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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar

  1. Wararkii ugu dambeeyay rabshadaha Somaliland Dibad-baxyo ay rabshado ka dhasheen ayaa maanta ka dhacay magaalada Hargeysa iyo deegaano kale oo ka tirsan Somaliland, halkaasi oo ciidamada ay rasaas ku fureen dibad-baxayaal taageersan mucaaradka. Ciidamada amaanka ayaa rasaas u adeegsaday qaar ka mid ah dibad-baxayaasha, taasi oo dhalisay khasaare kala duwan, walow aan illaa hadda la caddeyn karin tiro ahaan inta uu gaarsiisan yahay. Caasimada Online oo xiriir la sameysay isbitaalada ayaa illaa hadda waxaa naloo xaqiijiyay in isbitaalka Amal Grand ee magaalada Hargeya la geeyay 12 qof oo ku dhaawacmay rabshadaha ka dhashay dibad-baxyada. Dibad-baxyada ayaa weli kasii socda magaalooyin kamid ah Somaliland, inkasta oo uu ka joogsaday magaalada Hargeysa ee caasimada maamulka, wuxuuna weli booliska ay isku dayeen inay xakameeyaan dibad-baxyada. Sidoo kale waxaa si buuxda qeybo kamid ah Somaliland ugu soo laabtay internet-ka oo saacadihii lasoo dhaafay ay jareen shirkada isgaadhsiinta, taasi oo markii hore meesha ka saartay adeegsiga baraha bulshada iyo adeegyada kale ee ku xiran internet-ka. Dhaq-dhaqaaqyada ka billowday Somaliland ee ay hormuudka u yihiin mucaaradka ayaa looga soo horjeedaa madaxweynaha oo ay ku eedeeyeen inuu wado muddo kororsi. Arrimahaan ayaa ku soo aadaya ayada oo ay fashil ku soo dhammaadeen wada-hadalladii u dambeeyey ee mucaaradka iyo xukuumadda, si xal looga gaaro xiisadda ka taagan Somaliland ee ka dhalatay muranka hareeyey hannaanka doorashada ee maamulkaasi. Dibad-baxyadaan ayaa qorshahooda wuxuu soo socday bilihii u dambeeyey, kaasi oo haatan sare u sii qaaday xiisadda ka aloolsan gudaha Somaliland. Dowladda weli war rasmi ah kama soo saarin xaaladda ugu dambeysa, balse waxay horay uga digtay in ay dadku ku dibad-baxaan meelo ka baxsan baraha cayiman ee la shaaciyay, kuwaasi oo mucaaridku ka biyo diideen. Xigasho
  2. Good, yaa secessionist, for now you are not dishonest and pretending anything but what you truly are - one who hates his fellow Soomaali and country. Calankana inaa badashid wey fiicantahay. Now noo dhaaf qariiradeena.
  3. It was from the early hours yesterday. Will update soon.
  4. Secessionist, you don't believe Soomaaliya's unity ee marka haku qaraaban.
  5. Hambalyo xildhibaanka cusub Faarax Macallin Dawaara oo hib loo doortay sagaal sano ka dib. Faarax waa nin Soomaalinimada aad ugu weyntahay. Faarax Macallin wuxuu ahaan doonaa xildhibaan matalo deegaanka Dhadhaab ee NFD.
