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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar

  1. Kowda Luulyo wacan, Soomaaliyeey. This is my 21st anniversary celebrating it on here SOL.
  2. Kowda Luulyo wanaagsan mar kale, maryooleey. Here is the video, this time someone posted it on Youtube: Dignitaries present included madaxweynaha Suudaan xilligaas.
  3. I personally witnessed one such incident in 2019. After I landed, I paid the visa fee, who was immediately handed to sarkaal gadaal fadhiyey, whose faced all immigration officials who were giving the visas. Sarkaalkaas qasnada ayuu maamulaaye oo garoonka u shaqeynaaye. What was more surprising was another sarkaal, who looked an intelligence officer, seating next to him and who also had a notebook and documents, documenting every paid fee. There was a relative who worked in the airport and was helping me. I asked him markaa banaanka u soo baxnay kan lacagta aruurinaayo waa gartee, kan kale yuu ahaa asagana xisaabta kor kala socdo. I was told that other person works directly for senior officials of wasaaradda maaliyadda, so nothing will possible la isdaba mariyo. I was told meel walba canshuur iyo dhaqaale balaaran laga qaado saas ayee u joogaan. You can guess who initiated this. There certainly wasn't sarkaalkaas camal meesha fadhiyey when I visited that same airport in 2013. In fact, if you resisted against paying the visa fee and shouted to agaasime Gaafoow, who had a little office above these immigration officers in the old terminal, he might even wave you in without paying. My brother who knew Gaafoow did that in 2012 and 2013. He didn't bother to do that in his visits after 2017.That was how it was pre-Beyle.
  4. Sabaha qaar ka mid ah tuugada Beyle u xag xaganaayaan saan ayaa ugu wacan: Waxaan maalmahan la socday doodda miisaaniyadda sanadka 2022 oo meel adag maraysa, eedo badanna loo jeedinayo Wasiir Cabdiraxmaan Ducaale Bayle. Balse waxaan idinla wadaagayaa xaqiiqooyinka ku gadaaman eedeymaha loo jeediyay Wasiirka oo ahaa shakhsiga loogu necebyahay, hadda loogu neceb yahay, madax iyo minjaba, gudaha Dowladda sababaha hoos ku xusan iyo kuwa kale oo aan ka tagay awgood; Wuxuu la kowsaday iyadoo dakhliga dowladda ay soo uruuriyaan shirkado ay leeyihiin siyaasiyiin ka tirsan Dowladda iyo ganacsato saaxiib la ahaa nidaamka. Dhammaan waa uu baabi’iyay, Wasaaraddiisa oo kaliya ayaana hawshii la wareegtay. Raggii qandaraasyadaas laga qaaday ayaa hadda doonayo inay mar kale dib u hantaan. Taasina waxay u maleeyaan inay ku suurta gali karto in Bayle laga reebo Xukuumadda soo socota. Aragtidaas waa mid raqiis ah sababtoo ah Bayle hadduu tago iyo hadduu joogaba lacag dambe oo ay dowlad leedahay shakhsi iyo shirkad toona qaadi maayaan, waayo nidaamka maaliyadeed ee dalka waa saldhigtay, dusha sare ayaana lagala socdaan. Maadaama shaqo qorista la joojiyay iyadoo lagu saleynayo in marka hore la adkeeyo xuquuqda kuwa qoran, waxaa jirtay in Xafiisyada Sare ilaa Agaasime Guud in qof walba uu isku dayay inuu qorto shaqaale cusub, oo u badan masuul kasta beshiisa hoose. Shaqaalaas waa kuwa u baahan miisaaniyad cusub. Taasi waxay ka hor imaanaysay nidaamka dib u habeynta hay’adaha