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Everything posted by Rea
Since this woman stole a baby, will they be cutting her hands? :eek:
lol.. this has to be the funnies thread i read... now should i change my avatar to my actual picture? ..wink wink
ibtisam is on fire... u go woman well, i see u got this.. so i will not respond to this thread, u tide it down for us reality check is what these boys need! ( notice i said the word BOYS)
^^lol.. browni ... i shall run like Forrest did in ForrestGump Zafir .. smoking is more expensive.. at least on ur life expand, and if u don’t mind i would like to stay around for the day my grand children sip a cup of hot white mocha with me and yes, the black mochas is just as expensive but the white mocha is lot sweeter.. zafir i know where u r going with this black/white mocha thing.. but im only talking about coffe so stop pulling out a hiding fictitious meaning on this
welcome .. miss long id CrapAllTheNamesAreTaken
welcome somali nothing to watch out for, as longest you don’t take anything to seriously out here, u r good to go mind u, i never did this introduction thing in here... so, i wonder if it to late for me to introduce myself after 30 some post(i think :confused: ) hmmmmm
^ why .. why must u write starbuck ?.. now i have to leave work and get some white mocha.. thanks for nothing Brownie.. here goes my 4th $4.58 cup in this week alone... i should sent u the bill oh yeah, Conspiracy congrats on ur 4th year.
poor man *zu* got cornered i think Pucca got this whole thing to the point... "whatever floats your boat ladies" in my case, i have no boat and im sinking by the mintue .. concern :: i feel bad for those people who r named; halimo or faraax
Dark clouds… aint that a bi*ch I hear u sis……. the way the world is going now days can be very disheartening, especially when u see innocent kids getting killed and young women being raped.. Who do we blame??? ..That’s another topic 4 another time!…. But I let u use ur own judgment For me its a lot of of things that gets me motivated despite the misery of personal/world ...and here are some: (not in order): 1. Finishing with this thing called: education....and going back home ( ?) to do anything from the grass roots…. even if it means cleaning the streets..... those 2 factor together are my main driving force for my daily struggle 2. ipod (thank god 4 ipod) ….. LOUD music is the thing that gets be all bumped up 2 undertake my daily activities…. The songs I listen to MUST have good lyrics about being tough and fighting 4 righteousness …. Its like seeing a kung-fu move... after the movies ends.. u know, no one can mess with u … 3. Reading books about people who have made small/ big impacts to improve the condition of their country or the world (and no, brad and Angelina r not qualified …maybe when brad Converts…lol) 4. Jokes jokes jokes jokes… gosh.. I cant emphasizes enough how important laughter is, when it comes 2 motivation…… my favorite ppl 2 watch is.. Dave Chappell: hilarious!!! … The Daily Show with Jon Stewart (he is a Jew but a great man and funny as hell…..)…. Oh yeah.. making fun of friends…lol Now.. ur last question.. What clears those occasional dark clouds??? Quran….. When u go to the mosque and sit a side, pick the quran up… u will definitely see the difference on the spot ….. All the anxiety will melts away!! Guaranteed!! Another thing I do…. which not only helps me 2 sleep good but also helps me in memorizing the quran!!! is; playing the quran every nigh before going 2 sleep …. . ( i don’t know if that clears the clouds but it sure relives tension!!....) I hope this helps with ur curiosity
languages? 1. somali.. speaking only..sad, i know 2. tallaish... only spoken in tallLand 3. English.... boring.. however, i do need ur input on a related matter....u see, my somali written/reading is so bad ..that u would give me a knife to commit suicide.. so any suggestions on where i can improve on my written and reading???
