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Everything posted by Muriidi

  1. Muriidi


    the world is trying to explain itself. when the u.s. president says for example "we have to buy more cars in order to buy more oil from the arabs..." he's putting in layman's words " axalla Allahu albayca wa xarama alriba" so does that mean also the u.s has a council of "ayatollas" ? yes them ...when the iranian president says "america is the devil!" ,he's putting in layman's words something the ayatolla council said:don't you see the worldwide development that all the countries are turning into little americas?the u.s seems to be the perfect "container" for all the evil that goes on in the world , the next step is of course to show how incapable we are in dealing with that now neatly contained situation. and now some serious non gov. news: industrial,informati on now general technological revolution.the world economy can't deal with it,what do we do?does anyone have a political or socioeconomic theory?
  2. somaliland computer'ka wax gala iyadaa oogu horeysay! haaa.. yacni calitarigaba waa la ictiraafay maaha? i think recognition starts at home.each and every one of us. let somaliland in your heart! recognize it as a sovereignty... can you recognize somaliland in your everyday routine as a country? do you see mogadishu for the confused people they are still thinking hargeisa has anything to do with them... do you recognize somaliland in your home ?
  3. did you know that books like riyadusalihin and fiithilal al quran are not suitable for research? i think the purpose of imam al nawawi and sayid qutub was to inspire and encourage...but one has to be mature enough to appreciate them. other books more suitable for research are: fiqh sunah and sahih bukhari... here's a "mas'alo" that can be discussed in either direction ,entertainment and/or research : using any of the known hadith and tafsir books for reference, try to associate reading/listening to surat aljathiya(45) with the experience of going to hajj! i suggest tafsir aljalaleyn for example.
  4. abaayo barca u ma ekoo midabadii dawladda hoose oo municipio?!!
  5. Muriidi


    kick this so i thought a lot about sports.swimming horses even pingpong...i still don't understand the use of football...wait is that the purpose? it can't be associated with any useful activity which makes it the perfect distraction ...aaah! i think i'll check on juventus,galatasaray and deportivo...
  6. lesson 2 A. first we learn how how to login and logout to/from your virtual envitonment. the arabic letter خ pronounced kha will let you logout...try it... خا khaa. the same letter خ but with ي lets you log back in,i know it's complicated but try...خي khii . login:خي khii logout:خا ; khaa B. this is how you can regulate temperature in your virtual environment: the arabic letter ح pronounce in somali xa will raise the temperature(make it warmer) try it حا xaa...see how you feel warmer ? to cool things down same letter ح but with و will lower the temperature of your virtual environment,try it...حو in somali xuu
  7. Muriidi


    i don't get are you a lawyer or are you looking for one ? either way welcome to hamar jajab: on ther right you will find qat,traditional somali sweets(halwo) and cookies,quran tapes and reckless showing of guns on the left you will find marijuana and some ethiopian liquor,different shampoos and soaps from india and a far more dangerous gun culture..discretion advised
  8. the icg seems to be forgetting it's role! since goverments refuse to negotiate with what they call terrorists is it not the role of ngo's to negotiate deals between rebels and governments? all they're saying is "do whatever is necessary" we already have someone for that ,it's called a prime minister. "calling on all parties" thus putting government and rebels on the same plane,prolonging and legitimizing the war.i think one should choose one side and consider the other as some sideeffect of the side one has chosen.criteria for choosing a side in a conflict should be how realistic their agenda and present deeds are.if you don't posess that much judgement don't call yourself n.g.o. who is this icg ? are they like "human rights watch"? 'cause they'r not cool.not cool at all.
  9. yes it is very important italy as E.U. and N.A.T.O member is a good contact for the current somali administration in mogadushu to establish better conditions for somalis who live abroad. if you heard also the talks between u.s.a. and cuba will be very helpful in helping the economy cope with the worldwide sociodynamic developments.. somalia is living up to it's part of the deal as a strategic ally...naturalizatio n of our citizens abroad is the least we could ask for.
  10. hey anyone can wear a "commandos" uniform! harnessing natural resources,coal mining,graphite,as an excuse to conquer parts of earth/land... seeing such pictures makes me need a toothbrush!!! you call yourself soldiers...where i live i wouldn't send you to buy me a pack o cigarettes. but then the original plan was "yahuudda badda ku shub"
  11. God created evil so we believers can feel like winners everytime we say no to ..istighfar! it is worng when arguing to take examples for God.can you see cold?!!!! philosophy like any science has a purpose,that purpose is improving quality of life. although the professor is trying to assess freedom of thought ,picking out muslims is wrong. i see things like the evolution theory as some sort of ghanima...although i'm still not sure how to use it...also that freud fella... i found out how atheism works though, it has like this on and off button and works in certaing life situations to neutralize...but it's not stable ... "depeche mode" works much better it not only neutralizes it also ventilates. Allah's presence is a priori for any science. philosophy measures the amount of freedom applying that science(biochemistry f.ex.) gives every single individual to think freely to the extent of doubting the logic of Allah's existance. an invention that opresses the freedom to disbelieve is not considered a natural science. but that invention might not function because the presence of Allah swt is a priori!
  12. Allah bless you for that reminder. if i may add... nowadays one might run into some things that remind of the evil deeds of the kuffar in the stories of the is important not to judge people,and instead blame it on one's own emotions,stress and frustration(shurur anfusina)walciyathub iLLAH.
  13. ama waxaa dhehee anaga dad waaweynaa nahay nadaa: next thing you know you're talking about : anyway back to xamar jajab....
  14. do your remember ? do you miss it ? goats good morning i don't understand how we replaced such sounds with with our own wretched thoughts.
  15. Muriidi

