : verily he will hear the footsteps of his friends who buried him when they leave him]. Then two harsh severe and fearsome angels shall come and [terrify him and] sit him up and shall ask him: "Who is your Lord?". He shall reply "Huh?, Huh (this is an expression of sorrow), I don't know". Then they shall ask him: "What is your religion?". He shall answer them: "Huh?, Huh?, I don't know". Then they shall ask him "Who is this man who was sent among you?". He will reply "Huh?, Huh?, I don't know [i heard people saying that!]". He (the Prophet salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said "And then will be said to him don't ever know and don't ever recite!"]. Then a caller will call from the sky: "My slave has spoken falsely, so spread out for him from the hell fire, and open a door for him from the hell fire (within his grave)", so its heat and hot wind will come unto him, then his grave will be contracted upon him until his limbs are caught up among one another. Then a man will come to him. His face will be ugly, and his clothes will be ugly, and his smell will be vile. Then he shall say unto him: I bring you tidings of that which will harm you. This is the day that you were promised (70:44). Then he will say [and you, may Allah give you bad tiding] "who are you?, for your face is the face of someone who comes with evil". He shall reply: "I am your evil deeds [by Allah, I did not know of you but that you were quick to the disobedience of Allah and slow to His obedience, so may Allah reward you bad, and then will be assigned to him a blind, deaf and mute person who holds in his hand a hammer, if a mountain is hit with it, it would disintegrate, and he will beat him with it until he becomes dust, and then Allah will render him to his initial form, and he will beat him again, and he (the wicked) will cry of sorrow and pain a cry that will be heard by all creatures except humans and jinn, and a door of hell will be opened unto him within his grave and will spread out for him sheets of hell fire]". Then he shall say: "My Lord do not bring the hour". This hadith is narrated by Ahmad Ibn Hambal, Abu Dawud, Ibn Majah, at-Tayalisi, and al-Hakim who said it is according to the standards of Bukhari and Muslim. This text is the text of Ahmad, all text between brackets is from the other narrators and other narrations of Ahmad. Notes (1) `illiyin: comes from the root word of `uluww which means highness. It is a place in the (highest) seventh sky where the souls of the believers are gathered (Ibn `Abbas), it also carries the meaning of a very high and wide place (Ibn Kathir). (2) Sijjin: comes from the root word of sijn which means narrowness. It is a place in the (lowest) seventh earth where the souls of the unbelievers are gathered (Ibn `Abbas), it also carries the meaning of a very low and narrow (Ibn Kathir). Reading the previous hadith one may think that the punishment of the grave is reserved only for those who did not believe in Allah or associated with him someone else in worship, lordship, creation or in his names and attributes. It is not the case! the following authentic hadith tells us more! so let us read it carefully : Ibn Abbas (Radiya Allahu `anhuma) says that the Messenger of Allah, salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam, once, while passing by two graves, remarked : The inmates of these two graves are being tortured not for any serious sins, but in fact they are serious sins. One of them used to carry tales [gossiping] (nameemah) and the other used not to yastatir (1) when urinating. [bukhari and Muslim]
Qat.....It depends how the person use it. If u use in a good manner just like our traditional elders then there is no problem with it. But if u use it in a bad manner (Like Tuumaasho) then it creates problems for u and the society.
Malaysia Allows Muslim Return to Buddhism By IslamOnline.net & News Agencies The court said that Tan has never intended to become a Muslim. (Reuters) KUALA LUMPUR — A Malaysian Islamic court upheld on Monday, March 16, a decision allowing a female convert to return to her original faith, Hinduism, on the basis that she has never been a Muslim. "She has never followed any aspect of the Islamic teachings and has been living a non-Muslim lifestyle right from the day of her conversion," Penang state Shari`ah Appeal Court Judge Ibrahim Lembut said in a ruling cited by Reuters. "It is clear from the evidence that she converted to Islam just for the sake of marrying an Iranian man," Ibrahim said. Siti Fatimah Tan Abdullah, a 39-year-old ethnic Chinese woman formerly known as Tan Ean Huang, converted to Islam in 1998 in order to marry her Muslim Iranian lover. Non-Muslims must convert before they can legally marry a Muslim in Malaysia, where Muslim Malays form about 60 percent of the 27-million population. The couple married in 2004, but after a short period she broke up with her husband. In 2006, she filed a request to return to her original faith, Buddhism, stressing she has never practiced Islam. In May 2008, a Shari`ah court ruled in her favor but the Penang Islamic Religious Council (MAIPP) appealed. But the Shari`ah Appeal Court upheld the original verdict. "She never intended to become a Muslim in the first place," said Judge Ibrahim. The court ordered the MAIPP to revoke Tan's registration certificate that declared her as a Muslim. Christians make up around 9.1 percent of the population, including a Catholic population of nearly 800,000. Buddhists and Hindus constitute 19.2 and 6.3 percent of the population respectively. Unique The plaintiff expressed her satisfaction with the court ruling. "I am very happy that this is finally over," she told reporters outside the court house. "It has been a long struggle." The MAIPP also endorsed the ruling, which it said confirmed the status quo in Malaysia, where religious courts operate in parallel to civil courts. But it stressed that this ruling does not mean any change in the country's ban of Muslim conversion. "The original decision gave the impression that one could simply convert out of Islam. So now it is clear this is not the case," MAIPP lawyer Ahmad Munawar Abdul Aziz told reporters. "In this case, the court has made it clear that this was a unique case where her conversion itself was invalid," he explained. "So this removes the fear among the Muslim community that conversions may be subject to review."
Thnk u very much 4 briefing the story behind this poem.............
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