maaliyadda iyo ololaha dayn cafinta. Saaxiibadiisa xukuumadda oo idil waa ku kala dhinteen diidmooyinkiisa. Waa sababta maanta loo la’yahay qof ka difaaca dagaalka abaabulan ee ku socda. Wasiir Bayle waa qof gacan adag oo loo dhiibay khasnad aysan ku jirin dhaqaale badan oo lagu kala furdaamiyo kharashaadka lagu socodsiinayo hawlaha Xukuumadda. Ma uusan lahayn xirfad iyo faham uu ku kala maareeyo dadka dhaqaalaha iyo qandaraasyada faraha badan usoo doonta. Qofkii kala hadla wax mushaar ka baxsan wuxuu kala hor iman jiray ‘Waxba kuuma heli karno ADEER. waraaqaha la noqo.’ Markii uu xilka wareejinayay Madaxweyne Farmaajo, waxaa jirtay dayn dhan $217,000 (Laba Boqol toddoba iyo kun) oo ay Madaxtooyadu gashay sanadihii 2018 iyo 2019, kuwaasoo u badan dib u dhiska Madaxtooyada iyo qalabaynteeda. Si kasta haddii la yeelay waa diiday. Bayle wuxuu kursigiisa xildhibaanno ku waayay markii uu jagada iyo saamaynta uu haystay uu ku hanan waayay dadkii gacanta ku hayay geeddi socodka doorashooyinka sida guddiyada iyo la-taliyeyaasha arrimaha doorashooyinka. Wuxuu ula dhaqmi jiray sidii inuusan waji ka lahayn qofna, go’aankiisuna wuxuu ahaa inuu kor ugu qayliyo ‘adeer mushaar ka badan ma awoodo.’ Waa qof farsamo yaqaan ah oo aan lahayn dareen siyaasi oo uu wax ku kala dabbaro, hadalkiisuna toos yahay oo aan laalaab iyo iska daba wareeg ku jirin. Odaygii jufadiisa ahaa ee ergada xulayay wuxuu igu yiri “Adeer kani waligey lacag kama helin, laakiin shaqada uu qaranka u hayo ayaan ku ilaaway wixii aan tabasho u qabay.” Dagaalka hadda ku socdo inuusan isla xisaabtan shaqo ku lahayn waxaa daliil u ah oo aan markhaati ka ahay, Alle hortiisana aan la tagayaa, in dhawr jeer ay isku qabteen isaga iyo ragga ugu sarreeya Garsoorka oo ay Xeer Ilaalinta iyo Maxkamadda Sare ay kamid yihiin, in dhaqaale qiyaastii kor u dhaafaya $2 milyan oo Doollar oo kasoo xarooda sanadkii gal-furka dacwadaha la keeno Mackamadaha uu diiday in helaan qeyb ay ku maamulaan xafiisyadooda, kuna shaqaaleysiiyaan garsooreyaal cusub. Gartaas waxaa dhawr jeer galay Madaxweyne Farmaajo waayo doodda Hay’adaha Garsoorka waxay ahayd mid maan-gal ah oo ku qotontay in garsoorka la hufo ay u baahan tahay in la qoro garsooreyaal iyo xeer ilaaliyaal cusub oo khibrad leh, taasna ay keeneyso inay ka fogaadaan laaluush haddii loo helo gunnooyin ku filan. Doodda Bayle iyaduna waxay ahayd maan-gal maadaama dakhli oo dhan hal xisaab oo ka furan Baanka Dhexe lagu shubo (Single Treasury Account) inaan dib looga soo saari karin oo ay lamid yihiin hay’adaha kale ee Dowladda. Haatan raggii Hay’adaha Garsoorka Cabdinuur Max'ed Axmed Kuxigeenkii agaasimihii hore ee madaxtooyada
  5. What the heck is up with this Court? We knew it was dominated by right-wing nutjobs, but in the recent days, they are firing all these consequential far right decisions. They are literally legislating from the bench. They will soon also take away Americans right to have their votes counted. Instead they will allow gerrymandered state legislators to control and certify them. These legislators will declare who they want to be president, regardless the winner of the state's vote. This insane Court has accepted to hear this undemocratic case now. Wow.