    xamar jajab

    do your remember ? do you miss it ? goats good morning i don't understand how we replaced such sounds with with our own wretched thoughts.
  16. here's an example for socially irresponsible difinitve and not descriptive journalism: web page a more realistic description of the situation would be: governments worldwide have been pushed away from their domains and are now trying to get some mass appeal by starting casinos? you can gamble with your soul and join the u.s. army... afte succesfully losing your soul you can proceed and put your sanity on the line by joining the taliban. so how does one become a serious journalist without starting to talk about aliens and u.f.o s journalism is not a science. science is something that brings progress but not only for those who have the information. journalistic reports bring progress only to those who know i.e. read the article. one of the main uses of journalism is generalizing a subject:"this has nothing to do with is general phenomenon ,perhaps a sign of the times we live in." a journalist also warns people:"what is this..? should we call a gathering?can i do something?should we go pray? qiyamulayl! a good announcement would be: as far as this newspaper knows there seems to be pockets of violence here and there spread around the maintain the general peace these anomalies will not be globalized but be spoken of as they are,a serious threat to stability and something should be done on all social levels. the sol troll corner provides better service than most news channels i know.
  17. nice to have you back bro hey, does anyone remember tiananmen square ? back in they days it was 10000 dead 2 years ago 2000 dead today i heard only 500 ... we forgot mobile phones were like science fiction back in the 60's,does that mean many other things we thought to be science fiction are now part of our reality? only those who thought they were in control are losing. we must be careful and not replace them. kuffaar are known to say "ok you be the boss" once they lose...they don't care as long as the corruption and tyranny continue. really nice to have you back bro
  18. i strongly oppose the "defining" role of journalism nowadays.... journalist should at least follow U.N. guidelines or they will be categorized with the (un)governments they talk happens to many corporations like mc donalds and barakaat bank so now we have a bunch of systems who are recognized by th U.N. as totally incapable and some systems not considered relevant enough to be recognized or critisized
  19. Muriidi


    what if a convicted criminal insists on his/her right to huduud literally as in quran and sunnah? is the imam/qadi is obliged to for example to cut his/her hand off. yes the imam/qadi is obliged to apply huduud but only if found in form of prophet's hadith pbuh. Allahu aclam.
  20. i already bought the necessary second hand clothes with the h&m look and leather sandals, i'll play some guy that dies early in the movie 'cause he didn't fall in love with the girl.
  21. being a muslim is easy ,it's the opposite of criminal!
  22. what about fear of autism,are they afraid these kids might take over the world? imagine a bunch of highly talented highly specialized men and women living peacefully together. why are you afraid of them? who are you working for? what do you care about the future of the planet with your average 60 years? children learn at an early age what they are rewarded for and what they are punished for. maybe that's the key. i also think that paying attention to them and respecting their free will as God intended can bring good results.medicine might help but it can also give the illusion of healing.......
  23. lesson 1. by now you should have noticed that your computer has a bio-module that can communicate with your can generate holographic images and a virtual environment,for example change all the furniture and have a few friends come over . one should not try to control or manipulate the bio-modules ,not because it's too complicated for the our brains,but because the electric current is too strong for our bodies. it communicates with our concious thoughts never the subconcious. it reacts to wishes and warns you of bad choices. the reaction times vary from person to person. that is for any machine that has some sort of semicondutor(slow enough) component. but take your time get used to it,it's not harder than driving a car. for in depth research search the web for: google usability conference nanotechnology some wutang cd
  24. ani yacni waxaa waaye....dawladda waa ka cabsadaa. militariga waa taageersanahay....ka alay jabhadda isla idinka lee miyaa waa la taageeri lahaa iyagana lakin yaqyaqsi waaye kuwa oo dhakhtarrada iyagana i admire them you know police and courts i respect kuwaan oo canshuuraha iyo karraaniyaasha dhamaantood i hate them. according to some chaos theory, from the current world situation an infinite number of conspiracy theories can be deducted...let me know which one works for you!
  25. i wouldn't call what puntland did "breaking away" per's more of a "treasury" where all our national treasures are being kept,until things can be sorted out in the's like they're deciding what tectonic plate they want to live on!