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Everything posted by Zakariye

  1. s/alaykum Aad iyo aad baad u mahadsantahiin kulli, ilaahana ha iskeen tuso bacdal ramadaan,.Aamiin c/salaam
  2. s/alaykum Aboo Aboo, hayeh marka hore Ramadaan wacan walaal HiboNuur, mar labaad soo dhowow baryahan suuqa aad ka baxdey miyaa,LoL. si kastaba soo dhwow walaal. c/salam
  3. s/alaykum New -Nation, i don't think that is true no one is hunting down this porfessor becuase he is Somalilander, but the man is a Lunatic, good for nothing. I go to the University of Mn, and man i hate to c his face some times, if he is man enough he needs to publicly apologize for name calling the professor he was campaigining against his employment at the Universtiy,Then yes i might understand him well, untill then, he is good for nothing and lunatic. . c/salam
  4. S/ALAYKUM amazing some of you start fasting on monday, how come? we in Northern America Ramadan is Sunday which is tomorrow october ,26 2003. so Happy ramadan, this time zone difference is a mess.Lucky how come you have to fast on monday i am only ahead of you 2hrs. so me and you LA we have a time difference of 2hrs,so you must be fasting too on sunday that is right c/salaam
  5. s/alaykum Og, that is great Ty walaal macaan. yes i will memorize too c/salaam
  6. s/alam Aamin illah ha u naxaristo, jannadii ilaah ha ka waraabiyo. Aamiin c/salam
  7. s/alaykum Lucky, just fine now is ok, walaal macaan , Og and you 2 walaal. enjoy the month of ramdan, and come back yumal Ciid plz. thank you God bless all of my brothers/sisters around the world . c/salam
  8. s/alaykum walaalayaal, you don't know how much this means to me, i thank both of you, i hope to c both of you , do well and healthy and have a happy ramadan , and your families also. come back yumal Ciid. and happy first day Ramadan, .T all. Lucky , CaliGirl, all i mean is i want see how many of us made well this ramdan, and still alive and doing well. c/salaam
  9. s/alaykum Dear Brothers/Sisters, sababto aan u furay this post is very important to me, first i would like to see each and every one of you made this ramadan and hope to hear back from you ,Yumal Eid",so here is my thing inorder to know how money of us SOL brothers/sisters made through this holly month please choose a number and then we will know how many of us made thorugh. aniga yaa iska bilaabayo. 1- Zakariye, i am wishing all of you a very happy happy Ramadan Month, and came back Yumal Eid, to say hi . c/salam
  10. s/alykum, I had the same arguement not too long ago, and this is what i have found out,check this site.The Forbidden Hair c/salam
  11. s/alaykum Oh my Gosh DiamondP, are you serious,you are joking ,even you will have no mercy at the last breath c/salam
  12. Zakariye

    Ramadan !!

    s/alaykum Xalima Cadey ,hi again is that really Paltalk who changed his identity , hey paltalk bro sorry to say this are you having identity crisis.Lol, H7 post the pics c/salam
  13. s/alaykum X7, what happned to the posts from Hargeis, are ever going to post or what, if not here email it.LoL c/salam
  14. s/alaykum Hibo Hibo Hibo, adiga war malaagaaga reynaayo, sidaas daraadeed, bal adaan kuu dhaafay oo go'aan noo soo gaar kadibana ila soo socodsii meesha aan u leexin lahaa markabka. Lol hadii aadan fahmina ilaah ha kuu naxariisto walaashiis . Habeen wacan aniga waan sii socday nabadgelyo kulli. . c/salaam
  15. s/alaykum hibo walaal ,i know in aad i caawimayso baryahan dambe illaa iyo 4 sano ma aan shaqayn , guri joog baan ahaa. Hadii aad shaqo meel iigu ogtahey , ha iiga sheegin dadka kale ee iigu sheeg private walaal. LoL ma i fahamtay walaal c/salaam
  16. s/alaykum Maasha allah Hibo nur , good to c u sis , and wlc back , haye warka soo daa dee. c/salam
  17. s/alaykum Ty DiamondP,Walaashiis Cadeey c/salam
  18. s/alaykum Ty DiamondP,Walaashiis Cadeey c/salam
  19. s/alykum DiamondP,don't u think it is time for u to tell us what city you at? I like to know c/salam
  20. s/alykum DiamondP,don't u think it is time for u to tell us what city you at? I like to know c/salam
  21. s/alykum DiamondP,don't u think it is time for u to tell us what city you at? I like to know c/salam