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Everything posted by Haseena

  1. Pain is now part of our culture inside it eats :shattering our peace controlling our lives so that we may scream and howl so loud Pain is our mother by it we came from it we sent some kind of joy when transmitted to earthy life we felt at ease Pain is our need to appreciate feel good, we need it to transgress and abode our mental state Pain is our common bread what we try to avoid working for a better life we desperately close its door Pain could not be in my vocabulary now when seen my brothers sister and fathers mothers killing to get rid off it while I stay in this land having a blast Pain felt by my family the true Somalis left in that place trying to manage a default caused by their own people Pain striking once more comes at night to take the children and leave their bodies with only skin to shelter bones waiting for death to avail Pain Pain Pain is what’s left the question now should be, how can we fight it, beat it so our children may some day see our land as we saw it back in the days Pain I say no more
  2. Salamu aleikum silent-sis....May Allah reward you for reminding us all our true role models and showing us we have people of faith who've carried islam and brought it fort with the will of Allah to us....Jazakallah Kheyran ukhti I have been for a long time now admiring all the poetry shared by our fellow brothers and sisters, and some are very talanted and some are hanging on ( like me )... But Las night I found in my home a suplication and remembrance book prayers from the Quraan and Sunnah...and wallahi it made me realise poets all over the world cannot compete with those important prayers....its "poetry" filled with knowledge and faith...tell me is there anything more complete than that.....here's two of my favourites I like to share it with you all....Our blessed prophet (saw) used to read this one when going to the mosque: O Allah, place within my heart light, and upon my tongue light, and within my ears light and within my eyes light, and place behind me light and in front of me light and beneath me light O Allah, bestow upon me light and this one (as an opening suplication in prayer) when rising from sleep to perform prayers during night: O Allah to you belongs all praise, You are the light of the heavens and the Earth and all that is within them. To you belongs all praise, You are the sustainer of the heavens and the Earth and all that is within them. To you belongs all praise and the kingdom of the heavens and the Earth and all that is within them. To you belongss all praise, You are the King of the heavens and the earth and to You belongs all praise. You are the truth, your promise is True, your word is True, and the day in which we will encounter You is true, The Garden of Paradise is true and the fire is true and all the prophets are true, Muhammad (saw) is true and the final hour is true. O Allah unto you I have sumbmitted, and upon you I have relied, and in you I have belived, and to you I have turned in repentance and over you I have disputed, and to you I have turned for judgement. So forgive me for what has come to pass, and what I have hidden and what I have made public. You are Al- Muqaddim and Al-Mu'akhkhir None has the right to be worshiped except you; You are my deity, None has the right to be worshipped except you
  3. Don't be so harsh on me....it's directly from my heart I don't even have the energy to check the spell....anyway...hope to read what u people have to say about this topic I have been thinking tried to brake it always command it sometimes I curse it I wonder why I dig you what makes me wanna have you times it seems like one fate’s inscription as to test me ignition I do it without it- I wanna really love it, perhaps I over use it This term I love you could say I like you though the substance still being the same boy I feel I like even more I loved it I have not been talking long time ago we chit chatted yet you’ve grown into me and times I feel you on to me, you have charmed me not so many harmed me yet I feel you have the key to do either way it’s a long time maybe an old story a brick a bridge between to reckless worlds voices emptied and drowned in this ocean sustaining yet obeying I try to control it the reason I loose it the behavior it inflicts never thought to be the type to need to always want and feel feeding just to breath to get a day another way to reach you the potential of a world far from dream, we have something special many say on occasions SPECIAL I wanna say forget follow up make it one ALWAYS up uttered at once from day one lasting till no life is sought My brain is tired hence its she who feels, commands and urges and falls a bit She who has indicted a name made room for you and gave it a place Tired now cause it’s outspoken driven vivid to make it fire some or even sparkle a little Never told a guy I love you before, my goodness even named me cold as ice Unable enabled whatever you call it emotions was taken out of my system Automatically I played along it followed a long road met you half ways a poet yet not brought fort I sensed your mind map I obtained a mass tick tack as to come to your lock and break it all up my goodness you brought me out right now I feel to be a monster, as to consist my hearts battle as to stop loving a man now, how soon can I make it, when will it confront him will I ever cross it never frown shit I made it long I painted a wall people normally raise one I colored it all up to shelter my heart fairly I put it as a gift present to lure the eye just to connect to yours all the way in Canada I someday hope you open it gently as you know it have gone million miles to fit you like a customized glove can’t write it more…..gets me into deep
  4. All "fake men" intimidate me, never know what they're up to, but real men never intimidate me only makes me love and respect them....
  5. Have to many dreams, guess I'll have to settle for one and that would be: reporter/journalist But I also would love to teach history and someday french...inshallah maybe I can be both a teacher and a reporter
  6. Sorg kan inte förklaras aldrig försvaras Drar fram var den vill skördar få som ler Det gör mig ont att gamla se Bortglömda av många fler Familjer de hava som förskjuter Vilken mening de ens födas? År av arbete och kämpaglöd Omsorg och kärlek till sina barn de ge I ålderdomens höst de ej får vila Omhändertages av främmande händer Förnedring de känna må hända mer besvär Stackars dessa som snart skall dö Vissa ensamma och med ingen tröst I vilket syfte de ens skall fortsätta andas Jag ledsen är idag om inte annat En generation sakta i ensamheten bliva
  7. Haseena