  6. Ninka ilaaliyaha meesha waxaa ka dhigay calankeyga hoostiisa waxa ku qoran fiiri, Mr. Secessionist.
  7. Reer Muqdisho oo aragtidooda ka dhiibtay hadalkii Musaveni.
  8. Haye, our newest secessionist member, welcome. Calanka suubanaha haku qaraaban laakiin.
  9. Ilhaan survived against another challenger in another primary. It wouldn't have been close, but many Soomaalis have not voted for her for their misguided, ignorant ways. To maryooleeyda Minneapolis degan, xildhibaan Ilhaan being a visible member of U.S. Congress itself is so much better than anything else for our future generation. Don't be narrowminded. Always vote for her. ____________________ Omar survives surprising nail-biter to win Democratic nomination for Minnesota's 5th Congressional District, CNN projects Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar survived a primary challenge Tuesday, CNN projected -- but barely, and the narrow result could encourage critics of the progressive "squad" member to try again in two years. Omar, who is running for a third term in Minnesota's 5th Congressional District, held off a primary challenge from former Minneapolis City Councilman Don Samuels and three other Democratic primary candidates, CNN projects. Omar beat back a well-funded primary rival in 2020, but Samuels, a moderate, entered the race with higher name recognition in the Minneapolis-based district and the support of a big-spending super PAC. Samuels had run as a pro-police critic of Omar's calls to "defund the police." He and his wife successfully sued the city of Minneapolis to force it to increase police staffing levels to the 741 officers required by the city's charter. Momentum built behind what had been widely seen as a long-shot challenge after Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey endorsed Samuels last week. He was also backed by building trades unions, several suburban mayors and more moderate DFL leaders. His close call could inspire another effort to oust Omar in 2024. Democrats currently control four out of the state's eight US House seats to three for the Republicans and one vacancy. Omar's victory comes the week after two other liberal members of the "squad," Missouri Rep. Cori Bush and Michigan Rep. Rashida Tlaib, also beat back primary challenges. Votes were being counted in Wisconsin, Minnesota, Vermont and Connecticut on Tuesday night following a round of primaries that will further clarify several of November's key contests. CNN
  10. Instead of reminding this, he lambasted dowladii Farmaajo for expediting the exit of the parasite that is ATMIS and reforming them . Waa yaab. He wants them to stay for more long, useless years. Farmaajo wanted to use hundreds of millions of dollars of funds they are getting for capable Soomaali soldiers, so things like Xasan's tuugsi of foreign countries would not happen.
  11. "My president" kulahaa. Xasanaa. Muu iska dhaho your excellency iyo wixii la mid ah. Sidii ardey imtixaan laga qaadaayo camal ayaa loo fadhiisiyey, su'aalana loo weydiiyey. Xasan, get dadka protocolka bartay, ASAP.
  12. Ruto so far unexpectedly leading: Early signs show tight Kenyan presidential election MEDIA TALLIES At 0800 GMT, privately-owned Citizen Television showed Ruto leading with just over 50 percent of the vote and Odinga at 48.5 percent. The privately-owned Nation group had Ruto leading by 51 percent to Odinga's 48 percent. But academics following the media's tally said they had found some errors, and cautioned that those results were not official. The election commission, the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC), posted images of more than 95% of election result forms, from a total of 46,663 polling stations. The commission is only posting pictures, not numbers. Only two out of 290 constituency-level results are available on the commission's website. The constituency result forms have to be tallied at the site and then physically taken to the national tallying centre in the capital, Nairobi, and verified before the commission issues official results. The process is partly the result of a Supreme Court ruling in 2017 that overturned the initial re-election of Kenyatta in August that year, citing the commission's failure to follow the process to the letter. At a constituency tallying centre in the county hall of the western town of Eldoret, green-vested officials walked through rows of neatly stacked ballot boxes. Country music blared through the sound system but was paused when electoral officials announced newly-received results from each station over a microphone. In the centre of town, throngs of men huddled on sidewalks, excitedly talking politics. “We are happy because William Ruto will be our next president!” exclaimed one. Meanwhile in Kisumu, the heartland of Odinga, the vuvuzelas and whistles had quieted down as citizens awaited results. - Reuters
  13. Abtigiis waa jacbursanaayaa. Madawayne kulahaa. Madawiini dheh.
  14. He is shaming all of us ummadda Soomaaliyred, not only Xasan Sh. This same Musaveni used to admire Soomaalis, praised lavishly and in fact used to invite them to Uganda to create businesses. He also believed his ethnicity, Tutsi, originated from Soomaalida. He went to Xamar in 1992, trying very hard to make peace between Cali Mahdi and Caydiid before ciidamadii Mareykanka arrived. He also appreciated Soomaali's efforts breaking peace to Uganda's warring factions in the 1980s. How times have changed.
