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Since this woman stole a baby, will they be cutting her hands? :eek:
lol.. this has to be the funnies thread i read... now should i change my avatar to my actual picture? ..wink wink
ibtisam is on fire... u go woman well, i see u got this.. so i will not respond to this thread, u tide it down for us reality check is what these boys need! ( notice i said the word BOYS)
^^lol.. browni ... i shall run like Forrest did in ForrestGump Zafir .. smoking is more expensive.. at least on ur life expand, and if u don’t mind i would like to stay around for the day my grand children sip a cup of hot white mocha with me and yes, the black mochas is just as expensive but the white mocha is lot sweeter.. zafir i know where u r going with this black/white mocha thing.. but im only talking about coffe so stop pulling out a hiding fictitious meaning on this
welcome .. miss long id CrapAllTheNamesAreTaken
welcome somali nothing to watch out for, as longest you don’t take anything to seriously out here, u r good to go mind u, i never did this introduction thing in here... so, i wonder if it to late for me to introduce myself after 30 some post(i think :confused: ) hmmmmm
^ why .. why must u write starbuck ?.. now i have to leave work and get some white mocha.. thanks for nothing Brownie.. here goes my 4th $4.58 cup in this week alone... i should sent u the bill oh yeah, Conspiracy congrats on ur 4th year.
poor man *zu* got cornered i think Pucca got this whole thing to the point... "whatever floats your boat ladies" in my case, i have no boat and im sinking by the mintue .. concern :: i feel bad for those people who r named; halimo or faraax
Dark clouds… aint that a bi*ch I hear u sis……. the way the world is going now days can be very disheartening, especially when u see innocent kids getting killed and young women being raped.. Who do we blame??? ..That’s another topic 4 another time!…. But I let u use ur own judgment For me its a lot of of things that gets me motivated despite the misery of personal/world ...and here are some: (not in order): 1. Finishing with this thing called: education....and going back home ( ?) to do anything from the grass roots…. even if it means cleaning the streets..... those 2 factor together are my main driving force for my daily struggle 2. ipod (thank god 4 ipod) ….. LOUD music is the thing that gets be all bumped up 2 undertake my daily activities…. The songs I listen to MUST have good lyrics about being tough and fighting 4 righteousness …. Its like seeing a kung-fu move... after the movies ends.. u know, no one can mess with u … 3. Reading books about people who have made small/ big impacts to improve the condition of their country or the world (and no, brad and Angelina r not qualified …maybe when brad Converts…lol) 4. Jokes jokes jokes jokes… gosh.. I cant emphasizes enough how important laughter is, when it comes 2 motivation…… my favorite ppl 2 watch is.. Dave Chappell: hilarious!!! … The Daily Show with Jon Stewart (he is a Jew but a great man and funny as hell…..)…. Oh yeah.. making fun of friends…lol Now.. ur last question.. What clears those occasional dark clouds??? Quran….. When u go to the mosque and sit a side, pick the quran up… u will definitely see the difference on the spot ….. All the anxiety will melts away!! Guaranteed!! Another thing I do…. which not only helps me 2 sleep good but also helps me in memorizing the quran!!! is; playing the quran every nigh before going 2 sleep …. . ( i don’t know if that clears the clouds but it sure relives tension!!....) I hope this helps with ur curiosity
languages? 1. somali.. speaking only..sad, i know 2. tallaish... only spoken in tallLand 3. English.... boring.. however, i do need ur input on a related matter....u see, my somali written/reading is so bad ..that u would give me a knife to commit suicide.. so any suggestions on where i can improve on my written and reading???
WE WANT PEACE !!!! and 4 u guys not to read the ** the smaller print, that comes with us*** hehehehe
i was planing to sign up for taekwondo but after seeing that incident on worldcup.. i wanna know where i can learn Zidane's move???....THE HEAD bounce!!! god bless him 4 standing up 4 his mom and his sister. thats what u call a MAN!!!!
for a General u sure post alot of trifles
well ppl... now u guys can talk about how u guys shared site with ZULZELA, and how ZULZELA is making remarks at this form 4 u!!!!!!... oright? :cool:
Originally posted by As-Safiir As-Sakhar: No need to thank me, I'm honoured to be in your service. loooooooooooooooooool but i want to thank u 4 making me laugh wallahi that was the funniest thing i ever read...lol .. talk about no invitation needed...lol
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