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Everything posted by Muriidi

  1. in school you need good grades to get into a ood college;once you're in, grades are not so relevant. our primary objective is to develop "stuff" that works/functions correctly.
  2. my alternate ego from akhira called me and told me how we got there(jannah) i guess that makes me a sufi mystic,but i'm here now in reality which i think makes me salafi,i love the prophet pbuh very much and passionately ,does that make me christian,i believe in freedom and that God wishes me no evil ,is that hindu you say,i believe in abstinence and patience do i smell some buddha,i just expressed deep thoughts with no fear of prosecution is that the essence of moses pbuh message? all of the above is only correct if confirmed by quran and sunnah and whath the #*¤! is a sect ? i think the arabic word is taa'ifa...or maysir or maybe i shouldn't judge people .... the vital question is how does a jamaaca avoid becoming a sect ? were the asasin and salah u din ayubi a sect ?
  3. baaraka Allahu fiika a neighbor i met while washing clothes complained about whenever she wins society just raised the bar and the game continued but on an even more wicked level. what do you think? when are our efforts unjustified competition and when are they legitimate jihad? is there a formula or equation even a relative one?
  4. the u.s. receives a standard sum of $55 million to promote support for any government. the current somali admin. sponsored by mustaqbal&tawakal express thought it could sacrafice one xawalad to gain sympathy. don't run demonstrating every time some ***** draws offensive cartoons ,that's all they want.
  5. yes , have you ever thought of the islamic space travel program? who is more suited than muslims to comprehend the whole issue of space could they go to the moon and not hiss the saudi flag? there also valuable lessons to be learned in the book "buluughul maraam" about survival in outer space. i heard space technology is already here they just can't find people who can deal with the stress of long space journeys,and since they're all superstitious they thougt maybe get a few muslims since they seem to have some excalibur thing going on.... yes but on our terms please! the russian team is bringing out stuff they had been saving for this occasion,nowadays they leave the building of the euipment to daimler benz. we want to call the first space ship "tal 'afar" and the first colony on mars "sabra&shatila" the station "mir" is from now on called "taleh" ...and someone tell NASA to go get a life i don't think they can be salvaged. content with Allah as our lord and mohamed as a prophet and islam as DIIN by the way what is the correct translation for istighfar? google translate just said astgar.
  6. Muriidi


    then i hope you know the difference between wishful thinking (rayb al manuun) and realization (alyaqiin) conformity is also unislamic! but the da'wa to islam is not about telling people that they can keep their money and social status all they have to do is believe in Allah somehow. it's about that feeling of being content with Allah as your lord and knowing that your worldly affairs are "fitna" and that you have to deal with THEM (your worldly affairs) somehow. no one expects perfection but a little idealism wouldn't hurt. much dua' and prayer for our brother and sisters who fell as martyrs ,knowing that as we develop and witness the purity of existence new ways will be discovered to fight kuffaar. know that much of what we use now (the whole system of national states)is only ghanima,bounty as a result of jihad, i hope no one thinks that is what our brothers and sisters died for. freedom of speech is not guaranteed by the state they just replace the old opressor with new methods;educated people can live with that,but what about jaamac simpleton? in islam you don't need to know bukhari by heart to survive or to feel free.what do we the people do now ,satisfy the perviersions of the elite clergy?or what do you think is the result of playing an "islamic" game? haaa wadaaddada maa haddana loo gaardinaa ? oooo wow ma soo xafiday 40kii ? haaa kubituu kamaa kubitalladiina min qablihim.. all glory to Allah no national state political system or any other babylon invention deserves to be glorified or mentioned with such intensity... ruuney isoo eeg ka dheh. i'm sorry sounds like a discussion between ju jutsu and aikido. you know what made me dizzy? in my town there are only two mosques they are in different time zones!
  7. check out the pictures on the right of the first identified flying website? a seven year old girl asked me for a cigarette...coitus interruptus!!! aaargghh.... i remembered... اما ; بعد ; said the preacher....then something about bad fruit...the somali decided to continue with the cia... اما ; بعد ; said the sheikh... ..national geographic doesn't know what to say ...they thik they'll go back to new gineau and look for some naked canibbal tribe...the more merciful way to die...
  8. what if being a muslim meant being poor,no money no country,no government,no petrodollar,no elaborate sharia colleges,just simple people in simple houses with simple and dugsi . after the closest word to islam is devotion and not surrender. look what we talk about all day,how we can beat kuffar at their own game,i'm sure we call drink 'em all under the table or outbluff them in poker but... what if we have as muslims nothing to art no philosophy no culture no political system ? do we as a nation stop prospering and growing? have we nothing to discuss without sounding like kuffar? jumping on every bait thereby promoting evil ? do we feel like it has all been done and said? are we being sarcastic? ... where i live we deprogramm sect victims...feel welcome.
  9. IMF means inteliggent military funding. i don't know where all this went wrong , but one shouldn't eat expired food or put fast food in the fridge. one wonders is it politics itself or the current administration? there once was this series on tv where a community turned off the tv's and all the children started playing outside and it was wonderful. ever since people discovered that religion is wrong and is the work of the pharao, islam and it's derivatives like christianity ,shiite or whatever feel better. i wonder what's next ? maybe blue jeans is wrong and we were jinxed all along!
  10. ever since year 2000 everything is in high speed... which is way too slow,so you start doubting your identity or location even, what did people do before avatars and GPS ? maybe we should save the people and leave the ship we're floating on an ere comes another ship almost empty , they decided to leave the people behind and save the ship; let's take it!
  11. can you tell xabadikeentay from normal qaxooti? emergency exit click this
  12. can't surf the internet if you haven't done aerobics...