    A Man

    A new day I love you Another day I’ve been given to confirm I love you I think I can live with you never without you J I sure don’t need to see you always but to feel your presence A gift very rare has come To set us both as examples Our faith has drawn tight Near is the love we share A time I feel I’ve won no matter what Today I have two things of importance I love a man of honor- least of all his qualities I believe in God almighty a number one treasure He let me have you down deep in to my person You need not physic to touch me move me only when you say hjärtat Pass to tell me what’s bubbling I always care to have you in my soul I’ve searched over and out looked anywhere but up Randomized a skill that’s not for me Arranged a thought of men with different origin as to be my better half Yet to my surprise I was blunt for not caring to give a brother a chance In my eyes to day you’ve set the sun a booming light I’m brave now and dare not hold back Affection I’ll show u the least I needed not to hustle and keep silent With you is my heart and my worlds longing- no doubt The air I’m breathing I am grateful to As to give Allah all my praise To that I add a gratitude for your existence A man of faith and intelligence modest and loving What more can I ask and seek for You are my wish my desire for this life A husband to keep dearest to me a man of my dreams ( inshallah) God willing he’ll show us a sign Let us both marry in fact let us share one day more than this life Let us inshallah share forever
  8. tack gumman, hoppas man får se ngt av dina.. instinct- sorry for that one bro, thought u english speaking ppl was taking to much space... must make room for us swedes
  9. OM det finns en och annan svenne som har dikter han/hon vill dela med sig...Var så goda o. ta plats ...Jag kan börja med en som jag skrivit inte för så länge sedan.... Det var inte igår då jag såg dig Det var inte idag som jag först kände dig Det var inte för fem minuter sen jag börjat älska dig Du är min person Den jag vill ha Den som sövt mig i en dimma av kärlek I tät av känslor Som svindlar högt Känns du min och för mig en gåva Jag minns den dag Då jag i dig såg min själ I spegling min kärlek i dina ögon Jag visste och minns att jag än vet Att du i min närhet har fött en ljuvlighet Visste inte förr Kände inte förr Att det fanns något Som kunde jämföras med ditt Den arbetslöshet Den rastlöshet som länge hållit sällskap Har sin väg gått Jag vill älska dig Och hålla dig I mitt hjärta I min själ Där ingen ser Där ingen når Vill jag ge dig Mig Önskar jag se dig Min
  10. Haseena

    A woman

    I liked it hjärtat...I thought I was the one who would post and surprise.. now u are the surpriser....once again I like it very much....
  11. Haseena

    A Man

    A man is not what you see these days Somewhere along the way he hid and never let anyone see What he is and all that he capable of Strange how he always appear when everything else is failing Now days they put greatness in what he wares Value in what he earns, even respect in how he looks But looked deeply in what is not displayed you’ll soon come to see What he dares, most often he is weak Cannot handle life at risk knows not how to treat a woman And always have an excuse for being late If that is idealism I dare not hope I know dearly a man is more hence god chose him to be a leader He is more than his looks, far more important he is nice Needs not money to make him Kind and strong, humble if earned Loving he can be, charming and wonderful part of his ways Not a liar but honest if asked Brilliant if not smooched Soul mate for some, a provider of sanity a shelter from the storm A hero at danger and a gentleman at faults To recognize his kind, you have to look beyond See him closely and seek his mind The performance of his belief, the beauty of his act What more can I add, a man is my father, grand father, brother, cousin and inshallah some day my husband for them is my love and with them my trust
  12. Haseena


    Returning back, back to my misery Fort to my fortune, then back to my misery Of a life long history, A history influenced by misery A soul I framed in a century, Nevertheless there was courage Rather honor even in this state of leisure Plainly undressed distracted, may not even dispel the negatives All because of a misery allowed ongoing A chance per example a font I cannot puppetry A miracle since always a singular Subject of sorrow crowding, Neither a substance can undergo this misery I have once loved- been able to kiss -touched for all of my worth Nothing ever lasted that much A miracle- a distaste come to feel but sadly to my scents came only my misery Why and how is only a matter of history
  13. Haseena

