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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar

  1. Deni amuu diiday, sida uu Sacdiya u diiday. Xildhibaan deegaankiisa loo diidaayo waa dhaqanxumo saldhiganeyso.
  2. U. S. House of Representatives fails to pass the resolution from the Senate:
  3. Dibadbaxayaashii lagu xiray Somaliland oo cuntada ka soomay Wararka naga soo gaaraya Somaliland ayaa sheegaya in weli ay taagan tahay xiisadda u dhexeyso mucaaradka & xukuumadda, kuwaas oo hawada isku marinayo hadallo kul-kulul oo uga sii daraya xiisadda siyaasadeed ee Somaliland. Xoghayaha arimaha gudaha ee Xisbiga Waddani, Mudane Maxamed Faarax Cabdi oo la hadlay warbaahinta ayaa ka hadlay xaaladda ay ku sugan yihiin dadkii dhowaan lagu xir-xiray dibad-baxyadii rabshadaha watay ee ka dhacay magaalooyinka Somaliland. Wuxuu tilmaamay in dadkaasi illaa iyo hadda aan la soo taagin wax maxkamad ah, isla-markaana ay ku xiran yihiin sifo sharci darro ah. “Maxaabiistaa Baki sharci darro ayey ku xiran yihiin waa kow, bishii 10-keedi ayaa la xiray nimankaas illaa iyo hadda wax maxkamad ah lama keenin waxaa ku tusineysaa ku tumashada sharciga inta qof la’iska qabsado halkaas lagu xiro,” ayuu yiri xoghayuhu. Maxamed Faarax ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in sidoo kale qaar ka mid ah dibad-baxayaasha xiran ay hadda ka soomeen cuntada, gaar ahaa kuwii lagu xiray degmada Baki, halka kuwa kalena ay ku xanuunsanayaan gudaha xabsiga, sida uu hadalka u dhigay. Sidoo kale wuxuu ugu baaqay xukuumadda iyo ciidamada Booliska inay xorriyaddooda dib ugu soo celiyaan dadkaasi, maadaama ay xiran yihiin dhowr iyo 10 cisho. “Waxaa la soo sheegayaa inay cuntadii ka soomeen, waxaa la soo sheegayaa in ay qaar xanuunsanayaan sabab loo geeyey xitaa ayada oo jeelashii Hargeysa buuxin may oolin, marka waxaan ku baaqeynaa in si deg deg ah xuriyaddood dib loogu soo celiyo,” ayuu yiri. Somaliland ayaa haatan wajaheyso xaalad cakiran, taas oo ka dhalatay muranka ka dhashay doorashada ee u dhexeeya xisbiyada mucaaradka iyo xukuumadda Biixi. Xigasho
  4. After Mahad Qalaaye removed most dharcad secret informants, idiotically thinking they worked for Fahad and Farmaajo and not for the country, dilalkii qorsheysnaa oo shaqsiyaadka lala beegsanaaye is back in full. The attacker is always 'goobta ka baxsaday.' ___________________ Nabadoon Maxamed Nuur oo lagu dilay Bakaaraha Faahfaahino dheeraad ah ayaa ka soo baxaya dil qorsheysan oo ay barqanimadii maanta kooxo hubeysan ka geysteen gudaha Suuqa Bakaraaha ee magaalada Muqdisho, sida ay innoo sheegeen ilo dadka deegaanka ah. Dilka ayaa waxaa lagu soo warramayaa in rag ku hubeysnaa Bistoolado ay u geysteen Nabadoon lagu magacaabi jiray Maxamed Nuur Diiriye oo sidoo kalena ahaa ganacsade. Wararka ayaa sheegaya in kooxda toogashada fulisay ay goobta ka baxsatay, waxaana daqiiqado kadib meesha ay wax ka dhaceen gaaray ciidamo ka tirsan kuwa ammaanka Soomaaliya oo sameeyey howlgallo baarinaano ah oo ku aadan dhacdadaasi dilka ah. Dhinaca kale xildhibaan Cabdiraxmaan Maxamed Xuseen (Odowaa) oo ka tirsan Golaha Shacabka Soomaaliya ayaa war ka soo saaray dilka marxuumka, wuxuuna sidoo kale tacsi tiiraanyo leh u diray ehellada nabadoonka la dilay oo caan ka ahaa magaalada Muqdisho. “Waxaan tacsi tiiraanyo leh u dirayaa dhammaan qoysaska iyo qaraabada ree Diiriye Cali geerida ku timid