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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar
Salaan... Faadimiin: LooooooL. Iga qaleey yaqeey. Ani Surwaalgaab lee, nooh. Gargaas Cusama bin Laadin aa loo dhaafey. ____________ Macsalaama!!
Salaan... Sheekadaan inaa maqasheen ma ogiyee, ee kii maqlin waa tanaa. Xarfankoo Dhoore la dhaho aa kasoo baxay Burco oo Xamar uu usoo socday. Ceelgaab uu kasoo dagey. Xaafadii uu kusoo dagi lahaa baskiis aa losoo tilmaamey. Baskii soo qaatey. Booskuu fadhiyey laba laba loo fadhiisan jiray oo midaa bananaa. Bas marka, baskii markuu dhaxda soo maraayo aa Xarfaantoo xarageyneyso soo kortay. Dhinaca xariifkaan Dhoore fadhiyey ay soo aadey. Inuu ka dhinac u baneeyo ay rabtey, lakiin waa u baneen waayey. Markaas ay saan ku dhahdey: "Duqa, jug dheh." "Jug." Xarfankaan inii 'jug dheh' oo jug la dhahaayo uu u maleyaa nooh. Iyadana inee durug dhahdo ay rabtaa. "Ar laa ilaah ila laah, ar jug dheh nooh. Maxaa isku dhagooleynee?" "Jug." "Ar kan intee laga keeney. Jug maba yaqaano nooh. Ar jug dheh yaqeey." "Jug." "Ar dhoorahaana maxaas ahaa." "Dhoore?" Ileen xarfaankaan Dhoore magaciis aaba la dhihi jiree, waa yaabey nooh. Inee taqaan uuba u maleyaa. "Huuno, kumaad ahayd. War ileen magacii waa uun gareneysay?" Ninkaan ku qabo uusba bilaabey. "Ina adeer ii sheeg ma Habar Yaxaas baad ahayd?" "Mayaa, habar libaax badeed lee." "War maxaa ku hadleysaa?" "Adaa iga daran nooh. Habar kulahaa. Ma ii jeedid miyaa horta iniis gabar abuu siibito ahay." "War Habartaa uun maa ku weydiyee, ee iisheeg ma Habar Yaxaas baa adiguun?" "Waa kuu sheegey habar libaax badeed lee ani." Ar bas sidii sii la iskugu qeylinaayo lee lagu kala tagey nooh. Tana 'habarta' u maleyso inee tahey caytin, asagana u maleyo inee 'dhoore' loola jeedey magaciis. Ar Soomaali maxee af jini ku hadlaan. _______________ Macsalaama!!
Salaan... Buubto: Noo. A Sacuudi man would definitely say: Mahad Alla!! _____________ Macsalaama!!
Salaan... Consider to define a college: Ah, what a world of enlightening. A place to pursue of higher learning. Where the formal eduction formally ends the 'theory' of education at there. Where acquiring of wisdom is beyond all other places. Ah, what a wonderful world of knowledge. Think again. Read those thoughts by students from various colleges, universities, and others who wrote those stuff. It was compiled by a professor in three decades. He finally those compilation in a book called, 'Non Campus Mentis.' Here are some of what some students wrote on their thesis, on their tests, on their essays, etc: "Plato invented reality. He was {a} teacher to Harris Tottle, author of The Republicans." This student, I believe, has no sense of time or history at all. "Lust was a must for the Epicureans." "The Boston Tea Party was held at Pearl Harpor." "Zorroastrogism was founded by Zorro. This was a duelist religion." "Americans...wanted no involvement in the French and Indian War because they did not want to fight in India." "During the Dark Ages, it was mostly dark." "Christianity was just another mystery cult until Jesus was born." "Machiavelli, who was often unemployed, wrote 'The Prince' to get a job with Richard Nixon." They are all true. Hokey. No joking. The professor who compiled them really swears they are as truthful as the students intended. As if students like those who wrote what are mentioned on above or others who really attend a college and likely would write something like that, then I consider if a college is really a place of higher learning. I have yet to attend a college. ______________ Macsalaama!!
