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Everything posted by Zakariye

  1. s/alakum, hey bro continental it seems to me that you do know the brother, if you are in DC area then you r much closer then i am ,just check him out at the Dept of Health and Human service, i think that is where he is as an intern. Good luck bro. c/salam
  2. s/alaykum hey continental, King is married man bro, he is being hitched man, finally the bro is out of the market,lol. c/salaam
  3. s/alaykum now that King is gone, all bets are off, unless he changes his mind and stand up for his words, lol ,hey bro you started , u need to finish it. c/salaam
  4. s/alaykum walaal Diam Prin, it is about time for you to say Peace & Luv, i was wondering such a nice lady how come you always angry at no reason, Lol. hope you don't change your signature. C/salaam
  5. s/alakum walaal jasmine , su'aal? Y u r so confused? anything bad that was said, Lol, or you want create a Drama in here LoL? Abeeso ha ku cuntee lol. just kidding c/salaam
  6. s/alaykum Inan-yaban first and foremost, wlc, and i hope you have met your lost cousin Nin_yaaban, have you? C/salaam
  7. 'i'm a muslim, but I like women' crap Hot Chic, i am waan yaabsanahey, can you elaborate on those two contradicting words,plz thank you
  8. s/alaykum congratulation! Brother King, congrat, and "Mabruk" Hope you check us back sorry walaal , i missed it. Miss walaal.
  9. s/alaykum wallaahi waa cajiib, laakiin it went ok the other day, those of us who went there i guess we made our point across,and i am very glad that i took the time to show my support to my brothers. So what this leaves to us nothing, just not more than 2 days ago almost the same area they have beaten up a somali brother , he is now in critical situation life and death, for the sake of money, yes and again there were African Americans, if you gussed them ,you are right, so Pray for that brother, may god make him recover well, if he didn't then he will become the third victim in this maddness. So pray for the brother, i hear his name is "Ilka case" . I don't know the guy, but he is one of the hospitals. Walaalayaal is ilaaliya meeshan waa ay xumaatey,But this is my suggestion to all of you, if you live in a Low income or whatever housing plz be carefull i think you have snakes living with you the same complex so be carefull, all. c/salam
  10. S/alaykum Hot Cho, i don't see any one gave you any advise they just told you what you should tell her, not an advise, an advise would have been if you know we said ok , go ahead flirt with her , or go and find out how nice you will feel , for the lesbian affair, so no one said that, plz don't put words in our mouth,but if you want us to say that then say , i like this lesbian women, what can i do to see if i am one or not? lol did you get me, hey don't be shy , if you are one come out from the closet, lol. Ceeb i don't blv i open my mouth when i took the 105th ammendment. c/salaam
  11. Zakariye


    s/alaykum sorry smith n west , here is the site i was hoping you get enjoyment for all somali Dinaros, money , shillings, etc, enjoy it c/slaam
  12. s/alaykum maashallah what are we going to, mar waliba wax cajiib ayaanu ka wada hadleynaa this issue " I have the right to remain silent. Anything I say will be misquoted, then used against me". c/salaam
  13. s/alykum Kool-kat, xaasid weynaadey baad tahey maxaad isugu direysaa, miyaadan wax garad aheyn,change your nick and no longer consider you kool, you r not. Ladies don't listen .Did you really said take them to the system, and let them be arrested, oh man that is so severe mental upnormality, guys if what is said true , go help your children,but don't let you be put in jail or else. c/salam
  14. s/alaykum Hahaha, Nin-Yaabin this time you blew it up, and i am going to tell you why? i am married to a Wonderfull lady from Djiboutian, and when i show her your Post she went to the roof, the question is why inject Djiboutians in this somali musalsala,are you run out of stories from somalis or perhaps you are about to cause a fuss b/w us?those are not my words but my btfl wife.So brother Nin-yaban what is your intention here, i don't see any benefit from this post,you want hear a gossip about djiboutians, here is one We love Somalis, cz we are one, did that put your mind to ease. calaykum salaam
  15. Zakariye


