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Everything posted by A.J.
There is no point in having these guidelines as 90% of people here break them everyday
no i await until i know for sure myself from the resources i trust i.e. people back home and trusted news sources such as the BBC news
President Rayaale on Teatime Meeting with Elizabeth II
A.J. replied to Jacaylbaro's topic in Politics
^^^^ depending on how some people spell the green leaves (khat), your name already suggest you are on it -
I dont know enough about the conflict to say what impact i think it will have on the region, which is my main concern
I expect Dukey, Emperor and a few of the other cheerleaders to tell us that they have soundly beaten somaliland driven them out.
I do await the final news on this ensueing conflict though before i comment
KEYZ, true i think he would have gone for it more, but remember Coventry has already knocked them out this year. I think it might be a chelsea-tottenham final, but then again arsenal and everton are both capable of comebacks and a final between them is not out of the question
uefa cup maybe
sharmarke, i wouldnt say effortlessly but i think Ghana have africa good chance at home
North, its not because of english hype that i rate him, its because i have seen him play a lot here in england and he has defintely left an impression on me. if he continues his development he can be an excelent player indeed. GJ, i wouldnt say chelsea are back yet but i am proud that my team is battling eventhough we have been decimated by injuries. its like i said before about the title race, Man U will be probably win triumph over arsenal because they are much more ruthless and defiant even when they are not playing something arsenal dont do as wel
A declaration by the residents and business community of Sool
A.J. replied to Jacaylbaro's topic in Politics
Yes indeed it is good for the economic development of the region that trade is conducted in the on currency of the nation which is of course the JSL Shilling. -
Mogadishu: Somali National Security forces secure capital
A.J. replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
You beat me to it JB, because it seems Dukey is telling that it has been secured every week. -
Its all good folks, ignore these foolish haterz, they cant see the facts for what they are but are to scared about their nightmares being realised soon.
Dabshid, you are the one that is not noticing the clear hypocricy that the good doctor has pointed out. them old ladies were given printouts and without realising how contradicting they were in certain terms, the old ladies just held it up. foolish indeed, and certainly nothing that anyone would ever take seriously.
Dukey, You know i am not one for getting upset. We are having a fair discussion so there is no need for anyone to get up set. Also i am not disuputing whether those entities like the EU pay the salaries, i am merely pointing that it will be used to hire gunmen, militias and other enforces of violence rather then it doing any good that is all. Emperor, Where you getting your foolish accusations from. waraabe and siilaanyo are merely politicians and always have been. neither of them was ever involved in any running of militias unlike the majority of your parliament. as a matter of fact your whole government, parliament and regime as a whole was set up on the back of a warlord reconcialiation conference in Kenya so i am well within my rights to throw those stones you talk about. You on the other hand seem to have no ground to stand on. I mean where does your ridicolous allegation that A. Yusuf Yasiin is a child molester. that is a disgusting lie if there ever was one. Have you any prove to back up your diabolical lies.
Originally posted by Juje: quote:Originally posted by A.J.: I dont know what makes you think Somaliland is willing to do anything that is asked of it in return for international recognition. you seem to suggest that if the US helps Somaliland then Somaliland will become america's 'errand boy'. Nothing that Somaliland has done so far suggest somaliland will do anything that harms its sovereignty and indepedence to make its own decision. Ay.! You have short memory sxb. The many things S/land has done for Ethiopia in pursuance of recognition is countless - the outstanding one is apprehending and exraditing hundreds of Somalis on the presumptions that they are criminals who committed crimes in Ethiopia. The expelling of journalist from the south of the border recently itself was the job of an errand-boy. And that was only for Ethiopia. Hence I believe it is an achievement if you get the same status with the US of A. - so don't be ashamed of it. Though on the other hand a recognition is a far fetched ambition for an errand boy. An invitation to a seminar in US, and the odd mention of S/.land in PM questions time by a back-bencher MP in the Commons should not raise your hopes. Juje, In those incidents that you speak of, the Somaliland government acted in a way that it felt served its intersts best and not because it was told to by anybody. I personally believe the government took the wrong action in both of those incidents but in both incidents it felt its actions were in the best interest of Somaliland. In relation to the issue of recognition, the people of somaliland know that it is a very hard ambition to fulfull but one they are willing to fight. But one thing is for sure the people of Somaliland will not give up their integrity, principles, dignity or their sovereignty for anything, even recognition. Peace
Originally posted by NGONGE: ^^ Get over yourself son and talk sense. Next you'll be telling me to talk to the hand! Do you actually understand politics? Realise how difficult it is to attain recognition? Know that there will inevitably come a time of reckoning and paying up the of previous debts (symbolic debts)? There are no 'self-respecting' human beings in politics, my son. Clear that idea right out of your head... This old guy is getting all hyper now , take it easy old man before you have a heart attack. I dont what planet you have been living on but i have said nothing other then the fact that recognition is very hard to come by. But contrary to the believe of many anti-somaliland folk, Somaliland has kept its principles in this ardous task of looking to gain recognition. Somaliland is a country of the people and will not allow any politician to sell it out for anything. However if recognition can be gained on a satisfactory terms for Somaliland it will come one day, which might be tomorrow or it may take another 50 years. In the mean time i suggest you take a few more chill pills and loosen up old man before you actually loose it if you havent alread
Dukey, who are you kidding, the majority of your so called MP's are warlords and a warlord aint for turning my friend. they are merely money hungry killers who'll do anything for that extra dollar
NGONGE, Perhaps for you ‘Dignity, principles and other virtues’ don’t mean anything but to any self-respecting human being they are vital.
Originally posted by Ghanima: Everyone is out for their own interest and everyone has the means to defend their interest...every nation has the means , Somaliland does not have the means nor the capability to make sure it's interest are preserved first and foremost. Somaliland is not exactly in a position to negotiate with the US on a balanced terms are they now? The relationship is more like, “I will throw you a lifeline and you become my bi*tch” Ghanima, You are not listening really are you. I dont know what makes you think Somaliland is willing to do anything that is asked of it in return for international recognition. you seem to suggest that if the US helps Somaliland then Somaliland will become america's 'errand boy'. Nothing that Somaliland has done so far suggest somaliland will do anything that harms its sovereignty and indepedence to make its own decision. If the US decides to help Somaliland or recognise it for that matter then it is of their account and not of Somaliland saying we will do this if you give us that. America itself has recently debated a shift in focus in the horn of africa to without any promises or even indications from Somaliland. Ofcourse nothing comes free but one thing is for sure, Somalilands sovereigncy and independent decision making will not be diluted for the sake of international recognition. Somaliland will accept international help and preferrably recognition, but it will not come at the cost of its respect, dignity or sovereignty to attain it :rolleyes:
I wouldnt go that for bro but it can go very far indeed
Somalithinker, this is not necessarily a bad move initself,,, but what will they do with that money is the important question. most likely it will be going to negative use i.e the funding of more militias
Rehabilitation of the All Governmental Offices In Lasanod
A.J. replied to Jacaylbaro's topic in Politics
Another positive development in the region,, things are starting to go back on the right road. -
I welcome this new guy, but Berbera needs better managed and increased investment. its development has been adequate to say the least and a city its status is only maintained by the port. i love berbera as i spent some time in my early child hoood there and would love to see it blossom with increased investment and depolyment of resources back into berbera.
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