    Sin of a Man

    If sin isn’t a man made then you would be consummated then committing a crime taped none can ever watch your smile, a lesson to uptight yours none will never fear if a heart’s raised coming to it will never bade, I made my mouth taste strawberry in fame, but all my days known it ever lasted that long, I felt I wanted Him to enter a place never mind forced but pleasant with thoughts, I had a hurry kept but not to mention a state, if all was man made then it would never last a second long and hideous a joy leaves the place to contemplate if prompting a wall raised then it would not vibrate if only a man knew how to harbor one tame , a fruit will never decade if shown persistent a hand if sin was given a chance ruling it would hit to mark a native and survey a spot a bottle to shrink good sheer eliminate fait in god ........If u can make something out of it....go ahead...but I really don't know what I wrote right now........................................
  14. Brother who posted this may Allah bless you, wallahi seeing all this beauty made me question why on earth I've never been to mecca while I've been flying of to god knows where....thank u ...it made me see once and for all what's important....may allah bless you with jannah and may he guide us all
  15. Next Title- If ever forever came to you
  16. I don't know what u make of it I thought it started of good now I don't know I'll let you judge for your selves The Jewel of Islam Pure neat and wonderful a creature Soil with oil beautiful are ways Handsome lovely profound a day Awesome great blessed for eternal he was A jewel a piece we cannot evaluate in terms A journey a pasture come to our needs A time an hour when darkness was blindfold A jewel a star shined upon Arabia A legend a religion they argued at times Two peoples three people fallowed a guide A light a stare it flaunted not around In secret strengthening a tawhid by followers come to pass If jewel if better one cannot disclose Islam A religion of prospect came to last our lives Allah the creator the giver of will coasted a tell into our eyes Alerting and setting standards by time Raised us a man amongst our selves Purified a cause was given until his end Prepared a life forever he was granted A creation solely for this purpose Solid a kind soul God gave him a heart Touched and moved zillion of people Muhammad a prophet (saw) brought fort a source ponderous a shine Islam he concluded by the will of Allah
  17. Not long ago a land was beamed A people underwent a fluid killed yet they were said to be helped A nation oppressed a torment Hanged under a stage that was to settle a fine Aileen forces framed their century burnt books erased a story Times are changing cynical a movement Building our fire and hurrying our guard A station is crying children is fighting To get a breed a master of greed Humiliation widespread mass ovation high laced A demon is raised collecting a stain No worry is said yet people will be dead
  18. To be loved like that is a blessing.....a very lucky one...wrote this a time of love a time when you and I was the only ones..but distance and silence moved it to the back of our lives... Yearning a feeling one far distant Not knowing him fully reaps my thoughts Stripping every emotion safely lien inside I have a feeling towards a guy One my eyes never met his sight yet my heart ever grasped his mind I can truly say I love him, of all that I am capable to carry he lives in my thoughts Strongly no reason explains why I ever let my innermost carry his trade Inspiring me I’ve never written so much short a time I thought my love was grateful Now I know my love had its own grinding task and a purpose out of reach Thinking of him made my very hardest vitality melt breathless for not knowing what ever came to touch me move me and amuse my heart at his conscience a strength of sadness abused my brain forcing my steam to ask is he doing well or is he somewhere feeling ill or being sad I think he knows not what he in my heart has lit he tells love is what he is having Like Michael Bolton I would say it’s more than love I’m feeling inside Forward I face starness of my future and he is there * I hope* Wanting him to be the very first one to enter my soul wanting ever bliss to enter my world Minds playing him to be my man caring for him a season out of joy a lifetime made of two never felt this presence of a person so far from me inspiringly he is out there beyond a length I live for the moments I gaze in to his spirit The smile it brings can never be erased Eternally they will stay that way
  19. Endless of tears running down my cheek Every now and then I turn on the TV Many plagues oh disastrous marks Young souls been hit by a trail A mine to complicate their way A little child maybe turning two or three Witnessing a death outside his home Inside he is soft a tender soul Wickedness and cruelty seeds him a mole From sweetness and softness to hatred and inaccurate take Vengeance keeping his day, put a side the freedom of knowledge they denied He uses his fist naked There merely stripped to only A heart magnified by experience of violence and death This is our fate Destiny we are building From a mild kind a heart turning to a vicious murder of crime No body is left we all share this world like a body we interlink We cannot stop the disease conquering Claims like that is a magnitude of lost Betraying humanity is like pulling the trigger pointing to your mother One that have given you love by far tremendous care Act as like we bond two and two every action taken Consequently turns to our nest if it be good no harm shall come But being bad all shall be moved by instant a touch We are humans eluding not elusive by blood and features we share a past If continuing like this genocide may not be the worst Erasing our kindness ends a story of decays Death may not be the last on this earth to avail Torture of mind being a leafless fact to convey Sleepless a spirit undertaking a measure mind getting ill Pointed poisoned knows not what to seek The end is closing in non can avoid abroad Evil concentrating what ought to be done?