WE WANT PEACE !!!! and 4 u guys not to read the ** the smaller print, that comes with us*** hehehehe
i was planing to sign up for taekwondo but after seeing that incident on worldcup.. i wanna know where i can learn Zidane's move???....THE HEAD bounce!!! god bless him 4 standing up 4 his mom and his sister. thats what u call a MAN!!!!
for a General u sure post alot of trifles
well ppl... now u guys can talk about how u guys shared site with ZULZELA, and how ZULZELA is making remarks at this form 4 u!!!!!!... oright? :cool:
Originally posted by As-Safiir As-Sakhar: No need to thank me, I'm honoured to be in your service. loooooooooooooooooool but i want to thank u 4 making me laugh wallahi that was the funniest thing i ever read...lol .. talk about no invitation needed...lol
How can I break this down 2 u with cruelty U r here for our entertainment, not the other way around ! so stop this blah blah and get back 2 work and post something interesting! we do not pay 2 sit around and eat all day .. okey!!!
does pick up line work 4 u guys?? seriously and when pick up line works 4 u, what do u basically pick up ... and what do u guys do when whatever it is u r packing up is more than what u can actually pick up
Originally posted by Yo-Yo Ma: We need to change people first. There has to be a shift in Somali thinking before we could even think about assassanting a warlord. That is so true; we really need to shift our thinking before anything can be done!!! And until we have a better understanding and higher respect for motherland ... we will continue destroying our land and people! but than again im ready 2 line them up (warlord) and take them all out.. 4 all the raping and the killing of innocent children!
THEY ARE GOING 4 A SHOCK FACTOR…. its Business not personal..
XAMAAR.. im gone develop a somaliayan production film company.. and I would like 2 own all the copyright 2 ur story and yes like everyone else im a believer!
im sure u did!! now, the question is why the hell would u be so proud of it that u would post it?? just wondering? r u a fun? r we a fan?? who the hell up in here is a fun,....lol
Lol… this post is just 2 hilarious….. devil u don’t seem 2 quit... do u ??? keep at it girl what I know from experience is that ugly people are very humble and easy to talk 2…and to read about someone who is so ugly but is a such narcissistic being at the same time … it just doesn’t seem 2 add up!!!!…. But than again somaliyan men are some time in denial about everything the perceive so my advise is bring a mirror with u and just reflect at him and ask him “ faraax what do u seeâ€â€¦lol good luck
Originally posted by Devilangle: 1.you children will look fabulous (our main reason) 2. You add complexity in marrying someone outside ur culture. Which is an extra challenge that u must concur thus making you a strong woman 3. Anything your mother-law says can not hurt you, since you do not speak her language 4. You get to taste different type of foods thanks to your future husband. Some are gone be very tasty and some are gone sent you to the bathroom more frequently thus making ur digestive system ..crystal clear 5. When u r mad at your husband you can curse his sorry azz out in Somali or some gibberish ( u have plenty of a leeway here) 6. Your children will learn more than 2 language. Which is a great thing 2 have on a resume 7. Its scientifically proven that good looking people have much welcoming doors than the ugly once….lol ( yes speaking from experience )….so that’s a major plus 4 ur future kids 8. Last but not least…If he deicides to replace you, you can cut his ego( if u know what I mean) and tell the judge; I misunderstood him. I thought that’s what he asked me in his language.. Ok this might not fly with the judge but come-on.. you gone be a legend among women from both countries looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool im loving these reasons that u have given us!!! lol@ "that might not fly with judge" i thought u r here helping us, it sounds like u want to sent us to jail...lol ok.. ur post really sounds like something i would write...lol.. its sad but its a humorous fact that our men and their ugliness doesn’t seem to escape us... but at the end of the day they are our fathers who still seek another wife no matter how beautiful our mom is!!! …………. Hmmm, its coming out all wrong… I cant find one good reason 2 defend our so called faraaxxxssss
I once heard this story, where a sucudi man raped this Chinese man….. poor Chinese guy will never say “ me so ho**ny “ anymore !!! These arabs…and their hopes in becoming more westernized nations will be their ticket 2 hell… inshallah I hate arabs… Oy .. someone should introduce a tooth brush 2 them!!!
call it…. fob, flight 13, fob13 . I call it inspiration 13 or kill Bill 13……. In my books she is a brave little soul..her story should inspire any of us 2 stand up 4 our rights and do some slashing… lol Im sure if u truly were faced with a situation such as bullying, u might try to handle it in a more civilized way, and communicate with the individual but what do u , when u cant speak the darn language.?? Answer: slash baby, slash like Uma Thurman in kill bill 1 &2, slash till the cows come home!
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