  15. Kenya elections 2022: Raila Odinga and William Ruto in tight race for president Voters started queuing before dawn across Kenya on Tuesday, eager to have their say over who will run the country for the next five years. Delays and logistical problems have been reported in some places, but in general the process appears smooth. The vote follows an intense campaign dominated by debates about living costs, unemployment and corruption. The frontrunners for president are ex-Prime Minister Raila Odinga and current Deputy President William Ruto. The outgoing president Uhuru Kenyatta is backing his former foe Mr Odinga, after a falling out with his own deputy. Mr Odinga was mobbed by supporters when he went to vote in Kibra - one of his strongholds in the capital, Nairobi. He did not speak to the press, but his wife, Ida Odinga, said he was "upbeat about the election". When Mr Ruto voted in the town of Eldoret in the Rift Valley he pledged to accept the election result. "I think for the first time in the history of multi-party democracy in Kenya, all the candidates have undertaken that they will accept the outcome of the results," he told the BBC. A dispute over election results in 2007 led to weeks of violence leading to the deaths of an estimated 1,200 people and forced about 600,000 people to flee from their homes On Tuesday, there was some frustration among the early morning voters at a polling station in a primary school in the Westlands area of Nairobi. They were blocked from entering the compound of the school for 90 minutes after voting was supposed to start at 06:00 local time (03:00 GMT). The reason for the delay was not clear and some people started chanting: "We want to vote!" "I was here very early. It's been disappointing that we got here early and had to wait for a long time," voter Alex Kipchoge told the BBC. When voting did get under way, however, the process went well. There have also been reports of delays in the coastal area of Mombasa and some parts of the north-east of the country. There are several other elections for parliament and local government happening at the same time and a mix-up of ballot papers in some areas for some of those votes has again raised questions about the organisation of the general election. Polls are open for 11 hours and are expected to close at 17:00 local time (14:00 GMT). Anyone still in the queue at closing time will be allowed to vote. The results of the last presidential election in 2017 were annulled after the Supreme Court ruled that the electoral commission had not followed the law when it came to the electronic transmission of the vote tallies from the polling stations. Judges ruled that "illegalities and irregularities" had taken place. A re-run was won by Mr Kenyatta, but boycotted by Mr Odinga - the main opposition candidate at the time. The chairman of the electoral commission, Wafula Chebukati, who was also in charge of the 2017 vote, has frequently tried to reassure Kenyans that his team will be up to the task this time. But Monday's logistical problems have increased the pressure on him. Baba v Hustler This election looks like it will be a tight race between frontrunners Mr Odinga, 77, and Mr Ruto, 55. Mr Odinga - a long-serving opposition leader, nicknamed Baba ("father") by his supporters, is running for president for a fifth time. Mr Ruto, who has tried to emphasise his connection with ordinary Kenyans by calling himself a "hustler", is taking his first stab at the presidency. Two other candidates - David Mwaure and George Wajackoya - are also in the race. Despite the campaign being dominated by issues, ethnic loyalty may also play a part in determining how people vote. For the first time in the multi-party era none of the main candidates are from the country's largest ethnic group - Kikuyu. But knowing that those votes are vital, both have chosen Kikuyu running mates. Voting process To win the presidential race in the first round, a candidate needs: more than half of all the votes cast across the country at least 25% of the votes cast in a minimum of 24 counties. Voters will also be choosing MPs and senators to go to the national parliament, county governors and county assembly members, as well as 47 women's representatives to sit in the National Assembly. Counting will start at the polling stations shortly after voting ends. Officials will then take a photo of the final tally and send the image to both the constituency and national tallying centres. To ensure transparency the media, political parties and civil society groups have been urged to run their own tallies using final results declared at the more than 40,000 polling stations. But only the electoral commission can declare the winner of the presidential election after verifying the physical and digital forms sent to the national tallying centre. BBC