Salaan... Consider to define a college: Ah, what a world of enlightening. A place to pursue of higher learning. Where the formal eduction formally ends the 'theory' of education at there. Where acquiring of wisdom is beyond all other places. Ah, what a wonderful world of knowledge. Think again. Read those thoughts by students from various colleges, universities, and others who wrote those stuff. It was compiled by a professor in three decades. He finally those compilation in a book called, 'Non Campus Mentis.' Here are some of what some students wrote on their thesis, on their tests, on their essays, etc: "Plato invented reality. He was {a} teacher to Harris Tottle, author of The Republicans." This student, I believe, has no sense of time or history at all. "Lust was a must for the Epicureans." "The Boston Tea Party was held at Pearl Harpor." "Zorroastrogism was founded by Zorro. This was a duelist religion." "Americans...wanted no involvement in the French and Indian War because they did not want to fight in India." "During the Dark Ages, it was mostly dark." "Christianity was just another mystery cult until Jesus was born." "Machiavelli, who was often unemployed, wrote 'The Prince' to get a job with Richard Nixon." They are all true. Hokey. No joking. The professor who compiled them really swears they are as truthful as the students intended. As if students like those who wrote what are mentioned on above or others who really attend a college and likely would write something like that, then I consider if a college is really a place of higher learning. I have yet to attend a college. ______________ Macsalaama!!
Salaan... You know what I like when Soomaalis say something like this. It is so funny. As they call us or call our ownselves one of the great conspiracy theorists on the planet, it is then no wonder to speculate anything that makes possible. Ah, I believe Soomaalis should be invited to the new debuted program, which will debute this week, that will be aired by TNN. This show's format is as same as Politically Incorrect, but this show is dedicated to Conspiracy Theorists. And we Soomaalis fit well. We argue well, so we can have our piece of cake served there and proving our theories. From this singer being a Soomaali to that Soomaalis were originally from Fircooniyiinta. And a bunch of unmentioned things. You know what? An aunt of mine who lived with us sometimes used to watch basketball games with me. She categorically placed each team by one player's profile. Like, Xakiim Olajuwon's Houston Rockets would be called 'the muslim team.' And Micheal Jordan's Chicago Bulls {it was back his days with that team when this happened} would be 'tima xiir's {or basayuul's} team.' L.A. Lakers would be called 'Dibiga's team,' because of Shaq. To her, she called him 'dibi' because he was even more than a 'dibi.' And so and so, until we reach Utah. She used to Utal as the 'soomaali's team.' Because of Karl Malone. Since he is looks a typical Soomaali, his team became known as soomaali's team. Sometimes, even she considered him to have a Soomaali root. Ar sheekadaas aaba isoo xasuusiseen nooh. Marka tii mise kii Soomaali u ekbo inoo Soomaali ahaado miyaa. Soomaali aa aaminsan ineey Aaliyah ahaan jirtay ama ehelkeed ahaa Soomaali. Soomaali aa also aamin inee iyada ahayd Masaari {Egptian} or had a Masaari root. By the way, Alicia Key's mother is a pure white. As far as concerning the picture I saw that said it was her mother's picture. ________________ Macsalaama!!