walaalkeen nabadoon Maxamed Nuur Diiriye oo saakay gacan ka xaq darani ku dishay Xamar,” ayuu ku yiri war qoraal oo uu soo saaray C/raxmaan Odowaa. Xildhibaanka ayaa sidoo kale xusay in marxuumka uu ahaa oday xilkas ah, isla-markaana Alla ka cabsi badan, wuxuuna ugu duceeyey inuu Eebbe ka waraabiyo Jannadii Firdowso. “Nabadoonka waxaan ku naqiinay odaynimo iyo xilkasnimo iyo alla ka cabsi. Waxaan ilaah uga baryaynaa inuu Jannadiisa ka waraabiyo, ahalkaba sabar iyo iimaan haka siiyo,”. Dilkaan ayaa qayb ka noqonaya falalka ammaa dari ee ka dhaca caasimada, kuwaas oo ay ka mid yihiin weeraro qaraxyo ah oo uu ugu dambeeyey kii lagu qaaday hoteelka Xayaad. Xigasho
  5. From MBB's mouth: Dhiigyacabyadii weeraray hoteelka wey baxsadeen after Mahad Qalaaye ciidamadii ka saaray hoteelka, meel fogna geeyey asagoo leh hoteelkaa la duminaa oo beentiisa ahayd. It had never happened before.
  6. Laftagareen oo u soo xiray ciidamo tababar soo qaatay u gaar ah maamulkiisa. Heesta la kor saaray cajalka xataa dad ayuu ugu tala galay:
  7. Another labawajinimo happened today. Axmed Madoobe extended his term another year. Xasan Sh. and co. are very silent. If Laftagareen or Qoorqoor have done this, waa hore ayee baaqto diidmo ah soo saari lahaayeen.
  8. He deleted this today after it was revived: Munaafuq seenbari munaafuq
  9. Yes, Dhagaxtuur, waaba laga soo gudbay waxaas. It happened between 2005-2010. Qabuuro badan ayee dumiyeen, starting with kuwa Talyaaniga in 2005 and kuwii culumada later: Somali militias target cemetery Wednesday, 19 January, 2005 Much of Mogadishu has been destroyed by looters Militias from the Islamic courts set up in the Somali capital, Mogadishu, are destroying a colonial Italian cemetery. They are digging up the graves and dumping human remains near the airport. The BBC's Mohammed Olad Hassan says he was horrified to see a large number of abandoned human skulls. Young boys were playing with one as a toy. Somalia has not had a functioning national government since 1991 and rival militias have divided it into a patchwork of rival fiefdoms. There are thousands of graves at the cemetery, of which some 700 have been destroyed. The militias refused to let our correspondent enter the cemetery in dangerous north Mogadishu but locals say the gunmen want to turn it into a base. Hundreds of people have gone to the former air force base, near the ruined international airport to see the dumped human remains. Local resident Geedow Awaale Ali said the remains had been dumped overnight and he was worried about the spread of disease. Law and order Mogadishu was under Italian colonial control until World War Two and many of the graves belong to Italian soldiers and expatriates. The Islamic courts were set up by businessmen in Mogadishu to bring some semblance of law and order to a city without a police force. A new Somali government has been named in neighbouring Kenya and it is due to start relocating to Mogadishu on 1 February. During the 14 years of anarchy, much of the city has been destroyed by looters, who recycle and sell anything they can find - even the metal rods used to reinforce concrete. The looters mostly work for one of the warlords who takes a cut of their profit. BBC
  10. Ninka isbaarada u dhigtay lacagtii lagu soo tuugsan lahaa waxee abaaraha ku sheegeen waa isla ilma adeerkiisa isaamini kari waaye xataa.