    s/alaykum walaal macaan lucky, ok i hear you, oh that is why you said once again i missed your point,waxii hadda ka dambeeya walaal lucky , you always had my respect, but from now on u will get 100%, becuase u are a well spoken sister, aniguna aad baan u jeclahay gabdhayna sida wacan u jawaabo oo aana ceytamin, ilaahna waxaan kaaga baryay nin kheyr iyo ubad fara badan,lol. ok walaal. you the best. c/salaam
  16. s/alaykum lucky, walaal, my apology to you, yes i did misunderstood you but now i got your point. It is well spoken and i appreciate and sorry for my quick trigger loving response, sorry walaal macaan. c/salaam
  17. s/alykum waa run waa in la tagaa, sister Lucky what is wrong being a cab driver, i think it is one of the oldest prefession and ppl do make a living, it is just sad that we are loosing some good somalis while doing a hard earn money to feed their families, without the help of , or handout from others, so sister don't be sarcastic, ezy on the issue. w/salaam
  18. s/alaykum Oh brother king you are lucky for ur upbringing, and i wish to hear some positive stories like urs, not only the negative aspect fo parenthood. c/salaam
  19. s/alaykum This topic really hurts, i am one of the somali fathers that is being talked in here, and i for one strive to better each and every day the well being of my children, which is must to every somali father. So if one bad apple ruined the life of innocent child, why blame all of us, you know Somali fathers are the most loving parent you can have, less hassle ezy to deal with them, and wonderfull. I do want my kids to do better and if i found out they are not doing well walaahi i will ship them back to somalia, i told them, and when they become mature and understand how harsh life is, then they can come back. w/salaam
  20. s/alaykum runtii soomalidu lama garan karo inta ay yihiin, no one really knows how many we are, just to give you an example, in Mn there must be atleast 50+ thousands somalis, and if you look the census result that was taken back in 2000, you only see there are 25,000 somalis live in Mn, and you know why, we undercount ourself all the time, for some reason either for lack of knowledge or in this case in Mn maybe it related to Legal issues. So yes i do agree brother Nin-yaaban Somali roughly are about 20million of us. c/slaam
  21. Zakariye


    s/alaykum Brother King, i agree with you, Dirac la'aantiis waa abaar, alla qurax badanaa gabdhaha marka ay xiranyihiin dirac, Lucky adigu maxaa ilaah kuugu dirya Diraca, su'aal aan ku weydiiyo walaal , miyaad xirataa diraca/ mise ma xiratid? and don't tell me non of my business , walaalo waxaad ku tiri King, you don't wear one, he knows that, so tell me this do you like wearing one? w/salaam
  22. s/alaykum King walaal, runta aan kuu sheego, you know buddy you are one of my best buddies n here, so plz listen up, don't bet on Redskins, plz don't but if you do, you will loose, this is the only disagreement i am having with you, good luck c/salaam
  23. s/alaykum War baryahan waan maqanaa meesha waxaad moodaa in ay soo wada baxeyn dadkii aflagaadeyn jiray , waalidkooda iyo walaalahooda, in saying so, i do blv at some point what the lady is claiming to be true, also i do blv that the lady also was not getting attention from her family when she was young, so in fairness to both, i wish that young lady "when you get married "inshallah in the future that you do not see every relative to be a child abuser otherwise your house will become Hell House, intaas ayaan kuugu waanin, adigana waxaan kuu rajeyn in aad cafis iyo masaamix siisid hadii waxii kuugu dhacey ay run yihiin, hadey aysan run aheyna walaal waqtigii baad iga qasaarisay. c/salaam
  24. s/alakum war yaa ka xanaajiyey gabadha silen sista, walaal marka ugu horeysa , you have every right to hate ,to love and to ignore whoever u choose, laakin waxaa ceeb nagu ahi in aan niraahno , i hate somali ppl, qofna ma nici karo soomaali oo idil waa qalad, waxaa nagu jiro dad xun iyo dad fiican, if you are happy with being non-somalis then i think u should do and associate with them more often,cz i for one will be happy to c u go back with ur friends then being mad at all somalis, and when something happens to you, tell that you are not somali anymore .IT is better both for ur soul and for the somalis. Good luck walaal and happy life. c/salaam
  25. s/alaukum waa cajiib, magnon waa run, waxaad moodaa in Rag uusanba joogin meeshan ama ay jecelyahiin in ay been uun ku sheekeeyaan, waa yaryahiin ragga illaa iyo hadda igu raacsan in naloo furo meel Raggu uu leeyahey, waa cajiib, waa aaqiro zamaan, ragii waxaad moodaa in uu noqday wax magarad , it is so shame, that no one sees the picture i am about to paint, but hey it is just a suggestion, if no one wants then we will post our opinion to the Women or the teen side, after all there we go , we can't even agree a men forum, cajiib. Brother king and Hacker are the only two male so far express desire to happen that, anyway Admin don't do a Men Forum they are not ready, let them play with the ladies. c/salaam