Salaan... Sis., well since I don't really know much about Islaamic 'fikh {figh},' I would try to answer of what I know best. There is no dispute {Perhaps, Shiicas would try to have an argument, but it is so baseless} that the one Prophet Maxamed {s.c.w.} mentioned as the only 'one' to be on the Straight path is, as I said on earlier: Ahlul-Suna-Wa-Jameeca. But, who is in or out of this group's context is depending on who you ask. And that is the question. There are many deviations in this group. So, who is the only 'one' that follows the 'one' the Prophet {s.c.w.} mentioned. It is as to decide a one from a group and after that, a one from a group of one. Complicated, ehe. Well, as far as I know only one group seems to fit the best. And again, I say this it is only my little personal knowledge so don't take it as a true or as a lie. You can ask further the real 'culamas.' The group that fits is the one of the one: The Salafi. Or as others offensively call 'wahaabiya.' However, this term is so distorted that never would even Maxamed bin C/wahaab used himself. And certainly Salafis do not follow only one person but the great Sheeqs of Islaam. All of them. From the Prophet himself to today's ones. And everything between that time, there were great men like Muslim, Bukhaari, Axmed, Abuu Da'uud, Ibn Xanifa, Ibn Shaafici, Ibn Maaliki, Ibn Hanbali, Ibn Tayimah, Al-Albaani, Cudeymiyah and other famous sheekhs of 'tafsiiryaasha' like Ibn Kathir. Salafi was referred to the 'pious followers of the authentic path {the 'one,' as the Prophet said himself} of the Prophet {s.c.w.}.' And it was always repurified by some famous scholars as mentioned above. Those who followed the Prophet's way was thus a salafi. Those who followed the Quraanka Kariimka completely were thus salafis. Those who practised whatever the Prophet did were thus salafis. Those who rejected whatever the Prophet forbid were thus salafis. Those who believed everything the Prophet said as recorded by saxiix xadiises were thus salafis. And you can see, they were those who truly wanted to follow every step the Prophet {s.c.w.} took. But, sometimes in the Muslim lands ruled by corrupt leaders who were enjoying a personal 'worship' what the Prophet forbid. Or allowed people to practice what a certain group of today's age we call 'suufis, xerta, qaadiriyiinta, axmediya, saalixiya, etc.' However, those who tried to get back the authentic sources, the Quraan, and Prophet's way were tortured and imprisoned. Or even murdered. As it is today, it was same at that time. Until then came last one great scholars, Maxamed bin C/wahaab {and this culama's life so debated. Sufis call him a traitor or something because he advised the king not to allow what Suufis practised at that time and they still do today. Like digri, mawliid, siyaara loo aadayaa meshoo nabiga ku duugnaa Madiina iyo wax yaabaha dhan ay Suufiyada sameyaan}. C/wahaab was so sick to see how Makka became and how its inhabitants was so far away from the Sunnah of the Prophet {s.c.w.} He studied Islaam and preached to people to get back the main sources of Islaam--Quraanka iyo Sunnada Nabiga {s.c.w.} But, people were so enraged of what they practised as been called wrong--just like Jahaliya time--and as happened to other scholars before him, he was taunted. But, soon he formed a stragedy. There was a Sacuudi king who ruled a province. He proposed to that king to form a coalition with his small followers and rule the people with the pure shareeca of the Prophet. Soon, they captured much of Carabiya of what is known as Sacuudi Carabiya. The king was so prosperous. That king's name is as it is today so familiar: Sacuud. As as to this present day, it still as same. Those who return the authentic way of the Prophet--the Sunnah--they are called all sorts of names, and one of them is Wahaabiya. We Soomaalis call them extra special weird names, like 'Aqwaan Muslimiin, Gardheere, Surwaalgaab,' iyo kuwa kale. I cannot go so much than that. So, if you need more, please then try to visit this site: www.ummah.net/alsalafyoon/EnglishPosts/salafy.html Again, any mistake is my own. ______________ Macsalaama!! P.S.: Those who think that I am 'salafi' or at least an advocate of it, think again. I am saying that because first I am Muslim. And I follow the Quraanka Kariimka. And I follow the Sunnah of the Prophet {s.c.w.}. And if you have a problem with that, then it is up to you. But, certainly I don't name myself other than Muslim who follows the true path of the Prophet {s.c.w.}. Ah, I am not even a 'wadaad,' so the possiblity of considering me to be a Gardheere or Surwaalgaab is therefore closed.
Salaan... Iyaaaaaaaaaaaaah!! Universal: LooooL. Walaahi waxaa sheegtey. Heestaan ciyaalkan abtiga u ahey aan u qadaa nooh, markeey i dhibaan. Haye, ani version-kaan aa u aqanaa hee: Huwaaya, Huwaa! Habartaa Majoogto! Kaliyoo kaafeey {koonfur waaye?} aadey! Kabaheedee Qaadatey! Soo socotaaya, ma ugi! Sii socotaaya, ma ugi! Huwaaya, huwaa! Amiina: Ar walaahi inaa heeso ciyaal badan aqaano maba u maleynaayi. Lakiin kuwaan aa isku fiirinaa hee, hadee 'heeso' ciyaal yihiin. "Yaa dilayoow dagaaloow? Yaa kudur jeexay {jeexay miyaa???}..." Kusii dara hee. Tana: "Xasanoow Baraawo. Habartaa Shabeele. Waa kudilaa walaahi. Waa oynee walaahi. Ilka kajabab macala Hindi." Ar inaa maqashay ma u maleynaayi hee. Ciyaal xamar lee iska camirtaa filaa. Ar labadaas lee hada kuu xasuustaa. Baydaan:' Haye, diracaan abaa qurux ku noqotee. Ar dirac abuu Jibuutiyaan miyaa? Mise Dubeey waaye? Bas waaye ha iska siibin hee. _____________ Macsalaama!!