  6. Farmaajo and Kheyre stopped this practice in the last five years. During Xulasho Rooblaawe Baahane soo celiyey after his repeated request and accusing Soomaali security. Blame him.
  7. I don't believe anything this group says since its Soomaali desk was and is dominated in the last 15 years by anti-Soomaaliya jaajuusiinta Sahan Group, Matt Bryden and his stooge Cabdirashiid koow ka yihiin. I remember their yearly lies to UN Monitoring Group.
  8. Raaligelin bixiyey, if we can believe him: Igathe apologises to Somali community over his remarks • Igathe, clarified that his comments were focused on equitability of access to services and opportunities for work and economic benefits in Nairobi. • Duale said Igathe has displayed himself as a tribal leader and he is not fit to lead the people of Nairobi which is home of 44 ethnic communities. Nairobi Jubilee governor candidate Polycarp Igathe was forced to apologize for his remarks that seemed to have irked a section of Nairobi residents. Igathe, who was accused of profiling communities, clarified that his comments should not be understood to be about individuals, but about the equitability of access to services and opportunities for work and economic benefits in Nairobi city. His statement came following a viral video of him accusing Members of County Assembly from the Kikuyu community of being held hostage by three Somali MCAs he didn't name, whom he said are controlling the city county assembly. “Nairobi has 45 MCAs, who are kikuyu, I can tell you they are all controlled by three Somalis. That is a fact. The capture is too serious. even yesterday they were doing things that are completely illegal and illicit,” Igathe was heard saying in the video, as he addressed the Kenya Private Sector Alliance. But he has since issued an apology, saying he was misunderstood as he was only addressing the issue of equitability for all Nairobians to enjoy services and economic opportunities. "I would like to say that if the broader Somali community or anyone was hurt or inadvertently offended by comments made in the context of engagements on the campaign trail, I am sorry for any such offence or hurt," he said. He added that he plans to create opportunities for all when elected in the August 9 polls. "Our response in our manifesto in this regard will be about creating opportunities for everyone and ensuring that no one group of people whomsoever they may be, enjoys more than their fair share of services or economic opportunities than others," read part of the statement. "Our response will be to make Nairobi more democratic, transparent, and sustainable for everyone. It is this cry and aspiration of the people of Nairobi, that we are responding to and are offering ourselves on 9th August 2022, to Champion." Igathe assured the entire Somali community in Nairobi and beyond that, he will value their support and partnership in working to make Nairobi a better place to live and work in. Igathe's response came after Garissa Township MP Aden Duale on Saturday called him out for profiling communities for cheap political expediency. Duale said Igathe has displayed himself as a tribal leader and he is not fit to lead the people of Nairobi which is home to 44 ethnic communities of Kenya. “The tribal bigotry shamelessly peddled in the sophisticated business arena is unfortunate and crass. It is more appalling coming from someone purporting to be learned and captain of industry," he said. "Profiling communities for cheap political expediency is the height of desperation. Nairobians are discerning and will totally reject such a poor project.” Xigasho
  9. Are you already re-writing a revisionist history that its own dust did not even settle? Because of Farmaajo's own so many tanaasulid, Xamar dagaal sokeeye kama qarxin. Imagine if Farmaajo ku adkeysan lahaa his refusal - as he was entitled to - the illegal 16 xildhibaanno from Gedo. What if he dismissed the dismissal of Fahad Yaasiin or the hastily removed internal minister and the appointment of the corrupt Mr. 30/30. He had every right to refuse to any and all of this since xili doorasho/xulasho lagu jiray. What about the hijacking of national TV and radio by mööryaanta Rooblaawe cliques?
  10. Shirwac, I put on there a caveat, which is unsubstantiated, aka fake news. We all know this is a real fake news.
  11. You are slowly coming out to be an ardent member of MBB. Iscadee oo waxba ha war wareegsan. Anyway, here is the official website oo daqligii shantii sano ka heleysaa.