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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar

  1. Mar kale ayee guuleysatay with 75% of the votes. Omar easily clinches another term representing Minneapolis-area district Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar is projected to skate to victory on Tuesday in Minnesota’s 5th Congressional District, easily deflecting a challenge from Republican Cicely Davis in a contest focused heavily on crime and law enforcement. Omar has emerged as a leading figure in the liberal push to overhaul local police departments — including, in some cases, cutting their budgets — following the 2020 murder of George Floyd, an unarmed Black man, by a Minneapolis police officer in her district. And her support last year for a failed local ballot initiative to overhaul the city’s police department and shift the focus to public health programs became a flashpoint in this year’s contest. Davis, a conservative activist who has worked to motivate Black Americans to leave the Democratic Party, sought to brand Omar as a “radical” liberal out of touch with the safety concerns of Minneapolis voters. In a cycle when voters are anxious about crime, that message has resonated in districts across the country. It wasn’t enough, however, in Minnesota’s 5th, a heavily Democratic district centered in Minneapolis where Omar won by almost 40 points — and President Biden by 63 points — two years ago. Omar’s tougher challenge this cycle came in the Democratic primary, where she faced off against Don Samuels, a Minneapolis city councilman who had also criticized Omar’s efforts to overhaul the city’s police department. In that contest, Omar squeaked out a victory by fewer than 3,000 votes, out of 114,000 cast. Omar’s victory secures a third term for a lawmaker who made history in 2018, when she became one of the first two Muslim women ever elected to Congress.
  2. His last public image in Somali minds was his shocked face after it became apparent Farmaajo was winning in Febraayo 8th, 2017 In la dilay ayaaba moodaaye.
  3. Somalia’s strategy for the war against al-Shabaab will condemn the country to perpetual hell To call for tribal groups to arm themselves and fight al-Shabaab without a national civic pact and credible national leadership repeats the mistakes of the 1980s and 1990s, and may yet usher in decades of internal conflict after al-Shabaab is defeated. Al-Shabaab has committed atrocities and stolen the future of two generations of Somalis through its terror and nihilistic strategy. It is time to take the war to it, but the new Somali leadership is playing with fire by deploying the same divisive strategy that ruined the country in 1991. Somalia has suffered multiple calamities for the past four decades: state collapse, prolonged civil war, the tyranny of warlords, three major famines in the last three decades, and the cruelty of al-Shabaab. For fifteen years, the US, UN, EU, and the African Union have spent billions of dollars to conduct a conventional military strategy to defeat terrorists. The only achievement of this effort was to push the terrorists out of Mogadishu and some of the major settlements without neutralising their effective and lethal reach. On 29 October 2022, al-Shabaab massacred about 150 people in the heart of Mogadishu and it continues to tax all businesses in the capital and elsewhere to finance its operations. The African Union’s (AU’s) superiorly financed and well-armed military force in southern Somalia has made few advances against al-Shabaab for almost a decade and appears to be struggling to hold on to earlier gains. In addition, American drone attacks on terrorist targets have not degraded the group’s lethal killing machine. Finally, the disorganised and poorly resourced Somali security forces have shown little mettle to dislodge al-Shabaab. My experience in Mogadishu over the last two years has convinced me that the current strategy has utterly failed to eliminate al-Shabaab. Consequently, people in southern Somalia do not trust the government, its allies, or the terrorists and live in limbo. The ‘new’ strategy? Somalia’s Parliament elected a “new” president in May 2022. Hassan Sheikh Mohamud was the country’s leader from 2012 to 2017. Eager to inject energy into a rudderless state, he declared a new campaign against al-Shabaab within three months of his election. His new strategy has come in the form of declarative statements via the media. Previously, the task of fighting al-Shabaab was the purview of the Somali military and the African Union force. Still, the president has told “tribal” communities to arm themselves and liberate their “territories”. The idea of communities arming and defending themselves emerged after the terrorist group invaded a settlement in the Galmudug province of north-central Somalia in 2021. The community repelled the attack, to everyone’s surprise, and al-Shabaab suffered heavy losses. This incident egged on the president that al-Shabaab might be vulnerable to collective action. But he has not shared his strategy with Parliament. Further, he has yet to articulate a clear division of responsibilities between the tribal militias, the national military, and the AU force. Such a vague plan is particularly dangerous given that the country is still recovering from a prolonged civil war which has segmented Somalis into sectarian tribalistic fiefdoms (glorified as federal states) without a trusted national leadership and defence establishment. Particularly alarming is that recruitment and promotion in the defence forces is based on an insidious tribal formula that fuels distrust within the force. Sii aqriso
  4. Safaradii Qoslaaye dalxiiska laga soo gudbay iyo kuwa soo socdo see iskugu xigi doonaan: Imaaraadka  Turkiga  Eritareeya  Kiinya  Jabuuti  Tansaaniya Masar  Ugaandha  Kiinya (again)  Mareykanka Ingiriiska Mareykanka (again)  Itoobiya  Ugaandha (again) Jabuuti (again)  Suudaan Aljeeriya Sacuudiga? Qadar? Burundi? ________________ Updated. Seventeen unnecessary socdaal in less than five and half months. That is close to 3.5 trips per month.
  5. Bites him back munaafuqa: What is worse is he that he claimed to have known baabuurtaan qaraxyada lagu rakibay were in Xamar, yet couldn't do shit while foreign airlines all cancelled their flights on that day. He is saying more qaraxyo are in Xamar and can't do nothing. Waa yaab isbaaristahaan.
  6. Saan si miyaa, Soomaaliyeey? Saan inkaar wey dhaaftay, masiibada iyo xasuuqa ummadeena maalin walba loo geysanaayo.
  7. He is now leaving after achieving by installing his stooges. Dowladii hore committed a huge mistake by not kicking him out after they closed their embassy after tobankii milyan la qabtay. His farewell macsalaameys with his stooges on yesterday:
  8. Nepotism wey dhaaftay tan ee maxaa loogu magacdari doonaa? Masuqmaasuq aanan kala gambasho lahayn. Muxuu tuug jeebkiisa buuxsado rabo kheyraadkii dalka shilimaana ku gato tabaan.
  9. He deleted this markii laga saxay. Why even bother?
  10. He doesn't have to be reer gaduud to be midabtakoore. Just ask what he thinks Maryan Mursal's folks in Hargeysa.
  11. Axmed Madoobe iyo Qoorqoor xafladda furitaanka kama qeybgalin. Meesha Abtigiis, Aaden Ducaale Barre, Laftagareen iyo Xasan Sh. joogay. Deni iyo Axmed Madoobe xiriirkooda meel xun ayuu gaaray filaa haddiiba lagu casuumin.
  12. Hormuud is a complete monopolistic corporation now. They have monopolized in all sectors - in finance, in telecommunications, in energy and power, in real estate, in transportation. Any upstart is crushed mercilessly, by force using kuwii afka duubnaa for the ultimate intimidation. They have a considerable soft power now and will soon have in their pockets the leaders.
  13. Waa wasaarad aanan mabda' lahayn, riyaalka yar loo tuurayna ka dhex hadleyso. Ceeb daranaa. Why even bother something like this? Don't they also know this affects us Soomaalida, siiba masaakiinta degan Soomaaliya oo sicir bararka sii kordhinaayo? "The Government of the Federal Republic of Somalia expresses its full solidarity with the sisterly Kingdom of Saudi Arabia against the background of its clarifications regarding the purely economic decision of OPEC + to reduce production to avoid market fluctuations."