Salaan... Sis., I won't go to details at this time, but the main one so far that seems to fit the 'one' the Prophet mentioned seems today is: Ahlul-Suna-Wa-Jameeca!! And this one is also a bit complicated. In terms of deep Islaamic religion. ______________ Macsalaama!! Perhaps later for details.
Salaan... Mooska: Good probability. I do, however, have a problem with the statistics. As a non-qualified mathemathecian, there is also a questionable question. I won't say now. But, it is there. Hiboos: Sister, poetry isn't that bad, but, sometimes, sister, there needs a break. LoL. Though, you are so aficionado about it, it is not that bad then. _________________ Macsalaama!!
Salaan... Jabar: LoooooL. Pandora aah. Yaa og hee. __________ Macsalaama!!
Salaan... LooL, Athena, there is a 'garabeeshan.' I didn't even know I was a nomad until now. Admis.: Thanks for your definations. _______________ Macsalaama!!
Salaaan.......... LoooooooooooL!!!!!!! LoooooooooooooooooooL!!!!!!!! LoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooL!!! That was really, as you can see, a private message. So, baliish disregard it. Completely, disregard. Laa Ilaah Ilalaah, I don't know what are those hands up to those days. LoL. Really, they do have their own rules of the game, and yes, those darn eyes with glasses are their supporting casts. __________________ Macsalaama!!
***********PRIVATE MESSEGE SENT BY MISTAKE*********** [This message has been edited by Admin (edited 12-25-2001).]
Salaan... Faadumiin: Huuno?????????? LooL. Dooro maas imoodey. Saas waaye, waxaa afkaas la fahmi waysay bo ileen reer Huuno aas ahayd bo. Doogaas magoradaasa iska dhaaf hee. Isoo bari. ____________ Macsalaama!
Salaan... Since I am relatively new to this site, and I hadn't had the slightest idea of what it meant to be a 'nomad' or a 'geeljire' or a 'geeljirto,' I think I therefore think I should ask its implications and responsibilities of what this title bears. Sure, with it, it means you hold a senior position in here, but my question is this: What does it take to be a nomad? Are there any formal requirements? Is it related to how you behave in here? Or manners? How decent you are? The more well-mannered you are, the quickest way you will become a nomad. Is this so? Is it related to how many posts you post? Like you reached or passed a certain limited mileage of posting? Or any other aspects to think of. Intaas lee. And by the way, not all soomaalis are 'nomads.' Most nomads do live in the far North, and most Southwestern people are pastorals. Just a reminder. ________________ Macsalaama!!
Salaan... Faadumiin: Naga daa yaqeey. See camalkaa. Si fayla inkood nooh. Dogaan kasaasa ma'ahaa, horta? LoL. _____________ Macsalaama!!
Salaan... Libaaxa: Duqa, magacaa aaba wax isoo xasuusiyey nooh. Ma maqashay hee tan: "Dooli wadkiis soo galay, shaarbo Makulaal uus ku ciyaraa." Marka kaaga libaax-sankataabte aaba ka daran nooh. LoL. Hani: Nin nin waaye. Naag naag waaye. Dhexdooda aduun aas yaalo. Ilaahey nin uu abuuray marka hore, naagna ninkaas uu ka dhex abuuray. Naag ninkeed way u baahan tahay, nin naagtiis wuu u baahan yahey. Jaceel aa isku keeno. Jini aa isku keeno. Xikmad aa isku keento. Macruufnimo aas isku keento. Munaafiqnimo aas isku keento. Dan aa isku keento. Wax lee isku keeno. Markee isku imadaana, 'xishmad' malaga maarmo. Hadee 'xishmad' jirin, soomaali qoyskooda toban toban sidii ukun camal ma u dhali laheen. _______________ Macsalaama!!
