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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar

  1. Moooryaanta are emboldened because they see their fellow lawless moooryaan like Mahad Qalaaye are in the top leadership. Also dharcad sirdoonka ahaa ee NISA xaafadaha waa laga bixiyey, ama laga yareyey see u muuqato. Sirdoonkaas kaliya kuwa afka duuban ma soo gudbin jirin dhaqdhaqaaqooda, but also tuugada. Gurigee xalay dhaceen waa kan bidixda ka muuqdo, this is one among several houses being targeted in the last several nights.
  2. This is the very second qof walaashiisa ama walaalkiisa dhalay jago sare ka siisay madaxtooyada. Gabar uu adeer u yahay is among the senior staff he appointed. Nepotism iyo Xasan Sh. go hand in hand. Meesha guri aabihiisa dhistay muu moodaa.
  3. Halyeeyad Naciimo Abwaan Qorane after four years still making Soomaalidiid moooryaan and secessionists cry. I contacted her father after this thread on Facebook to ask him where I can send his daughter a gift. He was thankful, but declined.
  4. The sirdoon I was talking about: Jaasuusiinta Masaarida iyagoo iska dhigaayo dad u yimid caleemasaarkii.
  5. Maslaxo u aadaayaa, but Turkiga really do not trust him when Masaari basaasiin are openly roaming in Xamar and allowing a new Imaaraad military base. He has yet to meet Turkiga ambassador in Xamar yet.
  6. Only until the moooryaanism isku dhacaan, which is an inevitable and you will see this yariisoow fudeed badane sing in a different tone. It will start with Xasan Sh. iyo Qoorqoor.
  7. Markuu wasiir Beyle xisaab kaga yaabiyey afka wada qabsadeen mucaaradkii:
  8. Moooryaanta Baraha Bulshada, which is very fitting now.
  9. Ninkaana baasaboorkiisa ayee ka xireen. Yaab moooryaantaan dhaqankooda, xadgudub ugub ah aanan hore loogu arag Soomaaliya.
  10. Another online assassination of a prominent Farmaajo supporter oo Facebook laga xiro iyadoo geeri been ah lagu sheegaayo. It is a senior member of this new mööryaan dowlad ku sheeg creating these fake death certificates. I can't believe Facebook is this gullible.
  11. Carafaad, those who are questioning wasiir Beyle are the same folks who just several weeks ago accepted thousands of dollar in open bribery. They have no legs to stand on regarding masuqmaasuqid iyo corruption.
  12. Celebrations we did in Toronto today:
  13. Sawiradaa ka soo qaaday Toronto Kowda Luulyo celebrations:
  14. Calansaarkii xarunta dhexe ee dowladda hoose Toronto:
  15. Dixon Rd in Toronto also has a Kowda Luulyo celebration today. There hasn't been one since 2019. I am planning to take the kids.