  20. Not posting this to start a debate neither hate of any kind, this poem is what I came to write when I thought of the somalia and somaliland situation.. A poem for Somalia Peace in Somaliland whatever can be thought Listen to America a finger in everything is sought I wonder of why they are lost to me a see them stare If never a land was to prove Somalia was the first to loose A people not divided but united in essential things Spotless they had a religion of need, A language of use and nationality to claim Tribalism got the best of them was said Sadly part of the truth it grinded but looking closely My people had other things ongoing A rule not vowing unislamicly buying killing Or saving whatever a cause was made It was not meant for Allah Now they are up north wounded and hurt Sad for actions upon their Landers, Yet a house is burning next to it a neighbor by blood urging They look the same yet a father is not traced Pointing out their indifferences Violating on the likeness mad I am, Poor a soul crying for change For a make a dance to peace but a price must be paid Or priceless peace was said NO, There’s a source to it, tomorrow maybe it will come Unity of the south together they may rise and gather intelligence Regain a strength should you close a door? Seeing to a wound that also a brother of south have, People was killed why argue about who lost fortune Somalis altogether lost future
  21. thank you sis, for posting this important pieace of warning....most definetly we've been bussy under satans jokes..may allah reward you and help us all
  22. Many say when huge considerable problems cross the Muslim nations border, they believe god will send an army and help But isn't there a verse in the quran, saying something like, He will not help one before one changes his or her condition for the better.... so when these intellectual men come to us, we will not overcome solely with our belief as the only guarantee of surviving , we must also have a unity among us Muslims- one unity strong after sorting out those injured parts of our inheritance
  23. Hi, This is worrying indeed, It's strange how they've so called mobilized them self and have only one purpose and aim in this world. For not too long ago I met a man on a conference talking about how the crisis of this time should be dealt with ( turning to the Muslim youth to be more specific) . One thing that did got to me, is he asked “ have any of you seen the American one dollar bill” he said something like...”There's a triangle such as a pyramid and inside it is an eye and there's a line ( don't remember how he said it was placed) in Latin saying (something like) our conspiracy won”.... I never gave it much attention , just remembered that feeling it awakened when he explained how the world was governed, felt a tremendous anxiety. But it's striking how I now after have been visited the site displayed above found the same symbol as he said was to be found on the one dollar bill. The last person who posted, really scared me, made me see how we as a Muslim ummah, for the moment, we are weakened and have no power over the day, if it continues like this we'll surely be annihilated
  24. My mother gave me birth Gave me life and breath my soul She sew my days and planted Love for this future She urged my mind and opposed my tears Fed me daily and quenched my fever Gave me medicine and along it comfort My reason for life She enlisted My will Nurtured my hunger I looked out there Fear my friend ! She chased away And left there with me This strength of hers My hope she settled and aimed This lifetime unto a point Where there is no break I had my moments We have our quarrels But mother I love you And will look out for you You gave me this blessing And I give you my praying Compassion for love You saw my vision I’ll give you devotion
  25. Hi, thanks instinct poet...read it ( finally)... As I understood it she's actually telling the truth...but at the same time she is mixing some facts...I don't think her intention is to set Islam on the spot...rather the Muslim behavior...I wont know much about those sexual abusing she's talking about...maybe they happen and maybe they don't...but other than that I think she said the truth about Muslims today, many of our Muslim sisters are deprived their rights and that by Muslim men...Islam of course cannot be accused we mustn't forget Islam was first at giving the woman her rights... Many of the problems our ummah face is the lack of true Islam, the lack of Islamic knowledge. many are Muslim by name maybe the perform their salahts and fast etc...but most often they don't know of the reason.....Many of the Muslim men and women don't read the prophets (saw) sira...and follow his example. This woman don't have faith.. that you can see only by reading what's said...but besides that she brings fort many of the problems the Muslim sisters face..... so I think we should not sit her and condemn her or curse...as deadlyvision said she's not the worst....we should instead use what she said and change our unislamic behavior and adapt to our life our prophets (saw) blessed example..