Salaan... Ameerikaano: Men did not go seeking God. Men tried to do that. But, only those chosen by God were those who were sent to mankind. And we Muslims believe they were hundrends of thousands of them. So, your theory of six men--or whether millions of men--saw God and interpreted six different versions is unfounded. God guides who He wills. God sends who He wills. God is above all. He is the One, the Only, the First, the Last...we call him the MOST BEAUTIFUL NAMES. And most of all there is Tawxiid {Tawhid}--to believe the Oneness of Allaah. And this Unity is that all men He sent down had one version, one vision, and that was to convey the Oneness of Allaah {God}. And I didn't say we kill those are not Muslims. Noo. See I said before you frequently heard jihaad in Western media, but you terribly fail to understand its implication. There are two jihaads, according to Prophet Maxamed {Muhamad} {S.C.W.}, and they are: The Great Jihaad: Struggling against your daily habits. Waking up in the early morning is a jihaad. Going to job is a jihaad. Praying is a jihaad. Anything you positively struggle is a 'jihaad.' And the Lesser Jihaad: Defending our Faith. While attacked or oppressed, it is a duty of the Muslims to defend themselves, otherwise we never cross the line. A mutual respect, if you cannot keep that, then... And please try to learn more about Islaam. _______________ Macsalaama!!
Salaan... Jaabir: Please, take them to there. Remember, though it is not convenience to take a gaal to a masaajid, that is at least a good sign to show them the reality of Islaam. And please, also, tell them to be clean that day you are taking them to the masaajid. Providing that they should wear clean clothes, have a clean body, and of course, a clean mind. Yacni, daahir lee. U sheeg 'clean' ma'aha waxaa kaliin u taqaniin ee waxaa waaye dheh daahirnimo oo kii nijaas ah oo kaadidiis maalintaa iska dhaqin iyo wixii saas camal ah. Intaas lee. _____________ Macsalaama!!
Salaan... Baydaneey: I have had already been influenced by your presence. And that is a bit enough for me to make my second net home in here. Ar Ciid Wanaagsan hee. LoL! Canbuurka walax uus qabo maleh nooh. Lakiin dirac, garbasaar, sifaleeti, goorgarad, iyo kabahooda oo isku baxaayo aa ka dooran lahaa nooh. Walaahi, markaan arko gabar soomaaliyeed oo intaas oo isku eg qabto saan ugu farxo nooh qurux daradeed lee. Runtii abaayasheen way ku qurxuun yihiin nooh. Aroos ka aroos lee waaye hee markee gishtaan dharkaas sidii meelahaan loo imaadey nooh. Xata qaar way ilbaxeen toogtaan ooba iska dhafeen ku badasheen dharkii ciyaal Holiwuudh {Hollywood} oona wada noqdeen. Ay Buubto: Biibtadii xaga miyaa adi? LoL. Shimee isa soo dhiibtey bo? LoL. Waa kuu jedaa iniis baasaboor adi heesatid oo NOMAD tahey nooh. Geeljire lee aqanee, ileen JEELJIROOTOna way jirtay? LoL. Ar Ciid wanaagsan hee. ______________________ Macsalaama! ______________
Salaan... Ameerikaano: And Islaam is OUR WAY OF LIFE. We live for it. We die for it. We again judged by IT. And for all, it is above our hearts. We are its submitters, not its guardians, as Allaah the Most High is Its Guardian. So if you die as freedom-fighter, well we damn well then not deserve to live by not defending our way of life that is above all--Islaam. And that is why you constantly and frequently heard or read the misused word of Jihaad. Though, you don't understand it, nor do we understand your little preoccupation of this life by defending your little freedom. It is different psychological matter. ______________ Macsalaama!
Salaan... Baydaneey: LoooooooL. Haye minankii iyo qolkii maa soo badalatay hee? Ar Ciid Mubaarak!