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Everything posted by Jaylaani

  1. ^^ That is why I stop talking to him
  2. Originally posted by Khalaf: [reality check 101 for ya......mida kale somaliland and puntland have issues over Sool and Sanaag nothin to do wit da rest of country....bal ninyahow a question why hasnt the powerful army of SL made any moves against SOOl and Sanaag yet while Puntland is foucsed in the south? You said it yourself. We aren't bloodsuckers so why invade reer Sool when that is exactly what you guys want? Having a civil in Somaliland isn't the best interest of our diplomatic struggle. These catz will come back when time is right without bloodshed. That was the political model of Cigaal when there was no such thing as Butland and it remains in our political strategy today. Anything else?
  3. ^^ Ooh so you are one of these peasants they used to employ. That explains it. Sorry son but your master’s monarchy days are over. How did you get out of Somalia any way? Mid miyaa boorsada kugu soo qarisay?
  4. Originally posted by xox ogaal: Jaylaani i woud like to buy home in saylac but i heard the ethos are moving in Who is moving in, Xabashis? Why Saylac...
  5. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: ^^If it's only Garoowe that's preventing you from joining your brethren in Xamar, i think arrengements could be made... By who?
  6. Originally posted by Captain Xalane: If u have any brains,u know that we brought Hargeysa to its knees once for reasons of Unity and nothing is gonna stopp us from doing that again if we have to.The rest,is again un important. Wow! Why am I not suprise. So you admit your uncle Yey is following the foot steps of his couz Siyad Bare?
  7. Red Sea, No Arte got his chance and he formed his own party called Hormood. The problem is my uncle only comes there 2 months before the election assuming he will walk away with the presidency seat. As soon as he gets defeated, he flees the country and never returns. He did that in both 93 and 2003. That doesn't sit well with the people of Somaliland including my self. You have to be dedicated your self and show respect to those who paid the ultimate sacrifice.
  8. Waa lagu qoslaa uun saaxiib. ee looma jawaabo maraky waxaaso kale kuula yimaadaan
  9. Xox, Glad I could help seedi LOL
  10. Originally posted by Captain Xalane: As for hargeyso,Once peace in the south is secured,it will submitt itself or it will be made to. Lol@made to Bal lafaheedii bay la liidataayo markaasay dayaxa doonaysay inay aado. Ader heedhe don't you know that reer Mogadishu has no problem with Somaliland being independent? 18 may was always celebrated from Hiiraan to Xamar. One thing for sure, there will never be all out war between Somaliland and those from Mogadishu (if you know what I mean) Some people say if Garoowe wasn't in the middle, Somaliland and the "south" would have been united long time ago. The million dollar question is WHY BUTLAND IS THE ENEMY OF BOTH STATES? Basically all Somalis. Wadar iyo waaxadka kee waalan tolow. Xox, I heard you bro.
  11. xox, Just look at the red, white and the green painted on the tower in the middle of the city. That should be enough for your answer.
  12. Xalane, Reer Butland waa dawlad reer mugadishina waa terrorist cidididnkama yeelayso. You tried to dominate others in their home cities and it backfired. Now Ethiopian might side with the freedom fighters of Mogadishu granted your uncle and his Militia have no power to maintain control. This is current conflict has nothing to do with religion. Your uncle’s policy in ethnic cleansing became transparent and people reacted accordingly. XOX, What do you mean Somaliland is against the government? Which government are you talking about?
  13. The TFG became clan organization not a government...that is why!
  14. Originally posted by Taako Man: Your argument about her being a wife of the former leader is basically saying she is popular by association? Waar ilayn dadk qaar waxba lomka sheegi karo. Che, made this statement and I quote “Women who ruled Pakistan and India were from political dynasties” My respond to him was SO AS ADNA. Association or other wise, she has a deep connection with political dynasties in Somali society in general as well as Somaliland political culture. I can’t help you If have a comprehension problem my friend. BTW, there is nothinmg wrong with rayaale being president for the next 5 years. After all he will be elected by his people.
  15. “Wax Aan is Casilayo Iyo wax Aan Tagayaa ma jirtee Maantu dagaalku kow ii yahay oo maalin ay ka....”Axmed Siilaanyo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- () hadhwanaag 2007-03-27 (Hadhwanaagnews) Guddoomiyaha xisbiga KULMIYE Md. Axmed Maxamed Siilaanyo, ayaa si kulul u beeniyay war xalay lagu baahiyay shabakadda wararka faafisa ee Qaran News, kaas oo shabakadu ku sheegtay in Axmed-Siilaanyo istiqaalad xil ka tegis ah u gudbiyay xubnaha xisbiga KULMIYE.... Md. Siilaanyo, oo xalay Wargeyska Geeska Afrika, wax ka weydiiyay jiritaanka warkaas, ayaa waxa uu sheegay in warkaasi yahay mid been abuur ah oo aanay waxba ka jirin, “Qaran News, wax ay Siilaanyo iyo KULMIYE ka qortay oo run ah miyaa la arkay?” ayuu yidhi yidhi Axmed Siilaanyo oo intaas ku daray, “Waxa ay tahay (Qaran News) waa la ogyahay dacaayadda iyo colaadeedana waa la ogyahay cidda ka dambaysa iyo cidda samaysatayna waa la ogyahay. Markaas waxaan dunida iyo dadkaba u sheegayaa warkaas wax alla wax ka jiraa ma jiraan ee maalin aan ka taageero badanahay, maalin xisbigu ka dad badan yahay iyo maalin aanu shacbiga iskaga kalsooni badanahay ma jirto.” Md. Siilaanyo, waxa uu tilmaamay in is casilaadi ka dheertahay oo uu bilow u yahay dagaalka siyaasadeed. “Wax aan is casilayo iyo wax aan tagayaa ma jirtee maantu dagaalku kow ii yahay oo maalin ay ka badan tahay kalsoonida aan dadka iyo xisbigaba ka haystaa hore iima soo marin.” Shabakadda Qaran News, waxa ay xalay baahisay war ay sheegtay inay ka soo xigatay ilo ku dhow-dhow madaxda sare ee KULMIYE, oo sheegayay in Axmed Siilaanyo xisbigiisa u soo bandhigay inuu iska casilayo jagada guddoomiyenimada ee xisbiga. Waxa ay shabakadu sheegtay in xisbigu aanu soo dhawayn go’aankaas Axmed Siilaanyo balse loo balamay kulamo dambe. Dhinaca kale dhawaan waxa ay shabakadda Qaran News faafisay warbixin ay sheegtay inay ka soo xigatay ilo KULMIYE ah oo sheegaysay in Muuse Biixi iyo Dr. Maxamed Cabdi Gaboose dedaal mataanaysan ugu jiraan qabashada hoggaaminta xisbiga KULMIYE iyo sidii xilka looga qaadi lahaa guddoomiyaha KULMIYE Md. Siilaanyo. Source: Wargeyska Geeska Afrika...