  11. Hore ee u dhacday taas. Waagii Maxkamadaha ayaa waxee soo qufeen qabuurihii meydadkii Talyaaniga ku duugnaa degmada Huriwaa. Kuwa intee lafihii soo aruuriyeen ayee safaaradda Talyaaniga ee Nayroobi ka gateen. Talyaaniga had to check the DNA of lafaha, though. Been been lacag looguma cunaayee, lafa maryooleey loo soo aruurin karay.
  12. Soomaalida waa noole iska socdo bilaa indha iyo damiir la'. That video and those ragtag trucks really bothered me. Maalin walbana abaar ayaa loo dhimanaayaa oo roob ma imaan la soo taaganyihiin. Jaahilnimo iyo waxgarad la'aan tan ka daran ummad ma soo marin. Markuu roob yar yimaadana wabiyadii ayaa soo fatahaaday leeyihiin maadaama geedihii ku tiirsanaa ee gooyeen, so no defence from the flooding. Qoraxdaas waaka faa'ideysan karnaa oo cuntada lagu karsan karo. Laakiin dhuxushaan xataa dalkii maloo wado oo waala dhoofinaayaa. __________________________ From The Guardian newspaper on last week: Inside Somalia’s vicious cycle of deforestation for charcoal In Mogadishu, the charcoal trade is thriving on the city’s streets, prompted by the sharp rise in gas prices over the past two years. As more Somalis turn to charcoal as an affordable energy option, experts say the growing demand is fuelling unsustainable levels of production and accelerating climate change amid the country’s worst drought in four decades. Environmentalists say the situation is acute in the Lower Shabelle region’s Wanlaweyn district, the centre of the charcoal trade, about 55 miles (90km) north-west of the capital. “The levels of deforestation have gotten so severe that most of the trees along the banks of the Shabelle River have been cleared out,” says Abdilatif Hussein Omar, the executive director of Action for Environment, a conservation organisation that operates in the Horn of Africa. In the south of the country, the lives of many pastoralists and farmers have been disrupted by extreme weather, so they have been looking for other ways to earn money. Hussein says the environmental damage has caused a vicious cycle. “It rains less because people are cutting down more trees to meet the demand for charcoal, which means crops are not able to grow, which affects farmers and livestock who depend on the land for survival,” he says. Mowlid Jama used be a farmer but turned to logging after he lost his crops in the 2017 drought. Jama says that on an average day, he spots about 10 to 15 other loggers cutting trees in Lower Shabelle’s forests. For a two- to three-month stretch, they cut down trees for wood until a lorry arrives to transport it to the outskirts of Mogadishu, where business people burn it into charcoal for sale. One logger, Hassan Omar, says it can take a full day to cut one tree. “They are around a century old,” he says. He says he now has to travel 50-60km away from Wanlaweyn, where he started logging, because all the tall trees there have been felled. “We keep reaching town after town and going deeper into the woods,” he says. Lower Shabelle is a volatile region, one of many parts of the country that is largely out of the control of the Somali government, and there are no structured, government-driven efforts to restrict logging. The jihadist group al-Shabaab, which exercises control in some regions, has been trying to grow its influence in recent years by playing a quasi-governmental role on issues such as environmental protection. In 2018, it imposed a ban on single-use plastic bags and is enforcing crackdowns on the cutting down of leafy trees. The Islamist group brutally enforces its policies. “Some of the loggers have received threatening calls from al-Shabaab, while others have been physically harmed,” says Guled Warsame, a logger. Despite the dangers and environmental harm, Warsame says he needs the work. “Al-Shabaab has ordered us to stop cutting