I don't go out of my way to say hello to anyone who doesn't say it first.
I do help out the somalis that I come across, if and when they ask for help.
Couple of weeks ago, I was coming to union station and an older somali guy saw me outside as I was coming in.
He said something I didn't quite understand and when I said huh? He asked if I was somali, so I said yes and from there we greeted each other. He asked me if he could take few minutes of my time so he can explain his situation, which was that he was from out of town, vancouver to be specific and that the guy he came with left him and he had no money to ride the TTC. All this time, He never once gave me a chance to respond. He said that he knew it was wrong to ask a younger person for help but he needed a token to ride the subway. I didn't even think twice, I just went into my lil purse and got a token for him.
After I gave him the token, he asked if I worked around the station, and I said no. He then made up some phony story bout how he worked upstairs?
All along, I am thinking to myself, why is he lying if he is bad @it? Didn't he just say he was from out of town and no money???
He asked me if I had any money for food, because he was supposedly hungry.
Even though I didn't have any change with me@the time, I wasn't about to stand there and hand him a $20 after he told me all that bullshit.... so, I just said, sorry I don't have money and I took off...
I didn't think any less of him but I did think he was confused, because a minute ago he was saying how he was abondoned and had no money to ride the TTC and the next he worked upstairs, then he was pushing for dinner money...becuz it was early in the evening @the time....
why do somalis feel the need to explain everything?
Why can't you people just ask help without making up stuff???