  16. Jaylaani


    Originally posted by PlayMaker: quote:How could I take your side when you make idiotic statement like this son? What is with the name calling thou hommie..But remember every yr you are wrong when it comes around the playoffs so we will see. I actually I called your statement idiotic not you per say. Me being wrong..I could be I guess. No one has crystal ball and can see the future. What we do here is called predictions……I believe I was right more than you. Capital, Look at Layzie’s responds about Melo. That is your answer there. BTW, I don’t think Carl was benching him because of his play. More of a attitude problem than anything else. Who wouldn’t be threaten by having AI in the roster. AI became instant fan favorite in Denver and Melo felt little jealous. LayZie, Lol@eedo...
  17. Taako, What is rayaale got to do with this? Get a grip son. Lol@ I vote in the country I locate. Don’t we all...you are still Somali farax supporting Yey and Butland who knows nothing about election and voting system let alone empowering women. That was the focus of our discussion. Che, So as Adne. She was married to the most popular political figure Somaliland has ever produced. She was married to late Cigal (RIP) during his PM days in Somalia. She is political icon in Somaliland. A lot of people voted for UDUB because she was an active member of the party.
  18. ^^Western election doesn’t count. You know very who I was talking about. You put too much emphasis into American political system. Don’t you know they steal elections more than third world countries? How could they accept women when there political system is based on racial and sex segregation? I think you need learn thing or two about American political sty tem before using it as your model. It’s all about the mainstream my friend. When America refused women and minorities in a leadership role, countries like India and Pakistan embraced women to lead them. Now tell me who is primitive?
  19. ^^Don't you know is the women that actually vote more than men in Somaliland? If she elects to run she will win. I grantee you that. I know ‘VOTING” is foreign culture to you but one man/woman voting system is what determines the political outcome of Somaliland government…from district to parliament to presidency.
  20. ^^^That is why Somaliland men are above average...get it! It takes real man not average faarax to acknowledge women and their contribution in politics and the society in general
  21. Originally posted by Ex-Xisbiga: Red Sea.. Madaxweyne Riyaale waa nin dacaad ah oo nadiif ah oo horumaar laa jecel dadka iyo dalka Somaliland... I agree with you this part. I think he has the best interest of the country in heart but his leadership skill is non existent. He basically has no vision beyond building the military. The social development of the country took ten steps backwards since he came to power. He is poor communicator which make s some people suspicious. I really think we’re ready for change. Any one with military background is out of question. Those guys are bad negotiators including ina Biixi, Cabdraxman Tolwaa ina kaahin. Waa wada seef la bood. It’s time for them to honor what they know best and improve the quality and the training of the military officials in Somaliland. Ina Maygaag could be a good candidate and Silaanyo deserves a chance. He did more for Somaliland than anyone else politically. I think bringing ina Carte isn’t a bad idea either. Using his name would open many doors for Somaliland internationally. Why not use his potential of bringing recognition? He has more friends in the world political arena. Why not swallow your pride and take advantage of it. He better show some interest and the willingness of coming in and campaigning like every one else. Showing up 2 months before the election doesn’t sit well with the public.
  22. Xaawo Taako, Somalia no but Somalilanders are ready for female president.
  23. Originally posted by rudy: word is that she got hunguri dheer! well when she came to la somaliland meeting couple of yrs ago, she insisted to be booked only in hilton hotel!! i was banned from that meeting! wtf...! to me somali ppl are one party...party of all somali ppl... but i got in just 4 the f of it! i invited some party leader to my place so i drive him there!! no moran could say shyte to me!! i dont remember the party name....sounded something utob...! whatever. i just went to the party and it was ho-down!! this lady was but she was not impressive! she looked like a crazy money hangry biatch politican!! my 3 cents! What are you trying to say? ESL classes are in order....you should try it.
  24. Ohio State is in big trouble.
  25. I only saw Burco once but I love that city. The energy of the people is incredible. North, Don’t be upset Inaadeer if the pixs of certain hotel aren’t posted here LOL. I took a lot pictures of that hotel when I was there. Very impressive.