  13. nin baa yiri dawladdu waa dhurwaa hilib ku raro... anna waxaan leeyahay socod dhurwaa waxaan ahay ganacsade(for ex. the coca cola company) anigaba hilib ha igu raranin ee kookoolo hooda!
  14. where in quran or sunnah do you find that zina means adultry? what is asaatiirulawiin but this godless political science?... wait now we entered dangerous terrain. iimaan or faith is not something that can be taught , prayer and life experience i guess. warm camelmilk? don't you think the prophet mohamed pbuh could have competed with abu lahab?i mean he had relatives with money and good name in quraish who could have promoted him all the way to king of the whole area,doing great business with abu lahab and the arabian empire.... ..NO mohamed pbuh and his FOLLOWERS just left! because the essence is not about winning a fight it is about installing God's word. me as a muslim the oppurtunity to face kuffar in open combat with the possiblity of martyrdom is a great reward. but those who draw the sword at every occasion are not considered faithful. in quran or sunnah i haven't found any detailed discussion of how kuffar do their business. one goes to the mosque beacause there you don't have to watch tv surf the net or tell a tale about the pharao. but your women and offspring have rights and you can't stay in the mosque all day...but if you go to the mosque only twice a day over a period of time.... american law? that's easy. they are under arrest if they can't afford a lawyer one will be appointed..but why would you ask a priest for a gun permit ? i know incoherent thoughts not formulated theories, but who's on trial ? jazaak Allahu khayr bro
  15. walaal Muunad take your time you have eternity,islam is not a religion it's diin.religion is what pharao used to do. keep in mind that you will die.but build for life like Abraham pbuh . i wish i could upload someone i like into a dream and wait till akhira for a date.i's download some of my dreams but they're too good for duniya.
  16. what about stuff like ...we should first forbid firearms then khamr then make hijab obligatory then censor films and control drugs.... sharia law is more complicated than just reading holy texts and applying them literally although that is a safe way...or is it. it's like saying you just want janna but you don't love God and his messenger. sharia implementation from the top(government) is not starts with every family and community, like someone who takes drugs and stumbles around(yatakhabbat) trying to find his sanity(natural state) again. if we follow the U.N. model,a studied person in muslim sharia can open a law office near a community and assist/advise a community in sharia issues. like different imams in mosques have different recitations they still have the same effect for someone praying behind them. different judges in different communities might have different views but they don't disagree! the most important aspect while implementing hudud(the boundaries) is the believers zahd fi duniya(The reluctance in the world). a person who says "la ilaha illa Allah" will repent and accept his punishment and accept the authority of his community's elders. it all works very well and has been working for a while. smile,say bismillah and salli ala nabi...this could take 300 years. 1- them governments don't exist,it's just the devil's human resources. 2- consider everyone muslim until you see otherwise. 3- teach quran and hadith, it makes islamic courts unnecessary.(tawbikh ) seeing the effect of the holy texts you read in everyday life is tawbikh enough!
  17. baarkallah fiik akhi nur waa runtaa kufriga lama daandaansado Allow fitno ha nooga dhigin,lamana caayo kufaarta oo way kugu dacni.
  18. aar aniga waan daalay , haddana feejignow maa kow laga bilaabaa?haddaan somali nahay maxaa naga dhexeeya oon ahayn aqbaar? diin ar iidana akhbaarey noqotay! intee la aadaa haddaba waayehee? hee maxaa tiri diinta Allah leh ee ma laha dawladdu. haye waayahay ani masajidkaan aadaa bari hadana iyo mijin jaad ah.
  19. xadiis waxaa jira dhahaya lama shalaayo ee Allah waxaa la weydiistaa dambidhaaf iyo sida aad ku jirtid si dhaanta. talow ya matniga xadiiska haya?
  20. does anyone have the feeling it's not enough with an "update" or "upgrade" and you might have to start all over ? "magic" words like geopolitical or sociological don't work anymore.everywhere in the world clergy is proving that they can replace any form of work that is not directly material.administrative,banking,psychological,fina ncial conslulting,lawyers...entertainement? wadaaddo...sorry culimo have taken over the service sector,they have a natural alliance with the production sector. i heard that if you believe in God you will sooner or later quit your sinful ways...because Mohamed ص said so! world wide governments are panicking,calling for radical groups like chrischan democrats and hizbola screaming hey come back look i make islam now...come back i give you half price, "magic" words like overpopulation,lack of infrastructure,developing nations,just don't motivate somali intellectuals anymore since they decided to be aftahan instead of aqoonyahan. me...i'm proud to say that my college physics wiht God's blessing helped me survive a few fistfights and bullet showers... i was able to do designing engineering work after one year and after 2nd year i had 3 different jobs in that area...later i was told that my engineering knowledge made me a stabilizing factor in my community,and would get a loan from any xawaalad to start my own business,i'm just waiting for them to become muslim instead of just islamic. i learned that education is not just for making money,it's about having fun and being understood.
  21. beautiful article. what do you know about implicit and explicit prayer in everyday ativities ?
  22. what about the mutants? do i really need to watch movies about zombies and play video games just to survive? but as soon as you know you have to decide are you here with diplomatic immunity or political assylum? ....(yes also for native population) did you know that filing for political assylum protects you also from the government of the country you fled court order if you have political assylum no member of government/military has access to you.also no religious sects,weird science projects etc. you just have to express that wish somehow ... if you ask for diplomatic immunity...well you are out of police jurisdiction..need special medical care...etc.
  23. c+++ khaybar/marxab iyo yahuudda... why not take loot(ghanima) from yehud, and when is a person who is ahlu kitaab considered yehud ? what is the difference between manipulatory rhetoric and information/entertainment ?
  24. before we get lost or provoke anger... let's go oldschool. jazaakum Allahu khayr