dry trees but we can’t. It’s our only way to make money.” However, he says, drivers who transport wood face much greater threats than loggers from rogue bandits and local militias. Not only do they work under dangerous conditions but they need to remain aware of the evolving rules of the trade. Dahir Abdalla, a lorry driver, says he was recently detained by al-Shabaab for a few days when transporting dry wood, but was eventually released. He believes that the group may be in the process of initiating a crackdown on logging and transportation of wood from dry trees, but says that, for now, the only clear ban is on the cutting and transporting of wood from leafy trees. “We only pick up dry tree wood in our lorry and never leafy wood because al-Shabaab doesn’t allow that. If they catch us transporting trees that still have leaves, they will set our vehicle on fire,” he says. Despite the crackdown, reports show that revenue from the trade is an important income stream for al-Shabaab, with a 2014 estimate suggesting that the group earned an annual total between £6.5m and £14.5m from imposing charges on charcoal traders at one road block alone. For those in the business, the charges add heavily to their costs of operation. Two businesswomen, Amina Mohamed and Saynab Hersi, decline to go into detail about how much they pay the group, because of the sensitivity of the issue, but say they face double taxation – from the government when the lorries travel through major cities and districts, and from al-Shabaab when travelling through the countryside. Even with the charges, however, dealers say they make enough to keep them in the trade. Yasmin Salad, who has been in the business for eight years, says she makes a profit of 1.8m Somali shillings (£2,600) for every 510 bags of charcoal, which she sells at 11,700 shillings each, over a six-month period. Environmentalists say government involvement is required to effectively regulate the trade. “The public needs more environmental education, and it needs to start at an early age,” says Hussein, adding that laws and regulations on environmental exploitation are necessary. “These laws and regulations need to be enforced by the government in order to see change.”
  13. Cadeyn noo keen. Anyway, meesha Axmed Shide ayaa heysto oo Abiy Axmed Cali aad ugu dhow.
  14. He can't let it go, waa madax adeygii lagu yaqaanay moooryaanimada. Si deg deg Xamar ugu soo noqday because of this, from Sacuudiga uu tuugsiga u jiray. Intaas wuxuu ugu dhaganyahay wuxuu rabaa wuxuu masuqmaasuqa and be another Mr. 30/30. Filinkaas mar hore ayuu qarxay.
  15. Dad cadhaysan oo weeraray wasiirka xannaanada xoolaha Somaliland Dad cadhaysan ayaa dhagax la boobay Wasiirka Xannaanada Xoolaha Somaliland Siciid Sulub Maxamed, oo ka qaybgalay aas loo sameeyay 3 qof oo ku dhintay bannaanbixii 11 August. Kadib markii uu dhamaaday aas xabaalaha Halleeya ee magaalada Hargaysa loogu sameeyay 3 qof oo ku dhintay mudaharaadkii mucaaradka, ayay dadwayne aaska kasoo qaybgalay dhagax ku bilaabeen wasiir Sulub oo aaska ka qaybgalay. Waxa baraha bulshada ku baahay muuqaalo tusinaya wasiirka oo dhagax lagu eryanayo, iyo ilaaladiisa oo xabad kor u ridaya si ay u joojiyaan dadka wasiirka soo weeraray oo madaxa weer cas ku xidhan. Mucaaradka ayaa xukuumada u haysta dilka saddexda qof oo booliisku toogteen xili ay ka qaybgalayeen mudaharaadkii ay xisbiyada mucaaradku soo qaban qaabiyeen ee Khamiistii qabsoomay. Guddid cusub oo iskul xilqaantay dhexdhexaadinta mucaaradka iyo xukuumada Somaliland, ayaa sheegtay in xukuumadu ay bixin doonto magta dadkii ku nafwaayay mudaharaadka iyo dawada dadka dhaawaca ah. Xigasho
  16. Markabkii yaraa la isku qabsaday xaalkaan ayee mareysaa. CCW is gone.
  17. Labada Soomaali ololaha Ruto si weyn u waday - Aaden Barre Ducaale iyo Axmed Naasir C/llaahi: