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Everything posted by Castro

  1. Originally posted by Naku Penda Piya: ^^ thats the real shidh! That must be Dante Hall running like a bee. No?
  2. Football is great. So is soccer. I can't decide which one I like more but since soccer is not readily available on T.V., between September and January, I enjoy football. It has also been my experience that those who have the strongest negative opinions on football are the ones who understand it the least. It's a game of athletism, strategy and competition. So those who do like it, which is your favorite team? I'm getting spanked in my fantasy league as Manning and Harrison are playing the crappiest football I've ever seen.
  3. Originally posted by Naku Penda Piya: How is a man deserving of having that poor loyal person(wife 1), sitting at home waiting for him, while he goes off screwing someone else (wife 2)? Naku, the idea is to have both in the same household. There will be no "going off" anywhere. At most, it's a short walk down the hall to another room. [To moderator(s): Unceremoniously delete this one too, will ya? Bidaa inigu cuntay Castro ileen.]
  4. Originally posted by m u h a m m a d: Castro, enough with the fear tactics sxb. What fear tactics, saaxib? Did you even understand what I was saying? I strongly urge you to re-read what I wrote and point out specific "fear tactics" directed at anyone. If still in doubt, a refresher course in reading comprehension may be in order.
  5. OMG? Are my eyes deceiving me or what I'm reading on this topic is real? We have people openly stating they do not believe in any religion let alone the almighty? What happened to the prevention-of-vice-and-promotion-of-virtue commandos? Surely if Castro were to utter anything even remotely similar to the above, the lynch mob would be ready. No matter. Callypso, JB, you guys should be really careful what you say on here. Not because your statements are dishonest and you're making this up, but because this forum and its audience have zero tolerance for such confessions. You will not be embrased for speaking your mind on matters such as this. Even if some people have the same thoughts as you do, they would not share them here nor would they be kind to you publicly, if at all. Such ideas are frowned upon and could lead you to get banned from here. Not that you probably care one way or the other but there is no tolerance of disbelief in god around here. None. In fact, there's not much tolerance period. Consider this a friendly and brotherly advice from Castro. P.S. JB, qadar is fate or destiny in arabic.
  6. Originally posted by Xu: The one thing that mend many a great slight between ourselves and others, is the one muslims often attribute to ills of the West, which is simply tolerance . How to get us to survive the 21st century without losing our faith is simply that, understanding other - even your enemies. Xu, while Islam itself is very forbearing of other faiths and its adherents, tolerance is behavior unbecoming of a muslim nowadays. When did we fall off the tracks?
  7. Originally posted by Rahima: Somali terrorists? What a joke How is it a joke? Terrorism in Somalia by Somalis has been rampant for decades. To establish ties with international terrorists is just the next step. Globalization it's called. What about the would-be London bombers? Were they dressed in clown suits when they tried to blow up the subway station? Sister Rahima, Somalis are more than capable of becoming terrorists. The ingredients are there. The disenfranchisement is obvious. The ignorance is abundant. And finally, the religion is misunderstood.
  8. I've been thinking about hurricanes this weekend. In 1905, Galveston, TX, was hit by a hurricane that killed over 10,000 people. At the time, one can argue man-made global warming could not have been an issue. Katrina was a strong hurricane but probably not the strongest ever. The melting of the polar ice caps may be cyclical. In other words, as scheduled, it melts every few thousand years. We might be at the end of one cycle or the begining of another. However, it is the case that there is a rapid rate of melting of the ice caps. So fast, in fact, it is unlikely a cyclical atmospheric influence alone is the culprit.
  9. Originally posted by rudy: Crowded elevator smell different to midget
  10. ^ There is not a SOLer misunderstood as NGONGE is. The (old) man is saying nothing of the boy's misfortune. I hope that clarifies it somewhat. Instead of banging your heads against the wall wondering why this old man acts a fool whenever he lambasts someone, read all of his postings on Boredom. Only then will you have a chance of understanding why he's always coming off left field. The man is senile, I tell ya.
  11. Originally posted by Elysian: I don’t understand how you can make the connection that theodicies can’t exist because of advancement in technology? Don’t you think, although we’re able to explain the cause and consequence of a hurricane, the big question WHY can still remain? Good question, Elysian. This is how I see it: miracles (the extra-terrestrial ones) and theodicies are two sides of the same coin. If humans are obliged nowadays to acquire and maintain faith in the intangible without any signs from Allah, then theodicies shouldn't be around either. If you can believe in Allah without having any "writing on the wall", wouldn't a theodicy serve the same purpose as a miracle?
  12. ^ Yeah, him too. Seriously though, the man is a testament to the will of the people to survive imperialism and hegemony. Way to go comrade, way to go.
  13. Originally posted by Viking: But our mere existence is a miracle, the birth of a child is a miracle and there are other examples all around us which are signs of Divine presence in 'human' affairs. I agree. What I meant by miracles, for example, is the Israa and Mi'raage incident.
  14. Originally posted by Roob: Ignorance and men are the cause of the poor situation of the woman today! Roob haduu intaaba garanayo, rajuu leeyahay. I agree with the above statement and for some to claim, falsely, that women in the Somali culture and in Islamic countries in general, are not oppressed is the height of duplicity.
  15. Originally posted by Baashi: With such record, you agree with me I hope, you are not in a position to be taken seriously in matters relating to Islam. You can always have your opinions but you owe us to reveal your true convictions. Baashe, I see where you stand and where your true convictions lie. I owe no one here, or anywhere, a revelation of my true convictions. Remind me not to drink from the tea you're peddling around here. Originally posted by iPod Athena: Fidel is surviving Rita . Lets hope we see him again so we can virtually skin him. It seems like another hurricane tore through this topic in my absence. It doesn't look like I've missed much. As you were.
  16. ^^ I agree with both of the posts above in that women and tribalism may be deterrents to a Taleban like existance in Somalia. Still, there's a gradual (rapid?) move to fundemantalism among Somalis, within and without the homeland. At some point, the forces for fundamentalism and those against it will come to clash. Now, there are only skirmishes. Fundamentalism itself is relative and on a sliding scale. What constitutes religious fundamentalism among Somalis? The London bombers? Sharia courts in Somalia? Expatriate children going to Islamic schools and wearing hijab at age 3?
  17. Originally posted by Khayr: If God did not put limits on Knoweldge and Advances, then why the need for Rules,Regulations, Protocols etc.What exactly is being implied here, CASTRO??? I don't understand your link between rules, regulations and limits on knowledge so I won't comment on that. Apart from cilm-ul-qhaib, which will remain unkown to us, there's no other limit imposed on humans by Allah either in seeking knowledge or attaining it. In fact, there's ample Quranic and hadeeth evidence that encourages us to learn and acquire knowledge.
  18. Originally posted by Alle-ubaahne: What a jocular statement is that when one speakes about controling hurricanes! Isn't true that a thing you can control is a thing you can create. Thus, if anyone can control a forthcoming hurricane, why not create some and use them against North Korea who is more than a natural challange to the western world. Alleubaahne, wax kalena waad u yara baahantahay: open your eyes a little and look around you. We already control things considered impossible only a hundred years ago. I don't know about your control-create link but there are things we can't create but fairly easily control. Think about it.
  19. Originally posted by Sincere: Ok,are you being incoherant, or am I missing something here. In the italic portion you acknowledge that theodicies are spoken of in the Quraan, and thus exist?ed (right) Then you vaguely state they were ancient. Meaning what?, they dont exist no more, they were occurences of the past, and theodicies have ceased? Yes, neither theodicies nor miracles exist anymore. It requires much greater faith and less "signs" to believe today than it did around the times of the prophets. Technology has enabled us to understand many things easily considered either a miracle or a theodicy. I hope that makes sense. You're right, re-reading my original post I see how it could be a little on the ambiguous side.
  20. Originally posted by Baashi: In general though, you're neither here nor there and all over the place. Just like the tracks of 4WD cheep in the sand dunes of shalanbood . Good Baashe, I can't think of a single issue I've John Kerry-ed on in this forum. Not one. In fact, it's sticking to a side that often gets me in trouble. What's "here" and what's "there"? I want to know, please. I may have low imagination but I'm blessed with excellent memory saaxib. Bring a flip-flopping matter to my attention. I don't know what to make of Castro the screen character. He is calm but often wrong when it comes to matters of larger concern. He is hip, can distinguish verbs from nouns, and can effectively confuse the debate with his flip-flop style (don't ask me again dee You need not make anything of any screen character. This is entertainment for me, for the most part. However, “matters of larger concern†are not lost on me and displaying an unpopular stance, right or wrong, should not be used to indict my sincerity. I assure you I am not on any anti-Islam organization's payroll. He likes to see drama after drama in SOL boards...that's entertainment for him He got thick skin and have a lot of shock absorbers on his head. A difficult nomads if you ask me. Diamond is a diamond when you know it in the first hand but in the virtual world, it is hard to tell. Don't you like to watch drama? Do you not have, or want to have, thick skin? How are those descriptions of anyone bad saaxib? What you can argue is humor and drama may not be appropriate for certain topics. I agree. It is mighty difficult to refrain from ridicule, mind you, when some character is begging for it. Nonetheless, some matters should be dealt with seriously and appropriately. Speaking of that, Nur and Ngonge's exchanges were on their way to addressing the subtle undercurrents I mentioned earlier. These currents I speak of are related to the exchanges occurring between overtly religious folk (ones who have verses of the Qur'an or a hadeeth in their signatures) and the covertly (even non) religious folk. The former group, at least on SOL (and excluding Nur), have repeatedly shown contempt and careless disregard for opinions of others. Questions and inquiries posed by the latter group is met with disdain. “How can you not know this and call your self a Muslim?â€. “How dare you speak of so and so in such and such tone?â€. No matter. Strong beliefs are what they are. Ostensibly, this is a forum which, by definition, is a place for open discussion. Careful inquiries of any kind should be encouraged. Attitudes and insults should be checked at the door. The assumption that everyone knows everything about Islam (or any topic) should be thrown out. The seef-la-bood fever on this site is nearly suffocating. I engage in it myself. When it comes to intolerance, bigotry and cruelty, I immediately pelt such nomad with strong condemnation. But those are earthly concerns that most of humanity can agree on. Heavenly concerns are different, more delicate, more personal, and as such, not only the questioner needs to walk a fine line, the questioned must be on their best behavior and be of possession of a minimum level of knoweledge. But walking the fine line is not to avoid asking questions or making statements. The sanctity of Islam and the prophet won't be tarnished by a mere mortal's words. It remains a mystery to me how some of us would throw the baby out with the bath water (the baby being the very ones we're attempting to save) for the sake of much pride and some prejudice. Xiin may be knoweledgeable and learned. Not just in Islam but in other things as well. But his attitude stinks. His demeanor is deplorable. And his openly contemptuous words take away from anything he's trying to bring forth. His “my Islam†message is not needed here. I don't care to engage his ilk on any level. But he's not alone. Many of us are xiins and won't admit it. In his head, there are two camps, the saved and the unredeemed. He likes to think the former is his camp. And if anyone opposes him, then they're the lost. Such small ideas coming from a seemingly big man. I'm voluntarily evacuating town for hurricane Rita and may be offline for some time. Xiin can pray that I drown in the theodicy he'd been wishing on me lately. After all, he is an official keeper of the faith and I have been designated public heathen number one.
  21. Originally posted by Baashi: Here Castro has done nothing except his usual wishy-washy posts to entertain himself and others like him at the expense of our convictions. Good Baashe, engagement is in order (before Rita hits) so expand on the above, will you? What wishy-washy posts in this topic? What is Castro like? And who are these "others" like him? No one calls a spade what it is and I hope you keep me as a fan. And worry not about Xiin. Sticks and stones man, sticks and stones.
  22. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: Nurow ; don’t waste your breath with the likes of Castro ; a confused ilk whose moorings have been swept by the high sea. The problem with Islam has many faces non more urgent, more damaging or more obvious than a Xiin, however. A keeper of the faith who, if he keeps his head out of the sand long enough, might actually see that he has not been designated as one. You have nothing on the Sayyed. And if calling me sharmuud could elevate you to his status, you're dreaming.
  23. Originally posted by Kashafa: ^^ Engage the topic and contribute, will ya. If you think them stale one-liners are witty, think again. Neither the topic nor you (as I once thought) are interesting enough to engage.
  24. Originally posted by Nur: Talk about undercurrents bro., you must be a diver at the Havana nearby reefs, at forty feet below It takes one dissenting question and not the usual onslaught of JZK's to bring e-Nuri to e-arth. What was I thinking?
  25. ^ That's not plaigiarism but outright fraud. And you would think the person posting this wouldn't highlight the fraud in bold nonetheless.