Originally posted by Caamir:
A.J. to preserve nature as it is is what people spend millions of $$ for that purpose alone. After so many years of stateless-ness, how was it preserved for such a long time begs for a miraculous answer. If they can find such an answer SL should learn to model it to its development, not military aggression, you know you can't win.
The area has breathtaking beauty, nice climate and outstanding opportunities for agricuture and mineral extraction. if it was given a chance and some investment this area would prosper far beyond its current means. there is no need for any military agression as the area is peaceful and Somaliland and its people will look to keep it that way. Thats what i was referring to when i said the area will be secured. Any foreign agressors looking to exploit to region will be rebutted by the locals. Somaliland should look to further invest in this area so that the locals and the country as whole benefits from the regions development.