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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar

  1. Salaan... Baydaneey: I have had already been influenced by your presence. And that is a bit enough for me to make my second net home in here. Ar Ciid Wanaagsan hee. LoL! Canbuurka walax uus qabo maleh nooh. Lakiin dirac, garbasaar, sifaleeti, goorgarad, iyo kabahooda oo isku baxaayo aa ka dooran lahaa nooh. Walaahi, markaan arko gabar soomaaliyeed oo intaas oo isku eg qabto saan ugu farxo nooh qurux daradeed lee. Runtii abaayasheen way ku qurxuun yihiin nooh. Aroos ka aroos lee waaye hee markee gishtaan dharkaas sidii meelahaan loo imaadey nooh. Xata qaar way ilbaxeen toogtaan ooba iska dhafeen ku badasheen dharkii ciyaal Holiwuudh {Hollywood} oona wada noqdeen. Ay Buubto: Biibtadii xaga miyaa adi? LoL. Shimee isa soo dhiibtey bo? LoL. Waa kuu jedaa iniis baasaboor adi heesatid oo NOMAD tahey nooh. Geeljire lee aqanee, ileen JEELJIROOTOna way jirtay? LoL. Ar Ciid wanaagsan hee. ______________________ Macsalaama! ______________
  2. Salaan... Ameerikaano: And Islaam is OUR WAY OF LIFE. We live for it. We die for it. We again judged by IT. And for all, it is above our hearts. We are its submitters, not its guardians, as Allaah the Most High is Its Guardian. So if you die as freedom-fighter, well we damn well then not deserve to live by not defending our way of life that is above all--Islaam. And that is why you constantly and frequently heard or read the misused word of Jihaad. Though, you don't understand it, nor do we understand your little preoccupation of this life by defending your little freedom. It is different psychological matter. ______________ Macsalaama!
  3. Salaan... Baydaneey: LoooooooL. Haye minankii iyo qolkii maa soo badalatay hee? Ar Ciid Mubaarak!